Parliament and the Ombudsman: Further Report With the Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2009-10 - Public Administration Committee Contents

Parliament and the Ombudsman: Further Report

1.  We reported to the House on Parliament and the Ombudsman in our Fourth Report of Session 2009-10, published 9 December 2009 as HC 107. The Government Response was received on 11 March 2010 and is published as an appendix to this report.

2.  Our report made two recommendations: that the 'MP filter', which requires complaints to the Ombudsman to be made through a Member of Parliament, be abolished; and that there should be a guaranteed debate on a substantive motion, on the floor of the House, on any report from the Ombudsman indicating that the Government has failed to remedy injustice identified by her and laid under Section 10(3) of the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967. The Government has rejected both our recommendations.

3.  The Government states that the removal of the MP filter needs further "careful consideration". We do not agree. The issue has been considered at length by the Cabinet Office in their Review of the Public Sector Ombudsmen in England, this Committee and the Ombudsman and her predecessor.[1] All have concluded that the filter should be removed. The Law Commission's consultation paper on Administrative Redress, to which the Government referred in its Response, found that there was a "strong case" for the abolition of the MP filter.[2] We are therefore unclear what purpose further consideration would serve.

4.  The Government's Response failed to address any of the points that we made in support of our second recommendation. Parliament should not have to rely on the goodwill of the Government or Opposition front benches to decide how to respond to major reports from its own Ombudsman. We note, however, that the House's decision of 4 March to establish a backbench business committee will mean that the decision is no longer one for them alone.

1   Cabinet Office, Review of the Public Sector Ombudsmen in England: A Report by the Cabinet Office, April 2000; for an example of our predecessor Committees' work on this issue see Public Administration Select Committee, Fourth Report of Session 1999-2000, Report of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for 1998-1999, HC 106 Back

2   Law Commission, Consultation Paper 187, Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen, Accessed 15 March 2010 Back

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