Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Letter to the Chair of the Committee from Mr James Rhys, Clerk of the Work and Pensions Committee

  I am writing in connection with evidence given to your Committee by Dr Malcolm Jack, the Clerk of the House on Wednesday 24 February concerning the precise time at which news of the search of Mr Green's offices and his arrest became known.

  My recollection of the day (27 November 2008) is not precise, and I do not recall exactly how I heard that the search had been conducted and the arrest had been made. However, I am certain that, by the time I returned home in the evening (typically at around 6.30 pm), and when I caught the evening news, I was already aware that at least the search had taken place (I do not recall whether I was already aware of the arrest). I am sorry that I do not recall how I learned this news, but my best recollection is that it was through some form of news medium, and was not from any other source.

James Rhys

1 March 2010

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