The total number of Members who served on Select
Committees, other than Business Committees, was 361. The total
number of Members who served on other Committees (other general
Committees and the Chairmen's Panel) was 69.
Names of Members
| Select Committee
| Other[2]
Ainger, Nick | Treasury |
Ainsworth, Mr Peter | Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Allen, Mr Graham | Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Amess, Mr David |
| Chairmen's Panel |
Anderson, Mr David | Energy and Climate Change; North East Committee; Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Anderson, Janet | Administration; Culture, Media and Sport
| Chairmen's Panel |
Arbuthnot, Mr James | Defence; Liaison
| |
Atkins, Charlotte | Health |
Atkinson, Mr Peter | Reform of the House of Commons
| Chairmen's Panel,
Court of Referees |
Austin, John | Human Rights (Joint Committee)
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Bacon, Mr Richard | Public Accounts
| |
Bailey, Mr Adrian | Arms Export Controls; Business, Innovation and Skills; European Scrutiny; West Midlands
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Banks, Gordon | Regulatory Reform
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Barker, Gregory | Environmental Audit
| |
Barlow, Ms Celia | Procedure; South East
| |
Barron, Mr Kevin | Health; Liaison; Standards and Privileges
| |
Battle, John | Arms Export Controls; International Development
| |
Bayley, Hugh | International Development
| Chairmen's Panel |
Begg, Miss Anne | Work and Pensions
| Chairmen's Panel |
Beith, Sir Alan | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate); Justice; Liaison
| |
Bell, Sir Stuart | Finance and Services; Liaison
| |
Benton, Mr Joe |
| Chairmen's Panel |
Bercow, John | Arms Export Controls; International Development;
| Chairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Beresford, Sir Paul | Communities and Local Government
| |
Berry, Roger | Business, Innovation and Skills; Arms Export Controls; South West
| |
Betts, Mr Clive | Communities and Local Government; Finance and Services; Reform of the House of Commons; Yorkshire and the Humber
| Chairmen's Panel |
Binley, Mr Brian | Business, Innovation and Skills; Arms Export Controls
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Blackman, Liz | Members' Allowances
| |
Blackman-Woods, Dr Roberta | Science and Technology; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Blunkett, Mr David | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Blunt, Mr Crispin | Finance and Services
| |
Bone, Mr Peter | Health; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Borrow, Mr David S | Arms Export Controls; Defence; Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny;
| |
Boswell, Mr Tim | Science and Technology
| |
Bottomley, Peter |
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Brady, Mr Graham | Reform of the House of Commons; Treasury
| Chairmen's Panel |
Brake, Tom | Home Affairs |
Breed, Mr Colin | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Treasury
| |
Brooke, Annette | Children, Schools and Families
| |
Brown, Mr Russell |
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Browning, Angela | Public Accounts
| |
Bruce, Malcolm | Arms Export Controls; International Development; Liaison
| |
Bryant, Chris | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Buck, Ms Karen | Children, Schools and Families; Home Affairs
| |
Burden, Richard | Arms Export Controls; International Development; West Midlands
| |
Burns, Mr Simon | Administration
| |
Burrowes, Mr David | Public Administration
| |
Burstow, Mr Paul | Finance and Services; Public Accounts
| |
Burt, Alistair | Administration; Selection
| |
Burt, Lorely | Regulatory Reform
| |
Butler, Ms Dawn | Children, Schools and Families; Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Butterfill, Sir John |
| Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Campbell, Sir Menzies | Foreign Affairs; Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Carmichael, Mr Alistair | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Members' Allowances; Scottish Affairs
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Carswell, Mr Douglas | Children, Schools and Families; Public Accounts
| |
Cash, Mr William | European Scrutiny
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Caton, Mr Martin | Environmental Audit
| Chairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee);
Cawsey, Mr Ian | Science and Technology; Yorkshire and the Humber Committee
| |
Challen, Colin | Energy and Climate Change; Environmental Audit
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Chaytor, Mr David | Children, Schools and Families; Environmental Audit
| |
Chope, Mr Christopher | Administration; Procedure
| Chairmen's Panel |
Clapham, Mr Michael | Business, Innovation and Skills
| |
Clappison, Mr James | European Scrutiny; Home Affairs
| |
Clark, Ms Katy | European Scrutiny; Procedure; Scottish Affairs
| |
Clarke, Mr Charles | East of England Committee
| |
Clarke, Mr Kenneth | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Clarke, Mr Tom | Administration
| |
Clelland, Mr David | North East; Reform of the House of Commons; Transport
| |
Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey | Finance and Services
| |
Coffey, Ann | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate); Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Cohen, Harry | Work and Pensions
| |
Connarty, Michael | European Scrutiny; Liaison
| |
Conway, Derek | Administration
| |
Cook, Frank | |
Chairmen's Panel |
Cooper, Rosie | Northern Ireland Affairs; North West
| |
Cormack, Sir Patrick | Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Cousins, Jim | Treasury |
Cox, Mr Geoffrey | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Crabb, Mr Stephen | International Development; Treasury
| |
Crausby, Mr David | Arms Export Controls; Defence; North West
| |
Creagh, Mary | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Finance and Services; Yorkshire and the Humber
| |
Cryer, Mrs Ann | Home Affairs;
| |
Cummings, John | Communities and Local Government
| Chairmen's Panel |
Cunningham, Tony | Selection
| |
Curry, Mr David | Liaison; Public Accounts; Standards and Privileges
| |
Davidson, Mr Ian | Public Accounts; Scottish Affairs
| |
Davies, David T. C. | Home Affairs; Welsh Affairs
| |
Davies, Philip | Culture, Media and Sport; Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Davies, Mr Quentin | Regulatory Reform; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Dean, Mrs Janet | Home Affairs; West Midlands
| Chairmen's Panel |
Devine, Mr Jim | Scottish Affairs
| |
Dismore, Mr Andrew | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Liaison; Standards and Privileges
| |
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee)
| |
Dobbin, Jim | Communities and Local Government; European Scrutiny
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Dodds, Mr Nigel | Members' Allowances; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. | Transport
| |
Donohoe, Mr Brian H. | Administration
| |
Doran, Mr Frank | Administration; Finance and Services; Liaison
| |
Dorrell, Mr Stephen |
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Dorries, Nadine | Energy and Climate Change; Science and Technology
| |
Dowd, Jim | Health |
Drew, Mr David | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Reform of the House of Commons; South West
| |
Dunne, Mr Philip | Public Accounts
| |
Eagle, Angela | Public Accounts
| |
Efford, Clive | Transport |
Ellman, Mrs Louise | Liaison; Transport
| |
Engel, Natascha | Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Evans, Mr Nigel | Culture, Media and Sport; International Development
| Chairmen's Panel |
Fabricant, Michael | Administration
| |
Fallon, Mr Michael | Treasury
| |
Farrelly, Paul | Culture, Media and Sport
| Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Field, Mr Mark | Procedure |
Flynn, Paul | Public Administration
| |
Foster, Michael Jabez | Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee); Work and Pensions
| |
Francis, Dr Hywel | Liaison; Welsh Affairs
| |
Fraser, Christopher | Northern Ireland Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Gale, Mr Roger | Procedure |
Chairmen's Panel |
Gapes, Mike | Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs; Liaison
| |
Gauke, Mr David | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
George, Andrew | Communities and Local Government;
| |
George, Mr Bruce | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee)
| |
Gerrard, Mr Neil | Administration
| |
Gibson, Dr Ian | East of England Committee; Science and Technology
| |
Gidley, Sandra | Health |
Gilroy, Linda | Defence; Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Science and Technology; South West
| |
Gray, Mr James | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform
| |
Griffith, Nia | Welsh Affairs
| |
Griffiths, Nigel | Public Accounts
| |
Grogan, Mr John | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Gwynne, Andrew | Procedure |
Court of Referees |
Hall, Mr Mike | Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Hall, Patrick | East of England; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Hamilton, Mr David | Defence
| |
Hamilton, Mr Fabian | Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs
| |
Hancock, Mr Mike | Defence |
Chairmen's Panel |
Hands, Mr Greg | Communities and Local Government; European Scrutiny
| |
Harman, Ms Harriet | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Harper, Mark | Work and Pensions
| |
Harris, Dr Evan | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Reform of the House of Commons; Science and Technology
| |
Harvey, Nick | Standards and Privileges
| |
Haselhurst, Sir Alan | Finance and Services
| Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees |
Havard, Mr Dai | Defence |
Heal, Sylvia |
| Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Heald, Mr Oliver | Selection; Work and Pensions
| |
Healey, John | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Heath, Mr David | Justice |
Court of Referees |
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr David | European Scrutiny; Foreign Affairs
| |
Hemming, John | Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure; Regulatory Reform
| |
Henderson, Mr Doug | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Hendrick, Mr Mark | International Development
| |
Hendry, Charles | Energy and Climate Change
| |
Hepburn, Mr Stephen | Administration; Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Heppell, Mr John | Administration; Children, Schools and Families; East Midlands
| |
Hermon, Lady | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Hesford, Stephen | Health |
Hewitt, Ms Patricia | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Heyes, David | Public Administration
| |
Hill, Keith | European Scrutiny; Public Accounts
| |
Hodgson, Mrs Sharon | Children, Schools and Families; North East; Regulatory Reform
| Court of Referees |
Hoey, Kate | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Hogg, Mr Douglas | Justice |
Hollobone, Mr Philip | Transport
| |
Holloway, Mr Adam | Arms Export Controls; Defence
| |
Holmes, Paul | Children, Schools and Families
| |
Hood, Mr Jim |
| Chairmen's Panel |
Hopkins, Kelvin | European Scrutiny; Public Administration
| |
Horam, Mr John | Foreign Affairs
| |
Horwood, Martin | Environmental Audit
| |
Howard, Mr Michael | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Howarth, David | Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Howarth, Mr George | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| Chairmen's Panel |
Howell, John | Work and Pensions
| |
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay | Business, Innovation and Skills; European Scrutiny
| |
Hughes, Simon | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Humble, Mrs Joan | Work and Pensions
| Chairmen's Panel |
Hurd, Mr Nick | Environmental Audit
| |
Iddon, Dr Brian | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Science and Technology
| |
Illsley, Mr Eric | Foreign Affairs; Procedure; Yorkshire and the Humber
| Chairmen's Panel |
Jack, Mr Michael | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Liaison; Members' Allowances; Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Jackson, Mr Stewart | Regulatory Reform
| |
James, Mrs Siân C
| Justice; Procedure; Welsh Affairs |
Jenkin, Mr Bernard | Arms Export Controls; Defence
| |
Jenkins, Mr Brian | Defence
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Jones, Mr David | Welsh Affairs
| |
Jones, Helen | Selection |
Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Jones, Mr Kevan | Administration; Defence
| |
Jones, Lynne | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Jones, Mr Martyn | Welsh Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Kawczynski, Daniel | International Development; Justice
| |
Keeble, Ms Sally | Treasury
| |
Keeley, Barbara | Finance and Services
| |
Keen, Alan | Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Keetch, Mr Paul | Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs
| |
Kennedy, Jane | Environmental Audit
| |
Key, Robert | Defence; Finance and Services
| Chairmen's Panel |
Kidney, Mr David | Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee); West Midlands
| |
Kirkbride, Miss Julie | Business, Innovation and Skills; Energy and Climate Change;
| |
Knight, Mr Greg | Administration; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure; Reform of the House of Commons; Standards and Privileges
| |
Ladyman, Dr Stephen | South East
| |
Lancaster, Mr Mark | International Development
| |
Laxton, Mr Bob | East Midlands; European Scrutiny
| |
Lazarowicz, Mark | Environmental Audit; Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Leech, Mr John | Transport |
Leigh, Mr Edward | Liaison; Public Accounts
| |
Lepper, David | Administration; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; South East
| |
Levitt, Tom | Work and Pensions
| |
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian | Environmental Audit; Public Administration
| |
Linton, Martin | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee)
| |
Lloyd, Tony | North West |
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn | Reform of the House of Commons; Standards and Privileges
| |
Lord, Sir Michael |
| Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Love, Mr Andrew | Treasury |
Luff, Peter | Business, Innovation and Skills; Liaison
| |
McAvoy, Mr Thomas | Administration; Finance and Services; Members' Allowances; Selection
| |
McCarthy, Kerry | South West
| |
McCarthy-Fry, Sarah | Public Accounts
| |
McCrea, Dr William |
| Chairmen's Panel |
McDonagh, Siobhain |
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
McDonnell, Dr Alasdair | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
McFall, John | Liaison; Treasury
| |
McGovern, Mr Jim | Scottish Affairs
| |
McIntosh, Miss Anne | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
McIsaac, Shona | Yorkshire and the Humber
| |
McKechin, Ann | International Development
| |
McKenna, Rosemary | Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison; Procedure; Selection
| |
Mackinlay, Andrew | Foreign Affairs
| |
Maclean, David | Liaison; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Mactaggart, Fiona | Children, Schools and Families
| |
Main, Anne | Communities and Local Government; Energy and Climate Change
| |
Malik, Mr Shahid | Environmental Audit
| |
Mallaber, Judy | East Midlands; Energy and Climate Change; Regulatory Reform
| |
Mann, John | Treasury | Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Marsden, Mr Gordon | Science and Technology
| |
Martlew, Mr Eric | North West; Transport
| Chairmen's Panel |
Mason, John | Administration
| |
May, Mrs Theresa | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Mercer, Patrick | Home Affairs
| |
Michael, Alun | Justice; Welsh Affairs
| |
Miller, Andrew | Liaison; Regulatory Reform
| |
Mitchell, Mr Austin | Public Accounts; Yorkshire and the Humber
| |
Moffat, Anne | Business, Innovation and Skills
| |
Moon, Mrs Madeleine | Defence
| |
Moran, Margaret | East of England; Home Affairs
| |
Morden, Jessica | Justice |
Morgan, Julie | Justice; Public Administration
| |
Morley, Mr Elliot | Energy and Climate Change; Liaison
| |
Moss, Mr Malcolm | Foreign Affairs
| |
Mountford, Kali | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Mudie, Mr George | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Treasury
| |
Mulholland, Greg | Work and Pensions
| |
Mullin, Mr Chris | Reform of the House of Commons; Standards and Privileges
| |
Mundell, David | Scottish Affairs
| |
Murphy, Mr Denis | North East; Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Naysmith, Dr Doug | Health; Regulatory Reform; South West Committee
| |
Neill, Robert | Justice |
Newmark, Mr Brooks | Finance and Services
| |
Norris, Dan | Members' Allowances
| |
Oaten, Mr Mark | Business, Innovation and Skills; Arms Export Controls
| |
O'Hara, Mr Edward |
| Chairmen's Panel |
Olner, Mr Bill | Communities and Local Government
| Chairmen's Panel |
Opik, Lembit | Business, Innovation and Skills
| |
Osborne, Sandra | Foreign Affairs
| |
Owen, Albert | Welsh Affairs
| |
Palmer, Dr Nick | Justice; Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Pelling, Mr Andrew | Children, Schools and Families Committee
| |
Penrose, John | Regulatory Reform; Work and Pensions
| |
Plaskitt, Mr James | Treasury; West Midlands
| |
Pope, Mr Greg | Foreign Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Pound, Stephen | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Prentice, Mr Gordon | Public Administration
| |
Price, Adam | Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Prisk, Mr Mark | Regulatory Reform
| |
Pritchard, Mark | Transport; Welsh Affairs
| |
Prosser, Gwyn | Home Affairs; South East
| |
Pugh, Dr John | Communities and Local Government; Public Accounts
| |
Purchase, Mr Ken | Foreign Affairs
| |
Randall, Mr John | Administration; Members' Allowances
| |
Reed, Mr Andy | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Reed, Mr Jamie | Regulatory Reform
| |
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm | Issue of Privilege (Police Searches on Parliamentary Estate)
| |
Riordan, Mrs Linda | Environmental Audit; Justice; Procedure
| |
Robathan, Mr Andrew | Selection
| |
Robertson, Angus | European Scrutiny
| |
Robertson, John | Energy and Climate Change
| |
Robinson, Mrs Iris | Northern Ireland Affairs
| |
Rogerson, Dan | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Rooney, Mr Terry | Liaison; Work and Pensions
| |
Rowen, Paul | Public Administration
| |
Roy, Mr Frank | Selection |
Roy, Lindsay | Scottish Affairs
| |
Russell, Bob | Home Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Salter, Martin | Home Affairs; Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Sanders, Mr Adrian | Culture, Media and Sport; Selection
| |
Sarwar, Mr Mohammad | Liaison; Scottish Affairs
| |
Scott, Mr Lee | Health |
Seabeck, Alison | Communities and Local Government; South West
| |
Sharma, Mr Virendra | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee); Human Rights (Joint Committee); International Development; Justice
| |
Sheerman, Mr Barry | Children, Schools and Families; Liaison
| |
Shepherd, Mr Richard | Human Rights (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Sheridan, Jim | International Development
| Chairmen's Panel |
Simon, Mr Siôn | Treasury
| |
Simpson, David | Northern Ireland Affairs; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Singh, Mr Marsha | International Development
| |
Slaughter, Mr Andy | Children, Schools and Families; Communities and Local Government
| Court of Referees |
Smith, Mr Andrew | South East
| |
Smith, Ms Angela C | Transport
| Court of Referees |
Smith, Chloe | Science and Technology
| |
Smith, Geraldine | North West; Public Accounts
| |
Smith, John | Defence |
Smith, Sir Robert | Energy and Climate Change; International Development; Procedure
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Soames, Hon Nicholas | Standards and Privileges
| |
Soulsby, Sir Peter | East Midlands; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure; Transport
| |
Southworth, Helen | Children, Schools and Families; Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Spellar, Mr John | Finance and Services
| |
Spink, Bob | Science and Technology
| |
Stanley, Sir John | Arms Export Controls; Foreign Affairs
| |
Starkey, Dr Phyllis | Communities and Local Government; Liaison; Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Steen, Mr Anthony | European Scrutiny; Regulatory Reform
| |
Stewart, Ian | Science and Technology
| |
Stoate, Dr Howard | Health; Modernisation of the House of Commons
| |
Strang, Dr Gavin | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Streeter, Mr Gary | Home Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Stringer, Graham | Science and Technology; Transport
| |
Stuart, Ms Gisela | Foreign Affairs
| |
Stuart, Mr Graham | Children, Schools and Families; Environmental Audit
| |
Stunell, Andrew | Arms Export Controls; International Development
| |
Swinson, Jo | Environmental Audit;
| |
Syms, Mr Robert | Health |
Tapsell, Sir Peter |
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Taylor, Ms Dari | North East
| |
Taylor, David | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Taylor, Dr Richard | Health; West Midlands
| |
Thornberry, Emily | Communities and Local Government
| |
Thurso, John | Administration; Treasury
| |
Timms, Mr Stephen | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
| |
Timpson, Mr Edward | Children, Schools and Families; Human Rights (Joint Committee)
| |
Tipping, Paddy | East Midlands; Energy and Climate Change; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Standards and Privileges
| |
Todd, Mr Mark | Treasury |
Touhig, Mr Don | Liaison; Members' Allowances; Public Accounts
| |
Trickett, Jon |
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Turner, Mr Andrew | Justice
| |
Turner, Dr Desmond | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee);Energy and Climate Change; Environmental Audit; Science and Technology
| |
Turner, Mr Neil | Communities and Local Government
| |
Twigg, Derek | Children, Schools and Families
| |
Tyrie, Mr Andrew | Justice; Reform of the House of Commons; Treasury
| |
Vaz, Keith | Home Affairs; Liaison
| |
Viggers, Sir Peter | Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Treasury
| |
Walker, Mr Charles | Public Administration; Scottish Affairs
| |
Wallace, Mr Ben | Scottish Affairs
| |
Walley, Joan | Environmental Audit; West Midlands
| Chairmen's Panel |
Walter, Mr Robert |
| Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Waltho, Lynda | Children, Schools and Families
| Consolidation, & c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Ward, Claire | Administration; Selection
| |
Watson, Mr Tom | Culture, Media and Sport
| |
Weir, Mr Mike | Business, Innovation and Skills; Energy and Climate Change
| Chairmen's Panel |
Whitehead, Dr Alan | Energy and Climate Change; Justice; Standards and Privileges
| |
Whittingdale, Mr John | Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison
| |
Williams, Mr Alan | Liaison; Public Accounts
| |
Williams, Hywel | Welsh Affairs
| Chairmen's Panel |
Williams, Mark | Welsh Affairs
| |
Williams, Mr Roger | Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| |
Willis, Mr Phil | Liaison; Science and Technology
| |
Willott, Jenny | Public Administration; Work and Pensions
| |
Wilshire, Mr David | Transport
| Chairmen's Panel |
Wilson, Phil | North East; Public Accounts; Regulatory Reform
| |
Wilson, Mr Rob | Science and Technology
| |
Wilson, Sammy | Transport |
Winnick, Mr David | Home Affairs
| |
Winterton, Ann |
| Chairmen's Panel; Unopposed Bills (Panel) |
Winterton, Sir Nicholas | Modernisation of the House of Commons
| Chairmen's Panel |
Wishart, Pete | Scottish Affairs
| |
Woolas, Mr Phil | Environmental Audit
| |
Wright, Mr Anthony | Business, Innovation and Skills; East of England Committee
| |
Wright, David | Communities and Local Government
| |
Wright, Jeremy | Draft Bribery Bill (Joint Committee)
| |
Wright, Dr Tony | Liaison; Public Administration; Reform of the House of Commons
| |
Yeo, Mr Tim | Environmental Audit; Liaison
| |
Young, Sir George | Liaison; Reform of the House of Commons; Selection; Standards and Privileges
| |
Younger-Ross, Richard | Defence; European Scrutiny
| |
Other general Committees and the Chairmen's Panel Back