Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Memorandum submitted by Mary English (HO 50)

  I have read and watched the Committee Meeting for Evidence Check: Homeopathy.

I would like my (humble) views to be known.

  1.  I am a qualified Homeopath. I had five years training and hold a Diploma from the School of Homeopathy 2001. I am insured to practice. I work privately in Bath and am supervised by Mabel Smith RSHom. I hold a Certificate in Counselling Concepts from the City of Bath College and am first aid trained. I have eight years experience of working as a volunteer running a Homeopathic Clinic for drug addicts and alcoholics with The Drugs and Homeless Initiative in Bath. I am past Chair of the charity the Homeopathy Action Trust.

  2.  My first experience of homeopathy was buying an over-the-counter "remedy" called Aconite that the leaflet in Boots (where I bought it) said was good for croup. I bought the remedy because it said it was safe for children.

  3.  When my baby son (18 months) had his next attack of croup, I used one tablet of Aconite 6c and his attack of early morning wheezy, panicky breathing subsided in minutes and completely went.

  4.  This then prompted me to investigate homeopathy and eventually led to me becoming a professional practitioner.

  5.  If I had not been able to buy the remedy in Boots, I would:

    (a) have had a child with regular breathing difficulties, which would have led to drug therapy and side-effects and dependence on the NHS for treatment; and

    (b) have never trained or qualified in a therapy that has brought health and healing to a vast number of my patients who would otherwise be a drain on NHS resources.

  6.  I would urge your committee to take into account, along with all the scientific and medical opinions my small voice of happiness with my discovery of a safe, person centered, individual form of health therapy and my willingness to continue to treat the public in a safe, person-centred manner.

Mary English DSH


I am a qualified Homeopath working in private practice in Bath, UK

November 2009

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