The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (FC 36)


  UK universities are world-class in terms of science, engineering and technology (SET). Research and science education in UK HEIs make a strong, positive contribution to our economy and enrich our society.

  Maintaining a strong science base and supporting innovation is essential if we are to address the challenges that face our society and achieve a balanced and sustainable economic recovery.

  We should increase the level of funding for R&D to exceed those of our international competitors. Even short term cuts to funding will significantly damage our research capability, stifle innovation, reduce productivity, deter investment and reduce the economic prosperity of the UK.

  SET departments in our universities should be fully funded and all funding for SET teaching, research, facilities and equipment should be ring-fenced.

  The economic impact of research must be measured over decades, it must include foreign investment and the benefits of a scientifically-literate workforce, and it must look at the entire pipeline of skills, from schools to universities and industry.

1.   The process for deciding where to make cuts in SET spending

  1.  The future of the UK economy lies in the growth of knowledge-based industries and the development of a highly skilled workforce because the relatively high cost of UK labour will prevent us from creating a significant number of jobs for unskilled or semi-skilled people.

  2.  Our ability to compete in the global knowledge economy depends upon the health of the entire skills pipeline with education in schools and universities providing a steady supply of talented, highly-skilled individuals who will become the next generation of scientists and engineers and members of a wider, scientifically literate workforce. Continuous, long term investment in SET must not only be maintained but steadily increased to meet this challenge.

  3.  The strength of our Higher Education (HE) sector is one of our great success stories, employing nearly 170,000 staff,[27] making the UK the most popular destination in the EU for foreign investment and students. In 2007-08, over 350,000 students from other countries chose to study at UK HEIs.[28] UK HEIs deliver excellent value for money, being both highly productive and efficient. The proportion of our national income that the state spends on our HEIs, at 0.90%, is lower than that in Germany, the United States and France, which spend 0.94%, 1.01% and 1.15% respectively.[29]

  4. SET in our universities is particularly effective, with UK research ranking second only to the United States in terms of publication citations.[30] Also, it is very efficient. UK chemistry and physics departments have already made significant efficiency savings by increasing student:staff ratios and lowering departmental space per member of academic staff.[31] Further cuts in the name of efficiency would be very detrimental, compromising the quality of performance and the international standing of UK science and technology.

  5.  The recent International Review of Chemistry highlighted the excellent state of equipment and infrastructure within UK universities—"UK chemistry derives enormous strength from recent large investments in infrastructure, shared equipment and national user facilities"[32]—in this respect, the RSC believes the UK government should be congratulated. However, maintaining this excellence requires continuing, sustained capital investment consonant with depreciation and, if spending cuts were to be applied, here the benefits of past government investment would be rapidly destroyed.

  6.  Currently, many of the most significant discoveries are made by scientists with a deep, fundamental knowledge of their specialism working in multi-disciplinary teams with experts from other areas. For this to continue, we must preserve our ability to conduct ground-breaking research and development across all scientific disciplines.

  7.  Reducing our investment in SET would be completely counter to the national interest; this would result in fewer students being able to study the sciences, a poorly skilled workforce, less ground-breaking research in our universities, and valuable commercial investment going elsewhere. Instead, the UK government should follow the examples of the United States[33] and Germany,[34] which are both aggressively increasing their investments in SET. We should be planning for significant growth in SET in order to rebalance the economy and lay the foundations for our future prosperity.

2.   What evidence is there on the feasibility or effectiveness of estimating the economic impact of research, both from a historical perspective (for QR funding) and looking to the future (for Research Council grants)

  8.  As indicated below, any methodology which is used to estimate the economic impact of research must take account of timescale between discovery and commercialisation, which may take many years. Also, it must assess the economic benefit from a more productive population, with increased revenues to the individual and to the Exchequer.

  9.  Many of the revolutionary discoveries that have led to today's major products were made decades ago. For example, liquid crystals were originally discovered in the 19th Century. However, it was not until 1960 that their potential to provide light-weight, flat panel displays of low power consumption was appreciated, and it took another 12 years for a liquid crystal with suitable physical properties to be designed. The worldwide market for LCD TVs now generates more than £40 billion in annual revenues.[35]

  10. The Human Genome Project began in 1990, and was completed in 2003 at a cost of several billion pounds.[36] As a result of this investment, massive improvements in high-throughput DNA sequencing have been achieved, driven entirely by advances in nucleic acid chemistry. It is now possible to sequence an individual genome in less than a week and for ca £30,000.[37] This is the fruit of at least 50 years of sustained investment since the ground-breaking days of Crick and Watson at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. It has huge implications for the understanding of major diseases and the developing market in "personalised genomics".

  11.  As these examples demonstrate, any attempt to assess the likely economic impact of research must appreciate the entire research process and the timescale from discovery to economic reward. We refer the reader to a response to a recent review which emphasises the importance of a suitable balance of funding between applied and fundamental research.[38]

  12.  Chemical science spin-out companies originating from university research have a strong track record in using public funds to realise commercial success. A recent RSC study showed that 55% of these companies initially relied heavily on funding from the EPSRC, but only 10% of them now rely on Research Council funding[39]—a good example of far-sighted government investment, yielding commercial fruit.

  13.  In addition to direct economic benefits resulting from scientific discovery, the economy will be strengthened by the scientific contribution to healthcare and medicine necessary to ensure a healthy workforce. Furthermore, education and scientific research lead to a scientifically literate workforce which is able to understand and exploit scientific knowledge. A greater proportion of science graduates pursue careers that require a graduate qualification[40] as compared with those from other subjects. Over a lifetime, the economic value to the individual of completing a degree stands at ca £129,000, and for chemistry and physics graduates this rises to ca £187,000. The additional taxation revenues to the Exchequer over a working lifetime exceed £130,000.[41]

  14.  Many of the blockbuster medicines in the list of world top twenty best selling drugs were invented in the UK by chemists whose doctoral studies were funded by EPSRC and its precursors. A recent study estimated that at their peak, 11 of these drugs generated sales of over £15 billion, as well as obvious benefits to patient health.[42]

3.   The differential effect of cuts on demand-led and research institutions

  15.  The retention of a strong UK science base relies on the maintenance of high standards in both research and education. Any reduction in funding for one activity will impair the ability of an HEI to deliver the other.

  16.  Recent data show that both research and teaching in physics and chemistry departments are not fully funded: in 2007-08, research activity resulted in an average deficit of 36.7% of income, while the teaching deficit was 9%. The average overall deficit for chemistry departments across the UK was 31.3%.[43]

  17.  As both research and teaching are loss-making, further funding cuts to either demand-led (teaching) or research-led institutions would reduce the quality of both teaching and research and compromise the standing of UK science. HEFCE has acknowledged this risk by pledging an extra £25 million in annual funding to support subjects recognised as being strategically important and vulnerable. We welcome this measure, which has reduced the average deficit for teaching to 9% of income. However, there is still enormous financial pressure on vice-chancellors who may be tempted to close SET departments (which inevitably attract higher overhead costs than Arts and Humanities faculties) in order to reduce costs.

  18.  In the absence of a comprehensive strategy to support a strong national science base, cutting funding may bring about the closure of SET departments on an unplanned, case-by-case basis. This will create regions in the UK with no provision for students who wish to study SET subjects. Those from less advantaged backgrounds who have to live at home for financial reasons will be unable to study these subjects, irrespective of their ability. Also, local businesses will be unable to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of universities and regional economic development will be impaired.

4.   The implications and effects of the announced STFC budget cuts

  19.  The RSC recognises the need for central funding as an important element in supporting a strong science base.

  20.  The RSC regrets the decision by the STFC to reduce the funding for ISIS, which will result in a 50% reduction in capacity. Given the crucial importance of this facility to a wide range of cutting edge research, including improved drug delivery and the development of advanced materials for hydrogen storage, solar energy conversion and improved battery technology, the reduction in capacity greatly weakens the UK's global scientific competitiveness. The STFC should be supporting this and other such facilities and recognising the central role they have as a hub for multi-disciplinary projects that are able to push back the boundaries of knowledge, generate spin-out companies and attract international investment.

  21.  Funding must be provided to maintain and run these facilities. The announcement by the STFC to cut funding for studentships and fellowships by 25% compromises the ability to undertake research. By underfunding support for equipment and personnel, ground-breaking research is jeopardised and efficient use of these facilities cannot be achieved.

  22.  A recent review by the EPSRC in partnership with Learned Societies and other Research Councils urged that support for shared facilities should be a national priority.[44] Similar facilities in Europe are running at close to full capacity and it is interesting to note that, in contrast with domestic projects, the STFC have committed to maintain subscriptions to international projects as a top priority.[45]

5.   The scope of the STFC review announced on 16 December and currently underway

  23.  Recent budget cuts by the STFC have demonstrated poor planning and a lack of foresight. The process by which the STFC reached these decisions should be reviewed.

  24.  The RSC recommends that the STFC should identify facilities that are of central importance to UK science with the intention of transforming and funding them as National Shared Facilities. The announcement on 16 December has seen a dangerous shift of focus away from particle physics, astronomy and nuclear science. The RSC believes that facilities that support these areas should be fully funded where research can be shown to be internationally competitive.

6.   The operation and definition of the science budget ring-fence, and consideration of whether there should be a similar ring-fence for the Higher Education Funding Council for England research budget and departmental research budgets

  25.  The improvement in the funding for SET subjects provided by HEFCE in recent years has allowed more undergraduate and postgraduate students to be educated and enhanced the quality of the education and training provided. Whilst this is welcomed, it must be remembered that the resources provided are still inadequate (see the answers to questions 3 and 8) and, given the autonomy of University vice-chancellors, the funds provided for SET can be diverted to support other activities.

  26.  Therefore, the RSC consider it essential for HEFCE to ring-fence the funding designated for SET teaching, research, and the associated facilities and equipment. However, the RSC urges caution in respect of ring-fencing only the HEFCE research budget since this could have unintended consequences on teaching, given the synergic interactions between these two activities.

7.   Whether the Government is achieving the objectives it set out in the "Science and innovation investment framework 2004-2014: next steps", including, for example, making progress on the supply of high quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates to achieve its overall ambitions for UK science and innovation

  27.  The world-leading position of UK science is quite remarkable, given the relatively low level of spending on SET. A step change in attitude towards science and education is required if this position is to be maintained and the aims of the Framework are to be fulfilled.

  28.  Overall spending on research and development as a percentage of GDP is a useful measure of the national commitment to science. In 2000, EU governments agreed that this figure should reach 3.0% of GDP by 2010, as part of the Lisbon Agenda. However, the more modest targets set out in the UK Science and Innovation Framework (2.5% of GDP by 2014) are yet to be realised, both in public funding and in industrial investment (which has a target percentage of 1.7% of GDP). Public expenditure on higher education as a percentage of GDP is one of the lowest in the OECD.[46] While the UK has seen a steady rise in scientific funding, particularly since the science budget was ring fenced, this commitment must continue to increase in order to bring this to levels which match those of our competitors and to attract more industrial investment in R&D.

  29.  The strength of UK science relies on a high number of students being taught to the highest quality to promote excellence. The RSC has raised the issue of standards in the regulation of education. A competition launched to provide direct comparison between current science examinations and equivalent exams in previous years demonstrated that contemporary exams are considerably easier than in previous decades, resulting in higher grades being achieved.[47] These concerns are being investigated by the examinations regulator Ofqual, who have agreed that there has been "a fall in the quality of science assessments".[48]

  30.  A major shortcoming of school science examinations is that they do not provide sufficient opportunity for more able students to demonstrate the extent of their abilities. Furthermore, a recent Government report showed that only 25% of science teachers have a specialism in chemistry,[49] and 19% have a specialism in physics. Pupils who are not challenged are not engaged, and teachers who do not have a deep knowledge of their subject will struggle to inspire their pupils. This poses a huge risk to the future of science in the UK, which relies on a supply of highly skilled scientists and a scientifically literate work force.

8.   Whether the extra student support, which the Government announced on 20 July 2009 for 10,000 higher education places, delivered students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses

  31.  The number of students accepting places on undergraduate chemistry courses has increased by 28% over the last six years,[50] and the recent announcement of funding for a further 10,000 students to take STEM courses has had little or no effect.

  32.  The RSC is concerned that there is too much focus on increasing the number of new STEM students without addressing quality or providing the required teaching support. The accompanying cut of 1.36% (HEFCE, July 24) in overall teaching funding compromises the teaching of these subjects. As a result, 33 of the country's leading HEIs, in the best position to deliver top-quality STEM qualifications rejected the offer of extra places, while six opted for a lower number than allocated, pushing the extra student intake towards other institutions.[51]

  33.  Although the Government's offer to fund the extra 10,000 students for courses in STEM subjects appeared to be a positive development, the accompanying cut in HEFCE teaching funding suggests that this announcement was made without a clear strategic plan. Indeed, the list of subjects approved for these extra 10,000 students included non-STEM areas such as economics, business studies, management studies, finance, accounting, marketing, and human resource management.

9.   The effect of HEFCE cuts on the "unit of funding" for STEM students

  34.  Any reduction in the unit of funding would be detrimental to the quality of education and training provided by all laboratory based subjects, including chemistry.

  35.  Although the "unit of funding" measures aim to increase teaching funding for more expensive subject areas, such as chemistry, the actual cost of running STEM courses with a significant practical component is higher than the 1.7 ratio that is currently used to weight funding. Some universities estimate that the real figure for chemistry is at least 2.5. A permanent solution, long advocated by the RSC, would involve removing these subjects from Price Group B and increasing their weighting to a more realistic figure.

  36.  Undergraduate teaching in the chemical sciences is already significantly underfunded (see section 3). Any reduction in the unit of funding will only increase this deficit and tempt vice-chancellors to make decisions which are not in the long term interest of the UK given the high economic return from investments in STEM teaching and research.

  37.  The RSC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Science and Technology Committee inquiry into the impact of spending cuts on science and technology research.

  38.  The RSC is the UK Professional Body for chemical scientists and an international Learned Society for advancing the chemical sciences. Supported by a network of over 46,000 members worldwide and an internationally acclaimed publishing business, our activities span education and industry, training, conferences and science policy, and the promotion of the chemical sciences to the public.

  39.  This document represents the views of the RSC. The RSC's Royal Charter obliges it "to serve the public interest" by acting in an independent advisory capacity, and we are happy for this submission to be put into the public domain at the appropriate stage.

27   Higher Education Statistics Agency [HESA] [2009], Resources of Higher Education Institutions 2007-08 Back

28   Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA): Students in Higher Education Institutions, table 6, 2007-08. Back

29   Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2008): Education at a glance: OECD Indicators 2008, table B2.4,3343,en_2649_39263238_41266761_1_1_1_1,00.html Back

30   Department for Business, Innovation and Skills: International Comparative Performance of the UK Research Base 2009¥/media/publications/I/IntComparativePerformanceUKResearch Back

31   Follow-up Study of the Finances of Chemistry and Physics Departments in the UK Universities, RSC and IOP, Manuscript in Preparation. Back

32   Remarks by the President at the National Academy of Sciences annual meeting, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., April 2009 Back

33   Remarks by the President at the National Academy of Sciences annual meeting, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., April 2009 Back

34   "Science favoured by German coalition", A. Abbott, Nature 462, 24, 2009. Back

35   "DisplaySearch Revises Worldwide TV Forecasts", DisplaySearch 2008: Back

36   Oak Ridge National Laboratory website, Back

37   Single-molecule sequencing of an individual human genome. D Pushkarev, N F Neff, S R Quake. Nature Biotechnology. 27, 847-850, 2009. Back

38   Setting Science and Technology Funding Priorities, House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee, RSC, 2009 Back

39   Spin Out Companies from UK Chemistry Departments, RSC 2003 Back

40   The Chemical Skills Pipeline, RSC 2009 Back

41   The Economic Benefits of Higher Education Qualifications, RSC and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, January 2005 Back

42   Education and Wealth, Chemistry World, Volume 6, Number 9, September 2009. Back

43   Follow-up Study of the Finances of Chemistry and Physics Departments in the UK Universities, RSC and IOP, Manuscript in Preparation. Back

44   Chemistry for the Next Decade and Beyond. EPSRC, IOP, RSC, BBSRC, MRC, NERC, ABPI, IChemE, Biochemical Society, 2009 Back

45   STFC, Science Programme Prioritisation 2010-15 Back

46   Education at a Glance 2008: OECD Indicators, OECD, 2008,3343,en_2649_39263238_41266761_1_1_1_1,00.html Back

47   The 5-Decade Challenge, RSC, 2008 Back

48   The new GCSE science examinations. Findings from the monitoring of the new GCSE science specifications: 2007 to 2008, Ofqual Back

49   Mathematics and Science in Secondary Schools. The Deployment of Teachers and Support Staff to Deliver the Curriculum, DEFS, 2006 Back

50   UCAS data 2009. Back

51   Amendment to the funding agreements of 20 July 2009: provisional distribution of new student places for 2009-10: Annex A, HEFCE, 2009 Back

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