Sessional Returns 2008-09 Contents


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005.

Curry, Mr David (discharged 17.3.09; added 14.10.09; Chairman from 20.10.09)

Barron, Mr Kevin

Dismore, Mr Andrew

Harvey, Nick

Knight, Mr Greg (added 18.3.09)

Llwyd, Mr Elfyn

Mullin, Mr Chris

Soames, Hon Nicholas

Tipping, Paddy

Whitehead, Dr Alan

Young, Sir George (discharged 14.10.09)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

8 out of 9

20 out of 22

19 out of 22

19 out of 22

12 out of 16

16 out of 22

21 out of 22

17 out of 22

16 out of 22

20 out of 22

16 out of 18

84 %

Total number of meetings: 22

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 2
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 2
Number of wholly private meetings 22


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Members of Parliament 3
Appearances by other witnesses 3

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits


Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Mr Jack Straw 18222.1.09 Not applicable
Second Report: Mr Peter Hain 18322.1.09 Not applicable
Third Report: Mr Derek Conway 20729.1.09 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Dual Reporting and Revised Guide to the Rules 2082.2.09 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Mr Gordon Brown 27926.2.09 Not applicable
Sixth Report: Mrs Caroline Spelman 3163.3.09 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Unauthorised Disclosure of Heads of Report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee 501 I-II21.5.09 Not applicable
Eighth Report: All-Party Groups 92016.7.09 Not applicable
Ninth Report: Jacqui Smith 97412.10.09 Not applicable
Tenth Report: Mr Tony McNulty 107029.10.09 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Mr Alan Duncan 11015.11.09 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically at the end of the Session. They are available on the Committee's website at .





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Unauthorised Disclosure of Heads of Report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee 2


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 28 June 2005.

Maclean, David (Chairman)

Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta

Bone, Mr Peter

Dodds, Nigel (added 9.11.09)

Foster, Michael Jabez

Kidney, Mr David

Simpson, David (discharged 9.11.09)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

22 out of 25

7 out of 25

19 out of 25

0 out of 1

7 out of 25

12 out of 25

6 out of 24

48.7 %

Total number of meetings: 25

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 0
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 25
Other activities  
Informal meetings 0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits

Not applicable.

Visits to European Institutions

Not applicable.

UK Visits

Not applicable.

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report4-i 7.4.09Not applicable
Second Report4-ii 12.5.09Not applicable
Third Report4-iii 29.5.09Not applicable
Fourth Report 4-iv 21.7.09Not applicable
Fifth Report4-v 17.11.09Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session



For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 28 June 2005.

Maclean, David (Chairman)

Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta

Bone, Mr Peter

Dodds, Nigel (added 9.11.09)

Foster, Michael Jabez

Kidney, Mr David

Simpson, David (discharged 9.11.09)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

22 out of 25

7 out of 25

19 out of 25

0 out of 1

7 out of 25

12 out of 25

6 out of 24

48.7 %

Total number of meetings: 25

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 0
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 25
Other activities  
Informal meetings 0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session




Overseas Visits

Not applicable.

Visits to European Institutions

Not applicable.

UK Visits

Not applicable.

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report3-i 16.12.08Not applicable
Second Report3-ii 19.12.08Not applicable
Third Report3-iii 27.1.09Not applicable
Fourth Report 3-iv 3.2.09Not applicable
Fifth Report3-v 9.2.09Not applicable
Sixth Report 3-vi 17.2.09Not applicable
Seventh Report 3-vii 9.3.09Not applicable
Eighth Report 3-viii 17.3.09Not applicable
Ninth Report 3-ix 23.3.09Not applicable
Tenth Report3-x 31.3.09Not applicable
Eleventh Report3-xi 7.4.09Not applicable
Twelfth Report 3-xii 6.5.09Not applicable
Thirteenth Report 3-xiii12.5.09 Not applicable
Fourteenth Report3-xiv 19.5.09Not applicable
Fifteenth Report 3-xv 29.5.09Not applicable
Sixteenth Report3-xvi 16.6.09Not applicable
Seventeenth Report 3-xvii23.6.09 Not applicable
Eighteenth Report3-xviii 24.6.09Not applicable
Nineteenth Report3-xix 7.7.09Not applicable
Twentieth Report3-xx 14.7.09Not applicable
Twenty-First Report 3-xxi21.7.09 Not applicable
Twenty-Second Report 3-xxii27.10.09 Not applicable
Twenty-Third Report 3-xxiii3.11.09 Not applicable
Twenty-Fourth Report 3-xxiv10.11.09 Not applicable
Twenty-Fifth Report 3-xxv17.11.09 Not applicable
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Second Special Report of Session 2007-08: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns, 2007 26017.2.09 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns, 2008 88416.7.09 Awaited

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Ministry of Justice Response to the Committee's Second Special Report: Scrutinising Statutory Instruments: Departmental Returns, 2007, received 4.2.09 and published as First Special Report, Session 2008-09.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session



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[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons, 29 November 2005: "Ordered, Select Committee appointed to join with a Committee of the Lords as the Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills."]

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 29 November 2005.

Clarke, Mr Kenneth (Chairman until 9.11.09) (discharged 9.11.09)

Breed, Mr Colin

Davies, Mr Quentin (discharged 12.1.09)

Gauke, Mr David (added 9.11.09)

Healey, John (discharged 12.1.09)

Mountford, Kali

Mudie, Mr George (added 12.1.09)

Reed, Mr Andy

Timms, Stephen (added 12.1.09)

Viggers, Sir Peter

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

0 out of 1

1 out of 1

0 out of 0

0 out of 0

0 out of 0

0 out of 1

0 out of 1

1 out of 1

1 out of 1

1 out of 1

57.1 %

Total number of meetings: 1

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 1
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of:   
HM Revenue and Customs 1

Overseas Visits

Not applicable.

Visits to European Institutions

Not applicable.

UK Visits

Not applicable.

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Corporation Tax Bill 1605.2.09 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08


Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee for Session 2008-09 were published in the First Report of the Committee, Corporation Tax Bill, HC 160, Session 2008-09.




A committee report was tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debate in the House of Commons on 3 March 2009.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Corporation Tax Bill 1


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005.

Ellman, Mrs Louise (Chairman)

Clelland, Mr David

Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. (added 9.11.09)

Efford, Clive (discharged 19.1.09)

Hollobone, Mr Philip

Leech, Mr John

Martlew, Mr Eric

Pritchard, Mark

Smith, Ms Angela C (added 19.1.09)

Soulsby, Sir Peter (added 19.1.09)

Stringer, Graham

Wilshire, Mr David

Wilson, Sammy (discharged 9.11.09)

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

29 out of 29

24 out of 29

0 out of 1

0 out of 3

21 out of 29

23 out of 29

24 out of 29

18 out of 29

20 out of 26

24 out of 26

26 out of 29

10 out of 29

16 out of 28

74.4 %

Total number of meetings: 29

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 28
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 1
Other activities  
Informal meetings 0


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Peter Brooker, Professor Brian Graham, Professor Chris Nash, David Quarmby and Professor Jon Shaw.


Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers3
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 8
Members of the House of Lords (all of whom were Ministers) 6
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
Department for Transport 7
Other departments comprising:   
HM Treasury1
Executive agencies comprising:   
Driving Standards Agency 1
Highways Agency3
Vehicle and Operator Services Agency 1
Representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments:   
Advantage West Midlands 1
Passenger Focus3
Sustainable Development Commission 1
Traffic Commissioners 1
Public Corporations:  
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) 3
Appearances by other witnesses135

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
19-23.10.09Washington DC Ellman, Leech, Martlew 2Inquiry into the future of aviation £26,496.54 (estimated outturn)

Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
16.12.08Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA), Leatherhead A Ellman1 Inquiry into taxes and charges on road users £266.80
24.2.09NATS air traffic control centre at Swanwick Ellman, Hollobone, Smith, Soulsby, Wilshire 2Inquiry into the use of airspace £744.00
25.3.09Transec, part of the Department for Transport, London Ellman, Clelland, Hollobone, Leech, Martlew, Stringer, Wilshire, Wilson 2Briefing on transport security Nil
21.7.092012 Olympic Park, Stratford Ellman, Soulsby, Wilshire, Wilson 2Update on the 2012 Olympic transport plan £17.60

A Travel in a representative capacity

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Work of the Committee in 2007-08 21130.1.09 Not required
Second Report: School Travel 35122.3.09 Received 18.5.09: published as Third Special Report Session 2008-09
Third Report: Appointment of the Chair of the Office of Rail Regulation 4337.5.09 Letter from Secretary of State, Rt Hon Geoff Hoon MP, received 1.6.09
Fourth Report: The effects of adverse weather conditions on transport. 32829.5.09 Received 17.7.09: published as Fourth Special Report Session 2008-09
Fifth Report: The use of airspace 16310.7.09 Received 28.9.09: published as Fifth Special Report Session 2008-09
Sixth Report: Taxes and charges on road users 10324.7.09 Received 5.10.09: published as Sixth Special Report Session 2008-09
Seventh Report: The enforcement activities of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) 3924.8.09 Received 21.10.09: published as Eighth Special Report Session 2008-09
Eighth Report: Rail fares and franchises 23327.7.09 Received 9.10.09: published as Seventh Special Report Session 2008-09
First Special Report: Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010: Government response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2007-08 13619.1.09 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010: Further Government response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2007-08 42227.4.09 Not applicable
Third Special Report: School Travel: Government responses to the Committee's Report of Session 2008-09 56128.5.09 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: The effects of adverse weather conditions on transport: Government response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2008-09 95722.7.09 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: The use of airspace: Government response to the Committee's Fifth Report of Session 2008-09 99626.10.09 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Taxes and charges on road users: Government response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2008-09 99527.10.09 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Rail fares and franchises: Government response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2008-09 100416.10.09 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: The enforcement activities of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA): Government response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2008-09 10572.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Department for Transport's Annual Report 2008 111211.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-i6.5.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-ii13.5.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-iii17.6.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-iv1.7.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-v8.7.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The future of aviation 499-vi15.7.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The major road network 533-i20.5.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The major road network 533-ii24.6.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The major road network 533-iii8.7.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The major road network 533-iv20.7.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The new European motorcycle test 97814.10.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Priorities for investment in the railways 1056-i28.10.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Priorities for investment in the railways 1056-ii11.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Update on road safety - road casualty statistics 10864.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Transport Questions with the Secretary of State 10874.11.09 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report: Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010, received 12.1.09 and published as the Committee's First Special Report Session 2008-09.

Further reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report: Ending the Scandal of Complacency: Road Safety beyond 2010, received 20.4.09 and published as the Committee's Second Special Report Session 2008-09.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .




Committee reports were debated on 2 occasions in the House of Commons and on 1 occasion in Westminster Hall. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report, para 41.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Appointment of the Chair of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) 1
Future of aviation 6
Priorities for investment in the railways 2
Rail fares and franchises 3
Taxes and charges on road usersA 4
The effects of adverse weather conditions on transport. 2
The enforcement activities of the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA)A 1
The major road network 4
The new European motorcycle test 1
The use of airspace 6
Transport Questions with the Secretary of State 1
Update on road safety - road casualty statistics 1
Total32 B

A The Committee also took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2007-08; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2008-09)).

B On four occasions, the Committee's meeting comprised two separate oral evidence sessions. Therefore the total in this table does not match the figure given earlier for the number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken.


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005.

McFall, John (Chairman)

Ainger, Nick

Brady, Mr Graham

Breed, Mr Colin

Cousins, Jim

Crabb, Mr Stephen (discharged 9.2.09)

Fallon, Mr Michael

Keeble, Ms Sally

Love, Mr Andrew

Mann, John (added 12.1.09)

Mudie, Mr George (discharged 13.7.09)

Plaskitt, James (added 13.7.09)

Simon, Mr Siôn (discharged 12.1.09)

Thurso, John

Todd, Mr Mark

Tyrie, Mr Andrew (added 9.2.09)

Viggers, Sir Peter

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

44 out of 44

40 out of 44

38 out of 44

29 out of 44

29 out of 44

6 out of 12

42 out of 44

40 out of 44

37 out of 44

27 out of 40

18 out of 35

6 out of 9

0 out of 4

33 out of 44

38 out of 44

29 out of 32

41 out of 44

80.7 %

Total number of meetings: 44

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 38
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 6
Other activities  
Informal meetings (including meetings with overseas visitors) 6


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Roger Bootle, Professor Sheila Dow, Professor David Heald, Professor David Miles, Karon Monaghan QC, Professor Anton Muscatelli, Professor Danny Quah, Bridget Rosewell, Professor Andrew Scott, Professor Colin Talbot and Professor Geoffrey Wood.

Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers4
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 6
Members of the House of Lords 7
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
HM Treasury8
Number of appearances from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
Bank of England (including Monetary Policy Committee) 9
Financial Services Authority 4
Financial Services Compensation Scheme 1
Financial Services Consumer Panel 1
Financial Services Practitioner Panel 1
Smaller Businesses Practitioner's Panel 1
UK Financial Investments Ltd (UKFI) 2
Appearances by other witnesses 118

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
19.2.09ParisA Love1 High Level Parliamentary Seminar on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis £1,336.93
18-22.5.09New York and Washington DC McFall, Ainger, Brady, Breed, Fallon, Keeble, Love, Tyrie, Viggers 2Inquiry into International Dimensions of the Banking Crisis £47,757.32
6.9.09StockholmA McFall1 Economics of Climate Change and Sustainable Public Finance conference £2,156.96

A Travel in a representative capacity

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
21-22.1.09Brussels McFall, Ainger, Brady, Fallon, Love, Viggers 3Inquiry into the Banking Crisis £6,537.60

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
20.1.09HM Treasury, London McFall, Ainger, Brady, Cousins, Fallon, Thurso, Viggers 3Inquiry into the Banking Crisis Nil
2.3.09Belfast McFall, Ainger, Brady, Fallon, Viggers 3Inquiry into the Banking Crisis £2,918.00
9-10.3.09Edinburgh, Halifax and Leeds McFall, Ainger, Brady, Love, Mann, Mudie 4Inquiry into the Banking Crisis £5,576.80
1.4.09UK Financial Investments Ltd, London McFall, Ainger, Brady, Breed, Fallon, Keeble, Love, Todd, Viggers 3Inquiry into the Banking Crisis Nil

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's Department, 2007-08 3523.1.09 Received 2.4.09: published as Second Special Report Session 2008-09
Second Report: Pre-Budget Report 2008 2728.1.09 Received 22.4.09: published as Third Special Report Session 2008-09
Third Report: Work of the Committee 2007-08 17329.1.09 Not required
Fourth Report: Appointment of Paul Tucker as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England 34-I23.1.09 Not required
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Paul Tucker as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England 34-II24.2.09 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Banking Crisis: The impact of the failure of the Icelandic banks 4024.4.09 Received 8.6.09: published as Fourth Special Report Session 2008-09
Sixth Report: Appointment of Paul Fisher to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank England 415-I24.4.09 Not required
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Paul Fisher to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank England 415-II20.5.09 Not applicable
Seventh Report: Banking Crisis: dealing with the failure of the UK Banks 4161.5.09 Received 15.7.09: published as Seventh Special Report Session 2008-09
Eighth Report: Budget 2009 438-I6.5.09 Received 6.7.09: published as Fifth Special Report Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: Budget 2009 438-II11.5.09 Not applicable
Ninth Report: Banking Crisis: Reforming corporate governance and pay in the City 51915.5.09 Received 15.7.09: published as Eighth Special Report Session 2008-09
Tenth Report: Appointment of Professor David Miles to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 765-I6.7.09 Received 13.7.09: published as Sixth Special Report Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Professor David Miles to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 765-II24.7.09 Not applicable
Eleventh Report: Banking Crisis: International Dimensions 61524.7.09 Awaited
Twelfth Report: Appointment of Dr Adam Posen to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 764-I20.7.09 Not required
Oral and Written Evidence: Appointment of Dr Adam Posen to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 764-II19.10.09 Not applicable
Thirteenth Report: Evaluating the Efficiency Programme 52028.7.09 Received 28.9.09: published as Ninth Special Report Session 2008-09
Fourteenth Report: Banking Crisis: regulation and supervision 76731.7.09 FSA response received 6.11.09; published as written evidence published on the internet
Fifteenth Report: Mortgage arrears and access to mortgage finance 7668.8.09 Received 19.10.09: published as Tenth Special Report Session 2008-09
Sixteenth Report: The Committee's Opinion on proposals for European financial supervision 108816.11.09 Awaited
First Special Report: Budget Measures and Low Income Households: Government Response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report of Session 2007-08 6915.12.08 Not applicable
Second Special Report: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's Department, 2007-08: Government Response to the First Report from the Committee 41924.4.09 Not applicable
Third Special Report: Pre-Budget Report 2008: Government Response to the Second Report from the Committee 4311.5.09 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Banking Crisis: the impact of the failure of the Icelandic banks: Responses from the Government and Financial Services Authority to the Fifth Report from the Committee 65619.6.09 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Budget 2009: Government Response to the Eighth Report from the Committee 89010.7.09 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Appointment of Professor David Miles to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Responses from the Financial Services Authority, Professor David Miles, and the Bank of England to the Tenth Report from the Committee 89813.7.09 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Banking Crisis: dealing with the failure of the UK banks: Responses from the Government, UK Financial Investments Ltd and Financial Services Authority to the Seventh Report from the Committee 95924.7.09 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: Banking Crisis: reforming corporate governance and pay in the City: Responses from the Government, UK Financial Investments Ltd and Financial Services Authority to the Ninth Report from the Committee 46224.7.09 Not applicable
Ninth Special Report: Evaluating the Efficiency Programme: Government Response to the Thirteenth Report from the Committee 99719.10.09 Not applicable
Tenth Special Report: Mortgage arrears and access to mortgage finance: Responses from the Government and Financial Services Authority to the Fifteenth Report from the Committee 10684.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Work of the Financial Services Authority, 2007-08 984.2.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Banking Crisis 144-I1.4.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence: Banking Crisis 144-II1.4.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence: Banking Crisis 144-III1.4.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Offshore Financial Centres 35526.3.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England February 2009 Inflation Report 376-i30.4.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England May 2009 Inflation Report 763-i20.7.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Bank of England August 2009 Inflation Report 966-i19.10.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Women in the City 967-i6.11.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Women in the City 967-ii6.11.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2008-09 1046-i11.11.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: The Walker Review 1089-i10.11.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence published on the Internet: UK Financial Investments Ltd 1090-i12.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2008-09 1046-ii3.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2008-09 1046-iii16.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Credit Searches 1069-i2.11.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Women in the City   14.10.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Credit Searches   20.10.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Banking Crisis: regulation and supervision   11.11.09 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Reply to the Committee's Thirteenth Report: Budget Measures and Low Income Households, received 8.12.08 and published as the Committee's First Special Report Session 2008-09.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .




Committee reports were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House of Commons on 1 occasion. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report, para 64.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Appointment of Dr Adam Posen to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 1
Appointment of Paul Fisher to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank England 1
Appointment of Paul Tucker as Deputy Governor of the Bank of England 1
Appointment of Professor David Miles to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England 1
Bank of England February 2009 Inflation Report 1
Bank of England May 2009 Inflation Report 1
Bank of England August 2009 Inflation Report 1
Banking CrisisA 13
Banking Crisis: International Dimensions 2
Banking Crisis: regulation and supervision 3
Budget 20093
Credit Searches1
Mortgage arrears and access to mortgage finance 2
Pre-Budget Report 2008 3
Proposals for European Macro and Micro Prudential Financial Regulation 2
UK Financial Investments Ltd 1
Walker Review1
Women in the City2
Work of the Financial Services Authority 2007-08 1

A The Committee also took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2007-08; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2008-09)).

B On three occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate evidence sessions.

39A  Treasury Sub-Committee

For website access click on

The Sub-Committee was nominated on 13 July 2005.

Fallon, Mr Michael (Chairman)

Ainger, Nick

Brady, Mr Graham

Breed, Mr Colin

Cousins, Jim

Crabb, Mr Stephen (discharged 9.2.09)

Keeble, Ms Sally

Love, Mr Andrew

McFall, John

Mann, John (added 12.1.09)

Mudie, Mr George (discharged 13.7.09)

Plaskitt, James (added 13.7.09)

Simon, Mr Siôn (discharged 12.1.09)

Thurso, John

Todd, Mr Mark

Tyrie, Mr Andrew (added 9.2.09)

Viggers, Sir Peter

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

8 out of 8

7 out of 8

6 out of 8

5 out of 8

3 out of 8

0 out of 1

7 out of 8

6 out of 8

8 out of 8

2 out of 8

1 out of 4

2 out of 4

0 out of 0

8 out of 8

8 out of 8

3 out of 7

7 out of 8

72.3 %

Total number of meetings: 8

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 6
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 2
Other activities  
Informal meetings1


The Sub-Committee is supported by the staff of the main Committee, details of which can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session


Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
HM Treasury3
Government Departments reporting to the Chancellor of the Exchequer comprising:   
Office of Government Commerce 1
National Savings and Investments 1
Royal Mint1
UK Debt Management Office 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
HM Revenue and Customs 2
Appearances by other witnesses 4

Overseas Visits


Visits to European Institutions


UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
6.5.09Debt Management Office, London Fallon, Ainger, Brady, Breed, Keeble, Love, Viggers 3Inquiry into the Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2007-08 £94.62

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence


Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Not applicable.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .





Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Administration and expenditure of the Chancellor's departments, 2008-09 3
Evaluating the Efficiency Programme 3


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 19 July 2005.

Francis, Dr Hywel (Chairman)

Davies, David T. C.

Griffith, Nia

James, Mrs Siân C

Jones, Mr David

Jones, Mr Martyn

Michael, Alun

Owen, Albert

Pritchard, Mark

Williams, Hywel

Williams, Mark

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

43 out of 44

5 out of 44

13 out of 44

22 out of 44

33 out of 44

9 out of 44

40 out of 44

20 out of 44

12 out of 44

34 out of 44

31 out of 44

54.1 %

Total number of meetings: 44

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 34
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 10
Other activities  
Informal meetings9


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Khalid Bichou, Dr Diarmait MacGiolla Chriost, Professor Luke Clements, Professor Stuart Cole, Dr Maeve Conrick, Professor Iwan Davies, Dr Tom Entwistle, Professor Phil Fennell, Ellen Hesper, Robert Humphreys, Professor Robert Lee, Professor Marcus Longley, Professor Terry Marsden, Professor Steve Martin, Professor Kevin Morgan, Professor Max Munday, Professor Keith Patchett, Jonathan Rees, Dr Diane Seddon, Professor Steve Wilcox, Professor Kevin Williams and Christopher Yewlett.

Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers2
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 11
Members of the House of Lords 2
Welsh Assembly Government Ministers 11
Members of the National Assembly for` Wales 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
Wales Office3
Welsh Assembly Government 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of, public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:   
European Commission Officials 1
Appearances by other witnesses 78

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
14-18.6.09Baltic Ports Francis, James, D Jones, Owen, Pritchard, H Williams, M Williams 2Inquires into Digital Inclusion and Ports in Wales £16,961.87

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
8-9.12.08BrusselsA H Williams0 EU conference on Multilingualism £567.00

A Travel in a representative capacity

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
15.12.08Cardiff Francis, Michael, H Williams, M Williams 3AInquiry into the National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Agriculture and Rural Development) Order 2008 £512.15
19.1.09Newport, Gwent Francis, Griffith, H Williams 3AInquiry into the potential benefits of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games for Wales £1,011.05
10-12.5.09Bangor Francis, D Jones, M Jones, Michael, Owen 4AInquiries into Digital Inclusion and Ports in Wales £3,072.79
18.5.09Severn Tunnel Francis, James, Michael, H Williams 1Inquiry into the provision of cross-border public services for Wales £777.63

A Includes 1 shorthand writer

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Cross-border public services for Wales: Further and higher education 5716.1.09 Received 16.3.09: published as Second Special Report, Session 2008-09
Second Report: Globalisation and its impact on Wales 184-I,II12.2.09 Received 30.4.09: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Third Report: The National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Agriculture and Rural Development) Order 2008 523.2.09 Received 24.3.09: published as Third Special Report, Session 2008-09
Fourth Report: Work of the Committee Report 2007-08 32521.2.09 Not applicable
Fifth Report: The provision of cross-border health services for Wales 5627.3.09 Cm 7647, published 16.6.09
Sixth Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Social Welfare) Order 2009 30628.4.09 Received 1.6.09: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Seventh Report: Legal Services Commission Cardiff Office 3741.5.09 Received 23.6.09: published as Sixth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Eighth Report: Potential Benefits of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics for Wales 16222.5.09 Cm 7681, published 23.7.09
Ninth Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order 2009 3487.7.09 Received 6.10.09: published as Seventh Special Report, Session 2008-09
Tenth Report: Cross-border provision of public services for Wales: Transport 5817.7.09 Received 28.10.09: published as Ninth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Eleventh Report: English Language Television Broadcasting in Wales 50222.7.09 Cm 7713, published 22.9.09
Twelfth Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Environment) Order 2009 67828.7.09 Awaited
Thirteenth Report: Digital Inclusion in Wales 3054.8.09 Received 28.9.09: published as Eighth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Fourteenth Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Health and Health Services and Social Welfare) Order 2009 77830.10.09 Awaited
Fifteenth Report: Ports in Wales 6016.11.09 Awaited
First Special Report: The proposed draft National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Housing) Order 2008: Government Response to the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2007-08 2003.2.09 Not applicable
Second Special Report: The Provision of cross-border public services for Wales: Further and Higher Education: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2008-09 37830.3.09 Not applicable
Third Special Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Agriculture and Rural Development) Order 2008: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2008-09 4106.5.09 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Globalisation and its impact on Wales: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2008-09 53818.5.09 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: The National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Social Welfare) Order 2009: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session


60517.6.09 Not applicable
Sixth Special Report: Legal Services Commission Cardiff Office 8253.7.09 Not applicable
Seventh Special Report: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order 2009: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2008-09 102415.10.09 Not applicable
Eighth Special Report: Digital Inclusion in Wales: Government Response to the Committee's Thirteenth Report of Session 2008-09 105022.10.09 Not applicable
Ninth Special Report: Cross-border provision of public services for Wales: Transport: Government Response to the Committee's Tenth Report of Session 2008-09 10995.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Wales Office Annual Report 2009 1075-i27.10.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Potential Benefits of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics for Wales: follow up 1097-i3.11.09 Not applicable
Oral Evidence: Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Culture and Other Fields) Order 2009 1098-i5.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: The Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Housing) Order 2009 1110-i10.11.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the internet: Cross-border public services for Wales: follow-up   27.10.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the internet: The Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence)

(Local Government) Order 2009

  27.10.09 Not applicable

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: The provision of cross-border health services for Wales: Interim Report, published as Cm 7531 (26.1.09).

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .




Committee reports were debated on 1 occasion in the Welsh Grand Committee. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report, para 59.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Digital Inclusion in Wales 7
English Language Broadcasting in Wales 1
Legal Services Commission, Cardiff Office 1
Ports in Wales6
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Culture and Other Fields) Order 2009 1
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Health and Health Services and Social Welfare) Order 2009. 2
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Agriculture and Rural Development) Order 2008 1
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Environment) Order 2009 3
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Social Welfare) Order 2009, relating to Carers 1
The Potential Benefits of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics for Wales 2
The Potential Benefits of the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics for Wales: Follow-up 1
Proposed Legislative Competence Order in Council on Housing relating to Domestic Fire Safety 1
Proposed National Assembly for Wales (Legislative Competence) (Welsh Language) Order 2009 4
The provision of cross-border public services for Wales 3
Wales Office Annual Report 2009 1

A On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised two separate evidence sessions.


For website access click on

The Committee was nominated by the House of Commons on 13 July 2005.

Rooney, Mr Terry (Chairman)

Begg, Miss Anne

Cohen, Harry

Foster, Michael Jabez

Harper, Mark (added 29.6.09)

Heald, Mr Oliver

Humble, Mrs Joan

Howell, John

Levitt, Tom

Mulholland, Greg

Penrose, John (discharged 29.6.09)

Willott, Jenny

Overall Attendance:

Meetings attended

35 out of 36

33 out of 36

20 out of 36

16 out of 36

2 out of 10

23 out of 36

31 out of 36

35 out of 36

35 out of 36

18 out of 36

14 out of 26

6 out of 36

67.7 %

Total number of meetings: 36

Of which:
Number of meetings at which oral evidence was taken 19
Number of times oral evidence was taken partly or wholly in private 0
Number of wholly private meetings 17
Other activities  
Informal meetings (including meetings with overseas visitors) 3
Conferences/Seminars hosted 1


Details of the permanent staff of the Committee during the Session can be found in the Committee's publications.

Specialist Advisers during the Session

Professor Dan Finn, Caroline Gooding, Professor Ruth Hancock, Professor Peter Kemp, Professor Alan McGregor, Nigel Meager, Roy Sainsbury and Adam Steventon.

Oral Evidence was given during this Session by the following categories of witnesses:   
Number of appearances by:   
Cabinet Ministers2
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers 10
Members of the House of Lords 1
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:   
Department for Work and Pensions 8
Department of Energy and Climate Change 1
Government Equalities Office 1
Executive Agencies:   
Tribunals Service1
Pension, Disability and Carers Service 1
Jobcentre Plus1
Public Bodies and Non Ministerial departments:   
Equality and Human Rights Commission 2
Health and Safety Executive 1
Trade unions1
Appearances by other witnesses 22

Overseas Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
4-8.5.09Ottawa and Montreal Rooney, Begg, Heald, Howell, Levitt 3AInquiry into Tackling Pensioner Poverty £41,408.71

A Includes 1 facilitator

Visits to European Institutions
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
20-21.1.09Brussels Rooney, Cohen, Foster, Heald, Howell, Penrose 3Inquiry into Equality Bill: How disability equality fits within a single Equality Act £6,624.17

UK Visits
DateDestination MembersStaff PurposeCost
10.3.09BrightonA Rooney, Howell4 Inquiry into Tackling Pensioner Poverty £376.30
28.4.09Cambridge, Newmarket and Snailwell Rooney, Begg, Foster, Levitt 4BInquiry into Tackling Pensioner Poverty £643.18
18.5.09Bootle Rooney, Cohen, Levitt 3Inquiry into Workplace health and safety: follow-up report £852.31
9.6.09Olympic Site, Stratford Rooney, Heald, Humble, Levitt 3Inquiry into Workplace health and safety: follow-up report Nil
2.11.09Leeds Rooney, Heald, Mulholland 2Inquiry into Decision-making and Appeals in the Benefits system £1,327.00 (estimated outturn)

A Travel in a representative capacity

B Includes 1 facilitator

Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
TitleHC No. (2008-09) Date of publication Government reply
First Report: Work of the Committee in 2007-08 6821.1.09 Not applicable
Second Report: DWP's Commissioning Strategy and the Flexible New Deal 59-I5.3.09 Received 15.5.09: published as Second Special Report, Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: DWP's Commissioning Strategy and the Flexible New Deal 59-II5.3.09 Not applicable
Third Report: The Equality Bill: How disability equality fits within a single Equality Act 158-I29.4.09 Received 3.7.09: published as Third Special Report, Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: The Equality Bill: How disability equality fits within a single Equality Act 158-II29.4.09 Not applicable
Fourth Report: Workplace health and safety: follow-up report 635-I12.7.09 Received 15.10.09: published as Fifth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: Workplace health and safety: follow-up report 635-II16.7.09 Not applicable
Fifth Report: Tackling Pensioner Poverty 411-I30.7.09 Received 7.10.09: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2008-09
Oral and Written Evidence: Tackling Pensioner Poverty 411-II30.7.09 Not applicable
First Special Report: Valuing and Supporting Carers: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2007-08 10519.12.08 Not applicable
Second Special Report: DWP's Commissioning Strategy and the Flexible New Deal: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2008-09 52615.5.09 Not applicable
Third Special Report: The Equality Bill: how disability equality fits within a single Equality Act: Government Response to the Third Report from the Committee, Session 2008-09 83629.6.09 Not applicable
Fourth Special Report: Tackling Pensioner Poverty: Government Response to the Fifth Report from the Committee, Session 2008-09 102919.10.09 Not applicable
Fifth Special Report: Workplace health and safety: follow-up report: Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2008-09 97526.10.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Pension, Disability and Carers Service 104-i9.2.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: DWP's response to the economic downturn 147-i17.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Jobcentre Plus 339-i6.7.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: DWP's Autumn Performance Report 2008 363-i7.7.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Child Poverty 702-i22.7.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Fuel Poverty 752-i17.11.09 Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: DWP's IT ProcurementA 1203-i2.3.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: DWP Departmental Annual Report 2009 97720.10.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Decision-making and Appeals in the Benefits system 1030-i29.10.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: Decision-making and Appeals in the Benefits system 1030-ii9.11.09 Not applicable
Uncorrected Oral Evidence published on the Internet: One-off Evidence Session on the Equality and Human Rights Commission's "Working Better" Project 1072-i4.11.09 Not applicable
Written Evidence published on the Internet: Decision-making and appeals 103014.10.09 Not applicable

A HC No. refers to Session 2007-08

Government replies to Reports for Session 2007-08

Reply to the Committee's Fourth Report: Valuing and Supporting Carers, received 19.12.08 and published as the Committee's First Special Report, Session 2008-09.

Formal Minutes

The Formal Minutes of the Committee were published electronically after each meeting of the Committee. They are available on the Committee's website at .

15.7.09Two, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on Tackling Pensioner Poverty


Committee reports were debated on 1 occasion in Westminster Hall. Committee reports/oral and written evidence were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to debates in the House of Commons or Westminster Hall on 2 occasions. Committee reports and written evidence were tagged on the Order Paper as relevant to proceedings on a Bill on 1 occasion. Further details can be found in the Committee's Sessional Report, paras 34-36.

Number of oral evidence sessions for each inquiry during the Session
InquiryNumber of oral evidence sessions
Child Poverty1
Decision-making and Appeals in the Benefits system 2
Department for Work and Pensions' commissioning strategy and the employment programme marketA 1
Departmental Annual Report 1
DWP's Autumn Performance Report 2008 1
DWP's response to the economic downturn 1
Equality and Human Rights Commission's "Working Better" Project 1
Fuel Poverty1
Jobcentre Plus1
Pension, Disability and Carers Service 1
Tackling Pensioner Poverty 3
The Equality Bill: how disability equality fits within a single Equality Act 3
Workplace health and safety: follow-up report 2

A The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2007-08; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2007-08))


1  Select Committee Staff

Details of the staff serving a particular select committee are set out in their publications. In many cases, committee staff carry out duties in the service of the House unrelated to their work for a particular committee. For some staff, especially those working in offices other than the Committee Directorate, those duties account for most of their work. This analysis of the staff who served select committees during Session 2008-09 is therefore presented office by office.


Committee Directorate (excluding Scrutiny Unit)
Principal Clerks (SCS)* 5
Deputy Principal Clerks (SC Band 1) 18
Senior Clerks (A2) 17
Assistant Clerks (A3) 10
Business Manager (B1)** 1
Operations Manager (B1) 0.8
Senior Committee Assistants (B1) 2
Senior Committee Assistants (B2) 20
Committee Assistants (C) 31.5
Committee Support Assistants (D1) 9.6
NAO Audit Officers on secondment 2
Inquiry Managers (A2) 1.8
Inquiry Managers (B1) 6.8
Committee Specialists/ Legal Specialists (B1)*** 23
Media Officers (B1) 6
Secretaries (C)**** 2.8
Sandwich Student1

* The Committee Directorate has four Principal Clerks who have supervisory and management responsibilities. Three of these performed additional functions as Clerks of Select or Joint Committees. The Clerk of Committees is Clerk of the Liaison Committee and of the Modernisation Committee; one Principal Clerk of Select Committees is the Second Clerk of the Liaison Committee.

** Also acts as Senior Committee Assistant to the Liaison Committee

*** Vacancies not included

**** Personal secretaries to Principal Clerks.

Scrutiny Unit

The Scrutiny Unit of the Committee Directorate provides specialist help to select committees, mainly but not exclusively in financial scrutiny and the scrutiny of draft legislation. It provides staff members for joint committees undertaking pre-legislative scrutiny of draft bills and supports the evidence-taking role of public bill committees. It has particular expertise in public expenditure, accountancy and the law, but also does other work for committees as resources permit, including assisting select committees with on-line consultations. The Unit carried out 139 tasks for 24 committees in Session 2008-09.* It provided staff for the Joint Committee on the draft Bribery Bill and the Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills (see separate entries in the Committee section of the Return). Members of Unit staff made significant contributions to the work of the Justice Committee, the Communities and Local Government Committee, the Welsh Affairs Committee and the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission.

The numbers and grades of staff in the Unit as at 12th November 2009 were:

1 Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1)
1 Senior Clerk (A2)
1 Deputy Head of Finance (shared with the Environmental Audit Committee) (A2)
4 Specialists on secondment:
1 Financial Analyst on secondment from the Department of Communities and Local Government (A2)
1 Financial Analyst on secondment from the Ministry of Justice (A2)
2 Financial Analysts on secondment from the National Audit Office (A2)
1 Statistician on loan from the House of Commons Library (B1)
2 Legal Specialists (B1)
1 Senior Committee Assistant (B2)
2 Committee Assistants (C)
1 Team Manager (part-time) (C)
2 Committee Support Assistants (1 part-time) (D1)
1 Office Support Assistant (D2)

*"Tasks" in this context range in scale from managing entire inquiries by a joint committee to one-off pieces of analysis for a select committee.

Journal Office

A Principal Clerk (SCS Band 2) was Clerk of the Committee on Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on the Parliamentary Estate), assisted by a Committee Support Assistant (Band D1) who also assisted the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission. A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1) was Clerk of the Standards and Privileges Committee, assisted by a Committee Assistant (Band C), and  also Secretary of the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission. A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1) was Clerk of the Procedure Committee. A Senior Clerk (A2) assisted the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges and the Secretary of the Speaker's Committee on the Electoral Commission. An Assistant Clerk (Band A3) assisted the Clerk of the Procedure Committee  and was also Commons Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Committee. A Committee Assistant (Band  C) assisted the Select Committee on Modernisation of the House of Commons, the Procedure Committee and the Select Committee on Reform of the House of Commons.

Legislation Service

The Clerk of Delegated Legislation (a Principal Clerk, SCS Band 1A) has supervisory responsibility for staff of the Regulatory Reform and European Scrutiny Committees, for the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments and for the Joint Committee on Human Rights (and for the National Parliament Office in Brussels). He is supported by a Personal Secretary (Band C) (shared with one of the Principal Clerks of Select Committees and the Clerk of Committees).

The following staff served the European Scrutiny Committee: 1 Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1), 4 Clerk/Advisers with specialist experience (Band A2), 1 Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (from 2 April 2009, replaced by a Senior Clerk, Band A2), 1 Senior Committee Assistant (Band B2), 2? Committee Assistants (Band C), 2 Secretaries/ Committee Support Assistants (Band D1 and D2)). The Committee was assisted by the Counsel for European Legislation (SCS Band 1A) and by an Assistant Counsel (European) (Band A1). One of the Office Support Assistants (at D2) also supported the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments, and the Regulatory Reform Committee.

A Senior Clerk (Band A2) was Clerk of the Regulatory Reform Committee, Clerk of the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments and Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments. The Regulatory Reform Committee was assisted by the Counsel for Legislation (SCS Band 1A), the two Deputy Counsel (SCS Band 1), a Committee Inquiry Manager (Band B1) and a Secretary/ Committee Assistant (Band C).

The Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments were assisted by the Counsel for Legislation (SC Band 1A), the two Deputy Counsel (SCS Band 1) and a Secretary/Committee Assistant (Band C).

A Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1) was Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, which was also served by a Legal Adviser (SCS Band 2) (employed jointly with the House of Lords), two Committee Specialists (Band B1), a Senior Committee Assistant (Band B2), 2 Committee Assistants (Band C) and a Committee Support Assistant (Band D2) shared with 1 other Committee and Departmental Services).

A Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office (Band A2) was also Clerk of the Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills. Another Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office (Band A2) (from 2 April 2009 an Assistant Clerk, Band A3) was also Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Consolidation, &c., Bills.

A Senior Clerk in the Private Bill Office (Band A2) was also Clerk of the Committee on Selection. He was assisted by a Chief Office Clerk (Band C) who otherwise provided general support for the Committee Office and the Overseas Office.


In addition the following staff in the Committee Directorate provided support for the work of Select Committees as a whole, not assigned to a particular committee:

1 Departmental Office Manager (B2)

1 Publisher Support Officer (C)

1.8 Assistant Office Managers (D1)

1 Senior Office Support Assistant (D1)

5 Office Support Assistants (D2)

Note: The Departmental Office Manager also provided services to the Department of Chamber and Committee Services as a whole.

Ten members of staff were on maternity leave, five of whom worked in the Committee Directorate.

Staff costs for the Committee Directorate including the Scrutiny Unit in Session 2008-09 were approximately £10.8m.

2  Select Committee Printing Costs and Page Count*

Total printing costs of select committees in the financial year 2008-09 were £1,908,580.66; and, in Session 2008-09, £1,934,530.01. The printing costs of joint committees are borne by the House of Lords.

The published output of each committee, including reports, oral and written evidence and memoranda, is shown in the following tables.

2A  Page Count and Costs: Financial Year 2008-09
CommitteePage Count   Cost
AdministrationNil   Nil
Arms Export ControlsNil   Nil
Business, Innovation & Skills1 3,051  136,724.49
Broads Authority BillNil   Nil
Children, Schools & Families854   38,161.65
Communities & Local Government1,940   84,964.27
Culture, Media and Sport1,886   84,678.50
Defence 1,129   45,842.26
Energy & Climate ChangeNil   Nil
Environmental Audit 2,120   92,852.51
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs2,608   117,770.08
European Scrutiny 3,270   117,354.44
Finance and ServicesNil   Nil
Foreign Affairs 1,592   68,322.77
Health 2,388   106,535.55
Home Affairs 1780   79,394.12
International Development 1452   61,525.46
Justice832   36,225.84
Liaison 362   13,453.14
Members' AllowancesNil   Nil
Members Estimate268   13,235.50
Modernisation of the House 224   9,641.48
Northern Ireland Affairs 352   15,201.25
Procedure 128   5,485.12
Public Accounts2706   110,631.52
Public Administration 1,854   78,917.86
Regional CommitteesNil   Nil
Regulatory Reform488   20,153.00
Science & Technology23,222   142,168.31
Scottish Affairs 440   19,429.29
SelectionNil   Nil
Standards and Privileges952   39,763.96
Statutory Instruments 32   1,124.21
Transport 2,220   99,601.74
Treasury 2,906   124,972.43
Welsh Affairs 1,756   78,433.48
Work and Pensions 1,508   66,016.43
TOTAL44,320   1,908,580.66

1 On 1 October 2009 Business and Enterprise changed its name to Business, Innovation and Skills
2 On 1 October 2009 Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills changed its name to Science and Technology
* Includes Opposed Bill Committees

2B  Page Count and Costs: Session 2008-09
CommitteePage Count   Cost
AdministrationNil   Nil
Arms Export Controls178   7,496.53
Business, Innovation & Skills1 2,601  113,334.45
Children, Schools & Families2,342   100,473.79
Communities & Local Government2,070   87,581.91
Culture, Media and Sport742   34,956.63
Defence 1,232   50,147.28
East of EnglandNil   Nil
East Midlands262   11,045.28
Energy & Climate Change296   12,587.28
Environmental Audit 1,016   42,847.54
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs1,723   73,474.30
European Scrutiny 3,100   108,772.42
Finance and ServicesNil   Nil
Foreign Affairs 1,729   72,179.95
Health 2,304   101,272.48
Home Affairs 2,108   88,897.72
International Development 1,554   65,084.70
Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate) Nil  Nil
Justice1,734   74,526.79
Liaison 244   9,199.20
Members' AllowancesNil   Nil
Members Estimate60   2,107.90
Modernisation of the House Nil   Nil
North EastNil   Nil
North West180   7,575.10
Northern Ireland Affairs 266   10,728.31
Procedure 208   8,155.78
Public Accounts2,508   99,456.98
Public Administration 1,660   71,506.01
Reform of the House of Commons140   6,479.70
Regulatory Reform488   19,850.92
Science & Technology2 3,690  158,818.92
Scottish Affairs 426   17,282.79
South East180   7,587.08
South West154   6,380.42
SelectionNil   Nil
Standards and Privileges802   31,045.88
Statutory Instruments 36   1,239.48
Transport 1,396   59,675.49
Treasury 3,706   158,703.35
Welsh Affairs 3,306   143,240.53
West Midlands246   10,614.20
Work and Pensions 1,434   60,202.91
Yorkshire and HumberNil   Nil
TOTAL46,115   1,934,530.01

1 On 1 October 2009 Business and Enterprise changed its name to Business, Innovation and Skills

2 On 1 October 2009 Innovation, Universities, Science and Skills changed its name to Science and Technology

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