Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Annex 2

Letter from Damian Green MP to the Speaker of the House of Commons

  I am writing to request that the material taken from my Parliamentary Office by the Metropolitan Police, including the relevant material on my Parliamentary computers, be referred to the Standards and Privileges Committee, for a decision to be taken about which parts of the material attract Parliamentary privilege.

You will be aware that the Clerk of the House has already expressed a view about some of the material. I refer to the letter of 15 January written by Veronica Daly to Michael Caplan QC, who, as you know, is representing me in this case. The letter states:

    "The (Standards and Privileges) Committee is not presently seized of the issue because it must be referred to it and no such reference has been made. If there is any continuing dispute over the status of the documents, following the Clerk's consideration of them as described above, it will be a matter for the House to determine at the request of your client Mr Green MP."

  I am advised by senior and experienced colleagues that it is a matter for the House to determine the question of privilege and not officials, especially when they themselves have been involved in the controversy over the seizure of material from my office without a warrant.

  The Clerk has suggested an extremely narrow interpretation of what items may attract privilege. It appears to take no account of material which originated outside Parliament but was then used in Parliamentary proceedings or in connection with my parliamentary work.

  You may also be aware that the Metropolitan Police are proceeding as though the Clerk's interpretation is definitive and final. The Directorate of Legal Services wrote on 29 January to my solicitors asserting that: "We do not accept that your client has any privileges he can personally claim if Parliament waives any such privilege or holds that no privilege applies." This is in direct contradiction of Ms Daly's statement above and would I am sure create concern on all sides of the House.

  You will I know understand how anxious I am that this matter be decided as soon as possible, as the uncertainty over the matter of privilege is holding up the resolution of the police proceedings, and the continuation of these proceedings is hampering me in my role as a Member of Parliament. The next deadline is 17 February, when I am bailed to return to the police station. I hope therefore that the referral to the Committee can be immediate.

3 February 2009

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