House of Commons
Session 2009 - 10
Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Weekly Information Bulletin: 30th January 2010

General Committees

General Committee debates are available to view on the Parliament website.

Public Bill Committee debates.

Other General Committee debates.

For further information on General Committees see HCIO Factsheet L6 produced by the House of Commons Information Office, available in hardcopy on request or to download from the Parliament website.

Current Public Bill Committees, details of membership


Status Membership
Children, Schools and Families Bill (G) 04.02.2010 Issue 7; Issue 8; This issue
Corporation Tax Bill (G) tbc Issue 4; Issue 5
Crime and Security (G) 23.2.2010 Issue 8
Energy Bill (G) 21.01.2010 Issue 4
Financial Services Bill (G) 15.12.2009 Issue 3
Flood and Water Management Bill (G) 21.01.2010 Issue 5; Issue 8
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill (G) tbc Issue 4; Issue 5

Dates in italics denote expected reporting date of Public Bill Committee as stated in the Programme Motion if made

Membership announcements and changes:

Children, Schools and Families Bill Committee: Additional Chairman - Mr Clive Betts

General Committee Meetings
25 - 29 January 2010

Monday 25 January

1st DLC     Draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Health and Health Services and Social Welfare) Order 2010     
2nd DLC     Draft Asylum (Designated States) Order 2010     
EC A     European Union Documents Nos. 12289/09 and Addendum 1 and 14270/09 relating to the Dairy Market Situation,     

Tuesday 26 January

PBC     Children, Schools and Families Bill     
PBC     Crime and Security Bill     
3rd DLC     Draft Overhead Lines (Exempt Installations) Order 2010     
4th DLC     Draft Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) (Amendment) Order 2010     
EC B     European Union Document No. 14513/09 relating to Commission Communication: Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges 2009-2010     

Wednesday 27 January

5th DLC     Draft Communications Act 2003 (Disclosure of Information) Order 2010     
6th DLC     Draft Infrastructure Planning (Decisions) Regulations 2010     
7th DLC     Draft Jobseeker's Allowance (Skills Training Conditionality Pilot) Regulations 2010     

Thursday 28 January

PBC     Children, Schools and Families Bill (7th and 8th Sittings: Clauses 2, 3 & 5 agreed; Clauses 1 & 4 agreed on division)     
PBC     Crime and Security Bill     

Friday 29 January


Please note. This list is correct as at press (12 noon Friday).

The time and location of general committee meetings may be changed at short notice.

Further enquiries may be made to the Committee Office general enquiry lines, Tel. 020 7219 3267/4300/0284

Forthcoming General Committee Meetings
1 - 5 February 2010

Monday 1 February

1st DLC     Draft Gambling Act 2005 (Operating Licence Conditions) (Amendment) Regulations 2010, 4.30pm, Room 9     
2nd DLC     Draft Passengers' Council (Non-Railway Functions) Order 2010, 4.30pm, Room 11     
EC B     European Documents Nos. 12139/09 and Addenda 1 and 2, Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 18 August 2009, 12668/09 and Addendum 1, 14998/09 and Addendum 1, 16632/09, Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 2 December 2009, Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 3 December 2009, and 17588/09 relating to Financial Management, 4.30pm, Room 10     

Tuesday 2 February

PBC     Children, Schools and Families Bill, 10.30am & 4.00pm, Room 9     
PBC     Crime and Security Bill, 10.30am & 4.00pm, Room 12     
3rd DLC     Draft Electronic Commerce Directive (Hatred against Persons on Religious Grounds or the Grounds of Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2010, 4.30pm, Room 11     
EC B     European Union Document No. 17708/09 relating to an Agreement between the European Union and Japan on the Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, 4.30pm, Room 10     

Wednesday 3 February


Thursday 4 February

PBC     Children, Schools and Families Bill, 9.00am & 1.00pm, Room 9     
PBC     Crime and Security Bill, 9.00am & 1.00pm, Room 12     

Friday 5 February


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Prepared 30 January 2010