UK Border Agency: Follow-up on Asylum Cases and E-Borders Programme - Home Affairs Committee Contents

List of written evidence

1  Home Office  Ev 18

2  UKBA  Ev 21: Ev 26

3  Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency  Ev 28

4  Runnymede Trust  Ev 29

5  Correspondence from the European Commission to the UKBA,   Ev 30
17 December 2009

6  Correspondence from the UKBA to members of maritime and air working   Ev 32
groups (MCCWG/ACCWG)

7  Correspondence from the UKBA to the Data Protection Authorities,  Ev 32
23 December 2009  

8  bmi  Ev 34

9  Flybe  Ev 37

10  TUI Travel  Ev 37

11  Virgin Atlantic Airways  Ev 38

12  Board of Airline Representatives in the UK (BAR UK)  Ev 38

13  Dover Harbour Board  Ev 39

14  Chamber of Shipping  Ev 40

15  Correspondence from the European Commission to the Chamber of   Ev 41
Shipping, 1 February 2010

16  Correspondence from the Chamber of Shipping to the European   Ev 42
Commission, 7 February 2010

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