House of Commons
Session 2009 - 10
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Information Bulletin: 30th January 2010

Select Committees:
Publications received since the last Bulletin

All publications are available from The Stationery Office. Contact details are shown on the back cover of this Bulletin.

HC numbers refer to House of Commons papers session 2009-10 unless otherwise stated.

Cm numbers refer to papers in the Command series.

HLP numbers refer to House of Lords papers.

Select Committee Reports (Section B) are available on the parliamentary website.

NAO & NIAO Reports are the forerunner of Public Accounts Committee inquiries.

(A) Select Committee Evidence

Date Received
Committee Subject Witnesses
Date Heard Paper No and ISBN Price
26.1 Children, Schools and Families
Public Expenditure Rt Hon Ed Balls MP
David Bell
21.10 HC 174
0215 543622
25.1 European Scrutiny
Scrutiny Related Issues and Future Developments in the European Union
Chris Bryant MP
Ms Alison Rose
Mr Paul Williams
28.10 HC 1076
0215 543417
25.1 Home Affairs New Identity Commissioner
Sir Joseph Pilling KCB 24.11 HC 51-i
0215 543523
25.1 Home Affairs The work of the Association of Chief Police Officers
Sir Hugh Orde
Tim Hollis
13.10 HC 1006-i
0215 543547
25.1 Home Affairs The work of the Home Office Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP
Sir David Normington
Constable Adrian Parsons
22.1 HC 165-i
0215 543462
25.1 Home Office The work of the National Policing Improvement Agency
Chief Constable Peter Neyroud 15.1 HC 166-i
0215 543479
28.1 Welsh Affairs Big Lottery Fund Mr huw Vaughan Thomas
Ms Ceri Doyle
1.12 HC 106-i
0215 543653

(B) Select Committee Reports

Date Received
Committee Subject
HC Paper and ISBN

28.1 Business, Innovation and Skills
3rd, Exporting out of recession
Volume I: Report, together with formal minutes
HC 266-I
0215 543615
28.1 Business, Innovation and Skills
3rd, Exporting out of recession
Volume II: Oral and written evidence
HC 266-II
0215 543554
26.1 Communications 1st, The British film and television industries - decline or opportunity?
HL 37-II
010 8459306
26.1 Communities and Local Government
2nd, Local authority investments: the role of the Financial Services Authority
HC 287
0215 543592
26.1 Home Affairs 5th, Police Service Strength HC 50
0215 543509
26.1 Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments 5th Report of Session HC 3-v
010 8459337
27.1 Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills
1st, Corporation Tax Bill and Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill HC 232
010 8459344
25.1 Justice 2nd, Work of the Committee in 2008-09
HC 233
0215 543493
27.1 Liaison 1st, Rebuilding the House: Select Committee Issues
HC 272
0215 543578
26.1 Northern Ireland Affairs
3rd, Television Broadcasting in Northern Ireland HC 237
0215 543530
28.1 Public Accounts 7th, Young people's sexual health: the National Chlamydia Screening Programme
HC 283
0215 543561
26.1 Public Accounts 8th, Department for International Development: Aid to Malawi
HC 282
0215 543455
25.1 Standards and Privileges
7th, Mr Harry Cohen HC 310
0215 543516
26.1 West Midlands Regional Committee 1st, The effect of the economic downturn on the people in the West Midlands
HC 258
0215 543424

(C) Government Responses to Select Committee Reports

Date Received
Committee Details of Original Report
HC Paper or Cm No of response

25.1 Business, Innovation and Skills
2nd, Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme [HC 588] HC 307
0215 543585
26.1 Home Affairs Govt. Reply: The Detention of Children in the Immigration System [HC 73]
Cm 7795
010 1779524
27.1 Home Affairs 1st, Policing of the G20 Protests [HC 418] HC 201
0215 543639

(D) National Audit Office (NAO): Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO)

Date Received
Paper No and ISBN Price

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Prepared 30 January 2010