The Work of the Committee in Session 2008-09 - International Development Committee Contents

5  Examination of expenditure and Public Service Agreements

34.  As in previous years, the overall aim of our activities in this Session was to assess DFID's performance on the basis of the targets set under its Public Service Agreements (PSAs). DFID's PSA targets are largely based on the Millennium Development Goals, which have the overall aim of poverty reduction. DFID leads on delivery of PSA 29: reduce poverty in poorer countries through quicker progress towards the MDGs. Its main delivery partners for this PSA are HM Treasury, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. DFID is a delivery partner on PSA 27 and PSA 30. PSA 27 is to: lead the global effort to avoid dangerous climate change (led by DECC). PSA 30 is to: reduce the impact of conflict through enhanced UK and international efforts (led by the FCO).

35.  We have continued our practice of conducting an inquiry into DFID's Annual Report. Our inquiry into the 2008 Annual Report included an assessment of the UK's contribution to some of the Millennium Development Goals which are not on track to be achieved by 2015. We have also taken a keen interest during this Parliament in how DFID measures the impact of its expenditure and we commented in our Report on the work of the newly established Independent Advisory Committee on Development Impact and DFID's own Evaluation Department. [20]

36.  A second recurring theme in our annual examination of the Department's performance has been the difficulty the Department faces in balancing a rising budget against the requirement to make efficiency savings, including staff reductions. This year we noted the Permanent Secretary's frankness in admitting that her staff were "coping, but struggling" and cautioned that it would be perverse if administrative savings meant that the Department was spending its budget less effectively. We returned to this issue in our examination of the 2009 Annual Report (see below).

37.  DFID's Annual Report 2009 also included, for the first time, the Resource Accounts for the preceding financial year. As we have mentioned, DFID also published a new White Paper in July 2009, and we decided to include an assessment of its main policy proposals in our examination of the Annual Report.[21] We have arranged to hold evidence sessions early in the new parliamentary Session with the DFID Permanent Secretary and the Secretary of State. In a new departure, the National Audit Office has assisted with this inquiry, including the preparation of a brief on DFID's performance in 2008-09.[22] We have valued this additional support for our work.

20   Second Report of Session 2008-09, DFID Annual Report 2008, HC 220-I Back

21   DFID, Eliminating World Poverty: Building our Common Future, July 2009 Back

22   NAO, Performance of the Department for International Development 2008-09, November 2009 Back

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