House of Lords
Session 2009 - 10
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Information Bulletin: 28th November 2009

House of Lords Committees:
Forthcoming Public Meetings

30 November - 4 December 2009

Further enquiries about Lords Committees can be made to the Lords Committee Office: 020 7219 2940

Monday 30 November

EU Sub-Committee B: Internal Market
Subject: The Better Regulation Agenda
Witnesses: Evidence will be heard on the security of gas supply from Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change; and on biocides/Better Regulation from officials from the Health and Safety Executive, Department for Work and Pensions.


Tuesday 1 December

EU Sub-Committee A: Economic and Financial Affairs, and International Trade
Subject: Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
Witnesses: tbc


Joint Committee on Human Rights
Subject: tbc
Witnesses: David Hanson MP, Home Office Minister, on counter-terrorism policy.
Economic Affairs
Subject: Private Finance Projects and off-balance sheet debt
Witnesses: Chris Bolt, arbiter for London Underground PPP agreements; Steve Allen, MD of Finance, Transport for London; Professor Stephen Glaister, Imperial College, London; James Stewart, CEO, Partnerships UK; Mike Dwan and David Pokora, LIFT Council board members.


Wednesday 2 December

EU Sub-Committee D: Environment and Agriculture
Subject: The Adaptation of Agriculture and Forestry to Climate Change: The EU Policy Response
Witnesses: Dr. Helen Phillips, Chief Executive and Dr. Tom Tew, Chief Scientist, Natural England.


Science and Technology
Subject: Setting Science and Technology Research Funding Priorities
Witnesses: Higher Education Funding Council for England; and (b) Natural Environment Research Council; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Research Councils UK; and Medical Research Council.

EU Sub-Committee E: Law and Institutions
Subject: The EU's Regulation on Succession
Witnesses: Richard Frimston, Law Society and The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

EU Sub-Committee F: Home Affairs
Subject: EU policy on protecting Europe from large-scale cyber-attacks
Witnesses: Andrea Servida, Deputy Head of Unit, Directorate General Information Society and Media, European Commission.

Thursday 3 December


Friday 4 December


Select committees marked with * will be taken by BBC Parliament

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Prepared 28 November 2009