The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Oxford University (FC 56)

  1.  The technological basis of modern economies demands a technically literate population and a research base capable of sustaining innovation. University research and education is a key element of the innovation infrastructure capable of engendering economic growth. The underpinning element is a critical mass of world-class researchers and students that generates new ideas, refines them, and develops them into new paradigms, systems, processes and concepts. Universities therefore play a critical role in supplying the education, training and new knowledge which undergirds and enables social, cultural and economic development that can meet the needs of a modern society. The costs of maintaining world-class education and research are not small but are an investment in the future. In relative terms this investment is not large when compared with other countries or with other expenditure.

Process of Making Cuts

  2.  A functioning SET base requires stability and critical mass. If this is not present, then it is both unlikely that the ideas that prove to be transformational will be generated, and unlikely that they will be recognised and exploited. The foundation for scientific research must be sufficiently well-resourced to be dynamic, flexible, and collaborative and some significant proportion of the effort must be disinterested.

  3.  The process of evaluating priorities is therefore vital. It is crucial to defend Science Engineering and Technology, and the argument must be about the other things we wish to live without. However, it is important to recognise that not everything can be afforded, and so the process for deciding on the allocation of scarce resources within SET must be firmly based in sustaining the quality of the science. It may be necessary to recognise the need to re-organise programmes, but it is essential that the Research Councils have the time and space to undertake the decision making process in a measured and consultative way, led by the science, and in full cognisance of the risks. We consider that it is likely to be most effective to invest properly in a small range of activities across a broad range of SET.

What evidence there is on the feasibility or effectiveness of estimating the economic impact of research, both from an historical perspective (for QR funding) and looking to the future (for Research Council Grants)

  4.  QR is essential to research-intensive universities. It provides the platform from which risky, adventurous curiosity-driven innovation can be undertaken and assessed before competitive project bids are made to Research Councils, industry and commerce and charitable research sponsors. We note that QR is already itself awarded in a competitive way at institutional level.

  5.  QR enables new avenues of enquiry to be explored to assess the potential fruitfulness of pursuing the research through a developed submission for funding. Research Councils provide one, albeit important, component of a research funding portfolio, and allocate resources largely away from non-STEM subjects. Therefore QR not only provides an essential platform upon which excellent research can be built and a wide knowledge base sustained across a broad range of disciplines and inter-disciplines, but also it enables UK government funding to effectively leverage support for particular projects from many other sources. Without this core funding, such an approach would not be possible.

  6.  At Oxford, QR funding leverages very significant funding from other sources. The Research Councils also have a part to play in working with sponsors to provide the best value for funding research, and improving the economic and social benefits which result. This must entail a strategy on the part of research councils that is responsive to the current economic climate. This point is raised in the discussion on STFC below but it can be applied more generally.

  7.  In the biomedicine area, this is important in the context of a major transfer of funding by the non-government sponsor of research (the Wellcome Trust) away from response-mode grants to a much smaller number of career awards, thereby exacerbating the current lack of discretionary spending at MRC. We would encourage the MRC to reduce still further their level of commitment to intramural research, in favour of external, response-mode grant funding.

Effects of the STFC budget cuts

  8.  The process by which the impact of cuts to STFC funding was decided exacerbated the effect on the science. Decisions on cuts appeared to lack sufficient balance between political and scientific priorities, and the result may destabilise important areas of research in the UK. The country risks losing leading scientists, post-doctoral Research Assistants and technical staff, as they lose access to facilities and the ability to partner with the best scientists and facilities.

  9.  Oxford planning has focused on the very top priorities that STFC has always had: in astrophysics E-ELT, SKA and in particle physics LHC related science. Even these very high priority activities are cut by 10-30% which is most circumstances would be regarded as a severe cut.

  10.  Beyond 2012 STFC's planning leaves the UK with no access to optical/infrared telescopes in the northern hemisphere. The extensive closure of facilities gives us much less opportunity to pursue our research aspirations through future grant applications.

  11.  In addition there are extensive cuts in the funding for studentships (to be cut by 15%) and fellowships (to be cut by >25%), together with a cut in the funds available for grants by a further 25% on top of the 25% cut of 2007-8. From 2011-12 the number of PDRAs that can be supported by STFC grants will be half what it was in 2005.

General remarks about STFC's operation and implementation of the cuts

  12.  There are very substantial differences between the advice from consultation and the actions taken. The advisory committees put studentships/fellowships in the highest priority category because of the importance of sustaining the knowledge base, but these have been cut. They also supported continuing access to northern hemisphere telescopes above the AURORA Mars exploration programme but STFC funded the latter and the telescopes are to be closed. There are other examples.

  13.  STFC was created with insufficient funds to deliver on its existing programme and commitments. The onset of the financial crisis, with the associated reduction in the international value of sterling compared to the currencies in which international subscriptions are paid, has squeezed the budget even harder. The result is that the UK astronomy programme, without doubt the strongest in the world after the USA (based on citation evidence), has in two years been severely damaged. The bounty of careful investment and planning over three decades has been lost in a few months. The cuts announced in December will turn damage into devastation.

Scope of the STFC Review

  14.  We welcome the review in both intent and scope. We strongly endorse the continued existence of a number of autonomous research councils with identifiably different areas of research interest, and managed with a comprehensive and cohesive scientific agenda, by persons with expertise appropriate to the area. We believe this provides a diverse and competitive funding landscape that fosters excellence. Continued scientific scrutiny is appropriate to ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. We do not believe that a monolithic agency, led by a managerial agenda, will sustain the flexibility and creativity required for the UK to continue to be internationally competitive across a broad range of science and technology research.

  15.  An important lesson may be drawn from the current STFC dilemma, many of which are associated with inadequate support for its mission, and some of which relate to how the Council has managed this severe constraint.

  16.  There are three contributory factors that have generated STFCs financial problems:

    (a) it was established with an inadequate budget;

    (b) it is responsible for international subscriptions, the sterling value of which is not in STFC's control:

(i) There are two parts to this problem: exchange rates, which have moved against sterling, and growth in net national income, NNI, on which international subscriptions are based. When the UK economy does well and grows faster than those of other partners in say CERN or ESA, our NNI rises and our subscriptions increase. As the international subscriptions are paid from STFC, when the economy does well, there is less money remaining in STFC for domestic PP and space science.

(ii) STFC inherited facilities, and a large staff, that provide access and services for a research community largely funded by other research councils. If a new international facility is proposed that outperforms one they currently run, should they invest in the new venture or shore up their own facility to avoid running it down?

  17.  STFC has an inherent lack of flexibility because the resources which are required to run the facilities cannot be adjusted on the same timescale as the cuts are required. The grants become the only adjustable component of their programme, and projects are being run down. They are squeezed by both their international subscriptions and the cost of domestic facilities.

  18.  There are proposals that.

    (a) the exchange rate/NNI risk should be transferred to higher in the system (Treasury,/BIS/RCUK). This makes good sense because at a higher level there are factors that move in both directions as things change eg. as NNI rises VAT receipts, income tax and co-operation tax receipts also rise; and

    (b) the research councils that fund the exploitation of facilities (eg.MRC, BBSRC, and EPSCR for Diamond) should be asked to sign up to a 3 + 3 year rolling subscription in line with the (C)SR where they are committed for three years and provide an indicative budget for the following three. This would give STFC a fixed income pot against which to charge the facilities.

  19.  One suggestion is that project and exploitation grants for PP& A should move to EPSRC. This is not at all desirable:

    (a) responsive mode success is much lower in EPSRC (<10%) cf. STFC (15%);

    (b) the timescales involved in big science are very much longer than for EPSRC business. Space missions and accelerators take over a decade to bring to fruition, telescopes about the same; and

    (c) it would not make sense to leave the PPA facilities in STFC and remove the grants, they just work too closely together. The PPA community develops and builds its own facilities, it does not simply use tools provided by others.

  20.  What is the best option for the UK? Probably to fund facilities from user RCs, fix the exchange rate/NNI problem, and leave the PPA facilities and grants in STFC.

  21.  What are the risks?

    (a) Government accounting rules mean that STFC still has to manage the depreciation of all the facilities through its non-cash allocation. These costs would have to be charged to the user RCs as well.

    (b) The new Space Agency might take a large chunk of funding from STFC leaving it again with an inadequate budget. When the Agency is established it should not further damage the Astronomy & Space Science programme in STFC.

Demand-led and Research Institutions

  22.  Basic science and economic impact are not and should not be mutually exclusive. There are "no such things as applied sciences, only the applications of science".[95] But this is predicated on a research base of sufficient capacity both to generate and to recognise important new ideas.

  23.  The high investment research industries work close to market and are therefore narrowly focussed, while the Universities complement and extend scientific exploration. They also undertake disinterested research. Both sectors undertake research with economic impact but typically the time lines, the purposes, and the motivation may differ. Losing the ability to support and disseminate basic and disinterested research for short-term expedience would have long term economic impact, and this is what Universities do well. University research also expands knowledge transfer and exchange not only through the economic impact of their research projects but also from the supply of University graduates to all areas of the economy.

  24.  Bertrand Russell argued "Even the pursuit of knowledge, if it is utilitarian, is not self-sustaining. Utilitarian knowledge needs to be fructified by disinterested investigation, which has no motive beyond the desire to understand the world better. All of the great advances are at first purely theoretical, and are only afterwards found to be capable of practical applications. And even if some splendid theory never has any practical use, it remains of value on its own account: for the understanding of the world is one of the ultimate goods".[96]

  25.  The transition from fundamental research to economic impact is ably demonstrated by the invention of the laser (the 50th Anniversary of which occurs in 2010) or by the invention of the World Wide Web or the Magnetic Resonance Imager. All of these were first pursued as basic science, with no view to application, and all of which took many years to find their full potential. Now it is hard to understand how one could do without them. Disinterested research therefore holds the key to significant long-term impact. For example, the pharmaceutical companies work on the A and B HIV-1 clades because they are found in the developed world where countries have the funds to buy the drugs, and the companies can recoup the heavy investment quickly. Universities work on the C clade found in Africa, and other genetic variants and this work is funded by the charities. If no-one worked on the C clade then the potential for economic devastation would not be limited to Africa.

  26.  In the biomedicine area, we note the context of a major transfer of funding by the non-government sponsor of research (The Wellcome Trust) away from response-mode grants to a much smaller number of career awards, thereby exacerbating the current lack of discretionary spending at MRC. There is clearly a tension between intramural and demand-led research funding in such situations that may destabilize the ability to deliver world-class research.

  27.  Universities provide technologically literate graduates and future research scientists, many of whom will work in commercial and industrial enterprises and some of whom will sustain the research and education in the Higher Education system.

  28.  For example, this University helps to meet the national need for STEM graduates, 4.9% of the UK's undergraduate places in Physics are provided by University of Oxford, and 3.8% of the places in Chemistry.

  29.  At graduate level, we have 3,951 postgraduate research students. We make a sizeable contribution in Clinical Medicine (431 students; 6.4% of the UK total); modern languages (14.9% of the UK total); and in STEM subjects we provide 7.4% of the UK's Chemistry research students, 8.8% of Physics research students and 8.8% of Mathematics students. Research and development is at the heart of the knowledge economy, and Oxford's provision of postgraduate research opportunities plays an important role in training future generations of researchers.

Operation and definition of the science budget ring-fence, and consideration of whether there should be a similar ring-fence for HEFCE research budget and departmental research budgets.

  30.  BIS ring-fenced the following funding to RCUK for the duration of the current spending round: £2.9 billion 2008-09; £3.0 billion 2009-10; £3.2 billion 2010-11. We welcomed the fact that these funds were guaranteed for sciences, and could not be used by BIS for other purposes, since it offered stability for the Research Councils, notwithstanding the STFC situation. There is as yet no such guarantee for the period beyond 2011, unless we assume the commitments in the 2004-14 framework still hold.

  31.  There is currently no ring fence for science within HEFCE's QR allocation; we prefer the flexibility this provides. There is a need to recognise the value of research across all subjects, not just those that have impacts which are easy to quantify.

Whether the Government is achieving the objectives it set out in the Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-14: next steps

  32.  The increased funding for research in the past decade has indeed placed the UK in the forefront of international activity in many STEM areas. Because of this, the UK is a place that is attractive to researchers and students from all over the world. It is difficult to assess the direct impact that such attraction has, but it is likely, over the long haul to be very large.

  33.  Nationally, however, the ambitions to improve STEM skills will only work if there are teachers educated to degree level working in schools.

  34.  There are dangers in too much concentration of funding in STEM areas. The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences must not be ignored. Technology may provide new ways to do things but other disciplines provide the social and cultural contexts. For example the BBC iplayer is a highly innovative technology that has had a global impact for the UK. It is, however, useless without high quality content. There is synergy between STEM and non-STEM, many of which provide excellent grounding in logic and analysis, policy and economic development, environmental, industrial and commercial management and innovation, as well as supplying language skills, and the foundation of the media and leisure Industries. Further, increasingly the major challenges for society will have multi-component solutions. Energy security and sustainability, for example, will require research that not only encompasses science and technology, but also policy, economics, and cultural changes. Similar arguments could be made for health care and climate.

Whether the extra student support which the Government announced on 20 July 2009 for 10,000 higher education places delivered students in STEM

  35.  We have no comment on this point.

The effect of HEFCE cuts on the unit of funding for STEM students

  36.  The additional funding for High Cost and Vulnerable Subjects has been helpful in supporting students in these subjects. The University has maintained undergraduate numbers in the STEM subjects, and has increased postgraduate numbers. The costs of teaching and laboratory facilities, including equipment are high.

  37.  It is difficult to comment on the effect of the additional student numbers without knowing whether a shortage of STEM graduates arises from an inadequate supply of university places, an inadequate supply of qualified applicants, or a mismatch of course provision to demand and qualifications of applicants. We note that Government has encouraged STEM graduates into teaching and hope that this has resulted in improved access to university STEM courses.

95   Louis Pasteur. Back

96   Bertrand Russell, On Education, Allen and Unwin, 1926; Routledge, 2010. Back

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