The management of the Crown Estate - Treasury Contents

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 80 - 82)



  Q80  Chairman: In general terms, how has the Scottish Government followed up the recommendations of the Calman Commission?

  Ms Rosborough: We responded formally.

  Q81  Chairman: Have there been subsequent meetings with the Secretary of State, for example, to follow through the individual recommendations?

  Ms Rosborough: There has been a large amount of correspondence and the Scottish Government has actually produced some draft regulations to provide for fairly immediate implementation of many of the recommendations contained within.

  Q82  Chairman: Okay, but is there a dialogue at the moment on the Calman recommendations or not between the Scottish Government and the Secretary of State?

  Ms Rosborough: Certainly there is a written dialogue occurring. I am not sure about meetings, but certainly there is a written dialogue. I have not seen signs of any desire for very rapid implementation of the particular ones relating to The Crown Estate.

  Chairman: Yes, I see, you are not getting a response. All right. Unless my colleagues have any other questions, we are going to leave it there. Thank you very much indeed.

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