Spring Supplementary Estimates Memorandum 2008-09
submitted by HM Revenue and Customs
The HMRC spring supplementary for 2008-09 seeks
the necessary resources and cash to support the functions of the
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide
the select committee with an explanation of how the resources
and cash sought in the spring Supplementary Estimate will be applied
to achieve Departmental Strategic Objectives. This includes information
on comparisons with the resources provided in earlier years in
Estimates and departmental budgets. Details of changes in resources
relative to original plans set out in the last Spending Review
are provided.
During this spring round, the increases in provision
sought in this Supplementary Estimate relate primarily to:
£62,500,000 near-cash drawdown of
the Modernisation fund (Resource DEL).
£13,000,000 drawdown of the Modernisation
Fund (Capital DEL).
An explanation of key terms used in the memorandum
is provided as an annex.
The Supplementary Estimate provides a 3.3% increase
in voted Net Resources and a 4.6% increase in the Net Cash requirement:
Increase in the Net Resource Requirement
(NRR) of£514,892,000;
Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit increased
The increase in resource DEL results mainly from
a near-cash drawdown of the Modernisation Fund.
Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit increases
This increase is due to drawdown of capital from
the Modernisation Fund.
Annually Managed Expenditure£452,644,000
This increase is due to a £315,000,000 increase
to the Child Benefit forecast, a £10,000,000 increase to
the Child Trust Fund forecast, and a £15,000,000 increase
to the Health in Pregnancy Grant forecast. There have also been
increases of £22,644,000 to the revaluation losses forecast
and an increase of £90,000,000 to the e-filing incentive
payment forecast. Of the £22,644,000, RfR1 contains £20,000,000
within the same section as e-filing incentive payments in the
Part II table of the Estimate.
Amount | Description
| Movements in provision related to DEL
Draw down of Modernisation Fund |
£75,500,000 | Draw down of resources from a modernisation fund of £62,500,000 resource and £13,000,000 capital to support costs for various programmes supporting the modernisation of the Department. The following programmes are the recipients:
Workforce Change
Estates Consolidation
Government Banking
Modernising PAYE Processes for the Customer (MPPC)
Carter Programme
Enterprise Infrastructure Foundation Programme
More details follow:
The Estates Consolidation Programme will create a modern working environment rationalising areas where HMRC occupies multiple properties to create strategic zones. Several buildings have and are in the process of being optimised which means that HMRC will alter the property to maximise the potential and space these buildings have to offer;
Workforce Change aims to put in the right people with the right skills into the right places. On current plans around 700 staff will be released this financial year through AER. We are also looking to fund low cost FES release schemes and other initiatives such as Assisted Home Moves and Public Sector Releases.
MPPC will be predominantly complete by autumn 2010 and is aiming to modernise the existing 14 regional databases for PAYE records and replace them with a single integrated system encompassing workflow based on the NIRS platform which meets the latest security standards.
The Government Banking Programme is HMRC's solution to the Bank of England's decision to withdraw from the retail banking market. The projects under this banner will provide an integrated banking service for Departments and other public bodies. During 2009 HMRC will be moving its banking business from its existing bankers to the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Citibank;
The Carter Programme has arisen as a result of Lord Carter's review of online services and will deliver more online capacity around the major heads of duty. The Modernisation Fund monies will be spent on 3 discrete projects within the Programme: Carter VAT; Carter Corporation Tax; PAYE In-Year forms (P45, P46 online). As part of the next phase of the Carter changes the Carter VAT project has been launched and is aiming to deliver a Local Test Service in April 2009 as the first step towards mandation of online filing by VAT traders in April 2010. In addition, the Carter Corporation Tax project has launched and will deliver a Local Test Service in February and a Third Party Validation Service for software vendors in April 2009;
The Enterprise Infrastructure Foundation Programme is investing in more modern technology to improve the efficiency of HMRC's IT estate.
(RfR1: subhead A1)
Transfers to Other Government Departments
-£252,000 | Transfer to the Department for Innovation, Universities & Skills in respect of the Skills Strategy for Government.
(RfR1: subhead A1)
£75,248,000 | Total change in provisions related to DEL
| Movements in provision related to AME
Changes in AME | |
£340,000,000 | Increases to the Child benefit, Child Trust Fund and Health in Pregnancy Grant forecasts of £315,000,000, £10,000,000 and £15,000,000 respectively.
(RfR5: subhead A3, B3, C3)
£2,644,000 | Increase of £2,644,000 to the revaluation of losses forecast
(RfR2: subhead B2)
£90,000,000 | Increase of £90,000,000 for e-filing incentive payments to bring funding in line with expected levels of payments.
(RfR1: subhead B3)
£20,000,000 | Increase to forecasts of £20,000,000 for annual impairment reviews which are required as part of our accounting policy.
(RfR1: subhead B2)
£452,644,000 | Total changes in provisions related to AME
| Movements in provision neutral in budgets
Transfer from non-voted DEL (Departmental Unallocated Provision)
£3,648,000 | Draw down of non-voted Capital DUP of £3,648,000 taken up as voted provision to facilitate improvements to key activities, primarily on lockable storage.
(RfR1: subhead A7)
£3,648,000 | Total change from the take up of DUP
Changes in operating appropriations-in-aid (fully offset by changes in spending)
£65,204,000 | An increase in near-cash admin receipts of £25,756,000 largely in respect of a compensation payment, and an increase in near-cash programme receipts of £39,448,000 in respect of National Insurance activity, due mainly to improved procedures in the identification of costs. These are matched by a commensurate increase in expenditure.
(RfR1, RfR2: subhead A5)
£65,204,000 | Total change in operating appropriations-in-aid
| Changes to net cash requirement
£723,559,000 | This increase is made up of all entries within the "Movements in provision related to DEL and AME" sections above, plus adjustments to remove non cash items and to add in movements in creditors and use of provisions. The main factors are the utilisation of provisions for Child Trust Fund payments and forecast decreases in creditor balances.
| Increases in Consolidated Fund Extra Receipts
| Income |
£68,000,000 | This increase in "Other amounts collectable on behalf of the Consolidated Fund" is mainly due to new penalty regimes creating additional income.
| Receipts |
£14,000,000 | This increase in "Other amounts collectable on behalf of the Consolidated Fund" is mainly due to new penalty regimes creating additional receipts. The figure is lower than the income reported above due to the time lag between raising penalty charges and collecting them.
| Impact on Departmental Strategic Objectives
Objective I:- Improve the extent to which individuals and businesses pay the amount of tax due and receive the credits and payments to which they are entitled.
£75,500,000 Modernisation Fund
Draw down of admin near-cash from the ring- fenced modernisation fund of £62,500,000 resource and £13,000,000 capital to support our transformational programmes and projects.
Objective II: -Improve customer experience, support business and reduce the compliance burden.
£75,500,000 Modernisation Fund
As detailed in Objective 1.
Objective III: -To strengthen frontier protection against threats to the security, social and economic integrity and environment of the United Kingdom in a way that balances the need to maintain the UK as a competitive location in which to do business.
This Supplementary Estimate will result in an overall increase
in Capital DEL of £13,000,000, and an overall increase in
Resource DEL OF £62,248,000. Details of DEL in Estimates
£ '000s | Voted
| Non-voted | TOTAL
Resource DEL | |
| |
Main Estimate | 3,975,044
| 391,401 | 4,366,445
Winter Supplementary Estimate | 4,082,544
| 347,739 | 4,430,283
Spring Supplementary Estimate | 4,144,792
| 347,739 | 4,492,531
Capital DEL | |
| |
Main Estimate | 257,366
| 3,648 | 261,014
Winter Supplementary Estimate | 284,866
| 3,648 | 288,514
Spring Supplementary Estimate | 301,514
| 301,514 |
Revised Total DEL* | 4,267,306
| 347,739 | 4,615,045
*Depreciation, which forms part of RDEL, is excluded from total DEL since CDEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The table below compares outturn for 2005-06, 2006-07 and
2007-08 with planned DEL. The DEL provision for 2008-09 is also
detailed in the table for comparison purposes:
Year | Voted
| Non-voted | TOTAL
| Outturn £ '000s
| Variance |
Resource | |
| | | |
2005-06 | 4,236,827
| 349,051 | 4,585,878
| 4,392,771 | -4.20% *
2006-07 | 4,271,163
| 347,939 | 4,619,102
| 4,574,712 | -0.96% **
2007-08 | 4,164,498
| 372,813 | 4,537,311
| 4,410,929 | -2.78% ***
2008-09 | 4,144,792
| 347,739 | 4,492,531
| | |
2009-10 | 3,868,769
| 389,724 | 4,258,493
| | |
2010-11 | 3,765,419
| 388,074 | 4,153,493
| | |
Capital | |
| | | |
2005-06 | 374,269
| 2,977 | 376,635
| 377,889 | +0.33% *
2006-07 | 338,331
| 0 | 338,331
| 305,613 | -9.67% **
2007-08 | 288,230
| 3,739 | 291,969
| 260,427 | -10.80% ***
2008-09 | 301,514
| 0 | 301,514
| | |
2009-10 | 250,955
| 3,559 | 254,514
| | |
2010-11 | 244,642
| 3,472 | 248,114
| | |
The Resource DEL outturn for 2007-08 of £4,410,929 represents an underspend of £126,382 compared to a final provision of £4,537,311k (equivalent to 2.78 per cent of Resource DEL). This was mainly attributable to Departmental Transformation Programme and general administrative underspends including paybill.
The Capital DEL Outturn for 2007-08 of £260,427k compares against a final provision of £291,969k. The underspends primarily relate to Information Technology.
* Removes baseline transfer and costs associated with a machinery of government change to SOCA in 2006-07. The outturn figure has been taken from the HMRC Spring Report.
** Figures are those published in the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper published in July 2007 (CM7156).
*** Figures are those published in the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper published in July 2008 (CM7419).
DEL End-Year Flexibility
The 2007-08 EYF stock for HMRC was reported in the Public
Expenditure Outturn White Paper 2007-08 (PEOWP) (Cm 7419). The
breakdown below shows changes since the 2006-07 PEOWP (CM7156).
£'000 | Admin
| Other
| Total | of which:
| Non-cash | Capital
(July 2007) | 61,825
| 63,106 | 124,931
| 155,790 | -30,859
| 33,257 |
Take-up in
Winter Supplementry Estamate
| - | 1,400
| 1,400 | 1,400
| - | -
Balance of
EYF After | 61,825
| 61,706 | 123,531
| 154,390 | -30,859
| 33,257 |
Supplementary | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - |
July 2007 |
1,500 | 1,500
| - | -30,859
| 30,859 | 2,295
(July 2008) | 63,325
| 60,206 | 123,531
| 123,531 | 35,552
| - |
Underspend | 144,432
| -18,050 | 126,382
| 62,289 | 31,202
| - |
Reductions For Virement Out of
Admin Budgets
| -18,050 | 18,050
| - | -
| - | -
Reductions for
Reserve Claims | -30,000
| - | -30,000
| -30,000 | -
| - |
Adjustments | 299
| - | 299
| 299 | -
| - |
Entitlements | 160,006
| 60,206 | 220,212
| 156,119 | 66,754
| - |
Administration Budget | |
| | |
| |
The Supplementary Estimate will increase the administration
budget by £62,248,000 to £4,392,050,000. A comparison
with earlier years (outturn) and plans is set out below.
Administration budget (previous years)
| | |
Year | Plans
| Outturn |
2005-06 * | 4,447,899
| 4,246,352 |
2006-07 ** | 4,523,493
| 4,496,817 |
2007-08 *** | 4,441,607
| 4,297,275 |
During 2005-06 an underspend was generated mainly as a result of the de-scoping and deferral of some projects following a review of our change portfolio.
For 2006-07 there was a small voted underspend. An excess level of receipts was added to this, which led to a surplus of £26,676k for EYF purposes.
The 2007-08 underspend of £144,332k mainly relates to Departmental Transformation Project and general administrative underspends including paybill.
*Removes baseline transfer and costs associated with a machineryof government change to SOCA in 2006-07. The outturn figure has been taken from the HMRC Spring Report.
**Figures are those published in the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper published in July 2007 (CM7156).
*** Figures are those published in the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper published in July 2008 (CM7419).
The changes to the current year's Administration Budget are:
Changes to administration budget in 2008-09
1 April 2008 at Main Estimate | 4,265,924
Change announced in winter supplementary |
63,878 |
Change announced in spring supplementary |
62,248 |
Revised Administration Budget | 4,392,050
Administration budget (remaining CSR years)
Year | Plans
2009-10 | 4,159,572
2010-11 | 4,055,972
Machinery of Government Changes
There are no changes resulting from Machinery of Government.
Description | RfR and
| Date of
| Amount
| Transferring
| Receiving
| | |
| | |
Approval of Memorandum This memorandum has been prepared
with reference to guidance in the Estimates Manual provided
by HM Treasury and that found on the House of Commons, Scrutiny
Unit website. The information in this memorandum has been approved
by the Chief Executive Officer of HMRC.
Glossary of Key Terms
Appropriations-in-aidincome received by a department
which it is authorised to retain (rather than surrender to the
Consolidated Fund) to finance related expenditure. Such income
is voted by Parliament in Estimates and accounted for in departmental
resource accounts.
Administration Budgeta Treasury control on
the resources consumed directly by departments in providing those
services which are not directly associated with frontline service
delivery. Includes such things as: civil service pay, resource
expenditure on accommodation, utilities and services. The Administration
Budget is part of Resource DEL.
Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)a Treasury
budgetary control for spending that is generally difficult to
control, large as a proportion of the department's budget, and
volatile in nature.
Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL)a Treasury
budgetary control for spending that is within the department's
direct control and which can therefore be planned over an extended
(Spending Review) period (such as the costs of its own administration,
payments to third parties, etc).
Departmental Unallocated provision (DUP)a part,
usually between 1% and 1.5% of a department's total DEL that is
not allocated to particular spending, but held back by the department
to meet unforeseen pressures.
End Year Flexibility (EYF)a mechanism whereby
departments are allowed to carry forward unspent DEL provision
into later years.
Estimatesa statement of how much money government
needs in the coming financial year, and for what purposes, by
which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level
of expenditure and receipts in a department.
Estimates Memoranduman explanation to the relevant
department's select committee setting out the links to other spending
controls and the contents of a department's Estimate.
Near-cashresource expenditure that has a related
cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may
be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity
supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment
might be made in arrears on a quarterly basis.
Non-cashcosts where there are no cash transactions
but which are included in the body's accounts (or taken into account
in charging for a service to establish the true cost of all resources
Request for Resources (RfR)a function based
description of the organisational level of the department. These
can vary between one or more RfR and should be objective- based,
referring to the purpose for which the functions being carried
out by the department are intended to meet.