Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate - Committee on the Issue of Privilege Contents

Examination of Witness (Question Number 619)



  Q619 Chairman: Sir William, I think I should probably say welcome back. The Committee is very grateful to you for your attendance and willingness to give evidence. We are also particularly grateful to you for the memorandum which you have provided. I think you have indicated that you do not feel any need to read that, but it will be available and will be published as part of the written evidence to the Committee. You might just remind us very briefly of your career in the House of Commons.

  Sir William McKay: I joined the House service in 1961 and I retired as Clerk of the House in 2002, having been Clerk of the House for five years. It was a standard length career, but from the present day's standpoint it does seem to go back quite a long way.

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