Health Committee - Third Report
Social Care
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 4 March 2010.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
2 The present social care system
What are social care services and who
are they for?
Who is responsible for social care services?
How is social care funded?
Funding from central government
Local sources of funding
What duties and powers do local authorities
Assessment of presenting needs
Assessment of eligible needs
Provision of services
Means-testing and charging
3 Meeting future demand and costs
Increasing numbers of older people
Population ageing
Future levels of disability
Future availability of support from carers
Future unit costs of care
Future expectations
Future availability of funding
The funnel of doubt
4 Shortcomings of the present social
care system
Lack of information and advice
Lack of joined-up care
Limitations and variations in access to services
Unfairness of means-testing and charging
Non-residential care
Significant demands on carers
Lack of focus on prevention
High levels of unmet need
Variations in quality of care
Poor quality care: the evidence
The regulator's view of care standards
Possible reasons for poor quality care
Age discrimination
5 Plans for reform
Reform of funding, 1997-2008
Reform of delivery, 1997-2008
The case for change (2008)
Reform of eligibility criteria
Further development of personalisation
Shaping the Future of Care Together (2009)
The National Care Service consensus
"Portable" assessment
Joined-up services
Information and advice
Personalised care and support
A more universal funding system
More support for carers
A sound evidence base
Law reform
6 Achieving lasting reform
Responses to the options
The overall "funding envelope"
Immediate reforms
Free Personal Care at Home Bill
Reactions to the policy
"Fully national" or "part
local/part national" system?
Individual Budgets or Personal Budgets?
Reform of disability benefits
Funding levels
Choosing to keep mainstream services
Information, advice, advocacy and brokerage
Market management
Protection and risk
The social care workforce
7 The way forward
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex 1: Conventional modes of social care
Annex 2: New approaches to social care
Appendix 1: Transformation objectives and
Formal Minutes
List of written evidence
List of further written evidence
List of unprinted evidence
List of Reports from the Committee during
the current Parliament
Oral and Written Evidence
Thursday 29 October 2009
Thursday 5 November 2009
Thursday 12 November 2009
Thursday 19 November 2009
Thursday 26 November 2009
Thursday 3 December 2009
Thursday 7 January 2010
Written Evidence