The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by the Society of Biology (HC 72)


  1.  We welcome the Committee's urgent attention to this issue but note that it is difficult to present real data to evidence a reply at this early stage of the planned retrenchment.

  2.  Accurate case-by-case estimates of the economic return on specific research funding are unlikely unless they are of near-market activities. However, we strongly assert that the welcome improvement in funding of the general research and HE environment over the past decade was a critical investment that has already contributed to real economic growth.

  3.  However, additional returns on that investment have yet to be realised and we are concerned that the talent and environment on which their full development depends should be protected. We believe that ongoing investment in science skills and their use can continue to attract inward investment, support export markets and, very importantly, continue the tradition of the UK's contribution to global prosperity and well-being. This is highly valued by the public and internationally respected.

  4.  The threatened STFC budget cuts have caused alarm in the HE and research sector which of itself can be damaging. Already there are threats to the integrity of research programmes with researchers considering moves to other institutions, including institutions abroad. This will be an evolutionary process and the stresses applied may well produce quite a different landscape across some disciplines. We sincerely hope that this can be managed adaptively to help protect important areas and vulnerable subjects.

  5.  We are in communication with our members on these matters and will continue to be so. We hope to be able to provide sound information to inform judgments on policy implementation as it emerges. We urge the Committee to maintain its oversight of this issue.


  The Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and public bodies and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting biologists, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences. The Society of Biology is a charity, created by the unification of the Biosciences Federation and the Institute of Biology, and is building on the heritage and reputation of these two organisations to champion the study and development of biology, and provide expert guidance and opinion. The Society represents a diverse membership of over 80,000—including students, practising scientists and interested non-professionals—as individuals, or through the learned societies and other organisations listed below.

  The Society of Biology is pleased for this response to be publicly available and will post a copy at when the Committee allows.

Anatomical Society of Great Britain & Ireland Heads of University Biological Sciences
Association for Radiation ResearchHeads of University Centres of Biomedical Science
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Institute of Animal Technology
Association of Applied BiologistsInternational Biometric Society
Association of Clinical Microbiologists Laboratory Animal Science Association
AstraZenecaLinnean Society
Biochemical SocietyMarine Biological Association of UK

Breakspear HospitalNutrition Society
British Andrology SocietyPhysiological Society
British Association for Lung ResearchRNID
British Association for Psychopharmacology Royal Entomological Society
British Bariatric Medical SocietyRoyal Microscopical Society
British Biophysical SocietyRoyal Society of Chemistry
British Crop Production CouncilScience and Plants in Schools
British Ecological SocietyScottish Association for Marine Science
British Lichen SocietySociety for Applied Microbiology
British Microcirculation SocietySociety for Endocrinology
British Mycological SocietySociety for Experimental Biology
British Neuroscience AssociationSociety for General Microbiology
British Pharmacological SocietySociety for Reproduction and Fertility
British Phycological SocietySociety for the Study of Human Biology
British Society for Ecological Medicine Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine
British Society for ImmunologySyngenta
British Society for Matrix BiologyUK Environmental Mutagen Society
British Society for Medical MycologyUniversity Bioscience Managers' Association
British Society for Neuroendocrinology Zoological Society of London
British Society for Plant Pathology
British Society for Proteome Research
British Society for Research on Ageing
British Society of Animal ScienceAssociation of Medical Research Charities
British Toxicology SocietyBBSRC
Experimental Psychology SocietyGlaxoSmithKline
Fisheries Society of the British Isles Medical Research Council
Freshwater Biological AssociationPfizer UK
Genetics SocietyWellcome Trust

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Prepared 25 March 2010