The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Dr D Crouch (FC 05)

  1.  I have worked in academia for 15 years. My field of research is science, focussing specifically on cancer biology. I categorically feel that the impact of the majority of research projects CANNOT be measured in the short term, and should not be used to decide where to make cuts in spending. The feasibility or effectiveness of estimating the economic impact of research, both from a historical perspective and looking to the future, cannot be predicted accurately (see specific examples detailed in paragraph 2 below).

  2.  Some examples to support this are given below, where the significance and potential of each discovery was not realised until many, many years later. These include:

Penicillin—this discovery was a completely accidental by Alexander Fleming in 1928. However due to difficulty in its production, it wasn't successfully mass produced until 17 years later (1945), and led to the Nobel Prize for Fleming, Florey & Chain in 1945.

  Keratins—discovered in 1952, but it wasn't until 39 years later (~1991) that it was discovered that mutations in the keratins were the cause of many skin fragility disorders. Gene therapy studies were published around 2000.

  TAQ polymerase—discovered in 1965. Its potential in molecular biology was not realised until 1980s when Cetus applied it to synthesise DNA (polymerase chain reaction or PCR). It was named molecule of the year in 1989, 24 years after its discovery. Estimate $2 billion in royalties. Nobel Prize awarded in 1993 to Kary Mullis. Developments in PCR are still ongoing today.

  Green Fluorescent Protein—discovered in 1960s from jellyfish, but was only first used in 1992 for fluorescent imaging of cells and proteins. This protein has revolutionised how and what questions scientists can ask. This initially was a simple description of a protein in a jellyfish, whose properties were only exploited 32 years later. Developments are ongoing today.

  Structure of DNA—crystal structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 was an academic exercise, but which much later helped in the development of wider applications many years later eg Human Genome Project in 2003.

  DNA sequencing—discovered in the 1970s by Maxam & Gilbert and Sanger. The wider application of this for forensics, clinical diagnostics, biotechnology industry, and the human genome were not realised until much later.

  Restriction enzymes—discovered in 1970 and led to the development of recombinant technology. Nobel prize in 1978.

  Recombinant DNA technology/molecular biology—has revolutionised the way scientists work. At the time (~1970s), there was no concept of the full potential of this, and years of incremental developments have led to an incredibly powerful technology base. This was recognised by a relatively quick patent (1980), but this was still some 8 years after the discovery.

  Discovery of x-rays—in 1890s, Rontgen persevered with the development of x-rays. The impact of this in medicine was not realised until later.

  3.  Projects that have a measurable impact within the limited timeframe of the REF have been supported by many years of background research. The majority of strong solid science does not happen in restricted periods of time.

  4.  Measuring impact would credit very few research projects which are at a sufficient stage of development, and at the stage of having impact in terms of patenting, drug discovery, therapeutics etc, whilst not crediting the majority of projects whose long term potential is not realised.

  5.  Research is for the long term. Measuring impact and rewarding small numbers of projects will restrict our long term investment in future research, restrict the projects undertaken and could be detrimental to future scientific developments in the UK.

  6.  Measuring impact in this way could restrict research that scientists do. Most scientists do research that asks fundamental and important questions, however, it should be understood that major advances in the field are often only realised later or are completely serendipitous (see paragraph 2 for a few examples).

  7.  Research projects may not have a major impact in their own right at one particular time, however, might contribute to the greater picture eg multiple cohort cancer studies around the world all contribute to the greater scientific picture, but these wouldn't all be done at the same time. So timing of all studies would have to be the same for a project to have impact which is completely unrealistic.

  8.  The time scale for different research projects differs enormously depending on their complexity and/or novelty ie whether they have been running for many years or just initiated. Hence, projects that can be realised in the short term might have impact, whilst longer term projects would be graded as lower status as they did not realise their impact within the timing of the REF. Also projects that just have been initiated could be graded as low impact.

  9.   I declare an interest in this.

1 February 2010

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