Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Letter to the Chair of the Committee from Ms Jacqy Sharpe, Clerk of Committees

  I have read the evidence given by the Clerk of the House on Wednesday 24 February. There appears to be some confusion between the time at which the search of a Member's office was made public and the time at which Mr Green's arrest was announced, and I hope your Committee might therefore find it helpful to know that I saw television coverage of a Member's office being searched sometime after 2.15 pm on the afternoon of Thursday 27 November 2008. As soon as I saw the coverage I went to the Clerk's office to check that he was aware that a search was taking place. I went specifically for this purpose and had no other reason to call on the Clerk. I was informed by the Clerk's secretary that he had seen the coverage; when I talked to the Clerk it was clear that he had had by then spoken to the Serjeant.

Jacqy Sharpe

1 March 2010

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