Memorandum submitted by Anne Waters (HO
1. With very little time to prepare this
submission, I would like to make the following points.
2. I would like to register my regret and
concern that the amount of time allowed for this consultation
is so severely limited. You call for evidence on 20 October
and want submissions by 6 November. This is unreasonable
3. I would like to draw your attention to
the following research, by Nobel Prize winning virologist, Professor
Luc Montagnier
4. In a recent paper, Prof Montagnier, and
his team report the results of a series of rigorous experiments
investigating the electromagnetic (EM) properties of highly-diluted
biological samples.
5. The abstract of this research in part
asserts, "A novel property of DNA is described: the capacity
of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves
at high aqueous dilutions. It appears to be a resonance phenomenon
triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low
frequency waves."
6. Although homeopathy is not mentioned
anywhere in the article, the researchers used aqueous solutions
that were agitated and serially diluted (the researchers note
that the solutions were "strongly agitated" and that
this step was "critical for the generation of signals")
7. This is exactly the way that homeopathic
remedies are prepared.
8. The researchers found that pathogenic
bacteria and viruses show a distinct Electro Magnetic signature
at dilutions ranging from 10(-5) to 10(-12) (that is 10 to
the negative 5th power to 10 to the negative 12th power
to 5X to 12X) and that small DNA fragments (responsible for pathogenicity)
were solely accountable for the EM signal.
9. The researchers also noted that one experiment
found significant effects from dilutions as high as 10(-18) (to
the negative 18th power, equivalent to 18X). The EM signature
changed with dilution levels but was unaffected by the initial
concentration and remained even after the remaining DNA fragments
were destroyed by chemical agents.
10. Of additional interest was the researchers'
observation that they observed the SAME results whether their
initial concentration of cells were just 10 or one part in
11. The researchers also detected the same
electromagnetic signals in the plasma and in the DNA extracted
from the plasma of patients suffering from Alzheimer, Parkinson
disease, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
12. The researchers also quote Italian physicist,
E. Del Guidice, (the same scientist who Benveniste cited), for
positing that water molecules can form long polymers of dipoles
associated by hydrogen bonds and that electromagnetic radiations
that the emit enable them to avoid decay.
13. With this initial paper Prof Montagnier
and his team have started a very promising line of enquiry, which
has direct relevance to homeopathy as they continue to investigate
the characteristic physico-chemical properties found in high-dilutions
of biological material.
14. Reference: Luc Montagnier, Jamal Aissa,
phane Ferris, Jean-Luc Montagnier, Claude Lavallee,
Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures
Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences. Interdiscip Sci Comput Life
Sci (2009) 1: 81-90.
16. Are you aware that cutting edge science
is now recognizing that our current understanding of DNA is flawed,
and that in his book The Biology of Belief Bruce H Lipton,
PhD. (published by Hay House, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-4019-2311-2) states
on page 55 that
17. "because receptors can read energy
fields, the notion that only physical molecules can impact cell
physiology is outmoded. Biological behavior can be controlled
by invisible forces including thought, as well as it can be
controlled by physical molecules like penicillin, a fact that
provides the scientific under-pinning for pharmaceutical-free
energy medicine." (my bold).
18. Please look at the work of French immunologist
Jacques Benveniste on the memory of water. (1988) This work was
inappropriately discredited a month after publication in the journal
Nature, but current scientific knowledge now accepts that much
of what Benveniste said was in fact right.
19. Evidence based medicine is about integrating
individual clinical expertise and the best external evidence.
The individual clinical expertise of homeopaths is dismissed as
anecdotal, and so invalidated. This is unfair, inappropriate,
and prejudicial. Patients own reports of benefit are ignored.
There is no will to fund further research, because those who control
the funding are unable to think outside the box of their own personal
20. Good science relies on scientist who
can think outside the box, and yet, good science is dismissed,
because those who control the press, the policy and the decisions
are those who have a vested interest in control, profit and outcome.
21. There is no profit in homeopathy.
22. There is no control, when the public
make decisions that they consider to be in their own best interests,
but are against the accepted methodology, or the limited wisdom
of the day.
23. Science is very good at saying "we
used to think, but now we know" This is evident in the way
many pharmaceutical drugs have been licensed and then later withdrawn.
It is evident in physics, chemistry, and biology. Please do not
approach an energy medicine such as homeopathy with a paradigm
that is inappropriate.
Anne Waters MA (SEN)
Lakeland College of Homeopathy
November 2009