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House of Commons
Session 2010 - 11
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Committee of the whole House: 25 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Part 3


Forms referred to in Part 1


Note - The forms contained in this Part may be adapted so far as circumstances require.


Paragraphs 6(3) and 7(4)


Form 1 - Form of corresponding number list (to be used for combined polls)


Voting area/constituency: ........................................


Date of Poll: .........................................


Sheet No.: .............................................


Ballot Paper Number

Unique Identifying Mark

Elector Number (to be


(identify the number


completed only in respect of


issued for the


ballot papers issued to




postal voters)


Paragraph 10(3)


Form 2 - Form of postal voting statement (to be used where proceedings on issue


Committee of the whole House: 25 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


and receipt of postal ballot papers combined)


Postal Voting Statement


*Voter’s name: .................................

Ballot paper nos. ............................


*Counting officer to insert name but omit where ballot papers sent to an anonymous elector


[other identifying mark]


You must provide your [# signature and] date of birth. If you do not, the postal voting


statement will be invalid and your vote will not be counted.




Date of birth


(voter’s date of birth)




(voter’s signature)




signature within border


#(Counting officer to omit where a person has been granted a waiver)


It is an offence to vote using a ballot paper that is not addressed to you.




Issued by the counting officer




Complete the ballot papers yourself and in private. If you need help, contact the


counting officer’s staff as shown below.


[contact details for assistance; include address as appropriate]



You must provide your [#signature and] date of birth. If you do not, the postal


voting statement will be invalid and your vote(s) will not be counted.



When you are voting in the referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom


parliamentary elections ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross


(X) in the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you are


voting for. Vote once only. Do not mark the ballot paper in any other way or your


vote may not be counted.



When you are voting in the Scottish Parliament election, you have two ballot papers


(a constituency ballot paper coloured [insert colour] and a regional ballot paper


coloured [insert colour]). Vote only once on each ballot paper. Vote by marking a


cross (X) in the box opposite the name of the party or candidate you are voting for.


Do not put any other marks on the ballot papers or your votes may not count.



If you need help voting, the person helping you must not tell anyone how you voted.



Put all the ballot papers in the small envelope marked A and seal it.



Complete the postal voting statement by [#signing it, and] providing your date of





Then put the envelope marked A together with the postal voting statement in the


larger envelope marked B. Return it straightaway.



After receiving this postal vote, you cannot vote in person at a polling station in


the referendum or election.



If you accidentally spoil any of your ballot papers, you can apply to the counting


officer for replacements before 5 pm on [day/date of poll]. You must return all the


ballot papers, the postal voting statement and the envelopes marked A and B. Make


sure you contact the counting officer as soon as possible.



Your ballot papers and the postal voting statement must be received by the counting


officer by 10 pm on [day/date of poll]. You can deliver your completed postal votes


to any polling station in your voting area on polling day.


It is an offence to vote using a ballot paper that is not addressed to you.


It is illegal to vote more than once in the referendum (unless you are appointed as a


proxy for another person).


It is illegal to vote more than once in the constituency poll at the election (unless you


are appointed as a proxy for another person).


It is illegal to vote more than once in the regional poll at the election (unless you are


appointed as a proxy for another person).


#(Counting officer to omit where a person has been granted a waiver)


*Delete as appropriate



Committee of the whole House: 25 October 2010            



Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill, continued


Paragraph 11(2)


Form 3 - Form of postal voting statement (to be used for referendum where


proceedings on issue and receipt of postal ballot papers not combined)


Postal Voting Statement



*Voter’s name: .................................

Ballot paper no. .......................


(insert colour)


*(Counting officer to insert name but omit where ballot papers sent to an anonymous




[other identifying mark]


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Revised 25 October 2010