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House of Commons
Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






In paragraph (4), for “Schedule 4” substitute “Part 1


of Schedule 3 to the Parliamentary Voting System


and Constituencies Act 2010”.


In paragraph (4A), for sub-paragraphs (a) and (b)







paragraph 4(5)(a) of Schedule 3 to


the Parliamentary Voting System


and Constituencies Act 2010 by a


person shown as voting by post in




the record mentioned in that


provision; or



paragraph 8(5) of that Schedule by


a person shown as voting by post


in the record mentioned in that






Omit paragraph (4B).


In paragraph (5), for “a particular parliamentary or


local government election” substitute “the






For paragraph (6) substitute—



Where the registration officer is not the


counting officer for the relevant area in


the area for which he is the registration


officer, he shall send to that officer details




of any application to vote by post which


he has granted as soon as practicable after


doing so.”


Regulation 59 (cancellation

For the words from “by notice given” to the end


of proxy appointment)

substitute “under paragraph 6(6) of Schedule 3 to




the Parliamentary Voting System and


Constituencies Act 2010, or otherwise ceases to be


in force by virtue of that provision, the registration


officer shall notify the person who was the proxy,


unless the registration officer has previously been




notified by that person that he no longer wishes to


act as proxy.”


Regulation 60A(7) to (9)

In paragraph (7), for the words from “from the


(requirement to provide

records” to the end substitute “from the postal


fresh signatures at five

voters list, list of proxies or proxy postal voters list




yearly intervals)

(as the case may be) kept under paragraph 5(2), 5(3)


or 8(6) of Schedule 3 to the Parliamentary Voting


System and Constituencies Act 2010”.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






In paragraph (8)—



in sub-paragraph (a), for “the appropriate


rules (as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule


4)” substitute “the referendum rules”;





in sub-paragraph (b), omit “and regulation





in sub-paragraph (b), for “Schedule 4”


substitute “Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the


Parliamentary Voting System and




Constituencies Act 2010”.


In paragraph (9), for the words from “removal


from” to the end substitute “removal from the


postal voters list, list of proxies or proxy postal


voters list (as the case may be) kept under




paragraph 5(2), 5(3) or 8(6) of Schedule 3 to the


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies


Act 2010, information—



explaining the effect of such removal;







reminding the absent voter that he


may make a fresh application to vote


by post or by proxy (as the case may




Regulation 61 (records and

In paragraph (1), for the words from “any of the




lists kept under Schedule 4)

following” to the end substitute “the current or final


version of the postal voters list, the list of proxies or


the proxy postal voters lists which he is required to


keep under paragraph 5(2), 5(3) or 8(6) of Schedule


3 to the Parliamentary Voting System and




Constituencies Act 2010.”


In paragraph (5), for “paragraph 5(2) of Schedule 4”


substitute “paragraph 5(2) of Schedule 3 to the


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies


Act 2010”.




In paragraph (6)—



in sub-paragraph (a), for “paragraphs 5 and


7(8) of Schedule 4” substitute “paragraphs 5


and 8(6) of Schedule 3 to the Parliamentary


Voting System and Constituencies Act







for sub-paragraph (b) substitute—



if he is not the counting officer for the


relevant area in the area for which he


is the registration officer, send to that




officer a copy of those lists;”.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






In paragraph (7), for “paragraph 5(3) of Schedule 4”


substitute “paragraph 5(3) of Schedule 3 to the


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies


Act 2010”.




Regulation 61A (conditions

For “regulations 61(1)(a) and (b)” substitute


on the use, supply and

“regulation 61(1)”.


inspection of absent voter


records or lists)


Regulation 61B (personal

For paragraph (1) substitute—




identifiers record)


The registration officer shall maintain a


record (“the personal identifiers record”),


apart from the other records and lists


which he is required to keep under Part 1


of Schedule 3 to the Parliamentary Voting




System and Constituencies Act 2010, of


the signatures and dates of birth provided


by persons whose applications under


paragraph 4(1) or (2) or paragraph 8(4) of


that Schedule were granted, until the




expiry of twelve months from the date of


the poll for the referendum.”


In paragraph (3)(a), omit “candidate or”.


Regulation 62 (marked


register for polling stations)




Regulation 64

For the definition of “agent” substitute—


(interpretation of Part 5)

““agent”, except in regulation


69, means a referendum


agent or an agent appointed


under that regulation;”.




In the definition of “valid postal voting statement”,


for “returning officer” substitute “counting officer”.


Regulation 67 (persons

For “returning officer” substitute “counting officer”.


entitled to be present at


proceedings on issue of




postal ballot papers)


Regulation 68 (persons

For sub-paragraphs (a) to (c) substitute—


entitled to be present at


the counting officer and his clerks,


proceedings on receipt of


a referendum agent,”.


postal ballot papers)




Regulation 69 (agents of

Before paragraph (1) insert—


candidates who may attend


A reference in this regulation to a


proceedings on receipt of

candidate is to be read as a reference to a


postal ballot papers)

referendum agent.”


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


“counting officer”.


Omit paragraph (5).


Regulation 70 (notification

For “returning officer” substitute “counting officer”.




of requirement of secrecy)


Regulation 71 (time when

For paragraph (1) substitute—


postal ballot papers are to be


In the case of a person within entry 2, 3 or



4 of the table in paragraph 5(2) of


Schedule 3 to the Parliamentary Voting




System and Constituencies Act 2010 or


entry 2, 3 or 4 of the table in paragraph


8(6) of that Schedule (electors and proxies


entitled to vote by post for an indefinite or


definite period), no postal ballot paper




(and postal voting statement) shall be


issued until after 5 pm on the eleventh day


before the date of the poll (computed in


accordance with regulation 56(6) above).”


In paragraph (2), for “returning officer” substitute




“counting officer”.


Regulation 72 (procedure on

In paragraph (8), for sub-paragraphs (a) and (b)


issue of postal ballot papers)

substitute “as mentioned in column 3 of the table in


paragraph 5(2) or 8(6) of Schedule 3 to the


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies




Act 2010.”


Regulation 73 (refusal to

For “returning officer” substitute “counting officer”.


issue ballot paper)


For “at any one election” substitute “for the






Regulation 74 (envelopes)

In paragraph (1), for “rule 24 of the elections rules”


substitute “rule 11 of the referendum rules”.


Regulation 75 (sealing up of

For “returning officer” (in both places) substitute


completed corresponding

“counting officer”.


number lists)




Regulation 76 (delivery of

In paragraph (1)—


postal ballot papers)


for “returning officer” substitute “counting





in sub-paragraph (c), for “rule 26(1) of the


elections rules” substitute “rule 13 of the




referendum rules”.


In paragraph (2), for “returning officer” substitute


“counting officer”.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






Regulation 77 (spoilt postal

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


ballot papers)

“counting officer”.


Regulation 78 (lost postal

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


ballot papers)

“counting officer”.




Regulation 79 (alternative

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


means of returning postal

“counting officer”.


ballot paper or postal voting




In the England and Wales Regulations, in




paragraph (1), for “rule 45(1B) of the rules in


Schedule 1 to the 1983 Act” substitute “rule 39(3) of


the referendum rules”.


In the England and Wales Regulations, in


paragraph (3), for “rule 43(1) of the elections rules”




substitute “rule 37(1) of the referendum rules”.


In the Scotland Regulations, in paragraph (1), for


“rule 45(1B) of the elections rules” substitute “rule


39(3) of the referendum rules”.


In the Scotland Regulations, in paragraph (2), for




“rule 43(1) of the elections rules” substitute “rule


37(1) of the referendum rules”.


Regulation 80 (notice of

In paragraph (1)—


opening of postal ballot


for “returning officer” substitute “counting


paper envelopes)






for “candidate” substitute “referendum




In paragraph (2)(b), for “candidate” substitute


“referendum agent”.


Regulation 81 (postal ballot

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute




boxes and receptacles)

“counting officer”.


In paragraph (2), for the words from “constituency”


to the end substitute “voting area”.


In paragraph (4), after “lock the ballot box” insert


“(if it has a lock)”.




Regulation 82 (receipt of

For “returning officer” (in both places) substitute


covering envelope)

“counting officer”.


Regulation 83 (opening of

In paragraphs (1) and (2), for “returning officer”


postal voters’ ballot box)

substitute “counting officer”.


In paragraph (3), for “rule 45 of the elections rules”




substitute “rule 39 of the referendum rules”.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






Regulation 84 (opening of

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


covering envelopes)

“counting officer”.


Regulation 84A (confirming

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


receipt of postal voting

“counting officer”.






Regulation 85 (procedure in

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


relation to postal voting

“counting officer”.




Regulation 85A (procedure

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute




in relation to postal voting

“counting officer”.


statements: personal


identifier verification)


Regulation 85B (postal

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


voting statements:

“counting officer”.




additional personal


identifier verification)


In paragraph (4), for “lock and reseal the postal


ballot box” substitute “lock the postal ballot box (if


it has a lock) and reseal it”.




Regulation 86 (opening of

In paragraph (1), for “returning officer” substitute


ballot paper envelopes)

“counting officer”.


Regulation 86A (retrieval of

In paragraph (1), for “returning officer” substitute


cancelled postal ballot

“counting officer”.






In paragraph (2)(f), for “rule 45 of the elections


rules” substitute “rule 38 of the referendum rules”.


In paragraph (3), for “returning officer” substitute


“counting officer”.


Regulation 87 (list of

In paragraph (1), for “In respect of any election, the




rejected postal ballot papers)

returning officer” substitute “The counting officer”.


Regulation 88 (checking of

For “returning officer” (in each place) substitute


lists of rejected postal ballot

“counting officer”.




In paragraph (3), for the words from “in the




constituency” to the end substitute “in the voting


area under rule 37(1) of the referendum rules”.


Regulation 89 (sealing of

In paragraph (1), for “returning officer” substitute



“counting officer”.


Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 4 — Application to the referendum of existing provisions
Part 3 — The 2001 Regulations (England and Wales) and 2001 Regulations (Scotland)






Regulation 91 (forwarding

In the England and Wales Regulations, for


or retention of documents)

paragraph (1) substitute—



The counting officer shall forward to the


registration officer of the local authority




for the relevant area for which the


counting officer is appointed, at the same


time as he forwards the documents


mentioned in rule 48 of the referendum







any packets referred to in


regulations 75, 77(6), 78(2C), 84(9)


and 89 above, endorsing on each


packet a description of its


contents, the date of the




referendum and the name of the


voting area, and



a completed statement in Form K


of the number of postal ballot


papers issued.





In this paragraph “local authority” has the


same meaning as in section 128 of the


Political Parties, Elections and


Referendums Act 2000.”


In the England and Wales Regulations, in




paragraph (3), for “returning officer” (in both


places) substitute “counting officer”.


In the England and Wales Regulations, in


paragraph (4), for “Rules 56 and 57 of the elections


rules” substitute “Rules 50 and 51 of the




referendum rules”.


In the England and Wales Regulations, in


paragraph (5), for “returning officer” substitute


“counting officer”.


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