Sessional Returns 2008-09 Contents


Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*

*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.

Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:   
  started in the Commons 20
    Government 16
    Private Members' 4
  brought from the Lords 7
    Government 6
    Private Members' 1
  TOTAL: 27
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:   
  Type of Bills   
  started in the Commons 106
    Government 3
    Private Members' 103
  brought from the Lords 5
    Government 1
    Private Members' 4
  TOTAL: 111
  Progress of Bills   
  introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons 101
  passed by the Commons but not by the Lords 2
  introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session 3
  passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons 1
  passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons 4
  passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to 0
  TOTAL: 111
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords 138



* denotes a Government Bill

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing

* Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning [55][78][167]

Autism [10][98]

* Banking [6][59]

* Borders, Citizenship and Immigration [Lords] [86][115]

* Business Rate Supplements [2][116]

* Consolidated Fund [5]

* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [58]

* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) [119]

* Coroners and Justice [9][72][160][169]

* Corporation Tax [1][51]

Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) [65][117]

* Finance [90][122]

* Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) [Lords] [69]

Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) [15][123]

* Health [Lords] [97][124][162]

Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (changed from Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution) [35][111]

* Industry and Exports (Financial Support) [70]

Law Commission [Lords] [101]

* Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction [Lords] [93]

* Marine and Coastal Access [Lords] [108][137]

* Northern Ireland [62]

* Parliamentary Standards [121][146]

* Perpetuities and Accumulations [Lords] [145]

* Policing and Crime [7][66][168]

* Political Parties and Elections [4][136][144]

* Saving Gateway Accounts [3][57][118]

* Welfare Reform [8][67][159]



1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to


2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but not by the Lords

Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions [14]

Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) [33]

3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings suspended to next Session

Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing

* Child Poverty [112][155]

* Equality [85][131]

* Constitutional Reform and Governance [142]


4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended
Crown Employment (Nationality) [39][141] Bill to be further considered, withdrawn
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent) [21] Committed to a Public Bill Committee
TOTAL: 2  

5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing Stage at which progress ended
Airport Expansion (Parliamentary Approval) [63] dropped
Armenian Genocide Remembrance [43] dropped
Bankers' Pensions (Limits) [73] dropped
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) [32] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Broadcasting (Public Service Content) [49] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) [44] dropped
Children in Care (Custody) [19] dropped
Citizens' Convention (Accountability and Ethics) [106] dropped
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [61] dropped
Cohabitation (No. 2) [81] withdrawn
Commission for the Compact [99] dropped
Companies' Remuneration Reports Bill [Lords] [156] dropped
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Review) [133] dropped
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) [128] dropped
Developing Country Debt (Restriction of Recovery) [91] dropped
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords] [105] dropped
Drugs (Roadside Testing) [47] dropped
Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau [31] dropped
Employment Opportunities [60] dropped
Employment Retention [68] dropped
Employment Rights [53] dropped
Equality and Diversity (Reform) [25] dropped
European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) [46] dropped
Exercise of Reasonable Discretion [56] dropped
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) [75] dropped
Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) [27] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Fuel Poverty [11]adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Fuel Poverty (No.2) [110] dropped
Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 (Amendment) [109] dropped
Government of Cornwall [132] dropped
Home Repossession (Protection) [52] dropped
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) [42] dropped
Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation [127] dropped
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) [41] dropped
Industrial Carbon Emissions (Targets) [28] withdrawn
Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) [34] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Leaseholders' Rights [17] withdrawn on Second Reading debate
Lending (Regulation) [24] adjourned debate on Second Reading, withdrawn
Media Owners (Residency Requirement) [140] dropped
Motor Vehicle (Climate Change Information) [114] dropped
Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) [Lords] [126] dropped
Palliative Care [20] negatived on Second Reading
Personal Responsibility [134] dropped
Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning of Cognitive Function Impairment) [30] dropped
* Postal Services [Lords] [100] Prorogation
Prevention of Excessive Charges [89] dropped
Presumption of Death [23] dropped
Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) [18] dropped
Protection of Garden Land (Development Control) [54] dropped
Protection of Shareholders [76] dropped
Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) [83] dropped
Renewable Content Obligation [64] dropped
Road Signs (Tourist Destinations and Facilities) [107] dropped
Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) [29] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) [50] dropped
Sale of Mobile Homes (Interviews) [92] dropped
School Bus (Safety) [95] dropped
Schools (Health Support) [22] withdrawn on Second Reading
Scottish Banknotes (Acceptability in United Kingdom) [16] adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Short Selling and Bank Accounts [79] dropped
Small Business Rate Relief (Automatic Payment) [13] withdrawn on Second Reading
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [45] dropped
Special Educational Needs and Disability (Support) [26] withdrawn on Second Reading
Statutory Redundancy Pay (Amendment) [12] withdrawn
Surface Water and Highway Drainage Charges (Exemption) [94] dropped
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) [104] dropped
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) [125] dropped
Teaching of British History in Schools [71] dropped
Theft from Shops (Use of Penalty Notices for Disorder) [74] dropped
Torture (Damages) (No.2) [40] dropped
Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) [77] dropped

6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords, but not printed
Title of Bill Stage at which progress ended
Bailiffs (Repeals and Amendments) [102] Order lapsed
Bank of England (Amendment) [Lords] Prorogation
Care Homes (Domestic Pets) [129] Order lapsed
Cervical Cancer (Minimum Age for Screening) [149] Order lapsed
Cheapest Energy Tariff (Information) [87] Order lapsed
Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) [153] Order lapsed
Cohabitation (No. 2) [81] withdrawn
Common Land and Repeal of Inclosure Acts [138] Order lapsed
Council Tax Rebate [82] Order lapsed
Equalisation of Tariffs for Gas and Electricity [150] Order lapsed
Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) [158] Order lapsed
Goalpost Safety [96] Order lapsed
Insolvency (Provision of Information to Employment Agencies) [84] Order lapsed
Installation of Letter Box Guards (Protection from Dogs) [161] Order lapsed
Local Employment [120] Order lapsed
Local Health Services and Democratic Involvement [152] Order lapsed
Local Planning Authorities (Protection of Local Services) [163] Order lapsed
Maximum Wage [103] Order lapsed
Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) [151] Order lapsed
Mobile Network Roaming Capabilities [166] Order lapsed
Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) [157] Order lapsed
Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry [130] Order lapsed
Parliamentary Elections (Recall and Primaries) [148] Order lapsed
Parliament (Disclosure of Information) [139] Order lapsed
Pedlars (Amendment) [48] Order lapsed
Pension Credit and Personal Expense Allowance (Duty of Consultation and Review) [80] Order lapsed
Programming of Bills (Suspension) [113] Order lapsed
Protection of Children (Publicity) [88] Order lapsed
Protection of Elderly People (Unsolicited Mail) [135] Order lapsed
Public Buildings (Publication of Energy Performance Certificates) [147] Order lapsed
Public Transport (Reward Scheme and Concessionary Fares) [143] Order lapsed
Queen's Diamond Jubilee [164] Order lapsed

Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing Date of 1st readingDate of 2nd reading Committed toDate reported from committee Date(s) consideredDate of 3rd reading Date(s) Lords Amendments considered Date Royal Assent givenNotes
A Airport Expansion (Parliamentary Approval) [63]
24 February 2009
* Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning [55] [78] [167]
4 February 2009
23 February 2009
27 March 2009
5 May 2009
5 May 2009
11 November 2009
12 November 2009
C Armenian Genocide Remembrance [43]
26 January 2009
B Autism [10] [98]
21 January 2009
27 February 2009
13 May 2009
19 June 2009
19 June 2009
12 November 2009
A Bankers' Pensions (Limits) [73]
10 March 2009
* E Banking [6][59]
4 December 2008
4 December 2008
17 December 2008
10 February 2009
12 February 2009
* Borders, Citizenship and Immigration [Lords] [86] [115]
23 April 2009
2 June 2009
18 June 2009
14 July 2009
14 July 2009
21 July 2009
C British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) [32]
26 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Broadcasting (Public Service Content) [49]
26 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) [44]
26 January 2009
* Business Rate Supplements [2] [116]
4 December 2008
12 January 2009
3 February 2009
11 March 2009
11 March 2009
17 June 2009
2 July 2009
* Child Poverty [112] [155]
11 June 2009
20 July 2009
3 November 2009
Proceedings suspended to next session
B Children in Care (Custody) [19]
21 January 2009
C Citizens' Convention (Accountability and Ethics) [106]
8 June 2009
A Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) [61]
11 February 2009
A Commission for the Compact [99]
19 May 2009
D Companies' Remuneration Reports [Lords] [156]
28 October 2009
* Consolidated Fund [5]
16 December 2008
17 December 2008
17 December 2008
18 December 2008
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) [58]
9 March 2009
10 March 2009
10 March 2009
12 March 2009
Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation Act 2009
* Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) [119]
2 July 2009
6 July 2009
6 July 2009
21 July 2009
Received Royal Assent as the Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2009
* Constitutional Reform and Governance [142]
20 July 2009
20 October 2009
Proceedings suspended to next session
B Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions [14]
21 January 2009
24 April 2009
10 June 2009
11 June 2009
11 June 2009
Bill not passed by Lords
* Coroners and Justice [9][72][160][169]
14 January 2009
26 January 2009
10 March 2009
24 March 2009
24 March 2009
10 November 2009, 12 November 2009
12 November 2009
* Corporation Tax [1][51]
6 December 2008
15 January 2009 (2R Committee)

19 January 2009
Joint Committee
27 January 2009
3 March 2009
26 March 2009
A Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Review) [133]
14 July 2009
C Crown Employment (Nationality) [39] [141]
26 January 2009
26 June 2009
15 July 2009
16 October 2009
Bill to be further considered, then withdrawn
C Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) [33]
26 January 2009
24 April 2009
1 July 2009
16 October 2009
16 October 2009
Bill not passed by Lords
A Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) [128]
1 July 2009
A Developing Country Debt (Restriction of Recovery) [91]
6 May 2009
D Disabled Persons (Independent Living) [Lords]
12 May 2009
C Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) [65] [117]
25 February 2009
15 May 2009
17 June 2009
26 June 2009
26 June 2009
12 November 2009
C Drugs (Roadside Testing) [47]
26 January 2009
C Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau [31]
26 January 2009
A Employment Opportunities [60]
10 February 2009
A Employment Retention [68]
3 March 2009
C Employment Rights [53]
3 February 2009
* Equality [85] [131]
24 April 2009
11 May 2009
7 July 2009
Proceedings suspended to next session
B Equality and Diversity (Reform) [25]
21 January 2009
C European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) [46]
26 January 2009
A Exercise of Reasonable Discretion [56]
4 February 2009
* Finance [90] [122]
28 April 2009
6 May 2009

13 May 2009

25 June 2009
7 July 2009, 8 July 2009
8 July 2009
21 July 2009
A Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) [75]
17 March 2009
B Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) [27]
21 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
B Fuel Poverty [11]
21 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Fuel Poverty (No. 2) [110]
10 June 2009
A Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 (Amendment) [109]
10 June 2009
* Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) [Lords] [69]
2 March 2009
1 April 2009
10 June 2009
10 June 2009
2 July 2009
C Government of Cornwall [132]
14 July 2009
B Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) [15] [123]
21 January 2009
8 May 2009
24 June 2009
3 July 2009
3 July 2009
12 November 2009
* Health [Lords] [97] [124] [162]
13 May 2009
8 June 2009
25 June 2009
12 October 2009
12 October 2009
10 November 2009
12 November 2009
C Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (changed from Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution) [35] [111]
26 January 2009
15 May 2009
10 June 2009
26 June 2009
26 June 2009
12 November 2009
A Home Repossession (Protection) [52]
3 February 2009
C Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) [42]
26 January 2009
A Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation [127]
30 June 2009
C Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) [41]
26 January 2009
B Industrial Carbon Emissions (Targets) [28]
21 January 2009
* Industry and Exports (Financial Support) [70]
4 March 2009
16 March 2009
21 April 2009
21 April 2009
21 April 2009
21 May 2009
C Land Use (Gardens Protection Etc) [34]
26 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
D Law Commission [Lords] [101]
1 June 2009
12 June 2009
8 July 2009
16 October 2009
16 October 2009
12 November 2009
B Leaseholders' Rights [17]
21 January 2009
withdrawn on Second Reading
B Lending (Regulation) [24]
21 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, withdrawn
* Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction [Lords] [93]
30 April 2009
1 June 2009
18 June 2009
13 October 2009
13 October 2009
12 November 2009
* Marine and Coastal Access [Lords] [108] [137]
9 June 2009
23 June 2009
14 July 2009
26 and 27 October 2009
27 October 2009
12 November 2009
c Media Owners (Residency Requirement) [140]
16 July 2009
c Motor Vehicle (Climate Change Information) [114]
18 June 2009
* Northern Ireland [62]
23 February 2009
4 March 2009
4 March 2009
4 March 2009
4 March 2009
12 March 2009
D Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) [Lords] [126]
9 July 2009
B Organ Donation (Presumed Consent) [21]
21 January 2009
19 June 2009
B Palliative Care [20]
21 January 2009
24 April 2009
negatived on second reading
* Parliamentary Standards [121] [146]
23 June 2009
29 June 2009
1 July 2009
1 July 2009
1 July 2009
21 July 2009
21 July 2009
* Perpetuities and Accumulations [Lords] [145]
20 July 2009
21 October 2009
27 October 2009
2 November 2009
2 November 2009
12 November 2009
C Personal Responsibility [134]
15 July 2009
C Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning of Cognitive Function Impairment) [30]
26 January 2009
* Policing and Crime [7] [66] [168]
18 December 2008
19 January 2009
26 February 2009
19 May 2009
19 May 2009
12 November 2009
12 November 2009
* E Political Parties and Elections [4] [136] [144]
4 December 2008
4 December 2008
9 February 2009,

2 March 2009
2 March 2009
13 July 2009,

20 July 2009
21 July 2009
carried over Bill; amended in the Public Bill Committee in the previous session
* Postal Services [Lords] [100]
21 May 2009
A Prevention of Excessive Charges [89]
29 April 2009
B Presumption of Death [23]
21 January 2009
B Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) [18]
21 January 2009
C Protection of Garden Land (Development Control) [54]
3 February 2009
C Protection of Shareholders [76]
17 March 2009
A Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) [83]
1 April 2009
A Renewable Content Obligation [64]
25 February 2009
A Road Signs (Tourist Destinations and Facilities) [107]
9 June 2009
B Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) [29]
21 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) [50]
26 January 2009
A Sale of Mobile Homes (Interviews) [92]
5 May 2009
* Saving Gateway Accounts [3][57][118]
6 December 2008
13 January 2009
5 February 2009
25 February 2009
25 February 2009
1 July 2009
2 July 2009
C School Bus (Safety) [95]
13 May 2009
B Schools (Health Support) [22]
21 January 2009
withdrawn on Second Reading
B Scottish Banknotes (Acceptability in United Kingdom) [16]
21 January 2009
adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
C Short Selling and Bank Accounts [79]
23 March 2009
B Small Business Rate Relief (Automatic Payment) [13]
21 January 2009
withdrawn on Second reading
C Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) [45]
26 January 2009
B Special Educational Needs and Disability (Support) [26]
21 January 2009
15 May 2009
withdrawn on Second Reading
B Statutory Redundancy Pay (Amendment) [12]
21 January 2009
13 March 2009
A Surface Water and Highway Drainage Charges (Exemption) [94]
12 May 2009
C Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) [104]
3 June 2009
C Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) [125]
1 July 2009
A Teaching of British History in Schools [71]
4 March 2009
A Theft from Shops (Use of Penalty Notices for Disorder) [74]
11 March 2009
C Torture (Damages) (No.2) [40]
26 January 2009
* Welfare Reform [8] [67] [159]
14 January 2009
27 January 2009
3 March 2009
17 March 2009
17 March 2009
10 November 2009
12 November 2009
A Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) [77]
18 March 2009

* denotes a Government Bill
A denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten minute rule bills')
B denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot bills')
C denotes a Private Members' Bill introduced under Standing Order No. 57
D denotes a Private Members' Bill originating in the House of Lords
E denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session, in accordance with Standing Order No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
1 Public Bill Committee
2 Committee of the whole House

This table lists those bills which were printed. For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.


Title of Bill Date on which considered
Northern Ireland [62]
4 March 2009
Industry and Exports (Financial Support) [70]
21 April 2009
Finance [90] [122]
12 and 13 May 2009
Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) [Lords] [69]
10 June 2009
Parliamentary Standards [121] [146]
30 June and 1 July 2009
Constitutional Reform and Governance [142]
3 and 4 November 2009



Total number of Bills: 23

Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 161

Total number of oral evidence sessions: 29

Total number of written submissions received: 242


Some public bill committees have power to send for persons, papers and records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice for committees which considered programmed government bills starting in the Commons.

The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which that Member was summoned.

1. Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill
Committed: 23 February 2009Reported (with Amendments): 27 March 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 5Number of written submissions received: 25
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairmen: Mr Christopher Chope and Mrs Joan Humble

Members and attendance: Liz Blackman (16/16), Annette Brooke (15/16), Ms Dawn Butler (16/16), Mary Creagh (9/16), Jeff Ennis (16/16), Mr Nick Gibb (15/16), Mr John Hayes (15/16), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (13/16), Jim Knight (16/16), Mr David Laws (12/16), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (15/16), Mrs Maria Miller (9/16), Alison Seabeck (12/16), Mr Virendra Sharma (11/16), Mr Siôn Simon (13/16), Mr Graham Stuart (8/16), Emily Thornberry (10/16), Mr Charles Walker (15/16), Bill Wiggin (16/16), Stephen Williams (11/16)
1. Autism Bill
Committed: 27 February 2009Reported (with Amendments): 13 May 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairman: Mr Roger Gale

Members and attendance: Mr Richard Bacon (2/3), Liz Blackman (3/3), Tim Boswell (3/3), Annette Brooke (2/3), Mr Russell Brown (2/3), Angela Browning (3/3), Mr Tom Clarke (3/3), Mrs Janet Dean (3/3), Sandra Gidley (2/3), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (3/3), Phil Hope (3/3), Mrs Joan Humble (3/3), Dr Stephen Ladyman (2/3), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (3/3), John McDonnell (3/3), Anne Milton (3/3)
1. Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill [Lords]
Committed: 2 June 2009Reported (with Amendments): 18 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: 1
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Miss Anne Begg, Sir Nicholas Winterton and Mr Roger Gale

Members and attendance: Mr David Anderson (7/8), Mr Crispin Blunt (8/8), Tom Brake (7/8), Mr Simon Burns (8/8), Damian Green (8/8), Andrew Gwynne (8/8), Mr David Hamilton (8/8), Mr Adam Holloway (6/8), Steve McCabe (8/8), Kerry McCarthy (8/8), Siobhain McDonagh (8/8), Gwyn Prosser (6/8), Paul Rowen (6/8), Mr Charles Walker (8/8), Phil Wilson (8/8), Mr Phil Woolas (8/8)
1. Business Rate Supplements Bill
Committed: 12 January 2009Reported (without Amendment): 3 February 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 3Number of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairmen: Mr Peter Atkinson and Mrs Janet Dean

Members and attendance: Mr Brian Binley (5/7), Lorely Burt (1/7), Mr Philip Dunne (7/7), Paul Farrelly (5/7), Mr Mark Field (6/7), John Healey (7/7), Mr Sadiq Khan (7/7), Mr Andrew Love (6/7), Robert Neill (7/7), Mr Nick Raynsford (7/7), Dan Rogerson (7/7), Mr Lee Scott (5/7), Mr Virendra Sharma (5/7), Mr Neil Turner (6/7), Derek Twigg (7/7), Mr Dave Watts (7/7)
1. Child Poverty Bill
Committed: 20 July 2009Reported (with Amendments): 3 November 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4Number of written submissions received: 11
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairmen: Mr Martin Caton and Robert Key

Members and attendance: Mr John Baron (8/10), John Barrett (10/10), Liz Blackman (8/10), Ms Karen Buck (10/10), Mr David Gauke (10/10), Helen Goodman (10/10), John Howell (9/10), Ms Sally Keeble (8/10), Judy Mallaber (10/10), Julie Morgan (5/10), Mr George Mudie (10/10), Mr Jamie Reed (8/10), Andrew Selous (10/10), Mr Graham Stuart (10/10), Mr Stephen Timms (8/10), Steve Webb (10/10)
1. Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill
Committed: 24 April 2009Reported (without Amendment): 10 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Frank Cook

Members and attendance: Mr Brian Binley (0/1), Mr Tim Boswell (1/1), Mr Colin Breed (1/1), Ann Coffey (1/1), Linda Gilroy (1/1), Mr Mark Hoban (1/1), Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), David Lepper (1/1), Alun Michael (1/1), Meg Munn (1/1), Dr Nick Palmer (1/1), Ian Pearson (1/1), Mark Pritchard (0/1), Dr John Pugh (1/1), Malcolm Wicks (1/1), Sir Nicholas Winterton (1/1)
1. Coroners and Justice Bill
Committed: 26 January 2009Reported (with Amendments): 10 March 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4Number of written submissions received: 29
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairmen: Frank Cook and Mr Roger Gale

Members and attendance: Mr Henry Bellingham (16/16), Mr Tim Boswell (14/16), Mr Russell Brown (16/16), Maria Eagle (16/16), Mr Edward Garnier (16/16), Mr James Gray (12/16), Stephen Hesford (16/16), David Howarth (16/16), Mr George Howarth (13/16), Dr Brian Iddon (16/16), Mr David Kidney (16/16), Ian Lucas (16/16), Alun Michael (15/16), Mrs Madeleine Moon (13/16), Bridget Prentice (16/16), Angus Robertson (0/16), Jenny Willott (16/16), Jeremy Wright (16/16)
1. Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill
Committed: 26 June 2009Reported (with Amendments): 15 July 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Jim Hood

Members and attendance: John Austin (1/1), Annette Brooke (0/1), Ms Karen Buck (0/1), Mr Andrew Dismore (1/1), Mr Oliver Heald (0/1), Mr Nick Hurd (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (0/1), Shona McIsaac (1/1), Mr Tony McNulty (1/1), Patrick Mercer (0/1), Stephen Pound (1/1), Joan Ryan (1/1), Mr Lee Scott (1/1), Angela E. Smith (Basildon) (1/1), Mr Edward Timpson (0/1), Jenny Willott (1/1)
1. Damages (Asbestos-Related Conditions) Bill
Committed: 24 April 2009Reported (without Amendment): 1 July 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Hugh Bayley

Members and attendance: Mr David Anderson (1/1), Mr Richard Bacon (0/1), Mr Henry Bellingham (0/1), Mr Brian Binley (0/1), Peter Bottomley (0/1), Mr Ian Cawsey (0/1), Mr Michael Clapham (1/1), Mr Andrew Dismore (1/1), Linda Gilroy (1/1), John Hemming (1/1), Stephen Hesford (1/1), David Howarth (1/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Bridget Prentice (1/1), Mr Lee Scott (0/1), Jim Sheridan (1/1)
1. Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) Bill
Committed: 15 May 2009Reported (with Amendments): 17 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr David Wilshire

Members and attendance: Mr Russell Brown (1/1), Paul Clark (1/1), Michael Connarty (1/1), Mr Brian H. Donohoe (1/1), Linda Gilroy (1/1), Mr Robert Goodwill (1/1), Mr David Hamilton (1/1), Mr Adam Holloway (1/1), Mark Hunter (1/1), Mr Greg Knight (1/1), Mr Mark Lancaster (0/1), David Mundell (0/1), Sandra Osborne (1/1), Willie Rennie (1/1), Lindsay Roy (1/1), Ms Dari Taylor (1/1)
1. Equality Bill
Committed: 11 May 2009Reported (with Amendments): 7 July 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4Number of written submissions received: 67
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 20
Chairmen: Mr Joe Benton, Ann Winterton, David Taylor and John Bercow

Members and attendance: Ms Diane Abbott (14/14), Vera Baird (20/20), Mr John Baron (17/20), Mr Tim Boswell (15/20), Lyn Brown (20/20), Mr David Drew (16/16), Maria Eagle (2/4), Lynne Featherstone (20/20), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Hastings and Rye) (15/16), Nia Griffith (20/20), Mr Mark Harper (20/20), Dr Evan Harris (20/20), Stephen Hesford (18/20), Mrs Sharon Hodgson (5/6), John Howell (19/20), Barbara Keeley (3/4), Mr David Kidney (2/4), John Mason (19/20), Sandra Osborne (20/20), John Penrose (19/20), Jim Sheridan (17/20), Emily Thornberry (14/16)

1. Finance Bill (except Clauses Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 92)
Committed: 6 May 2009Reported (with Amendments): 25 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 18
Chairmen: Mr Peter Atkinson, Mr Jim Hood and Sir Nicholas Winterton

Members and attendance: Mr Adrian Bailey (15/18), Ms Celia Barlow (15/18), Mr Brian Binley (11/18), Liz Blackman (17/18), Mr Bob Blizzard (16/18), Mr Peter Bone (12/18), Mr Colin Breed (2/18), Mr Russell Brown (15/18), Mr Jeremy Browne (17/18), Dr Vincent Cable (0/18), Jim Dobbin (16/18), James Duddridge (15/18), Angela Eagle (6/6), Natascha Engel (15/18), Mr Mark Field (15/18), Mr Robert Flello (14/18), Mr David Gauke (18/18), Mr Greg Hands (14/18), Mr Mark Hoban (18/18), Stewart Hosie (6/18), John Howell (17/18), Mr Brian Jenkins (16/18), Eric Joyce (12/18), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (5/5), Laura Moffatt (17/18), Ian Pearson (18/18), Dr John Pugh (6/18), John Robertson (16/18), Lindsay Roy (17/18), Alison Seabeck (17/18), Sir Peter Soulsby (18/18), Mr Graham Stuart (11/18), Mr Robert Syms (15/18), Mr Stephen Timms (16/18), Mr Mark Todd (15/18), Kitty Ussher (6/7)
1. Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) Bill
Committed: 8 May 2009Reported (with Amendments): 24 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Miss Anne Begg

Members and attendance: Mr Peter Ainsworth (1/1), Colin Challen (1/1), Mr Andrew Dismore (0/1), Mr David Drew (1/1), Charles Hendry (1/1), Martin Horwood (1/1), David Howarth (1/1), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (0/1), Mr Nick Hurd (1/1), Mike Penning (0/1), Joan Ruddock (1/1), Alan Simpson (1/1), Emily Thornberry (1/1), Joan Walley (0/1), Dr Alan Whitehead (1/1), Bill Wiggin (1/1)
1. Health Bill [Lords]
Committed: 8 June 2009Reported (with Amendments): 23 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: 14
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Robert Key and Mr Edward O'Hara

Members and attendance: Mary Creagh (8/8), Mr Jim Cunningham (8/8), Sandra Gidley (7/8), Patrick Hall (8/8), Mr John Horam (8/8), Gillian Merron (8/8), Dr Doug Naysmith (8/8), Mr Mike O'Brien (8/8), Mr Stephen O'Brien (8/8), Mike Penning (8/8), Dr John Pugh (4/8), Mr Andy Slaughter (8/8), Mr Andrew Turner (8/8), Dr Desmond Turner (7/8), Lynda Waltho (6/8), Mr Rob Wilson (8/8)
1. Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution Bill

(changed to Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) Bill

Committed: 15 May 2009Reported (with Amendments): 10 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Frank Cook

Members and attendance: John Bercow (0/1), Ms Karen Buck (1/1), Mary Creagh (0/1), Mr Andrew Dismore (1/1), Ms Louise Ellman (1/1), Barbara Follett (1/1), Mr Don Foster (0/1), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/1), Siobhain McDonagh (0/1), John Mann (1/1), Lembit Öpik (1/1), Mark Pritchard (1/1), Mr Lee Scott (1/1), Mr Virendra Sharma (0/1), Mr Edward Vaizey (1/1), Mr John Whittingdale (1/1)
1. Law Commission Bill [Lords]
Committed: 12 June 2009Reported (with an Amendment): 8 July 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Dr William McCrea

Members and attendance: Tony Baldry (1/1), Ms Karen Buck (1/1), Mr David Burrowes (1/1), Rosie Cooper (1/1), Mr Geoffrey Cox (0/1), Mr Oliver Heald (1/1), Stephen Hesford (1/1), David Howarth (1/1), Mr Humfrey Malins (0/1), Rob Marris (1/1), Stephen Pound (1/1), Bob Russell (1/1), Mr Andy Slaughter (1/1), Emily Thornberry (1/1), Mr Tom Watson (1/1), Mr Michael Wills (1/1)
1. Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill [Lords]
Committed: 1 June 2009Reported (with an Amendment): 18 June 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Mr Eric Illsley and Mr David Amess

Members and attendance: Rosie Cooper (8/8), Mr David Curry (7/8), Mr Philip Dunne (7/8), Clive Efford (8/8), Barry Gardiner (4/8), Julia Goldsworthy (8/8), Mr Paul Goodman (8/8), Mr John Heppell (8/8), Mr Stewart Jackson (8/8), Mr Peter Lilley (6/8), Sarah McCarthy-Fry (8/8), Mr Nick Raynsford (8/8), Dan Rogerson (7/8), Ian Stewart (8/8), Mr Dave Watts (8/8), Rosie Winterton (8/8)
1. Marine and Coastal Access Bill [Lords]
Committed: 23 June 2009Reported (with Amendments): 14 July 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairmen: Mr Roger Gale and Mr Greg Pope

Members and attendance: Nick Ainger (8/8), Mr Richard Benyon (8/8), Mr Russell Brown (8/8), Andrew George (8/8), Linda Gilroy (8/8), Huw Irranca-Davies (8/8), Mr David Jones (8/8), Dr Ashok Kumar (8/8), Ann McKechin (8/8), Martin Salter (6/8), Mr Hugo Swire (3/8), Mr Charles Walker (7/8), Angela Watkinson (7/8), Dr Alan Whitehead (8/8), Mr Roger Williams (8/8), David Wright (8/8)
1. Perpetuities and Accumulations Bill [Lords]
Committed: 21 October 2009Reported (without Amendment): 27 October 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: NilNumber of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Roger Gale

Members and attendance: Mr Michael Ancram (0/1), Mr Adrian Bailey (1/1), Tony Baldry (0/1), Mr Henry Bellingham (1/1), Barry Gardiner (1/1), Mr Mike Hall (1/1), Mr David Heath (0/1), David Howarth (1/1), Mrs Siân C. James (1/1), Mr Brian Jenkins (1/1), Helen Jones (1/1), David Lepper (1/1), Bridget Prentice (1/1), Mr Ken Purchase (1/1), Sir Peter Viggers (1/1), Jeremy Wright (1/1)
1. Policing and Crime Bill
Committed: 19 January 2009Reported (with Amendments): 26 February 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4Number of written submissions received: 72
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 15
Chairmen: Sir Nicholas Winterton and Hugh Bayley

Members and attendance: Mr Ian Austin (15/15), Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods (8/15), James Brokenshire (15/15), Mr Simon Burns (15/15), Mr Alan Campbell (15/15), Mr Ian Cawsey (8/15), Mr Vernon Coaker (15/15), Mrs Nadine Dorries (10/15), Jim Fitzpatrick (15/15), Dr Evan Harris (13/15), Paul Holmes (15/15), Ms Sally Keeble (13/15), Miss Julie Kirkbride (10/15), Mr David Ruffley (14/15), Lynda Waltho (11/15), Phil Wilson (15/15)
1. Saving Gateway Accounts Bill
Committed: 13 January 2009Reported (with Amendments): 5 February 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2Number of written submissions received: 1
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairmen: John Bercow and David Taylor

Members and attendance: Nick Ainger (3/5), Ms Celia Barlow (3/5), Mr Bob Blizzard (5/5), Mr Colin Breed (0/5), Mr Jeremy Browne (5/5), Mr Jim Devine (3/5), James Duddridge (5/5), Mr Mark Hoban (5/5), John Howell (4/5), Mrs Siân C. James (5/5), Dr Stephen Ladyman (5/5), Mr George Mudie (4/5), Ian Pearson (4/5), Dr Howard Stoate (2/5), Mr Edward Timpson (3/5), Mr Charles Walker (2/5)
1. Welfare Reform Bill
Committed: 27 January 2009Reported (with Amendments): 3 March 2009
Number of oral evidence sessions: 3Number of written submissions received: 4
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairmen: Mr David Amess and Mr Jim Hood

Members and attendance: Gordon Banks (9/9), Mr John Baron (8/9), Mr James Clappison (9/9), Mr Mark Harper (9/9), Mr John Howell (9/9), Helen Jones (9/9), Mr Peter Lilley (8/9), Ann McKechin (9/9), Mr Tony McNulty (9/9), John Mason (9/9), Meg Munn (9/9), Mr James Plaskitt (9/9), John Robertson (7/9), Paul Rowen (9/9), Jonathan Shaw (7/9), Kitty Ussher (9/9)

1. Corporation Tax Bill
Referred (Standing Order No. 60): 9 December 2008
Reported: 15 January 2009  
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Robert Key

Members and attendance: Mr Bob Blizzard (1/1), Mr Colin Breed (0/1), Mr Jeremy Browne (1/1), James Duddridge (1/1), Mr Mark Field (1/1), Mr David Gauke (1/1), Mr Dai Havard (1/1), Mr Oliver Heald (1/1), David Heyes (1/1), John Howell (1/1), Anne Moffat (1/1), Meg Munn (1/1), Stephen Pound (0/1), Mr Stephen Timms (1/1), Mrs Betty Williams (1/1), Mr Anthony Wright (1/1)
2. Perpetuities and Accumulations Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 20 July 2009
Reported: 19 October 2009  
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chairman: Mr Roger Gale

Members and attendance: Mr Michael Ancram (0/1), Mr Adrian Bailey (0/1), Tony Baldry (0/1), Mr Henry Bellingham (1/1), Rosie Cooper (1/1), Mr Mike Hall (1/1), Paul Holmes (0/1), David Howarth (1/1), Mr George Howarth (1/1), Mrs Siân C. James (1/1), Helen Jones (1/1), Bridget Prentice (1/1), Mrs Linda Riordan (1/1), Sir Peter Soulsby (1/1), Sir Peter Viggers (0/1), Jeremy Wright (1/1)

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