The Impact of Spending Cuts on Science and Scienetific Research - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by the Royal Geographical Society (FC 76)

  1.  The Royal Geographical Society (with The Institute of British Geographers) is the learned society and professional body for geography. Formed in 1830, our Royal Charter of 1859 is for "the advancement of geographical science". We have more than 15,000 members and Fellows, of which a substantial number are academics and other researchers whose work we support through a range of activities. Our academic activities include holding the largest geographical conference in Europe, publishing three journals, one of which (Transactions of the IBG) is the top ranked geographical journal in the world, hosting research groups and providing funding opportunities for researchers at all careers stages.

  2.  As a discipline, geography is uniquely placed within the debate on science and scientific research, as a subject that combines physical science with social science and humanities. Since many of the scientific environmental issues facing the world have their causes and solutions in societal and individual behaviours, geography occupies a key research niche. It spans both SET[110] and non-SET funded areas in scope. The discipline is at the forefront of the tensions between SET and non-SET funding streams and suffers from the inadequate manner in which such "interdisciplinary" subjects are funded.

  3.  The Society strongly recommends that before cutting/restricting science, engineering and technology (SET) designation/funding, the current arbitrary decisions on what is/is not SET classified need to be reconsidered. When it suits government geography is classed as a science; and vice-versa. A recent example of physical geography being considered SET is in skills and training.[111] However, currently it is funded entirely as a non-SET subject, which is placing unacceptable strains on properly resourcing the science-base of the discipline. It should be recognised for what it is, a part-STEM subject, and funded accordingly and with STEM protection for its 50% science component.

  4.  HEFCE has publicly stated that there are inconsistencies of funding scientific research at the STEM: non-STEM boundary. The same piece of science conducted from a Geography department attracts substantially less QR resource than had it been conducted from an Environmental Science department or another STEM designated subject. Thus the true costs of conducting quality science are not being covered under the non-STEM funding for geography. Unless the STEM lottery can be addressed, further reductions in UK Science and Innovation, in an area that is increasingly being profiled by NERC and others as important to the nation—the environmental sciences—seem inevitable. Geography makes a substantial contribution to research in the environmental sciences.

  5.  As the learned society representing and promoting the discipline we have sought evidence and considered opinions about the position of geography from across the academic community, including all departments of geography in the UK, our Fellows and members, and the Society's research groups. Much of this evidence has also contributed to our response to the recent HEFCE consultation on the Research Excellence Framework (REF).

6.   That evidence has shown the important contribution of geography to science-based research

  6.  (a)  The formal report of the Geography and Environmental Studies Panel in RAE 2008, concluded that 50% of geographical scholarship is scientific work—environmental science—of high quality. Science-based geographers are publishing in the same journals as other environmental scientists and attract as much research grant income per capita.

  6.  (b)  Evidence of sustained, even increased, emphasis on the science base of Geography can be seen in the level of SRIF investment that occurred in the 2001-08 period, and is explicitly referenced in the RA5a returns for the 2008 RAE. In total, this reveals at least £30.7 million of SRIF investment in laboratory facilities and the scientific equipment needed as research infrastructure to support research-active staff working in Geography on environmental research. This figure is directly comparable to Earth Systems and Environmental Science, for which the total revealed SRIF investment was at least £34.4 million.

  6.  (c)  Geographers work on some of the key environmental and societal issues challenging policy today: including climate change, its causes and effects, at local, regional and international scales; fluvial processes and flooding; glacier dynamics and processes of accelerated melting; and sustainable development. Specific examples of STEM related work by geographers include groups working at the core of international efforts to measure rates of sea level change (Durham, Plymouth); assessing environmental degradation in lake systems (UCL, Loughborough); developing polar and alpine ice mass models to understand how they link to global environmental systems (Cambridge, Edinburgh, Aberystwyth); understanding rates of abrupt climate change and how environmental processes and humans respond (RHUL, UCL); interfacing with climate modellers to develop Earth System Science models (Bristol); and mapping how humans have altered vegetation patterns and cover (Oxford, Southampton). This research has economic as well as environmental, social, cultural, and policy value and impact.

Examples of economic value from geographical science research

  7.  While it remains difficult to put a precise economic value on the impact of research in most cases, some geographical science research can be clearly linked to economic benefits. Among the many examples are: Professor John Thornes' (Geography, Birmingham) development of new technologies in the measurement, mapping and modelling of ice on road/railways has led to substantial reductions in the "cost" of road accidents, more efficient applications of salt and grit by local authorities, and the formation of two private spin-off companies (Thermal Mapping International). Estimates of the cost benefit suggest the new system saves £3,224 million (2006 prices) per year in the UK.[112] Dr Kevin Tansey and Professor Heiko Balzter's (Geography, Leicester), work on G-STEP (GMES Space and Technology Exchange Partnership), which supports and speeds up the use of Earth Observation (EO) data and information services, both by businesses and policy makers. Dr Hannah Cloke's (Geography, King's College London) development of an early flood warning system has been demonstrated successfully in the Upper Severn catchment in the UK and subsequently applied in the Upper Huai catchment in China.

Balance of science and social science/humanities research in Geography

  8.  Geography has long been recognized as a part-science discipline. It has been assigned, for example, a subject cost-weighting for research for a "part-laboratory" subject. At 1.3, this weighting is mid-way between that for social science/humanities subjects at 1.0, and science subjects at 1.6. This accurately reflects the evidenced 50/50 split in geography research between natural science and social sciences/humanities and recognizes the significant laboratory-based research needs in physical geography and IT needs of modelling and sophisticated applications of GIS. A similar approach applies to support for teaching.

The only circumstances in which this does not apply is in the HEFCE allocated research funding—where geography is not STEM recognized and does not receive STEM funding

  9.  This needs to be rectified with the physical science research within Geography being afforded STEM designation, in a similar manner to Environmental Science, thus protecting the breadth of the environmental science research base, especially at a time when the environmental issues that physical geographers are working on are some of the most pressing ones facing society and government. Published evidence demonstrates that there is a 50:50 balance between research which is physical geography and human geography (including social science environmental studies), and it would be appropriate to provide 50% STEM protection to Geography.

  10.  Thus, in conclusion:

    (a) Before even considering cuts in STEM funding, it is critical that there is a level playing field and those subjects that rightfully deserve part STEM funding are recognized and funded as such.

    (b) In our view all STEM areas, including physical geography, are important, as are both blue-skies research and more directly applied research. We see no robust, future-proof and readily identifiable basis on which one area of STEM research should or could be chosen above another for cutting. All should be treated equally and, if cuts are to be made, these should be the same across the board.

    (c) The needs of science must be balanced with the needs of social science too. While funding needs for social science research are less, so too is the current budget allocation to social science research. Research issues relating to crime, social cohesion, employment, the environment, sustainable lifestyles, security, economic development and many more demand quality social science research. Robbing Peter to pay Paul will not foster a strong and vibrant UK research base as a whole.

Royal Geographical Society

January 2010

110   We use STEM and SET interchangeably. Back

111   Government commissioned CRAC to survey university students in STEM subjects, including geography and land-based sciences, about their careers thinking. Back

112   Economic benefits of environmental science. A study of the economic impacts of research funded by the Natural Environment Research Council November 2006. Back

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