Proposals for European financial supervision: further report - Treasury Contents

Reports from the Treasury Committee during the current Parliament

Session 2008-09
First ReportAdministration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08 HC 35
Second ReportPre-Budget Report 2008 HC 27
Third ReportWork of the Committee, 2007-08 HC 173
Fourth ReportAppointment of Paul Tucker as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England for Financial Stability HC 34
Fifth ReportBanking Crisis: The impact of the failure of the Icelandic banks HC 402
Sixth ReportAppointment of Paul Fisher to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England HC 419
Seventh ReportBanking Crisis: dealing with the failure of the UK banks HC 416
Eighth ReportBudget 2009 HC 438
Ninth ReportBanking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City HC 519
Tenth ReportAppointment of Professor David Miles to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England HC 765
Eleventh ReportAppointment of Dr Adam Posen to the Monetary Policy Committee HC 764
Twelfth ReportBanking Crisis: International Dimensions HC 615
Thirteenth ReportEvaluating the efficiency programme HC 520
Fourteenth ReportBanking Crisis: Regulation and supervision HC 767
Fifteenth ReportMortgage arrears and access to mortgage finance HC 766
Sixteenth ReportThe Committee's Opinion on proposals for European financial regulation HC 1088
Session 2007-08
First ReportThe 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review HC 55
Second ReportThe 2007 Pre-Budget Report HC 54
Third ReportThe Work of the Committee in 2007 HC 230
Fourth ReportClimate change and the Stern Review: the implications for Treasury policy HC 231
Fifth ReportThe run on the Rock HC 56
Sixth ReportFinancial Stability and Transparency HC 371
Seventh ReportAdministration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2006-07 HC 57
Eighth ReportRe-appointment of Dr Andrew Sentance to the Monetary Policy Committee HC 454
Ninth ReportThe 2008 Budget HC 430
Tenth ReportRe-appointment of Mervyn King as the Governor of the Bank of England HC 524
Eleventh ReportCounting the population HC 183
Twelfth ReportInherited Estates HC 496
Thirteenth ReportBudget Measures and Low Income Households HC 326
Fourteenth ReportAppointment of Lord Turner of Ecchinswell as Chairman of the Financial Services Authority HC 916
Fifteenth ReportAppointment of Charlie Bean as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England HC 917
Sixteenth ReportAppointment of Spencer Dale to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England HC 1009
Seventeenth Report Banking ReformHC 1008

Session 2006-07
First ReportFinancial inclusion: the roles of the Government and the FSA, and financial capability HC 53
Second ReportThe 2006 Pre-Budget Report HC 115
Third ReportWork of the Committee in 2005-06 HC 191
Fourth ReportAre you covered? Travel insurance and its regulation HC 50
Fifth ReportThe 2007 Budget HC 389
Sixth ReportThe 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review: prospects and processes HC 279
Seventh ReportThe Monetary Policy of the Bank of England: re-appointment hearing for Ms Kate Barker and Mr Charlie Bean HC 569
Eighth ReportProgress on the efficiency programme in the Chancellor's department HC 483
Ninth ReportAppointment of the Chair of the Statistics Board HC 934
Tenth ReportPrivate equity HC 567
Eleventh ReportUnclaimed assets within the financial system HC 533
Twelfth ReportThe Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: ten years on HC 299
Thirteenth ReportFinancial inclusion follow-up: saving for all and shorter term saving products HC 504
Fourteenth ReportGlobalisation: prospects and policy responses HC 90

Session 2005-06

Session 2005-06

First ReportThe Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: appointment hearings HC 525
Second ReportThe 2005 Pre-Budget Report HC 739
Third ReportThe Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: appointment hearing for Sir John Gieve HC 861
Fourth ReportThe 2006 Budget HC 994
Fifth ReportThe design of a National Pension Savings Scheme and the role of financial services regulation HC 1074
Sixth ReportThe administration of tax credits HC 811
Seventh ReportEuropean financial services regulation HC 778
Eighth ReportBank of England Monetary Policy Committee: appointment hearing for Professor David Blanchflower HC 1121
Ninth ReportGlobalisation: the role of the IMF HC 875
Tenth ReportIndependence for statistics HC 1111
Eleventh ReportThe Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: appointment hearings for Professor Tim Besley and Dr Andrew Sentance HC 1595
Twelfth ReportFinancial inclusion: credit, savings, advice and insurance HC 848
Thirteenth Report"Banking the unbanked": banking services, the Post Office Card Account, and financial inclusion HC 1717

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Prepared 26 November 2009