Memorandum from Government on "Evidence
This memorandum was collated by the Government Office
for Science in response to the former House of Commons Innovation,
Universities, Science and Skills Committee's "Evidence Checks".
The response to the first Evidence Check was received
on 28 September 2009. The response to the second Evidence Check
was received on 13 November 2009.
[See Ev 60]
[See Science and Technology Committee, Second
Report of Session 2009-10, Evidence Check 1: Literacy Interventions,
HC 44, Ev 101]
This response was provided by the Department
of Health.
Q1 What is the Government's policy regarding
the production of a swine flu vaccine and its distribution to
the population?
Government policy is to purchase vaccine licensed
for use in Europe in accordance with the European Directive on
Procurement. The vaccine has been produced in Europe.
The Secretary of State for Health announced the priority
groups for the swine flu vaccine on 13 August. More than 11 million
people in England will be targeted first. The vaccine will initially
be prioritised to those groups of people who are at highest risk
of severe illness, as well as frontline health and social care
Based on the current delivery forecasts from
both manufacturers, we expect to have approximately 55 million
doses available by the end of the yearenough for up to
about 30 million people to be vaccinatedwith more following
after that. The vaccine will be delivered in phases as stocks
become available. The vaccine may be licensed by early October
and this could result in the vaccination programme being rolled
out from mid October.
Q2 What expert scientific and medical advice
have been used to steer the Government's policy?
The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
(JCVI) reviewed the evidence and advised the Department of Health
on these priority groups. This advice was also scrutinised and
endorsed by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
We will continue to take the best independent scientific
advice to inform our decisions on the response to swine flu.
The following groups will be prioritised for
the swine flu vaccine in this order (numbers given are approximate
and are for England only):
1. People aged over six months and under 65 years
in current seasonal flu vaccine clinical at-risk groups (about
5 million people).
2. All pregnant women, subject to licensing conditions
on trimesters (about 0.5 million people).
3. Household contacts of people with compromised
immune systems eg people in regular close contact with patients
on treatment for cancer (about 0.5 million people).
4. People aged 65 and over in the current seasonal
flu vaccine clinical at-risk groups (about 3.5 million people).
This does not include otherwise healthy over 65s, since they appear
to have some natural immunity to the virus.
Vaccination of frontline health and social care
workers (approximately 2 million people) will begin at the same
time as the first at-risk group, and will continue for as long
as necessary. This group is at increased risk of infection and
of transmitting that infection to susceptible patients. Protecting
these people will help the NHS workforce to remain resilient and
able to treat sick patients.
[See Science and Technology Committee, Second
Report of Session 2009-10, Evidence Check 1: Literacy Interventions,
HC 44, Ev 34]
This response was provided by the Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Q1 What is the Government's interpretation
of the term "pseudoscience"?
The Government does not find it helpful to define
pseudoscience. It is committed to policy-making based on scientific
evidence. By science we mean all-encompassing knowledge based
on scholarship and research which is underpinned by methodologies
that build up and test increased understanding about the world
and beyond.
Q2 What is the Government's position on universities
that award BSc and MSc in subjects that are pseudoscientific?
When recruiting staff, does the Government recognise such qualifications
as providing the holder with scientific expertise?
All universities undertake research and teaching,
but HEIs are autonomous institutions and decide the courses or
content of the higher education they offer to their students who
make informed choices about the curriculum they choose to study.
In relation to degrees in specific disciplines, there may be further
processes around accreditation and recognition by professional
bodies, which may allow some judgements to be made about, for
example; the quality of course content, teaching, skills acquired,
but this is not for Government to prescribe.
The standards of degrees awarded by HEIs, and the
quality of learning opportunities, are subject to independent
review by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and external examiners.
Since the QAA was established in 1997 its reviews have consistently
indicated that quality and standards are being maintained.
Departments have delegated responsibility for
recruitment and should have robust processes in place for ensuring
that appointments are made on merit. When appointing, departments
will look at the skills, experience and qualifications required
for the role. For some roles, a particular scientific expertise
or qualification might be sought from any range of appropriate
This response was provided by the Department
of Health.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the
provision of free health checks for over 40s?
From 2009-10, the NHS is being asked to implement
a uniform and universal vascular risk assessment and management
programme called the NHS Health Check programme, for everyone
in England between 40 and 74. The proposals for this programme
were set out in Putting Prevention First published on 1 April
Vascular diseases, that is heart disease, stroke,
diabetes and kidney disease, are the biggest cause of death in
the UK, and the NHS Health Check programme could on average prevent
1,600 heart attacks and strokes and save at least 650 lives each
year. The programme could prevent over 4,000 people a year from
developing diabetes and detect at least 20,000 cases of diabetes
or kidney disease earlier, allowing individuals to be better managed
and improve their quality of life.
Vascular disease also makes up approximately
a third of the difference in life expectancy between spearhead
areas and the rest of England. This programme will help ensure
greater focus on the prevention of coronary heart disease, stroke,
diabetes and kidney disease, and will help people remain well
for longer. Type II diabetes mellitus is a growing public health
concern. Its prevalence is increasing and diabetes contributes
significantly to overall health inequalities within England. This
programme offers a real opportunity to make significant inroads
in tackling health inequalities, including socio-economic, ethnic
and gender inequalities.
The purpose of an NHS Health Check is to identify
an individual's risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes
and kidney disease, for this risk to be communicated in a way
that the individual understands, and for that risk to be managed
by appropriate follow-up, including being recalled every five
years for reassessment.
The check itself involves a standard assessment
based on straightforward questions and measurements. These would
record basic information such as height, weight, current medication,
age, family history, smoking and blood pressure and include a
simple blood test for cholesterol and (in some cases) glucose
levels. This will be followed up with personalised advice on how
to lower that risk and maintain a healthy lifestyle. For those
at low risk, this might be no more than general advice on how
to stay healthy. Others at moderate risk may be recommended a
weight management programme, stop smoking service, or a brief
intervention to increase levels of physical activity. Those at
high risk might require medication with statins or blood pressure
treatment, or an intensive lifestyle management programme for
those identified with impaired glucose regulation. A few may need
further assessment or tests.
We also expect to identify people who already
have a vascular disease where it has so far gone undetected, particularly
type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease. In such cases patients
will benefit from an immediate start on a disease management programme
to manage their condition and prevent adverse complications.
Q2 What evidence (specifically cost-benefit
analyses) led to the formulation of this policy? What evidence
has been used to support health benefit claims (eg lives saved
per year)?
The NHS Health Check programme is both cost
effective and clinically effective.
The approach taken in the programme is based on economic
modelling undertaken by the Department of Health (DH) which has
used guidance produced by the National Institute of Health and
Clinical Evidence (which reviews the clinical and cost effectiveness
of interventions in medicine).
The full details of the analysis undertaken
by the Department are set out in the Impact Assessment which can
be viewed on the DH website (
It shows the cost of the programme to be £332 million each
year and the average annual benefit to be £3,678 million.
Based on these figures, the NHS Health Check programme is highly
cost effective. (The costs are the costs of the checks and net
lifetime costs of interventions given to the cohort of individuals
checked in the first 20 years. The benefits are calculated on
the basis that each quality adjusted life year a patient enjoys
has an estimated social value of £50,000).
Quality-adjusted life years are a measure of
how many extra years of life of a reasonable quality a person
might gain as a result of treatment.
The modelling also showed that the programme
would cost around £3,500 per quality-adjusted life year gained.
This is considerably below the £20-30,000 per quality-adjusted
life year threshold that NICE uses to assess cost effectiveness
and therefore, according to this test, the programme is highly
cost effective.
This response was provided by the Department
for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Q1 What generic social and economic benefits
are derived from funding research with public money?
Publicly funded excellent research produces new knowledge
and understanding, which is a benefit in its own right, but also
generates significant economic impact. The Warry Report,[41]
drew on the HM Treasury Green Book, to define economic impact
as follows:
"An action or activity has an economic impact
when it affects the welfare of consumers, the profits of firms
and/or the revenue of government. Economic impacts range from
those that are readily quantifiable, in terms of greater wealth,
cheaper prices and more revenue, to those less easily quantifiable,
such as effects on the environment, public health and quality
of life."
Economic impact is delivered by publicly funded
research via many routes, including:
Creating new businesses.
Improving the performance of existing
Delivering highly skilled people to the
labour market.
Attracting R&D investment from global
Improving public policy and public services.
Q2 What evidence is there for social and economic
benefits? How is this evidence used to determine funding priorities?
There is extensive evidence of the benefits
of publicly funded research. A report that looks at the economic
impact of the research base as a whole is produced annually by
BIS (formerly by DIUS), and is structured around an Economic Impact
Reporting Framework, which portrays the generation of economic
impacts at the aggregate economy level.[42]
It is wide ranging, and includes sections on the five routes to
economic impact bulleted above, as well as others. In 2006 the
then DTI published Making the most of UK Research, a collection
of case studies of benefits from research.[43]
Each Research Council prepared initial Economic Impact
baselines as part of their Delivery Plans published in December
2007, and updated versions were published this year.[44]
The impact of other funding streams has been
independently evaluated. The Higher Education Innovation Fund
(HEIF) is one such stream,[45]
and its impact on knowledge transfer is borne out by the annual
Higher Education-Business and Community Interaction (HE-BCI) survey,[46]
which shows universities external income rising to record levels
of over £2.8 billion per year. The Science Research Infrastructure
Fund (SRIF) has been shown to have dramatically improved research
infrastructure, and to have wider benefits in terms of researcher
productivity and ability to attract other funding.[47]
The knowledge transfer performance of Public Sector Research Establishments
is also improving, bringing in record levels of external income.[48]
The research community itself also regularly
carries out evaluation of the economic impact of research. To
pick just a few recent examples, the Russell Group have evaluated
the impact of research in their universities,[49]
the Wellcome Trust has assessed the economic benefits of medical
and Oxford Economics have assessed the economic effects of fundamental
physics research.[51]
Before allocating the Science and Research Budget,
DIUS collected evidence on the activities and performance of all
funding lines. All the Research Councils and the Academies provided
detailed delivery plans, which set out what future investment
would deliver against the overarching objectives. Other key programmes,
such as HEIF and SRIF, were subject to independent evaluation.
The following factors were taken into account
in determining the Science Budget Allocations to individual Research
Councils and Academies:
a thorough assessment of draft Research
Council and Academy Delivery Plans for CSR07;
- the strength of the case for increasing the
investment in any particular area of research in CSR07; and
a full evaluation of the performance
of each of the Research Councils and Academies through the SR04
The allocation of the Quality-related Research
block grant to Higher Education Institutions by HEFCE has in the
past been informed by the results of the Research Assessment Exercise
(RAE). HEFCE are currently developing the Research Excellence
Framework (REF) to replace the RAE. The REF will for the first
time explicitly take account of the impact research makes on the
economy and society.
This response was provided by the Department
for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the
development and commercialisation of genetically modified crops?
The Government confirmed its current Policy on GM
crops in a Parliamentary statement in March 2004. Safety is the
Governments top priority and as such we follow the science and
assess potential GM crops on a case-by-case basis. This is consistent
with the existing EU legislation which requires genetically modified
organisms to be cleared for trial or commercial release, with
decisions based on an assessment of the risk to human health and
the environment.
The Government acknowledges that GM crops could offer
potential benefits over the longer term. We should keep an open
mind, but continue to be led by the science.
Q2 What evidence and expert advice has been
used to determine government policy regarding genetically modified
The Government receives expert advice on individual
applications to release GM crops from the Advisory Committee on
Releases to the Environment. It conducts an independent scientific
evaluation and advises on the potential risks for human health
and the environment.
The Government's broad policy on GM outlined above
was informed by the findings of the "GM Dialogue" process
that it sponsored in 2003. This had three strands: a public debate
run by an independent board; a GM science review led by the then
Government Chief Scientist; and a study of the overall costs and
benefits of GM crops, undertaken by the Prime Minister's Strategy
Unit. Further details can be found on Defra's website
This response was provided by the Health and
Safety executive.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the
regulation of synthetic biology?
The Government recognises that this is a new and
exciting field of technology, which has the potential to deliver
benefits in areas such as medicine, manufacturing, and the environment.
However, there is also a need to identify, anticipate and address
any societal issues that might arise from synthetic biology, whilst
enabling UK research and industry to harness the technology to
develop and deliver benefits for society.
Synthetic biology involves a range of techniques
culminating in the insertion of synthetic heritable material into
living cells. In many ways this is an extension of existing recombinant
DNA technologies. Consequently the Government considers that most
applications are likely to fall under existing legislation covering
the development and use of genetically modified organisms.
Future work may involve the creation of artificial
cells, which would not fall within the scope of existing legislation.
Consequently, a minor amendment is being proposed to the definition
of GM as part of the development of a single regulatory framework
for work with human and animal pathogens and GMOs. This will enable
the regulations to cover artificial cells, should the technology
develop in that direction. This change will be consulted on prior
to the implementation of the new regulatory system.
The Government also recognises that the regulatory
system needs to be kept under review to ensure that it is able
to deal with the likely development and applications of synthetic
biology, including those relating to biosafety, biosecurity and
the release of genetically modified organisms into the environment.
In doing so, it recognises that lessons should be drawn from the
past to help ensure regulations keep pace with, or anticipate,
scientific developments.
Q2 What evidence and expert advice will the
Government seek to underpin future regulation? Are current regulations
adequate or will a new regulatory framework be required?
The Government regularly checks the appropriateness
of the existing UK GM legislation (GMO deliberate release and
GMO contained use regulations) to deal with new technologies,
including synthetic biology. Scientific advice on the topic has
been sought from scientific advisory committees (Advisory Committee
for Releases into the Environment (ACRE), and Scientific Advisory
Committee for Genetic Modification (SACGM (CU)), the UK research
councils, and other government departments and agencies.
The Government will continue to consult a wide range
of stakeholders to ensure that the regulatory system is appropriate,
and that the best advice is available to evaluate developments
in synthetic biology.
It is widely anticipated that most applications
of synthetic biology will start in the laboratory in compliance
with the GMO contained use regulations, before a proportion will
progress to deliberate release. Activities falling under the GMO
contained use regulations contained will require risk assessment
and proportionate and appropriate containment.
Deliberate release applications can only be
approved once sufficient supporting knowledge and data is available.
Defra and HSE are also involved in a working group under the auspices
of the European Commission, which is considering the new technologies
in light of existing GM definitions and legislation. The working
group will report to the EC in October.
UK legislation covering the contained use of
genetically modified organisms is under review, with the intention
of creating new legislation amalgamating the GM legislation with
the contained use of human and animal pathogens. This provides
an opportunity to ensure that aspects of synthetic biology that
might be outside the scope of current legislation are encompassed
in the emerging single regulatory framework. The proposed amendment
extends the definition of genetic modification to include the
"introduction of genetic material into a cell artificially
created for that purpose, where the cell is then capable of replication
or of transferring genetic material". It is felt that this
amendment will be sufficient to ensure that synthetic biology
is fully covered by UK legislation. A full consultation exercise
will be carried out before the definition is incorporated into
the regulations.
This response was provided by the Ministry of
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the
use of offender data (eg, employment, access to finance)?
Whether offender data relating to convictions can
be used for most purposes is dependent on whether a conviction
is spent or unspent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
1974. The Act serves to help rehabilitate those who have stayed
on the right side of the law for a period of time, thereby assisting
reformed ex-offenders find jobs, obtain insurance and avoid discrimination.
Until a conviction is spent it may have to be declared
for any purposefor instance when obtaining financial products,
seeking employment, or applying for any sort of licence, for instance
a licence to sell alcohol or engage in a certain type of business.
This is fair as an unspent conviction may indicate a relevant
risk, and is a fair consequence of a criminal penalty.
However once a conviction is spent under the
Act it is treatedfor most purposesas if it doesn't
exist. This reflects the fact that the ex-offender has remained
on the right side of the law for a specified period and proven
they pose less of a risk in most circumstances.
As the rehabilitation periods differ according
to the sentence imposed the period for which a conviction needs
to be disclosed is related to the severity of the individual offence.
However there are certain positionsparticularly
those involving access to children and vulnerable adults, and
working in positions of exceptional trust or for the Statewhere
the employer needs to be able to take the most stringent of assessments
in order to minimise a genuine risk. For instance those working
in the police, looking after children or vulnerable adults, or
working with access to highly controlled substances, can potentially
cause a much greater level of harm if they do offend. For this
reason there are certain purposes where an exception to the Rehabilitation
of Offenders Act exists. These are all specified by the Rehabilitation
of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as subsequently
amended on numerous occasions). Amendments to the order are by
means of a Statutory Instrument subject to affirmative procedure.
The government's policy is that those areas
listed on this order are deemed sufficiently sensitive that the
employer should always be able to see a person's full record,
including all spent convictions and cautions, in order to come
to a fair judgment on their suitability (and any appropriate safeguards)
based on the full available evidence.
But it is equally important to note that having
a criminal conviction is not an automatic bar to employment in
any of these areas. The government believes that it is important
for employers to take a balanced view on the fact that an individual
has a criminal conviction, whether spent or unspent, taking into
account factors such as how long it is since the offence, the
person's age at the time of the offence, the relevance of the
offence, and what else is known about the individual's character
and conduct before and since.
In order to obtain a Criminal Records Bureau
disclosure containing details of spent convictions, it is necessary
for the employer to make a declaration that it is for purposes
specified in the ROA Exceptions Order. An employer obtaining details
of spent convictions by means of a fraudulent statement would
be committing an offence.
It is the government's belief that this systemwithin
the framework of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and
the Police Act 1997, and fine-tuned by updates to both primary
and secondary legislationhelps create a balance between
the need to disclose offender data when there is a need to do
so for purposes of protecting the public, and the need to enable
reformed ex-offenders to put their past behind them at all other
Q2 What evidence is there to support the various
ways in which offender data are used?
Statistical evidence is hard to obtain when
one is dealing with subjective decisions. The system can be said
to have worked either when an offender gets a job and does not
re-offend, or when an offender is prevented from entering a job
where they intended to cause harm.
The latter is impossible to prove. There is no proof
that an ex-offender would re-offend if placed in a sensitive position,
even if their criminal conviction was recent, serious and relevant.
In some cases an individual who is barred from a sensitive position
mayhad he or she been employed in that positionhave
gone on to commit a serious offence or abuse of trust; in other
cases they could have gone on to have a faultless record. It is
impossible to produce definitive figures on an event which has
not been given the opportunity to happen. However when employers
make judgments they have to do so on the basis of a fair risk
analysis using their knowledge of the job, the opportunities it
affords, and the record of the person applying.
CRB statistics, compiled by MORI, indicated
that in 2008, around 18,000 unsuitable people were prevented from
working with children and/or vulnerable adults as a direct result
of a CRB check, bringing the total to around 98,000 people in
the past five years. This, even when assessed with the caveats
above, would still indicate that the purpose of the system to
bar unsuitable candidates is working.
As there is no control study it is hard to use
these statistics as proof of the effectiveness of the current
system. However they do provide evidence which supports the way
in which offender data is currently used. These statistics indicate
that there are those on both sides of the systememployers
of sensitive positions and ex-offenderswho have benefited
from the system. As long as the decision to share information
is balanced in terms of being necessary, eg to protect the public,
and proportionate, eg to the risk the offender poses, it can benefit
all parties.
As to whether a better balance could be established,
improving one or both of these sets of figuresthis is certainly
something to which the government aspires. The 2002 Home Office
report "Breaking the Circle" recommended reforms to
the ROA and the government has made a commitment to work on implementing
the proposals. And the Vetting and Barring Scheme, established
under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, will enable
a better, fairer and more joined-up approach to vetting those
working with children and vulnerable adults. But the fundamentals
of the schemethat once convictions are spent they are only
made available to those who have a need to knoware working
and will not be changed. The next phase of the scheme commences
in October 2009 with a phased implementation of registration under
the scheme being introduced between July 2010 and 2015.
Information-sharing between criminal justice
agencies is necessary for effective sentencing and the protection
of the public. Information about offenders is currently shared
between the police, prison and probation services to enable staff
to manage offenders effectively, as provided for within the Offender
Management Act 2007 (s14). Probation may request information from
the police service for a range of reasons to enable the public
to be protected, including for the following purposes: for bail
information interviews and reports; at the pre-sentence stage,
for making appropriate sentence recommendations; to make appropriate
placement decisions for unpaid work (community payback) requirements;
assessment for licence conditions prior to the release of a prisoner;
for informing reports to the Parole Board for considering an offender's
However, this must be within the parameters of relevant
legislation and guidance, which are designed to balance the rights
of the individual, ie the subject of the information being shared,
with the rights of society to be protected from that individual.
Therefore, information shared about a person must be both necessary
(eg to meet the probation purposes of managing risk of harm) and
proportionate (eg to the risk posed by that person). These principles
should govern the decision by the police service to share information
in the first place and the decision by the probation service over
whether to use the information to inform their report.
The National Offender Management Service is
in the process of agreeing an information-sharing protocol with
the Association of Chief Police Officers to formalise the processes
for exchanging information between the police and probation services
for the effective management of offenders. The agreement will
set out the purpose and principles of information-sharing, along
with the legal basis for offender management activity, and the
legislation governing the disclosure of personal data. It will
provide for and encourage the sharing of information in certain
circumstances, but make the legal implications to earlier and
more widespread information-sharing clear.
Certain offenders are managed under the Multi
Agency Public Protection Arrangements. MAPPA is a process where
the Responsible Authority (police, prison and probation services
together with a number of Duty to Co-operate Services which include
Jobcentre Plus and Housing) work together to manage the identified
risks presented by these offenders.
MAPPA applies to:
sexual offenders who are required to
notify the police of their details under the Sexual Offences Act
violent offenders as defined by Schedule
15 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 who are sentenced to 12 months
custody or more; and
those dangerous offenders who have a
previous conviction or caution for a violent offence who the Responsible
Authority (police, prison and probation services) consider present
a risk of serious harm to others.
MAPPA relates to offenders in the community
and each MAPPA offender will be assessed to identify the level
of multi agency management they require and in every case whether
a disclosure regarding the risks the offender presents should
be made to another person/organisation to protect others from
harm. There is occasions where disclosure will be made to an employer
to ensure that the offender is not placed in a situation which
would be unsuitable for the risks they pose; for example, a sexual
offender working unsupervised with children or vulnerable adults.
All decisions regarding disclosure are recorded on the case management
Where an offender is actively multi agency managed
through MAPPA at level 2 or 3 (this means that a number of agencies
are actively working together to share information, identify risks
and establish a multi agency risk management plan which can require
the commitment of additional resources), the disclosure decision
will be formally recorded at the MAPP meeting. Where disclosure
is to take place, the details of the information to be disclosed,
who to and who by will be recorded in the MAPP meeting minutes
and recorded on ViSOR. ViSOR is a database which has been developed
to be used by police prison and probation to assist in the management
of violent and sexual offenders. It is a confidential system which
is used by the police as their primary case management system
with sexual offenders. The prison and probation services use it
to share information which enhances risk assessments.
This memorandum was prepared by the Government
Office for Science.
Public Sector Research Establishments
Public Sector Research Establishments (PSREs) deliver
a strategic research capability to the Government that is not
readily provided by the market.
As described in Tables 1 and 2, PSREs are affiliated
to government departments and to Research Councils. Information
is provided on PSREs that have been: privatised (Table 3); privatised
in part (Table 4); established as companies limited by guarantee
(Table 5); and transferred to universities (Table 6) between 1997
and 2009. This information has been provided to GO-Science by
the relevant government departments. Should any additional information
be received by GO-Science it will be provided to the Committee.
Departmental R&D budgets
A summary of key science, engineering and technology
indicators is available in SET Statistics here:¥/media/publications/4/48-08-I_on.
This includes a historical analysis of the Government
departmental funding of science, engineering and technology (SET)
Table 1
Government department
| Number of PSREs | PSREs
Health and Safety Executive |
1 | Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL)
Department of Health | 1 |
Health Protection Agency (HPA) |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport |
18 | 13 National museums and art galleries [British Museum, Imperial War Museum, National Gallery, National Maritime Museum, National Museums Liverpool, National Museum of Science and Industry, National Portrait Gallery, Natural History Museum, Royal Armouries, Sir John Soane's Museum, Tate Galleries, Victoria and Albert Museum, Wallace Collection]
| | English Heritage
Sport England
Arts Council England
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council
UK Film Council
Department for Environment, Food and Rural |
6 | Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (CEFAS)
Affairs | | Food and Environment Research Agency (FERA)
| | Marine Fisheries Agency (MFA)
| | Veterinary Laboratory Agency (VLA)
| | Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)
| | Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Forestry Commission | 1 |
Forest Research |
Ministry of Defence | 5 |
Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) |
| | Defence Analytical Services Agency (DASA)
| | Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
| | Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
| | The Met Office
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
| 3 | National Physical Laboratory (NPL)1
| | National Measurement Office (NMO)
| | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)
Home Office | 2 | Forensic Science Service (FSS)2
| | National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA)
Total | 37 |
1 The National Physical Laboratory is a Government owned company.
| |
2 The Forencis Science Service if a Government owned company.
| |
| |
Table 2
Research Councils | Number of PSREs
| PSREs |
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
| 5 | Babraham Institute
Council BBSRC) | | Institute for Animal Health (IAH)
| | Institute of Food Research
| | John Innes Centre (JIC)
| | Rothamsted Research
Medical Research Council (MRC) | 3
| National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR)
| | Clinical Sciences Centre (CSC)
| | Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB)
Natural Environment Research Council
6 | British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
(NERC) | | British Geological Survey (BGS)
| | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
| | National Oceanography Centre Southampton (NOCS)
| | Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
| | Scottish Association of Marine Science (SAMS)
Science and Technology Facilities Council
| 5 | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (includes Chilbolton) (RAL)
(STFC) | | Daresbury Laboratory
| | UK Astronomy Technology Centre (ATC)
| | The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING)
| | The Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC)
Total | 19 |
| |
Table 3
PSREs PRIVATISED (1997-2009)
Affiliated government department/
Research Council
Date privatised
Rationale |
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF)
| Agricultural Development and Advisory Service (ADAS)
| April 1997 | A prior options review found all of ADAS's R&D functions to be suitable for privatisation. On this basis, ADAS was transferred to the private sector as ADAS Consulting Ltd on 1 April 1997.
| |
| |
Table 4
Affiliated government department/Research Council
Date privatised in part
Rationale |
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
| UKAEA | September 2009 |
UKAEA is an NDPB. Until September 2009 UKAEA conducted three main activities: fusion research; pensions administration; and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (a commercial business).
| | |
In September 2009, UKAEA established UKAEA Ltd as a separate limited company, and subsidiary to the NDPB. UKAEA Ltd now conducts all work relating to the decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
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The decision to establish UKAEA Ltd was made following a strategic review of the business in 2005 and that establishing a commercial business would produce the optimal value for HMG and make best use of the skills and resources held by the organisation whilst responding to demand in the market place. The resulting sale to the private sector of this commercial part of the organisation was the natural and successful outcome of this strategy. The UKAEA's status as a PSRE remains unchanged as a result of this decision as the activities of UKAEA Ltd are entirely commercial (for profit) and no research is undertaken.
Ministry of Defence | Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA)
| July 2001 | The Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA), an MOD Trading Fund, was the predecessor organisation to QinetiQ and Dstl. The Strategic Defence Review in 1998 proposed that DERA be subject to a Public Private Partnership in order to "strengthen its ability to continue to provide world class scientific research". This was the first step in the route to privatisation.
| | |
In particular, DERA was faced with increasing competition from the civil sector, due to technologies in which the civil sector was dominant becoming increasingly relevant to the MOD, and a declining defence research budget. This meant that without the capital and freedoms that privatisation offered, DERA would decline as a force in technology over the longer term.
| | |
Privatisation was intended to improve access to technologies from the civil sector to military application; enhance the opportunity for the exploitation of technology locked up in DERA; introduce private capital into DERA to meet its investment needs; thereby accelerating its development; and provide increased freedoms, such as in its ability to grow commercial business.
Department of Health | Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS)
| March 2005 | The microbiological media supply function of the PHLS was sold to Oxoid Ltd in March 2005 after careful consideration of all the options for ensuring a robust supply of high quality media to the NHS which represented good value for money. The sale to Oxoid was considered to offer the best option on all the criteria applied.
| | |
PHLS was disbanded in 2005 (most of its functions having been transferred to the Health Protection Agency Special Health Authority in 2003).
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| |
Table 5
Affiliated government department/Research Council
| Former PSRE | Established as a company
| Rationale |
NERC | Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)
| April 2002 | Arising from changes in priorities of research funding, NERC conducted a wide ranging review to identify the most appropriate future organisation of all its coastal and marine laboratories which would maximise local opportunities whilst maintaining the excellence of their science. In the case of PML, NERC decided to establish it as an independent company limited by guarantee.
Defra | Horticulture Research International (HRI)
(HRI was jointly affiliated to Defra and BBSRC)
| April 2004 | Part of HRI, East Malling research station, was established as EMR a company limited by guarantee and registered charity. The remainder was transferred to the University of Warwick (Table 6).
| | |
The decision to establish EMR as a company limited by guarantee [with continued charitable status] taken following an independent review, led by Dr Derek Langslow (former Chief Executive of English Nature), and a public consultation exercise. Ministers accepted the review's conclusions that HRI's function continued to be required but that it was unviable as then constituted (five sites dispersed across England) and against a background of declining Defra funding and inadequate industry funding.
| | |
The transfer of HRI to the University had been under discussion between the two parties and Defra even before the review and the review team recommended that these discussions should be concluded quickly. The majority of respondents to the public consultation exercise agreed that a merger represented a good opportunity for the future success of HRI as it offered high potential synergy and support for HRI's business development and commercial activities.
| |
| |
Table 6
Affiliated government department/Research Council
| Former PSRE | Transfer date
| University |
Defra | Horticulture Research International
(HRI was jointly affiliated to Defra and BBSRC)
| April 2004 | Part of HRI (HRI Wellesbourne) was transferred to the University of Warwick.
The remainder was established as a company limited by guarantee (Table 5).
BBSRC | Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research (IGER)
| April 2008 | The Welsh site transferred to Aberystwyth University. North Wyke Research (formerly part of the IGER) became a component of Rothamsted Research.
BBSRC | The Roslin Institute
| April 2008 | University of Edinburgh.
28 September 2009
| | |
This response was provided by the Department for Children,
Schools and Families.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the use of Brain
Gym and the teaching of its underlying theory in schools?
The Department is aware of "Brain Gym", which is presented
as learning readiness activities to help children of all physical,
social and learning abilities to develop and practice sensory-motor
skills for related learning skills.
The Department does not have a specific policy on the use of Brian
Gym. We are unaware of any sufficiently robust or peer-reviewed
evaluation of the approaches it promotes, which would allow any
clear link between the use of Brain Gym and pupils' learning to
be established. We are also aware of a significant body of criticism
of the theoretical underpinnings of the programme, set out below.
Overall, Brain Gym has not been evaluated using a robust
and appropriate methodology, therefore no conclusions about its
effectiveness can be drawn using the existing sources of information.
Q2 What scientific evidence is there that Brain Gym works?
Does the Government support the scientific theory behind Brain
Brain Gym has been criticised as being unscientific in a
wide-ranging and authoritative review of research into neuroscience
and education.
Peer reviewed scientific studies into Brain Gym have found no
significant improvement in general academic skills. Brain Gym's
claimed results have been put down to the placebo effect and the
general benefits of breaks and exercise. Brain Gym's founder,
Paul Dennison, has admitted that many of Brain Gym's claims are
not based on good science, but on his "hunches".[52]
In 2008 Sense About Science published a briefing document
in which thirteen British scientists responded to statements taken
from the "Brain Gym guide (Teacher's Edition)". Each
of them entirely rejected the statements that were put to them.
Brain Gym's scientific content was described as "pseudo-scientific".
One of the scientists, Professor of neuroscience Colin Blakemore,
said that "there have been a few peer reviewed scientific
studies into the methods of Brain Gym, but none of them found
a significant improvement in general academic skills. Sense about
Science, along with the British Neuroscience Association and the
Physiological Society, wrote to every Local Education Authority
in Britain to warn them about the program.[53]
In 2007 Dr Keith Hyat of Western Washington University[54]
wrote a paper in which he analysed the available research into
Brain Gym, as well as its theoretical basis. He concluded that
Brain Gym is not supported by research, and that its theoretical
basis does not stand up. The paper also encouraged teachers to
learn how to read and understand research, to avoid teaching material
that has no rational basis.
Background notes
Brain Gym is a commercial training program created in the
1970's by Dr Paul Dennison and Gail E Dennison, who "were
seeking more effective ways to help children and adults of all
physical, social and learning abilities, in particular those identified
through the programme as "learning disabled."[55]
The program is based on the premise that all learning begins with
movement, and that any learning challenges can be overcome by
finding the right movements, to subsequently create new pathways
in the brain. It claims that the repetition of certain movements
"activates the brain for optimal storage and retrieval of
information" and "promotes efficient communication among
the many nerve cells and functional centres located throughout
the brain and sensory motor system. There are 26 of these exercises,
which are designed to "integrate body and mind" in order
to improve "concentration, memory, reading, writing, organising,
listening, physical coordination, and more.
Educational Kinesiology teaches that brain function is defined
in terms of three dimensions: laterality is the ability to co-ordinate
the left and right sides of the brain, focus is the ability to
co-ordinate the front and back of the brain, and centering is
the ability to co-ordinate the top and bottom of the brain. According
to Brain Gym, people whose brains are not interconnected properly
in the three different dimensions suffer from corresponding deficits;
for example, the ability to move and think at the same time is
dependent on laterality (left to right co-ordination). The Brain
Gym exercises are claimed to work by interconnecting the brain
in these three dimensions. Anatomical, physiological and neurological
research does not support this model.
This response was provided by the Department for Children,
Schools and Families.
Q1 (a) How does the Government identify school children
who do not speak English as a first language and/or who need additional
training in English?
From 2007 the School Census included a new Pupil First Language
question. This allows schools to record each pupil's first language,
rather than simply recording whether or not that language is English.
Pupils who do not speak English as a first language are identified
through this census and a pupil's first language is defined as
any language other than English that a child was exposed to during
early development and continues to be exposed to in the home or
If a child was exposed to more than one language (which may
include English) during early development, a language other than
English should be recorded, irrespective of the child's proficiency
in English.
Pupil First Language data is collected from either parents
or pupils as part of the school's admissions process and is usually
obtained after parents have received confirmation of their child's
place at the school. This information is also collected for new
pupils arriving during the academic year.
Local Authority Data, Statistics, IT and Ethnic Minority Achievement
(EMA) teams within Local Authorities are involved in the data
collection process. They work closely in planning and implementing
the data collection.
School administrative staff will input the information once
this has been collected, but the collection process needs to be
led by the school's Senior Management Team (SMT) and supported
by specialist EMA staff, who should assist administrative staff
in making decisions about how to record replies which cannot be
mapped easily to the language code set.
DCSF statisticians use the School Census as a source for
the Language variable which aggregates the pupils' language into
the following seven main groups:
Not known but believed to be English.
Not known but believed to be other than English.
Information not obtained.
Q1 (b) How are children whose first language is not
English taught English?
National Strategies, a DCSF delivery partner have developed
guidance with detailed strategies to help teachers support EAL
pupils in the acquisition of English. They have focused on creating
an inclusive learning culture by developing an inclusive curriculum
to support learning and teaching. Pupils with EAL are generally
taught in the mainstream class using scaffolding learning strategies
and other methods that involve keeping cognitive challenges high.
The following National Strategies publications provide guidance
and advice on teaching pupils with EAL. Excellence and Enjoyment:
Learning and teaching for bilingual children in the primary years.
Rationale for planning for children learning English as an additional
Q2 What evidence is used to support the method of identifying
and teaching those children who require additional language support?
Method of identification
The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 places a duty on
schools to `monitor and assess how their policies affect ethnic
minority pupils, staff and parents'. Monitoring by ethnicity and
language allows schools and Local Authorities (LAs) to compare
the performance of different ethnic groups and assess the needs
of those who seem to be underachieving.
The collection of first language data can make a major contribution
to the planning and implementation of strategies which promote
equality, value diversity and support the educational inclusion
of all pupils. Good quality language data is also of particular
importance where provision for pupils who speak more than one
language is involved.
Language data also supports the analysis of pupil attainment at
school, local and national level, and assists LAs and schools
in their use of ethnic background data, providing valuable complementary
information and a means of validating ethnicity data.
Children learning EAL are among the highest and the lowest
achieving groups nationally and because of this it is important
that schools look at the achievement of children from different
ethnic groups who are learning EAL.
Proper analysis and understanding of data will make it possible
to gain a better insight into the many and complex issues that
may contribute to variations in attainment by different groups
of learners.
EAL Pedagogy/Method of teaching
Research shows that language support is best provided within
the curriculum wherever possible, as time out of subject lessons
for additional language tuition is ultimately likely to cause
the learner to fall further behind in the curriculum.
Research over the past two decades into the development of young
bilingual learners has resulted in the development of a number
of theories and principles that underpin the distinctive pedagogy
for children who are learning EALchildren for whom the
additional language being learned is also the medium of education.
The development of EAL pedagogy has been influenced by social
constructivist theories which emphasise the importance of scaffolding
learning, and those which highlight the importance of socio-cultural
and emotional factors. Children learning EAL will be affected
by attitudes towards them, their culture, language, religion and
There has been a great deal of research over the past two
decades into the development of young bilingualsinternational,
national and local including classroom-based action research.
This has resulted in the development of important theories, principles
and knowledge that have underpinned the development of these materials.
The practical ideas, supporting materials and approaches included
have been developed and trialled with the support of Local Authorities
(LAs) and a large number of schools as part of the Primary National
Strategy during 2004-06.
Research undertaken has looked at:
The language and literacy skills and academic achievement
of bilingual learners.
The following extract from an OfSTED publication HMI 250
2001 Inspecting English as an additional language 5-16 states
on page 17 that "Inspection evidence demonstrates that the
most effective work is closely linked to the National Curriculum
and that withdrawal from the mainstream should be limited with
outcomes carefully monitored. In particular, de-contextualised
language activities are rarely productive."
The QCA (now known as QCDA) bookletA language in
Common: Assessing English as an additional language is a guide
for Teachers and headteachers of pupils and students with English
as an additional language, LEA support services, and English teachers.
It has been developed to support the assessment of pupils of all
ages for whom English is an additional language. The guide is
intended to help teachers ensure that all their pupils develop
as competent and confident speakers and writers of English.
The studies of academics, including those below, have been
taken into account when developing the English education system
of approach to supporting pupils with EAL.
REFERENCESBruner, J S (1975) "Language
as an instrument of thought", in Davies, A (ed) Problems
of Language and Learning, Heinemann.
Cummins, J (1986) "Language proficiency and academic achievement",
in Cummins, J and Swain, M, Bilingualism in Education,
Cummins, J (2000) Language power and pedagogy: bilingual children
in the crossfire, in Bilingual education and bilingualism
series, Multilingual Matters.
Vygotsky, L S (1962) Thought and Language, MIT Press.
This response was provided by the Home Office.
Street lighting and crime
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the use of street
lighting to reduce crime?
There is a well established body of evidence to show that
the design and layout of places has a significant impact reducing
crime and fear of crime. Home Office guidance recommends that
designing out crime and designing in community safety should be
central to the planning and good design of the built environment
and that as part of good design the role lighting can play in
reducing crime should be considered.
Further, Home Office guidance also reflects that in any crime
reduction programme, street lighting should be considered in co-ordination
with other intervention strategies not least because of the role
it plays in increasing community pride and informal social control.
The companion guide to Planning Policy Statement 1 "Safer
Places, The Planning System and Crime Prevention" (ODPM/Home
Office 2004) for example highlights that well-designed public
lighting increases the opportunity for surveillance at night and
sends out positive messages about the management of an area but
that it needs to be sensitive to the needs of residents and users
and should provide security without resulting in glare and compromising
Q2 On what evidence is the Government basing this policy?
A systematic review of existing international evidence on
the effectiveness of improved street lighting on crime was published
in 2008 (review for the Campbell Collaboration, by David Farrington
& Brandon Welsh). The review concluded that improved street
lighting significantly reduces crime, adding that improved street
lighting should be considered as a potential strategy in any crime
reduction program in coordination with other intervention strategies,
and that depending on the analysis of the crime problem, improved
street lighting could often be implemented as a feasible, inexpensive,
and effective method of reducing crime.
An earlier (2002) review for the Home Office by the same authors
had come to the same conclusions.
REFERENCESFarrington, D and Welsh,
B (2008): Effects of improved street lighting on crime. Campbell
Systematic Reviews: The Campbell Collaboration
Atkins, S, Husain, S and Storey, A (1991) The influence of street
lighting on crime and fear of crime. Crime Prevention Unit Paper
Number 28. London: Home Office.
Ramsay, M and Newton, R (1991). The Effect of better street lighting
on crime and fear : a review. Crime Prevention Unit Paper Number
29. London: Home Office
Farrington, D and Welsh, C (2002) Effects of improved street lighting
on crime: a systematic review. Home Office Research Study 251.
London: Home Office. (addendum added 14.10 03)
Government advice on the planning system and crime prevention
including general guidance on the importance of surveillance (overlooking)
is set out in the ODPM/Home Office guide: Safer Places the Planning
System and Crime Prevention (in particular pp 28-29).
"Safer Places" flags that further more detailed advice
is available from the police initiative Secured By Design. Details
are available from the website:
CCTV and crime
Q1 What is the Government's policy on the use of CCTV to
combat crime?
The origins of CCTV provision for public space in this country
lie in the early 1980s. Since then (and mostly by local authorities)
the use of public space community safety CCTV has expanded gradually
but significantly and it now plays a key role in crime and anti-social
behaviour reduction, public protection, missing person inquiries
and serious crime, including terrorism investigations. CCTV has
been installed for different reasons in different ways.
CCTV does work and works best when it is used alongside a wider
strategy of partnership working between the police, local authorities
and local communities to tackle crime in their neighbourhood.
Seeking to make sure that the benefits of CCTV are applied effectively
to prevent crime and to deal with those who choose to commit crime,
the Government's focus is on better training, improved partnership
working and more co-ordinated use of technology.
Recognising the need to strengthen the evidence base and
provide strong and compelling narrative on the how well CCTV is
The National Policing Improvement Agency and Cheshire
Constabulary by the end of the year (2009) aim to have completed
a qualitative analysis of recorded crime data and case files in
Cheshire to determine the value of CCTV to investigations.
By next Spring, establish a library of case studies
around the use of CCTV in crime detection with particular focus
on major crime, including CT and public-space violence; and, in
the same time frame.
Develop the criteria for assessing the quantitative
and qualitative costs and benefits of CCTV. This will enable Government,
the police, local authorities and the private sector to assess
existing and future investment in CCTV and the contribution that
it makes and can make to crime detection, crime reduction and
public confidence.
Q2 On what evidence is the Government basing this policy?
The most recent and most robust assessment of the international
evidence on the impact of CCTV was a 2008 systematic review by
academics Brandon Welsh and David Farrington, published by the
Campbell Crime and Justice Group. The review was part funded by
the Home Office. The review found that CCTV has a modest but statistically
significant crime reduction effect; is most effective in reducing
crime in car parks; is most effective when targeted at vehicle
crimes (largely a function of the successful car park schemes);
and is more effective in reducing crime in the UK than in other
countries. The review concluded that while the results lend support
for the continued use of CCTV to prevent crime in public space,
they suggest that it be more narrowly targeted than its present
use would indicate.
Other research has shown that CCTV can increase public confidence
and there are some high profile case study examples of how CCTV
has played an important role in detecting crime and protecting
the public: for example, in recent terrorist investigations (including
7/7 and 21/7), and the conviction of Steve Wright for the Ipswich
Crime and Justice Group
Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Department:
assessing the impact of CCTV, 2005
Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Department:
The impact of CCTV: fourteen case studies, 2005
Home Office, Research, Development and Statistics Department:
Crime prevention effects of closed circuit television: a systematic
review, 2002
This response was provided by the Home Office.
Q1 What is the Government's initial analysis of the Human
Provenance Pilot Project and plans for this scheme in the future?
This joint UKBA/SOCA pilot project is aimed at tackling abuse
of the asylum system, particularly nationality swapping. The pilot
planned to run over three months involves a combination of forensic
techniques such as isotopic analysis of hair and nails together
and ancestral DNA and will be combined with language analysis
and enhanced interviewing to examine whether this can indicate
a persons possible origins and recent movements. All testing will
be voluntary with the person required to give written consent.
During the pilot the data will not be used to support live decision
making but rather to examine the viability of the techniques.
At the conclusion of this pilot we will review the results, including
the underpinning science and the ethical implications of the work.
The Forensic Regulator will also be consulted during the period
of the 3 month pilot. Only if the evaluation and regulatory review
is positive, will UKBA proceed to use the results of future tests
to support the decision making process in specific cases.
Another part of this project is aimed at combating child trafficking
and child abuse by DNA testing family groups where there is a
reasonable suspicion they are not biologically related as claimed.
This is in line with new statutory duties to protect vulnerable
children. These tests are not subject to the three month review
and the results will be used by case owners and the social services.
The project planned to run to July 2010 depending on ongoing
evaluation and future funding.
Q2 What evidence was used to formulate this programme?
The pilot was based on some preliminary scientific papers
in these areas (see attached bibliography) which suggested that
a small proof of concept trial was an appropriate next step.
SOMALIASanchez J J, Hallenberg C, B'rsting C, Hernandez A, Morling
N (2005) High frequencies of Y chromosome lineages characterized
by E3b1, DYS19-11, DYS392-12 in Somali males. Eur. J. Hum. Genet.,
13, 856-866. Hallenberg C, Simonsen B, Sanchez J, Morling N (2005)
Y-chromosome STR haplotypes in Somalis. Forensic Sci. Int., 151,
Jobling M A, Tyler-Smith C (2003) The human chromosome: An evolutionary
marker comes of age. Nat. Rev. Genet., 4(8),598-612.
Luis J R, Rowold D J, Regueiro M, Caeiro B, Cinnioglu C, Roseman
C, Underhill P A, Cavalli-Sforza L L, Herrera R J (2004) The Levant
versus the Horn of Africa: Evidence for Bidirectional Corridors
of Human Migrations. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 74, 532-544.
Cruciani F, La Fratta R, Torroni R, Underhill P A, Scozzari R
(2006) Molecular dissection of the Y chromosome Haplogroup E-M78
(E3b1a): A posteriori evaluation of a microsatellite-network-based
approach through six new biallelic markers. Human Mutation, 27(8),
AFRICA Salas A, Richards M, De la Fe T, Lareu M V, Sobrino B,
Sánchez-Diz P, Macaulay V, Carracedo A (2002) The Making
of the African mtDNA Landscape. Am. J. Hum. Genet., 5, 1082-1111.
KENYA Brandstätter A, Peterson C T, Irwin J A, Mpoke S, Koech
D K, Parson W, Parsons T J (2004) Mitochondrial DNA control region
sequences from Nairobi (Kenya): inferring phylogenetic parameters
for the establishment of a forensic database. Int. J. Legal Med.,
118, 294-306.
SNPs Nelis M, Esko T, Magi R, Zimprich F, Zimprich A, Toncheva
D, Karachanak S, Piskácková T, Balascák I,
Peltonen L, Jakkula E, Rehnstrm K, Lathrop M, Heath S, Galan P,
Schreiber S, Meitinger T, Pfeufer A, Wichmann H E, Melegh B, Polgár
N, Toniolo D, Gasparini P, D'Adamo P, Klovins J, Nikitina-Zake
L, Kucinskas V, Kasnauskiene J, Lubinski J, Debniak T, Limborska
S, Khrunin A, Estivill X, Rabionet R, Marsal S, Julia" A,
Antonarakis S E, Deutsch S, Borel C, Attar H, Gagnebin M, Macek
M, Krawczak M, Remm M, Metspalu A (2009) Genetic Structure of
Europeans: A View from the North-East. PLoS One, 4(5), e5472.
This response was provided by the Department for Transport.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on recommending or requiring
the use of bicycle helmets?
The Department for Transport believes it is sensible for cyclists,
and especially children, to protect themselves by wearing a cycle
helmet. Our road safety publicity materials and the Highway Code
recommend the use of a cycle helmet. We have no plans to make
their use compulsory.
Q2 What evidence on bicycle helmets and safety has the
Government considered in formulating its policy?
A review commissioned by the Department ("Bicycle HelmetsA
review of their effectiveness", Road Safety Research Report
No 30, available at:-
concluded that overall there is evidence that bicycle helmets
can be effective at reducing the incidence and severity of head,
brain and upper facial injuries and that they can be effective
in reducing injury for users of all ages, though particularly
for children. The report also concludes that there is some evidence
that compulsory helmet wearing may discourage some people from
cycling, leading to decreased bicycle use.
However, we believe it would be irresponsible not to promote a
product that can reduce injuries and we continue to promote helmet
wearing on a voluntary basis, especially by children.
The Department has commissioned a new research project on
cyclists' road safety. This will include a new review of cycle
helmet effectiveness. We are aiming to complete the review of
cycle helmet effectiveness later this year with the publication
of the project's final reports in Autumn 2010.
We measure cycle helmet wearing rates periodically, in 1994,
1996, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2006 and most recently 2008. The 2008
wearing rate survey shows that cycle helmet rates on major built
up roads have gone up from 30.7% in 2006 to 34.3% and on minor
roads have gone up from 13.8% in 2006 to 16.7% in 2008. The wearing
rate for children on major built up roads was 17.6% in both 2006
and 2008, while for children on minor roads the rate rose from
9.4% in 2006 to 12.0% in 2008.
Whilst compulsion remains an option that we will review from
time to time, at these levels making helmets compulsory would
cause enforcement difficulties and without greater public acceptance
could have an effect on levels of cycling.
This response was provided by the Department for Transport.
Q1 What is the Government's policy on use of speed cameras?
The primary objective for speed camera deployment is to reduce
deaths and injuries on roads by reducing the level and severity
of speeding. The aim is to do this by preventing, detecting and
enforcing speed offences, which includes encouraging changed driver
behaviour by the use of safety camera activity.
Safety cameras are deployed and operated locally by road safety
partnerships as part of their overall road safety remit. They
have the freedom to spend the specific road safety grant on cameras
or any other locally agreed road safety measure. The Department
for Transport's guidance on the use of cameras recommends they
are deployed only where there is a history of speed related accidents
or where there is community concern about speeding. Cameras should
be coloured yellow and co-located with speed limit signs where
permitted and practicable with warning signs placed in advance,
so that motorists are easily able to comply with the speed limit.
However, the police may also carry out covert speed enforcement.
Q2 What evidence is there that the policy improves road
Evaluations around the world have shown repeatedly that speed
cameras reduce vehicle speeds, accidents, deaths and serious injuries
at camera sites. A literature review undertaken by the University
of the West of England, published 11 February 2005, failed to
find a single published research paper anywhere in the world that
found cameras to have negative overall effects.
The independent four-year evaluation report of the National Safety
Camera Programme was published on 15 December 2005. It found a
42% reduction in people killed or seriously injured at camera
sites across the 38 partnership areas, that means around 1,745
fewer people killed or seriously injured per annum, including
over 100 fewer deaths. In addition, there was a 22% reduction
in personal injury collisions, which translates into a reduction
of 4,230. These evaluations are of the benefits of the cameras
over and above the long-term national trend of casualty reductions.
However, a proportion of the reduction could be attributable to
"regression-to-mean" (this arises because accidents
in the period before the installation of a camera may be higher
than the long-term average for that location). The report concludes
that, even after allowing for this, safety cameras achieve substantial
reductions in collisions and casualties.
Evidence suggests that in addition to motorists slowing down
in the immediate vicinity of camera sites, they have also been
slowing down in the wider area where speed cameras are located.
The Department's annual Vehicle Speeds data shows that the proportion
of cars exceeding the speed limit on 30mph roads has reduced from
almost three quarters in 1996 to just under half in recent years.
This response was provided from the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs with input from the Department of Energy
and Climate Change.
Q1 Does the Government have a stance on Wind Turbine Syndrome?
Wind Turbine Syndrome is a name coined by one researcher in the
United States who believes that those living close to wind farms
can suffer from a variety of symptoms as a result of their proximity
to wind farms. It is unclear whether there is widespread support
from other professionals for these effects to be formally described
as a syndrome. The cause of these effects seems to be the noise
(and perceived vibration) that can be generated by wind turbine
units. The Government has no formal stance on WTS, but will review
its position as and when new evidence emerges.
Q2 What evidence does the Government consider when assessing
the potential health risks of wind turbines to nearby residents?
With regard to noise, the Government has been aware for many years
of the potential noise impact from wind turbines. In the mid 90s,
it prepared a report through the Energy Technology Support Unit
(ETSU) of the former DTi that described how noise from wind farms
should be assessed and what noise criteria should be applied.
The current Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 22 on renewable energies
also makes reference to this document as does the recently published
consultation documents setting out the proposed new National Policy
Statements for renewable sources. The ETSU report sets out the
method by which the government expects developers and planning
authorities to take account of the noise impacts and by implication
the noise related health effects of wind farms. The Government
has also commissioned research to understand further the impacts
of noise from wind farms and how they should be assessed. The
evidence arising from that research is being reviewed.
The Government is aware of the possibility of other health affects
linked to wind turbines, in particular the risk of photo epilepsy
arising from "shadow flicker". PPS22 states how to assess
and address shadow flicker advising that if the wind turbines
are located in accordance with guidance in PPS22 then the risk
of shadow flicker should be avoided.
13 November 2009
Retrieved 2008-04-11. "These exercises are being taught with
pseudoscientific explanations that undermine science teaching
and mislead children about how their bodies work. ... There
have been a few peer reviewed scientific studies into the methods
of Brain Gym, but none of them found a significant improvement
in general academic skills."
Increasing the economic impact of Research Councils (2006). Back
Economic Impacts of Investment in Research & Innovation, DIUS
(2008). Back
Available at Back
Available at Back
Evaluation of the effectiveness and role of HEFCE/OSI Third Stream
Funding, PACEC (2009). Back
Higher education-business and community interaction (HE-BCI) survey
(2009). Back
Science Research Investment Fund: a review of Round 2 and wider
benefits, Technopolis Group (2009). Back
Fourth Annual Survey of Knowledge Transfer Activities in Public
Sector Research Establishments, Technopolis (2008). Back
The Impact of Research produced by Russell Group Universities,
Russell Group (2009). Back
Medical Research: What's it worth?, Health Economics Research
Group at Brunel University, the Office of Health Economics and
RAND Europe (2008). Back
The economic impact of fundamental physics research on the UK
economy, Oxford Economics (2009). Back
"News in brief". The Times. 2008-04-05.
Retrieved 2008-09-01. "Paul Dennison, a Californian educator
who created the programme, admitted that many claims in his teacher's
guide were based on his `hunches' and were not proper science." Back
Sense About Science-Brain Gym". Sense About Science. Back
Hyatt, Keith J. (April 2007). "Brain Gym-Building Stronger
Brains or Wishful Thinking?" (fee required). Remedial and
Special Education (SAGE Publications) 28 (2): 117-124. ISSN 0741-9325. Retrieved
2008-09-12. "a review of the theoretical foundations of Brain
Gym and the associated peer-reviewed research studies failed to
support the contentions of the promoters of Brain Gym. Educators
are encouraged to become informed consumers of research and to
avoid implementing programming for which there is neither a credible
theoretical nor a sound research basis.". Back
Brain Gym-about". The Official Brain Gym Web Site. Back