Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Annex 6

Letter from the Directorate of Legal Services, Metropolitan Police, to Kingsley Napley Solicitors

  Thank you for your letter of Friday 6 February 2009.

As stated in my letter of 5 February 2009 I regard the issue of parliamentary privilege as determined. My client regards the decision of Mr Malcolm Jack, Clerk to the House and Chief Executive of the House of Commons as definitive. I further understand your request to the Speaker for referral to the Privileges Committee of the House of Commons to have been refused. In the circumstances unless the House or its Privileges Committee were to reverse the decision of Mr Malcolm Jack the matter has indeed been determined.

  If you disagree with this you must take your own course. In order not to deny you the opportunity to take your own course we will not unseal the bagged documents and recommence our investigation until the close of business, 4pm, on Wednesday 11 February 2009.

Jennifer Leonard

for Director

10 February 2009

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