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House of Commons
Session 2010 - 11
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Other Bills before Parliament


Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Paragraph 19(1)


Form 5 - Form of corresponding number list (to be used in polling stations for


combined polls)


Voting area/constituency: ........................................


Date of Poll: .........................................


Polling Station: .....................................


Sheet No.: .............................................


Ballot Paper Number (identify the

Elector Number


number issued for the referendum/





Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Paragraph 21(1)


Form 6 - guidance for voters to be exhibited outside and inside every polling





When you are given your ballot papers go to one of the compartments.



On the [insert colour] referendum ballot paper, mark a cross (X) in the box on the right


hand side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you are voting for.



On the Scottish Parliament ballot papers, coloured [insert colour or colours], mark your


choices with a cross (X) in the box on the right hand side of each ballot paper opposite the


name of the candidate or party you are voting for. Put only one X on each ballot paper.



Vote once only in the referendum and on each ballot paper for the Scottish Parliament


election. Put no other mark on the ballot paper, or your vote may not be counted.



If by mistake you spoil a ballot paper, show it to the presiding officer and ask for another





Fold each ballot paper in two. Show the presiding officer the number and other unique


identifying mark on the back of the ballot paper, but do not let anyone see your vote. Put


each ballot paper in the [appropriate]* ballot box and leave the polling station.


* Complete or omit as necessary.


Paragraph 22(1)


Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Form 7 - guidance for voters to be exhibited in every polling station compartment






Referendum ballot paper ([insert colour] ballot paper)


Votes cast in this poll will decide on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary




•  You have one vote on this paper.


•  You should place a cross (X) in one box only.




Constituency ballot paper ([insert colour] ballot paper)


Votes cast in this poll will decide the election of a member to represent your constituency in


the Scottish Parliament.


•  You have one vote on this paper.


•  You should place a cross (X) in one box only.


Regional ballot paper ([insert colour] ballot paper)


Votes cast in this poll will decide the allocation of the 7 additional seats in the Scottish


Parliament for this region. You may use this vote [either]* for a political party putting


forward a list of candidates [or for an individual candidate not standing on a party list]*.


You have one vote on this paper.


You should place a cross (X) in one box only.






* Omit as necessary.


Paragraph 26(2)


Form 8 - Form of certificate of employment


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary elections


[insert name of voting area]


I certify that (name) ..................... who is numbered ................... in the register of electors


cannot reasonably be expected to go in person to the polling station allotted to him or her


in the referendum on (date of poll) ..................... by reason of the particular


circumstances of his or her employment on that date for a purpose connected with the


referendum *as a constable / *by me.


*Delete whichever is inappropriate.


Signature .................................................


*Counting officer / police officer (inspector or above)


Date ....................................


Note: The person named above is entitled to vote at any polling station in the voting area


specified above on production and surrender of this certificate to the presiding officer.



Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Paragraph 33(1)


Form 9 - Form of declaration to be made by the companion of a voter with




I, ................................................................................................... (name of companion)


of .................................................................................................. (address of companion)


having been requested to assist ..................................................... (name of voter)


[in the case of a person with disabilities voting as proxy, add


voting as proxy for ........................................................................ (name of elector)]


whose name on the register is .................................................. to record their vote at the


[referendum]* [and]* [election(s)]* being held in this [voting area]* [/constituency]*


hereby declare that



[I am entitled to vote as an elector at the said [referendum]* [and]* [election]*,]*



[I am the #.................................. of the said voter and have attained the age of 18


years,]* and



I have not previously assisted any voter with disabilities [except ..........................


(name of other elector), of .......................... (address of other elector)], to vote at


the [referendum]* [or]* [election]*]*.


#State the relationship of the companion to the voter.


*Delete as appropriate.


(Signed) .......................................... (companion)


Date ................................................


I, the undersigned, being the presiding officer for the .............. polling station for ..............


the [insert name of voting area] hereby certify that the above declaration, having been first


read to the above-named declarant, was signed by the declarant in my presence.




Date ...............................................


Time ........................................ (am/pm)



NOTE: (1) If the person making the above declaration knowingly and wilfully makes


therein a statement false in a material particular, he or she will be guilty of an offence.


(2) A voter with disabilities is a voter who has made a declaration that he or she is so


incapacitated by blindness or other disability, or by an inability to read, as to be unable to


vote without assistance.



Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Paragraph 54


Form 10 - Statement as to postal ballot papers for the referendum


Referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom parliamentary elections


Voting area .....................


Date of poll ...................


A. Issue of postal ballot papers

Number for voting area


1. Total number of postal ballot papers issued under paragraph


7 of Schedule 4


2. Total number of postal ballot papers issued under paragraph


13 of Schedule 4 (spoilt and returned for cancellation) and


paragraph 14 of Schedule 4 (lost or not received)


3. Total number of postal ballot papers cancelled under


paragraph 22 of Schedule 4 (where the first ballot paper was


cancelled and retrieved)


4. Total number of postal ballot papers issued (1 to 3)



Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


B.(1) Receipt of and replacement ballot papers

Number for voting area


5. Number of covering envelopes received by the constituency


returning officer or at a polling station before the close of poll


(excluding any undelivered or returned under paragraph 13(1)


(spoilt), paragraph 14(1) (lost) and paragraph 22 (cancelled


ballot papers) of Schedule 4)


6. Number of covering envelopes received by the constituency


returning officer after the close of poll, excluding any returned


as undelivered


7. Number of postal ballot papers returned spoilt for


cancellation in time for another ballot paper to be issued


8. Number of postal ballot papers replaced as lost or not


received, but not returned for cancellation


9. Number of postal ballot papers cancelled and retrieved in


time for another ballot paper to be issued


10. Number of postal ballot papers returned as spoilt too late


for another ballot paper to be issued


11. Number of covering envelopes returned as undelivered (up


to the 10th day after the date of poll)


12. Number of covering envelopes not received by the


constituency returning officer (by the 10th day after the date


of poll)


13. Total numbers 5 to 12 (this should be the same as that in 4




B.(2) Receipt of postal ballot papers - Personal Identifiers

Number for voting area


14. Number of covering envelopes set aside for the


verification of personal identifiers on postal voting statements


15. Number of postal voting statements not subject to


verification procedure rejected as not completed (excluding


prior cancellations)


16. Number of postal voting statements subject to verification


procedure rejected as not completed (excluding prior




17. Number of postal voting statements rejected following


verification procedures due to the personal identifiers on the


postal voting statement not matching those in the personal


identifiers record (excluding prior cancellations)



Committee of the whole House: 20 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


C. Count of postal ballot papers

Number for voting area


18. Number of ballot papers returned by postal voters which


were included in the count of ballot papers


19. Number of cases in which a covering envelope or its


contents were marked “Rejected” (cancellations under


paragraphs 13, 14 and 22 of Schedule 4 are not rejections and


should be included in items 2, 3, 7 and 9 above)


Date ...........................................................



Counting Officer


Address ................................................................................................................................






The references to Schedule 4 are references to Schedule 4 to the Scottish Parliament


(Elections etc.) Order 2007 as applied by the Parliamentary Voting System and


Constituencies Act 2010.’.



The Deputy Prime Minister




To move the following Schedule:—


‘Combination of polls: Northern Ireland


Part 1


Provision about combination


General provisions




1    (1)  

An election the poll for which is, under section [Combination of polls](4), to


be taken together with the poll for the referendum is referred to in this Schedule


as a “relevant election”.



The polls to be taken together are referred to in this Schedule as “combined





In this Schedule—


“Assembly election” means an election to the Northern Ireland Assembly;


“Assembly Elections Rules” means the parliamentary elections rules as


applied for the purposes of Assembly elections by Article 3(1) of, and


Schedule 1 to, the Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections) Order 2001


(S.I. 2001/2599);


“Chief Electoral Officer” means the Chief Electoral Officer for Northern



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Revised 20 October 2010