43. Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) was
formed in April 2005 when the Inland Revenue merged with HM Customs
and Excise. The Department is responsible for administering the
UK tax system, collecting revenue and paying entitlements. During
2008-09, as we noted in section 2, HMRC had a particularly challenging
working environment. The onset of recession made HMRC's prime
tasks of collecting revenue and paying entitlements more difficult,
whilst its Transformation Programme continued to drive the department
to improve performance whilst delivering substantial efficiency
savings at the same time. During our inquiry, we sought to establish
whether HMRC was rising to these formidable challenges or whether
it was at risk of sinking beneath them. Accordingly, in this section
we assess HMRC's performance during 2008-09 and look at the three
areas of great risk if performance is to be improved in the future:
staff morale; its IT systems; and, its contract with Mapeley.
44. We looked first at HMRC's performance against
its first Departmental Strategic Objective (DSO1to improve
the extent to which individuals and businesses pay the amount
of tax due and receive the credits and payments to which they
were entitled. On the tax collection side, the total revenue collected
by HMRC fell from £457.4 billion in 2007-08 to £435.7
billion in 2008-09, a decrease of 4.7% or £21.7bn. The total
revenue collected as a percentage of GDP also fell from 32.2%
in 2007-08 to 30.5% in 2008-09. We asked Chief Executive
Lesley Strathie, whether this outcome was unavoidable given declining
economic performance or whether it reflected increased tax avoidance.
She replied that:
The analysis would suggest that most of this
is due to the economy. As you know, figures get revised at Budget
time and the Pre-Budget Report, but what we are seeing is very
much the impact on the economy. Where VAT is concerned you also
had the reduction in the rate of VAT and an increase in debt.[75]
She argued further that there was "lots of evidence"[76]
to show that HMRC's anti-avoidance strategy was working. This
is though not reflected in the Annual Report which records[77]
that it is too early to give an assessment of HMRC's efforts to
increase tax and National Insurance contributions actually received
relative to the amounts that should be received. This paucity
of milestone data is echoed elsewhere, and we comment further
on this in subsequent paragraphs. More reassuringly, during our
inquiry into the Pre-Budget Report, John Whiting, Tax Policy Director,
Chartered Institute of Taxation and Low Incomes, also affirmed
that he found the Department's anti-avoidance strategies to be
"basically pretty effective."[78]
45. We looked next at HMRC's performance with regard
to paying-out entitlements. Specifically we examined Working Tax
Credits, the take up of which islike tax avoidance aboveone
of the performance indicators for DSO1. Robert Summersgill, HMRC
Director Benefits and Credit, told us that HMRC's target here
is by 2010-11 to increase the take up of Working Tax Credit from
a 2006-07 baseline of 57% to "into the 60s,"[79]
which would be a caseload increase of "100,000 by spring
46. Richard Summersgill, explained why the base-line
take up of working tax credit, a benefit for "people who
do not have caring responsibilities for children anymore"[81]
was so much lower than take-up for child tax credit (around 80%
take-up) and for child benefit (around 90% take-up), observing
there are two particular groups that we
are trying to focus on: couples over 50 and young men over 25
which tend to be the groups in particular that are more resistant
to taking up working tax credit. Quite a lot of our activity is
focused at those groups.
47. We were somewhat concerned to note that HMRC
does not intend to publish an indication of progress for working
tax credit take-up until Spring 2010. As we have also previously
noted, there is a similar lack of transparency in HMRC's Annual
Report on tax avoidance. In all, the Annual Report records no
milestones against three out of the four performance indicators
for DSO1. Furthermore, the one milestone that is recorded
progress with regard to reducing the level of incorrect tax credit
payments made as a result of error and frauddates back
to 2007-08 so is hardly an indicator of current performance. The
box below provides a summary:
DSO1 - Overall summary - Not yet assessed
Indicator 1: By 2010-11, increase tax and National Insurance contributions actually received relative to the amounts that should be received, achieving over 2008-09 to 2010-11 at least the levels set out in the Public Service Agreement targets for 2007-08.
Latest Assessment: It is too early to give an assessment but provisional estimates will be published in the Autumn Performance Report 2009.
Indicator 2: By 2010-11 reduce the level of incorrect tax credit payments made as a result of error and fraud as a percentage of finalised entitlement, to no more than 5%.
Latest Assessment: Because this is an absolute measure (5% of the finalised entitlement) no baseline is needed. Latest annual assessment for 2007-08 published in July 2009 shows a central estimate for the level of error and fraud at 8.6%. As this result reflects a period prior to the implementation of our new strategy this is not unexpected and we will still expect to meet our target of reducing error and fraud to 5% by March 2011.
Indicator 3: By 2010-11, increase the take up of Working Tax Credits
Latest Assessment: Progress will be measures against the 2006-07 baseline of 57% published in the 'Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Take-up rates' document. The next measurement point will be Spring 2010. Our internal indicators show that we are on track to deliver this indicator. This DSO has been supplemented with the Budget announcement that we will increase the number WTC only claimants, a sub-set of those claiming WTC, by 100,000 by March 2011.
Indicator 4: By 2010-11, at least maintain take up levels of Child Tax Credit and Child Benefit
Latest Assessment: Progress for at least maintaining take up rates for Child Tax Credits (CTC) and Child Benefit (CB). Take up will be measured against the 2006-07 baselines of 81% for CTC published in the 'Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Take-up rates' document and 96% for CB, published in the Autumn Performance Report 2008. The latest figures available are for 2006-07. Our next measurement point will be Spring 2010.
48. We asked HMRC whether this was acceptable, both in terms of
transparency and in terms of its own ability to track progress.
Chief Executive Lesley Strathie replied that:
I can say very broadly here that we are clear about the strategic
objectives and we are clear about the outcomes in terms of each
of those pieces of work to do. What we have been developing very
clearly are the performance measures that will deliver the outcome
because you cannot manage to an outcome base. A lot of these are
statistics that will eventually be validated and revised and there
is a considerable lag
It is not a do-nothing, it is just
when we publish robust series of data.[82]
Affirming that HMRC in place sufficient measures to indicate the
Department's progress against its milestones, she told us that:
as an executive team in HMRC, we have the
data flows once a month where we take a view from those measures
whether we think we are on course or not. If we look at the £7
billion target [for reducing tax avoidance losses between 2008-0-9
and 2010-11]" we have over a number of years to close the
tax gap then that is clearly something where we measure our performance
and take a judgement of the volatility and, month by month, whether
that is telling us we are on target or not."
49. The absence of regular public reporting on
milestones by HMRC is a major obstacle to both effective scrutiny
and performance. We believe that HMRC must publish data regularly
to chart its level of progress against DSO1 indicators; and set
these out in its Annual Reports. We believe this is essential
for the tax gaps to be closed and for the assessment accuracy
and take-up of the working tax credit to be improved, especially
for those without children, and those whose incomes and jobs are
volatile and constantly changing.
50. HMRC's second DSO is to improve customers' experience
of HMRC and improve the UK business environment. This DSO has
two outcomesunderstanding customers and their needs, and
making it easy for customers to get things right. HMRC reported
strong progress against these outcomes. However, there are areas
of concern. As the table below shows, HMRC recorded 87,179 customer
complaints in 2008-09, an increase of 5,804 or 7% on 2007-08.
In some areas, such as National Operational Services, and Stamps
and Taxes, there has been a considerable fall in complaints. In
other areas however, there have been substantial increases: Call
Centre complaints have risen by 1,739 or 29%: Processing Office
complaints have risen by 4,797 or 38%; and Online Service complaints
have risen by 929 or 181%:
Table 5: Number of complaints received
by HMRC by business activity[83]
Business Activity
| 2007-08
| 2008-09
Charities Assets and Residence | 801
| 1,134 |
Child Benefit Office | 2,612
| 2,374 |
Contact Centres | 5,905
| 7,644 |
Debt Management and Banking | 4,204
| 4,267 |
Enquiry Centres | 99
| 65 |
Local Compliance | 2,583
| 2,275 |
Law Enforcement | 1,567
| 1,443 |
Processing Offices | 12,467
| 17,264 |
National Teams & Special Civil Investigation
| 2,350 | 1,140
National Insurance Contributions | 4,496
| 3,597 |
National Operational Services | 1,232
| 580 |
Online Services | 514
| 1,443 |
Stamps and Taxes | 1,867
| 584 |
Tax Credit Offices | 38,528
| 41,107 |
Valuation Office Agency | *2,150
| 2,362 |
Totals | 81,375
| 87,179 |
Note: we paid redress of £2.69m, in respect of our mistakes and unreasonable delays compared to £2.65m paid during 2007-08 and £2.46m paid during 2006-07. This is based on ex-gratia and ex-statutory redress payments paid in the year.
51. Lesley Strathie told us that "a very large chunk of those
complaints have been about rudeness or tone or the way that we
handled them rather than the subject matter in the first instance"[84]
and emphasised that "one of the steps we have taken on the
analysis of the numbers
is to address the manner in which
we deal with people".[85]
52. Contact centres are a key point of customer interaction. Although
she told us that "our contact centres have come on in leaps
and bounds in this past year", complaints have gone up and,
perhaps not unrelated to this, on average across 2008-09, HMRC
Contact Centres answered only 57% of all call attempts to their
helplines. HMRC state that their performance is significantly
affected by three key peaks of contactTax Credits Renewals
(April to August), Child Benefit and return to education notifications
(August and September) and the Self Assessment filing deadline
(January), but that performance outside these peaks is better
and that they answered 75% of call attempts for all but three
weeks in the non-peak period. Even this off-peak rate though falls
short, by a considerable margin, of their target to answer more
than 90% of all call attempts by April 2011. Furthermore, the
peak times themselves account in total for seven monthsover
half the year.
53. We were concerned that if the across year average was 57%,
and the off-peak average was 75%, the average call response rates
for the peak periodsnot published by HMRC must have
been very low indeed. At our request, HMRC provided a more detailed
break-downpublished belowwhich includes a call response
rate low of 33% for July 08. The table also substantiates the
Chief Executive's claim that HMRC had "moved the call answering
up quite a bit since then [2008-09],"[86]
though there is still some way to go before the response rate
can be said to be at an acceptable level.
Table 6: HMRC Call Response rates 2008-09 & 2009-10[87]
| Peak Period (highlighted)
| % Call Attempts Answered 08/09
| % Call Attempts Answered 09/10
Apr | New Tax Year - PAYE Coding / Tax Credit Renewals
| 56% | 77%
May | PAYE Coding / Tax Credit Renewals
| 44% | 68%
Jun | Tax Credit Renewals
| 50% | 80%
Jul | Tax Credit Renewals
| 33% | 68%
Aug | Tax Credit Terminations and Child Benefit Full Time Non Advanced Education (FTNAE) Notifications
| 66% | 73%
Sep | Child Benefit FTNAE Notifications
| 52% | 74%
Oct | | 76%
| |
Nov | | 86%
| |
Dec | | 85%
| |
Jan | Online Services / Taxes Helplines Final Filing date for SA Tax Returns
| 61% |
Feb | | 84%
| |
Mar | | 78%
| |
Total | | 57%
| |
54. In its Annual Report 2009, HMRC claims[88]
that it is hitting its target to improve customers' experience,
and that "results indicate that customer satisfaction exceeds
our target levels."[89]
We find it hard to reconcile these claims with its customer complaint
levels and call response rates. Whilst we accept that these are
not the whole picture, we urge HMRC to reflect on whether customer
experiences of HMRC are yet improving as much as the DSO2 "strong
progress" summary implies. In particular, call response ratesthough
improvingremain at unacceptably low levels. The April 2011
target of answering 90% of calls remains challenging and will
continue to require the attention of senior management.
HMRC's transformation programme
55. Since its birth in 2005, HMRC has been a Department constantly
going through changes. It has reduced its staff numbers by over
17,000 over a period of five years, and has relocated offices
to reach further efficiency targets. Nor is this process yet at
an end.
56. The transformation programme has been, and continues to be,
very challenging for HMRC. There is evidence that it has had a
knock-on effect on performance. As we noted with concern in a
previous report,[90]
eight out of ten areas assessed under HMRC's 2007 Capability Review
required further development. We asked Chief Executive Lesley
Strathie for her assessment of where HMRC stood two years after
the Capability Review. She replied that "we feel that we
have moved forward enormously but we still recognise that there
is a lot more to do and we have plans about what we will do."[91]
She felt that "in most areas we have moved forward at least
one level and in a couple of areas we think we have moved forward
two."[92] Her Minister,
the Rt Hon Stephens Timms MP was equally upbeat, telling us that
"HMRC has achieved an extraordinary amount in a relatively
short time under enormous pressure."[93]
57. When she gave evidence in October, she noted that the Cabinet
Office capability team was in the process of conducting a two
year re-review, and would be reporting on their self-assessment
shortly. The Capability Re-Review was subsequently published in
December 09, providing only partial vindication of her stance.
Sir Gus O'Donnell, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home Civil
Service congratulated HMRC on making good progress over the two
years, noting in particular its effectiveness in providing well-structured
and practical support in response to the changing economic conditions.
However, whilst she had hoped that HMRC would move forward in
most areas, it has in fact only moved forward in three out of
ten. Also, whilst the Chief Executive had hoped that HMRC would
move forward two categories in two areas, HMRC has in fact moved
forward two categories in only one'set direction'. Seven
'development areas' remain of which one 'ignite passion,
pace and drive'is assessed as an 'urgent' development area.
Sir Gus O'Donnell also notes that "HMRC faces a huge transformation
challenge which will take both time and leadership attention,
in particular to rebuild staff confidence in HMRC's leadership
and inspire staff to be a part of HMRC's future."[94]
58. On balance, performance at HMRC remains mixed
with considerable room for improvement, and considerable challenges
remain to be overcome if HMRC is to achieve this improvement.
In the remainder of this section, we take a closer look at three
of the main challenges.
Staff morale
59. In a previous report, drawing on an NAO assessment
of HMRC's transformation programme,[95]
we observed that:
We note the National Audit Office's assertion
that, in order to maximise the benefits of its Transformation
Programme, HMRC must convince staff of its benefits. The low levels
of morale within the Department are startling with profound potential
impacts on both the Transformation Programme and core service
delivery. We will continue to monitor the efforts made by senior
management to improve matters. We seek an explanation of how Ministers
will monitor and report progress.[96]
More recently, the Cabinet Office Capability Re-review
also highlighted the need to rebuild staff confidence and inspire
staff. It is understandable that staff morale at HMRC should be
fragile. Since its conception, HMRC has been a Department under
pressure to find efficiencies by way of staff reductions and relocations.
The table below shows the number of full time equivalents in post
over the past five years. Some 16,818 full time posts will have
been removed by the end of 2008-09 since 2004-05, and a further
3,811 will be cut in the twelve months to the end of 2009-10:
Table 7: HMRC Staffing Numbers[97]
| 2003-04
| 2004-05
| 2005-06
| 2006-07
| 2007-08
| 2008-09 (plans)
| 2009-10 (plans)
Permanent staff |
95,896 |
98,821 |
95,337 |
91,373 |
85,769 |
82,003 |
78,192 |
Overtime | 1,452
| 822 |
783 | 750
| 1,032 |
503 | 503
Total | 97,348
| 99,643
| 96,120
| 92,123
| 86,801
| 82,506
| 78,695
Table excludes Valuation Office Agency staff. 2003-04 figures
are pre-merge. 2009-10 planned figures include Detection/UKBA
60. In view of our previous conclusions, we were particularly
concerned by the dire results for HMRC of a cross-Government staff
survey pilot study conducted in February 2009. This survey assessed
employee engagement at HMRC both in percentage terms and ranked
against the responses of staff in ten other Government Departments.
61. Out of the 67 ranked questions, HMRC is top in relation to
2 questions regarding data handling and data security, which does
at least provide an indication that lessons have been learnt since
the loss of the child benefit data of 25 million people in 2007-08.
However, HMRC is ranked 10th (out of 11) for 22 questions,
and 11th for 31 questions. The following box captures
some of the low-lights:
HMRC as a whole is well managed11% positive.
HMRC ranks 11th out of 11 Departments and this score is 16% lower than the median score across the other Departments taking part.
I feel that change is well managed in HMRC11% positive.
HMRC ranks 11th out of 11 Departments and this score is 9% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
When changes are made they are usually for the better9% positive.
HMRC ranks 11th out of 11 Departments and this is 10% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
Overall, I have confidence in the Senior Civil Servants in HMRC11% positive.
HMRC ranks 11th out of 11 Departments and this score is 21% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
HMRC energises me to 'go the extra mile'12% positive.
HMRC ranks 11th out of 11 Departments and this is 17% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
- I have confidence in the decisions my line manager makes56% positive.
HMRC ranks 10th out of 11 Departments and this score is 12% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
- My line manager motivates and inspires me to be more effective in my job47% positive.
HMRC ranks 10th out of 11 Departments and this score is 10% lower than the median score across the other Departments.
- The Employee Engagement score, consisting of three elements (speaking positively about the organisation, wishing to stay, and going the extra mile) was 32%.
This is 16% lower than the median score across the 11 Government Departments.
62. We asked the Chief Executive what she could say to convince
us that HMRC senior management was taking its staff with them.
She replied, frankly, that "in short, the survey tells us
we are not and we take that incredibly seriously."[98]
A further challenge she drew out was that, not only does she have
an unhappy workforce, she has an unhappy workforce that intends
to stay with the organisation.
63. We questioned her as to what effect a disengaged workforce
with poor morale was having on performancewhether , for
instance, HMRC had lost out on tax revenue. She replied that "I
do not believe so, but I do not know so."[99]
Her Minister, the Rt Hon Stephen Timms also stated that he did
not have a projection for tax collection losses due to low morale[100]
but he did affirm that "the evidence that high morale leads
to good performance is compelling."[101]
64. Finally, we asked Lesley Strathie what plans she had in place
to address the morale and performanceissues raised
by the survey. She recognised that her workforce needed clarity
"about whether they have a future in the department, what
that future looks like
and stressed that "my job, I believe, is to be absolutely
honest with our people"[103]
including "if at the end of the day there is not a job."[104]
She also saw a need to build up the tax profession to "upskill
and accredit our people."[105]
She acknowledged too that management needed to do more, telling
us that "many of our managers do not believe they need to
change, and clearly we all need to change."[106]
This is particularly concerning, given that much of the most severe
criticism in the survey is aimed at management, especially senior
65. Without downplaying the significance of the
survey, she also suggested that it did not tell the whole story:
I would say that every week I visit a part
of HMRC and every week I see people working incredibly hard, incredibly
proud of what they do and working flat out to close the tax gap
or hit any of our other priorities
I do not take the survey
as the only measure of morale, that is my point, but I do take
it really seriously that people want to stay with us but do not
want to recommend us or say that they are proud to work for us.[107]
66. We are deeply concerned about employee engagement
at HMRC and its effect on performance. We accept that the relatively
new senior management team is aware of the issue, and takes its
implications seriously. Nonetheless, we are deeply troubled by
the apparent absence of any detailed plan to ameliorate the situation.
We recommend that HMRC's management re-double their efforts to
re-engage with their workforce, and publish a clear and detailed
plan to provide focus and direction to their actions. We will
continue to monitor this issue closely.
67. We have assessed HMRC's IT performance in previous
reports. HMRC is a large organisation dealing with a wide range
of taxes. In a note to the Committee, it stated that there are
92 systems which are critical to HMRC's core processes. Many of
these IT systems have had substantial investment in recent years,
but progress has been uneven.
68. In a previous report,[108]
we recommended that HMRC improve its contracts with IT providers,
noting that one new IT system had been delayed by a year. One
consequence of this delay is that, during 2008-09, the number
of open cases (where a case requires manual clerical attention)
increased from 16.2 million in 2007-08 to 35 million. Against
this background, we were surprised to see HMRC declare in its
Annual Report that "HMRC has been hailed as a shining example
of how to use technology to take government services to a new
level."[109] Lesley
Strathie, however, remained bullish about HMRC's IT progress,
including a new agreement with its suppliers under the Aspire
contract "which will significantly reduce cost for department
over the coming years."[110]
69. Future performance at HMRC is highly dependent
upon improvements to its IT systems. We will continue to monitor
progress of its IT up-grading progress, including the new Aspire
Mapeley contract
70. In 2001 the Inland Revenue and HM Customs &
Excise signed a 20-year contract with Mapeley STEPS Contractor
Limited, in order to rationalise its estate. Under the terms of
the contract, HMRC can hand over to Mapeley up to 60% of its estate
and incur no penalties, so long as Mapeley receives 12 months
notice for each transfer. There is an annual limit of how much
space the Department can return to Mapeley in one year, but if
this allowance is not used it can be rolled forwards to the following
71. Under the STEPS deal (the Strategic Transfer
of the Estate to the Private Sector), the Department sold
132 freehold properties to Mapeley and now leases them back. Mapeley
manages these, and 459 properties the Department leases from third-party
landlords, and provides facilities management and maintenance
services on the total 591 properties in return for fixed monthly
payments from the Department.
72. Once transferred, Mapeley takes on all the risk
of running the properties, and any risks associated with fluctuations
in value of the estate. At one level, this appears a very good
contract for HMRC, giving it a high degree of flexibility with
a sizeable chunk of risk transferred to Mapeley. We have, however,
expressed concern about Mapeley's performance in previous reportsfor
instance last year[111]
we expressed concern about Mapeley's building maintenance record.
Moreover, between our evidence session with HMRC and our evidence
session with Ministers, the NAO published a report into the Mapeley
deal[112] which drew
attention to significant underlying weaknesses.
73. The NAO found that Mapeley's
bid was £500 million cheaper than other bids. Whilst, therefore
HMRC received a good price for the contract, there were risks
associated with the aggressively low nature of Mapeley's bid and
its status as a new company entering the market. Mapeley's bid
was based on speculative returns from increases in property values
over the 20 years, and expected minimal operating profits. It
was not altogether surprising therefore that, seven months into
the contract, Mapeley approached HMRC with cash problems. In more
recent years, HMRC has increased the number of properties it wishes
to vacate. However, the NAO found that HMRC did not consider the
financial impact of this on Mapeley or the potential consequences
for HMRC:
This programme creates financial pressures for
Mapeley, further exacerbated by the economic downturn and falling
property values. The Department could incur significant costs
in the event of Mapeley default, including one-off costs of £40-110
million for unpaid rent and suppliers. There would also be substantial
ongoing costs relating to estates management and increased rent
The NAO report accepts that HMRC has taken some
measures to improve its management of the contract, but stresses
that there is still not a fully effective partnership in place.
74. We put it to the Financial Secretary that the
Government had still fully to grasp the downside risks of this
contract. He replied that:
we certainly have been considering the
issues that might arise with the Mapeley contract, including whether
there is a risk to Mapeley and other contingencies that we need
to think through. Our view is that we have obtained quite impressive
value from the contract
The NAO has said in its new report
that a number of things need to be done to ensure that we do secure
the full value from that contract over its life. We accept that
We pressed him on Mapeley's capacity to absorb a
large amount of property being transferred back to it in a recession.
He responded that "we are certainly aware of those challenges,
which are indeed clear, and we are aware of the risks that they
pose to Mapeley, and so HMRC has carried out quite a lot of work
to understand the nature of the financial risks to Mapeley and
how they can be addressed."[115]
We further sought clarity as to whether, as the NAO had concluded,
HMRC had yet to agree a way forward with Mapeley that avoided
placing too much strain on the contract whilst preserving benefit
for HMRC. In supplementary written evidence, the Government informed
us that:
a financial model has been constructed which
shows the impact of a variety of factors on Mapeley's financial
Mapeley were fully consulted during the development
of the model and provided property specific data and management
information relating to their own cash flows. These inputs are
fed into the model so that it can be used for robust decision-making
has discussed the results of the initial modelling with Mapely
with a view to identifying the options for maximizing HMRC's capacity
to use the STEPS contract to generate financial efficiencies,
whilst ensuring the ongoing financial viability of the partnership
arrangement [116]
The supplementary evidence concludes that "through
this planning and the work on Mapeley's financial viability, HMRC's
Executive Committee is confident in its ability to manage any
risks to its estates management plans effectively."[117]
75. It seems clear from the recent NAO report
into the HMRC contract with Mapeley, that HMRC has been slow to
consider the possibility that the terms of the contract could
put the latter under immense financial strain. It appears that
HMRC believed it had transferred all substantive risks to Mapeley,
and did not envisage the possibility of the risks returning to
them if Mapeley should default. We accept HMRC is now taking steps
to improve its management of the contract. We remain to be convinced,
however, that sufficient risk management, including a clear and
mutually beneficial way forward, is yet in place, and will return
to this topic in future evidence sessions.
75 Q 178 Back
Q 181 Back
DSO1 Indicator 1: By 2010-11 increase tax and National Insurance
contributions actually received relative to the amounts that should
be received, achieving over 2008-09 to 2010-11 at least the levels
set out in the Public Service Agreement targets for 2007-08 Back
Treasury Committee, Fourth Report of Session 2009-10, Pre-Budget
Report 2009, HC 180 Back
Q 212 Back
Q 212 Back
Q 211 Back
Q 194 Back
HM Revenue and Customs, Departmental Report 2009, July
2009, Cm 7591, p 84 Back
Q 200 Back
Q 200 Back
Q 204 Back
Ev 93 Back
HM Revenue and Customs, Departmental Report 2009, July
2009, Cm 7691, p 50 Back
Ibid., p 52 Back
Treasury Committee, First Report of Session 2008-09, Administration
and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08, HC 35 Back
Q 154 Back
Q 155 Back
Q 478 Back
Civil Service Capability Reviews, HM Revenue and Customs: Progress
and Next steps, December 2009, p 7 Back
National Audit Office, HM Revenue and Customs Transformation Programme,
July 2008, p 6 Back
Treasury Committee, First Report of Session 2008-09, Administration
and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments 2007-08, HC 35,
p 28 Back
HM Revenue and Customs, Departmental Report 2009, July
2009, Cm 7691, p 78 Back
Q 156 Back
Q 164 Back
Q 488 Back
Q 486 Back
Q 156 Back
Q 157 Back
Q 157 Back
Q 255 Back
Q 256 Back
Q 159 Back
Treasury Committee, First Report of Session 2008-09, Administration
and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08, HC 35 Back
HM Revenue and Customs, Departmental Report 2009, July
2009, Cm 7691, p 11 Back
Q 238 Back
Treasury Committee, First Report of Session 2008-09, Administration
and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08, HC 35,
p 31 Back
National Audit Office, HM Revenue and Customs' estate private
finance deal eight years on, December 2009 Back
National Audit Office, HM Revenue and Customs' estate private
finance deal eight years on, December 2009, p 6 Back
Q 420 Back
Q 423 Back
Ev 110 Back
Ev 110 Back