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House of Commons
Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill

Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill
Schedule 7 — Repeals
Part 2 — Parliamentary constituencies



Short title and chapter

Extent of repeal


Parliamentary Constituencies

Section 8(3).


Act 1986 (c. 56)—cont.


Boundary Commissions Act

Section 2(3).


1992 (c. 55)

Section 3.




Scotland Act 1998 (c. 46)

Section 86.


Local Government (Wales) Act

In Schedule 2, paragraph 13.


1994 (c. 19)

In Schedule 16, paragraph 80.


Local  Government  etc.

In Schedule 13, paragraph 150.


(Scotland) Act 1994 (c. 39)




Government of Wales Act 2006

Section 2(5) and (6).


(c. 32)

In section 159, in the entry for “Assembly


electoral region”, the words “and Schedule 1”.


Schedule 1.


In Schedule 11, paragraph 1.




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