The inquiry
3. This inquiry had a dual focus on the NHS and the
MHRA. In October 2009 we issued a call for written evidence on:
- Government policy on licensing
of homeopathic products;
- Government policy on the funding of homeopathy
through the NHS; and
- the evidence base on homeopathic products and
4. This inquiry was an examination of the evidence
behind government policies on homeopathy, not an inquiry into
homeopathy. We do not challenge the intentions of those homeopaths
who strive to cure patients, nor do we question that many people
feel they have benefited from it. Our task was to determine whether
scientific evidence supports government policies that allow the
funding and provision of homeopathy through the NHS and the licensing
of homeopathic products by the MHRA.
5. We received around 60 written submissions. Because
we had received a response from the Government on MHRA licensing
prior to calling for written submissions,[4]
the Government's response on that aspect of the inquiry was available
for interested parties to read and comment on in their written
submissions. Additionally, some were received after the oral evidence
sessions had concluded and some of these commented on the oral
evidence.[5] We also received
many background papers relating to the inquiry.
6. On 25 November 2009 we took oral evidence from
two panels; one focused on NHS funding and provision of homeopathy
and the other on MHRA licensing. The expertise of the witnesses
on each panel spread across both topics and there was overlap
on the issues discussed, particularly in relation to the evidence
base. On 30 November 2009 we took oral evidence from Mike O'Brien
QC MP, Minister for Health Services, Professor David Harper, Chief
Scientist at the Department of Health (DH), and Professor Kent
Woods, Chief Executive of the MHRA, on the Government's policies.
7. We carefully considered all the background documents,
written submissions and oral evidence in drawing up our conclusions
and recommendations. We would like to put on record our thanks
to all those who made submissions and gave evidence to the inquiry.
Structure of the report
8. This report is in two parts. Chapter 2 addresses
the evidence base for the provision of homeopathy on the NHS.
Chapter 3 examines the evidence base for the MHRA's licensing
regime for homeopathic products. In each chapter we have adopted
the approach we followed in the first Evidence Check inquiry:
we have outlined the Government's policy, summarised what we would
expect of a good evidence base and then evaluated whether the
Government's policy is sufficiently evidence-based (the Evidence
1 Science and Technology Committee, Second Report of
Session 2009-10, Evidence Check 1: Early Literacy Interventions,
HC 44 Back
Ev 60 Back
"New Inquiry, Evidence Check: Homeopathy", House of
Commons Science and Technology Committee press notice No. 11,
Session 2008-09 Back
Ev 60 Back
For example, Ev 189-194 Back