The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Supplementary memorandum submitted by Prospect (FC 16a)

  I am writing now to ask that you draw the Select Committee's attention to notification on 5 February of 70 proposed redundancies in Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences.

  The letter from the University of Aberystwyth initiating the formal redundancy consultation procedure makes clear that the proposed redundancies are attributable in part to "an expected reduction in public funding of at least 15% over the next three years" coupled with "increased competition in all areas of research funding".

  We would emphasise that these proposed cuts arise less than two years after the transfer of the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research to the University. In our view, this situation also highlights the fragility of the "independence" governance model espoused by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council. It follows hard on the heels of the decision by the University of Warwick to close the Kirton Research Centre and to downsize and merge Warwick HRI—as outlined in our main evidence—and is in addition to the University's decision to close Bronydd Mawr facility in 2009.

Sue Ferns

Head of Research and Specialist Services

February 2010

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