Estimates Memorandum Submitted by HM Revenue
and Customs
The HMRC Main Estimate for 2009-10 seeks
the necessary resources and cash to enable the Department to meet
its objectives for the coming year. This year, the core Department
will be transferring its frontiers activity to the UK Border Agency
(subject to the enactment of appropriate legislation). Additionally,
the Valuation Office Agency will be taking on work of The Rent
Service, which was previously held by the Department for Work
and Pensions (DWP).
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide
the select committee with further information on the main issues
the Department will be dealing with over the coming year, it emphasises
the Department's focus and sets out how HMRC will achieve its
strategic objectives. This also includes comparisons with the
resources provided in earlier years.
An explanation of key terms used in the memorandum
is provided as an annex.
The Main Estimate provides for a:
total Net Resource Requirement (NRR)
of £16,454,336,000
Net Cash Requirement (NCR) of £16,407,454,000
The key budgetary figures are:
Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit |
| £4,258,156,000
| Of which: |
| Near-cash | £3,960,122,000
| Administration budget
| £4,159,275,000
Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit |
| £254,714,000
Annually Managed Expenditure (Resource) |
| £32,045,903,000
Annually Managed Expenditure (Capital) |
| £370,000,000
Net resource requirement: | 2009-10
| £16,454,336,000 |
| 2008-09
| £16,113,339,000 |
The total net resource sought for 2009-10 is 2.1% higher
than the final net provision for 2008-09. The higher overall net
resource requirement is due to increases in operational AME expenditure
mainly in respect of Child Benefit payments. The 2007 Comprehensive
Spending Review settlement for HMRC reduced total DEL by an average
annual real reduction of 4.9% on its 2007-08 baseline. This
excluded Modernisation Funds which are agreed separately.
Net cash requirement: | 2009-10
| £16,407,454,000 |
| 2008-09
| £16,292,835,000 |
The total net cash requirement for 2009-10 is 0.7% higher
than the 2008-09 requirement, mostly relating to the AME
increases mentioned above. Non-cash requirements cover depreciation
(£175 million), cost of capital (£37 million)
and provisions (£120 million).
| 2009-10
| 2008-09 | Decrease 2009-10
compared to 2008-09
Resource DEL | £4,258,156,000
| £4,492,531,000 | (5.2%)
Of which: | |
| |
Near-cash | £3,960,122,000
| £4,186,797,000
| |
Administration budget | £4,159,275,000
| £4,392,050,000
| |
Capital DEL | £254,714,000
| £301,514,000 | (15.5%)
The comparison between 2008-09 and 2009-10 is affected
by a number of additions in 2008-09, including a Modernisation
Fund. HMRC were given access to a total of £300 million
ring-fenced Modernisation Funds in the CSR settlement, to meet
specific costs directly related to reshaping the Department to
be better placed for a changing business environment and for the
future. The Department has accessed £234.5 million of
that fund to date over the last two financial years.
Administration changesRfR1A
Funding within RfR1a, which covers the administration costs
of HMRC, increased during the two Supplementary Estimates in 2008-09 for
the following reasons:
Modernisation Fund: Draw down of £125 million
resource to help with the modernisation and transformation of
HMRC; Utilisation of £43.7 million Departmental Unallocated
Provision (DUP) to facilitate improvements to key operational
activities, which had been held as non-voted DUP as it required
Treasury approval before draw down.
The draw down of additional Modernisation Fund and possibly
HMRC's End Year Flexibility stock will be considered during the
current year and reflected in a 2009-10 Supplementary where
approval is given.
Managing the 4.9% DEL reduction applied in HMRC's 2007 Comprehensive
Spending Review settlement
HMRC successfully delivered and exceeded all of its 2004 Spending
Review efficiency targets over the period 2005-06 to 2007-08 to
deliver £663 million efficiency savings against a target
of £507 million, and a net reduction of 15,332 full-time
equivalent posts against a target of 12,500. This over-achievement
was planned to enable the Department to deliver its investment
and transformational agenda, and to deliver services within its
2007 CSR settlement (reducing 4.9% year-on-year real terms
in underlying funding over 2008-09 to 2010-11). This has
put the Department in a strong position to build upon and deliver
an ongoing efficiency agenda and further embed a culture of efficiency
within HMRC.
During this year's planning round HMRC reviewed the investment
programme and agreed a strategic allocation of resources that
delivers DSO targets and examined the scope for achieving further
Value for Money (VfM) savings.
It is expected that the border detection work will transfer
to the UK Border Agency during 2009-10, subject to the successful
conclusion of legislation through Parliament. This is a Machinery
of Government change which will require funding to be transferred
in a 2009-10 Supplementary, providing that the appropriate
legislation is in place.
£000s | 2009-10
| 2008-09 | Increase 2009-10
compared to 2008-09
Resource AME | 32,045,903
| 30,278,879 | 5.8%
Of which voted | 12,215,903
| 11,698,546 | 4.4%
Capital AME | 370,000
| 297,667 | 24.3%
The increase to voted AME provision sought in 2009-10 reflects
the following principal changes against HMRC's Requests for Resources
A reduction in RfR1 of £100 million,
which demonstrates: the tailing off of e-filing incentive payments,
where requirement is forecast to reduce to zero in 2010-11; and
the fact that HMRC is not expecting any AME revaluation costs
compared with £20 million for 2008-09;
An increase of £605m in RfR5 in respect
of child benefit costs (£505 million) and Health in
Pregnancy Grants (£100 million). The increase in child
benefit spend reflects an increase in the rates of child benefit.
The Health in Pregnancy Grant was introduced in April 2009 but
claims could be applied early in the last quarter of 2008-09;
consequently the 2009-10 cost represents a full year.
The increase to capital AME is mainly related to Child
Trust Fund endowments.
For non-voted, AME increases are related to tax credit payments.
Objective 1: Improve the extent to which individuals and
businesses pay the tax due and receive the credits and payments
to which they are entitled
(DSO 1.1)
To reduce losses by £7 billion over the CSR 07 period.
This will require HMRC to close the annual tax gap by at least
an additional £4 billion in 2010-11.
(DSO 1.2)
To reduce the level of tax credit error and fraud to 5% by
(DSOs 1.3 & 1.4)
To sustain take-up levels of Child Benefit and Child Tax
Credit at current levels and to increase the take up of Working
Tax Credit by 2011
Objective 2: Improve customers' experience of HMRC and
contribute to improving the UK business environment
(DSO 2.1)
To improve the customer experience that the tax system is
simple and even-handed, across all customer groups, by at least
3 percentage points (or up to 90% for any group) by 2011
(DSO 2.2 & 2.3)
To reduce the administrative burden which the UK tax administration
imposes on UK businesses by at least 10% by 2011
Objective 3: Reduce the risk of the illicit import and
export of material which might harm the UK's physical and social
(DSO 3.1)
To maintain the level of disruption of the attempted import
and export of illicit drugs, products of animal origin, and other
illicit goods
(DSO 3.2)
To contribute to Government objectives on counter terrorism
by maintaining the level of operational performance in screening
traffic entering the UK for radiation.
DSO 3 responsibilities are expected to transfer to the
UKBA in due course. However, as the UK's customs authority, HMRC
will keep responsibility for the policy on collection of taxes
at the border
Performance against these DSOs will be reported in HMRC's
future published Departmental Reports.
The table below compares outturn from 2005-06 onwards
with planned DEL from 2008-09:
| 2005-06 |
2006-07 | 2007-08
| 2008-09 | 2009-10 | 2010-11
Resource DEL | 4,393
| 4,577 | 4,361
| 4,493 | 4,258 | 4,153
Of which: | |
| | | |
Near cash | 4,157
| 4,326 | 4,135
| 4,187 | 3,960 | 3,862
Non Cash | 236
| 251 | 226
| 306 | 298 | 291
Capital DEL | 379
| 305 | 257
| 302 | 255 | 248
Less Depreciation | -159
| -186 | -177
| -179 | -195 | -218
TOTAL DEL | 4,612
| 4,696 | 4,440
| 4,615 | 4,318 | 4,182
*Depreciation which forms part of RDEL is excluded from total DEL since CDEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting
HMRC is managing with a reduced DEL baseline over the Comprehensive
Spending Review which is clearly demonstrated above.
The 2007-08 EYF stock for HMRC was reported in the Public
Expenditure Outturn White Paper 2007-08 (PEOWP) (CM 7419).
The breakdown below shows changes since the 2006-07 PEOWP
(CM 7156).
£'000 | Admin
| Other | Total
| of which: | Non-cash
| Capital |
| Resource
| Resource |
| Near-cash |
| |
PEOWP | | |
| | |
(July 2007) | 61,825
| 63,106 | 124,931
| 155,790 | -30,859
| 33,257 |
| | |
| | | |
Take-up in | |
| | | |
Winter | - |
1,400 | 1,400
| 1,400 | -
| - |
Supplementary | |
| | | |
Estimate | |
| | | |
Balance of EYF After | 61,825
| 61,706 | 123,531
| 154,390 | -30,859
| 33,257 |
Spring Supplementary | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - |
Adjustments TO PEOWP July 2007 | 1,500
| -1,500 | -
| -30,859 | 30,859
| 2,295 |
PEOWP (July 2008) | 63,325
| 60,206 | 123,531
| 123,531 | -
| 35,552 |
2007-08 Underspend | 144,432
| -18,050 | 126,382
| 62,289 | 64,093
| |
Reductions For Virement Out of Admin Budgets
| -18,050 | 18,050
| - | -
| - | -
Reductions for Reserve Claims | -30,000
| - | -30,000
| -30,000 | -
| - |
Other Adjustments | 299
| - | 299
| 299 | -
| - |
2008-09 Entitlements | 160,006
| 60,206 | 220,212
| 156,119 | 64,093
| 66,754 |
The administration budget is £4,159 million. A
comparison with earlier years (outturn) and plans is set out below.
£m | 2005-06
| 2006-07 | 2007-08
| 2008-09 | 2009-10
| 2010-11 |
PLANS | 4,449
| 4,523 | 4,442
| 4,392 | 4,159
| 4,056 |
OUTTURN | 4,246
| 4,499 | 4,295
| | | |
During 2005-06 an underspend was generated mainly as
a result of the de-scoping and deferral of some projects following
a review of our change portfolio. The resulting savings added
to HMRC's stock of End Year Flexibility (EYF).
For 2006-07 there was a small voted underspend. An excess
level of receipts was added to this, which led to a surplus of
over £20 million.
The 2007-08 underspend of around £145 million
mainly relates to Departmental Transformation Project and general
administrative underspends, including paybill.
On 1 April 2009 the functions of The Rent Service
(TRS), an executive agency of DWP, will be transferred to the
Valuation Office Agency (VOA). This involves a transfer of resources
of £22 million. From this date the VOA will therefore
be responsible for providing valuation and other services in connection
with the Local Housing Allowance, Housing Benefit and Fair Rents.
It is expected that the border detection work will transfer
to the UK Border Agency during 2009-10, subject to the successful
conclusion of legislation through Parliament. As the required
legislation has not yet been approved this will require funding
to be transferred in a 2009-10 Supplementary.
None of our contingent liabilities fall into the categories
specified for reporting to Parliament.
Provisions have been made to meet obligations for the early
departure of staff as the Department has a liability to meet pension
liabilities until staff reach the age of 60.
Provisions have been made to meet obligations under Child
Trust Fund legislation which arises as a direct result of child
birth. These obligations require payment of an element which is
dependant upon income linked to Tax Credits, a provision is made
for this uncertain value.
Other provisions include the cost of legal cases where there
is a probability that the court action will be lost and costs
awarded against the Department; and accommodation related liabilities
where dilapidation clauses exist.
Health in Pregnancy Grant (HiPG) is a new provision and the
opening balance for April 2009 reflects the establishment
of the provision to cover the payments due to commence from 6 April
2009. The provision is based on the eligibility of those able
to claim the grant.
Provisions for liabilities and charges
| HiPG | Early
| Child Trust
| Other | Total
| £000
| £000 | £000
| £000 | £000
Position as at 1 April 2009 |
| |
| | |
Balance at 1 April 2009 | 40,600
| 136,000 | 80,600
| 4,600 | 261,800
Provided in year in main estimate | 14,300
| 4,000 | 148,700
| 500 | 167,500
Provision expected to be used in year | 40,000
| 32,700 | 89,800
| 500 | 163,000
Expected unwinding of discount |
| 2,000 | -
| - | 2,000
Estimated closing balance | 14,900
| 109,300 | 139,600
| 4,600 | 264,300
This memorandum has been prepared with reference to guidance
in the Estimates Manual provided by HM Treasury and that found
on the House of Commons, Scrutiny Unit website. The information
in this memorandum has been approved by the Chief Executive of
HMRC, Lesley Strathie.
Appropriations-in-aidincome received by a department
which it is authorised to retain (rather than surrender to the
Consolidated Fund) to finance related expenditure. Such income
is voted by Parliament in Estimates and accounted for in departmental
resource accounts.
Administration Budgeta Treasury control on
the resources consumed directly by departments in providing those
services which are not directly associated with frontline service
delivery. Includes such things as: civil service pay, resource
expenditure on accommodation, utilities and services. The Administration
Budget is part of Resource DEL.
Annually Managed Expenditure (AME)a Treasury
budgetary control for spending that is generally difficult to
control, large as a proportion of the department's budget, and
volatile in nature
Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL)a Treasury
budgetary control for spending that is within the department's
direct control and which can therefore be planned over an extended
(Spending Review) period (such as the costs of its own administration,
payments to third parties, etc).
Departmental Unallocated Provision (DUP)a part,
usually between 1% and 1.5% of a department's total DEL that is
not allocated to particular spending, but held back by the department
to meet unforeseen pressures.
End Year Flexibility (EYF)a mechanism whereby
departments are allowed to carry forward unspent DEL provision
into later years.
Estimatesa statement of how much money government
needs in the coming financial year, and for what purposes, by
which Parliamentary authority is sought for the planned level
of expenditure and receipts in a department.
Estimates Memoranduman explanation to the relevant
departments select committee setting out the links to other spending
controls and the contents of a department's Estimate.
Near-cashresource expenditure that has a related
cash implication, even though the timing of the cash payment may
be slightly different. For example, expenditure on gas or electricity
supply is incurred as the fuel is used, though the cash payment
might be made in arrears on a quarterly basis.
Non-cashcosts where there are no cash transactions
but which are included in the body's accounts (or taken into account
in charging for a service to establish the true cost of all resources
Request for Resources (RfR)a function based
description of the organisational level of the department. These
can vary between one or more RfR and should be objectivebased,
referring to the purpose for which the functions being carried
out by the department are intended to meet.