Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Annex 4

Letter from Damian Green MP to the Speaker of the House of Commons

  I write in response to your letter to me of 4 February.

As you know I made a point of order about your ruling on 5 February, which was cut off by the Deputy Speaker.

  I enclose the legal advice commissioned by my solicitors from Anthony Bradley, who will be known to you and the Clerk. As you see, Mr Bradley concludes that the recent sequence of events does not provide an authoritative and appropriate manner of dealing with my request that the issue be referred to the Committee of Standards and Privileges. He also, in paragraph 11, makes the point I attempted to make on the floor of the House, namely that the Assistant Counsel to the House of Commons wrote to my solicitors on January 15th that "If there is any continuing dispute over the status of the documents, following the Clerk's consideration of them as described above, it will be a matter for the House to determine at the request of Mr Green". That was precisely the request I made, which was refused.

  Given this opinion by the leading expert on parliamentary privilege I ask you to reconsider your decision not to refer the matter to the Committee on Standards and Privileges. Regrettably, since we can all agree that this is something for Parliament to resolve, if the matter reaches a court it will have to be resolved there.

9 February 2009

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