Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Annex 14

Letter from Damian Green MP to the Speaker of the House of Commons

  I understand from my solicitors that the DPP wrote to you on 4 March asking you for a timetable when the matter of parliamentary privilege may be resolved. The DPP sent to my solicitors a copy of his letter to you. I further understand that you have sent a response. The DPP says "it would be inappropriate" for him to provide my solicitors with a copy of your response and has suggested that I should contact you to request a copy of your letter.

I am therefore writing to you to request a copy of your letter to the DPP. It would seem only fair and transparent that I am provided with a copy, as this matter clearly has a material impact on my ability to perform my parliamentary duties.

26 March 2009

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