House of Commons

Session 2010-11
Publications on the internet
Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business Thursday 4 November 2010

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

House of Commons
Order of Business

At 10.30 am
  indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Julian Smith (Skipton and Ripon):  What steps she is taking to reform Natural England; and if she will make a statement.
Annette Brooke (Mid Dorset and North Poole):  What plans her Department has to maintain levels of biodiversity.
Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East):  What recent estimate she has made of the monetary value of the land managed by the Forestry Commission.
Simon Hart (Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire):  What steps her Department is taking to assist the farming industry to become more competitive.
Laura Sandys (South Thanet):  For what reasons her Department has instructed the under 10-metre fishing fleet to maintain log books.
Dr Alan Whitehead (Southampton, Test):  What discussions she has had with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the likely effects of the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the funding available to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.
Luciana Berger (Liverpool, Wavertree):  When she plans to respond to the recent consultation conducted by her Department on dangerous dogs; and if she will make a statement.
Mr Jim Cunningham (Coventry South):  What recent discussions she has had with her EU counterparts on reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Matthew Hancock (West Suffolk):  If she will discuss with the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government proposals to extend the power of communities to protect local rural environments.
Caroline Lucas (Brighton, Pavilion):  What plans she has to sell or lease part of the Forestry Commission estate.
Nadine Dorries (Mid Bedfordshire):  What recent discussions she and officials of her Department have had with Covanta on its planned projects in Mid Bedfordshire constituency.
Tom Blenkinsop (Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland):  What assessment she has made of the likely effects of the abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board on wages and working conditions in the farming and food production sectors.
Anne Marie Morris (Newton Abbot):  What steps her Department is taking to assist the farming industry to become more competitive.
Mrs Mary Glindon (North Tyneside):  What recent representations she has received on the proposed cull of badgers to reduce the spread of bovine tuberculosis.
Mr David Ruffley (Bury St Edmunds):  What steps her Department is taking to support the sugar beet industry.
Duncan Hames (Chippenham):  What discussions she has had with Ministerial colleagues on progress by the Government towards its performance objectives on environmental sustainability.
Gordon Banks (Ochil and South Perthshire):  What recent discussions she has had with the Gangmasters Licensing Authority on the use of child labour in the farming and food industry sectors.
Neil Parish (Tiverton and Honiton):  What steps her Department is taking to assist the farming industry to become more competitive.
At 11.15 am
Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
The Members listed below have been selected by ballot to ask a Topical Question.
Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East):  If she will make a statement on her departmental responsibilities.
Nic Dakin (Scunthorpe):
Tony Baldry (Banbury):
Mr Philip Hollobone (Kettering):
Damian Collins (Folkestone and Hythe):
Annette Brooke (Mid Dorset and North Poole):
Margot James (Stourbridge):

At 11.30 am
  Urgent Questions (if any)
  Business Question to the Leader of the House
  Ministerial Statements (if any)

Main Business
  indicates Government Business
[Until 6.00 pm]
The Prime Minister
   That this House has considered the matter of the Strategic Defence and Security Review.
Debate may continue until 6.00 pm.
At the end of the sitting:
   Proposed subject: Foreign and Commonwealth Office assistance for Mr Simon Robertson  (Mr David Anderson).
   Debate may continue until 6.30 pm or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).

Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill Committee
9.00 am
The Boothroyd Room, Portcullis House (public)
1.00 pm
   Further to take evidence on the Bill.
   Witnesses: (am): The National Childbirth Trust, the Family and Parenting Institute, the Royal College of Midwives (until no later than 10.25 am).
   Witnesses: (pm): The Centre for Social Justice, the Institute for Public Policy Research, Toynbee Hall (until no later than 2.15 pm); HM Treasury (until no later than 2.45 pm).
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill Committee
3.00 pm
Room 10 (public)
   To consider the Bill.
Seventh Delegated Legislation Committee
8.55 am
Room 9 (public)
   To consider the Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Central Africa Interim Economic Partnership Agreement) Order 2010 and the Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Côte d’Ivoire Economic Partnership Agreement) Order 2010.
9.00 am
Room 8 (private)
9.15 am
   Subject: Revalidation of Doctors.
   Witnesses: Academy of Medical Royal Colleges; British Medical Association (at 10.15 am).
9.30 am
The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House (private)
9.45 am
   Subject: Comprehensive Spending Review.
   Witness: Rt Hon George Osborne MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, HM Treasury.
Political and Constitutional Reform
9.45 am
The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
10.00 am
   Subject: Lessons from the Process of Government Formation after the 2010 General Election.
   Witness: Sir Gus O’Donnell KCB, Cabinet Secretary.
Welsh Affairs
11.15 am
Committee Room 4, First Floor, Ty Hywel, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay (private)
11.45 am
   Subject: Severn Crossings Toll.
   Witnesses: Severn River Crossing plc; Ieuan Wyn Jones AM, Deputy First Minister for Wales and Minister for the Economy and Transport, Welsh Assembly Government (at 12.45 pm).
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]
Thursday 4 November
Time of publication
Public Accounts
00.01 am
HC 440
   Progress with VFM savings and lessons for cost reduction programmes (Fourth Report).
Standards and Privileges
11.00 am
HC 577
   Publication of information about complaints against Members (Sixth Report).
Standards and Privileges
11.00 am
HC 578
   Power of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards to initiate investigations (Seventh Report).

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today
Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills: Local Growth White Paper–correction.
Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Planning Circulars (houses in multiple occupation and article 4 directions).
Secretary of State for the Home Department: Justice and Home Affairs Pre-Council statement.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Appointments to the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Recommendations of the Billy Wright Inquiry Report.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Twenty-fifth Report of the Independent Monitoring Commission.