The Crown Prosecution Service: Gatekeeper of the Criminal Justice System: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2008-09 - Justice Committee Contents

Appendix 1

Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from the Solicitor General

I am writing to you, in the Attorney General's absence abroad, to send you the Government's Response to the Committee's report on the CPS, "The CPS; Gatekeeper of the Criminal Justice System".

As the Attorney General said when she wrote to you in November to explain why our Response was delayed, we very much welcomed the thoughtful and comprehensive nature of your Inquiry. Like you, we believe that the prosecutor plays a pivotal (and often under acknowledged) role in the Criminal Justice System and has, potentially, a greater role to play in the future.

Whilst I very much regret that it was not possible to send the Response to you before now, I hope that you will agree that the document reflects a substantial number of very recent developments. In consequence, an earlier version would have been incomplete and therefore potentially misleading. My officials have sought to keep the Committee informed during this time.

The Attorney General, the Director of Public Prosecutions and I share a commitment to the delivery of consistent and high quality prosecution services to the public, and are proud of the improvements which have been made to date. There remain a number of challenges to the CPS, and to the delivery of effective prosecution services as a whole. The Committee's careful consideration is of value to the Government and to the services themselves as they continue to enhance their performance.

Vera Baird QC MP

Solicitor General

5 January 2010

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