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| Issued by the counting officer |
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| | |
| Complete the ballot papers yourself and in private. If you need help, contact the |
| | |
| counting officer’s staff as shown below. |
| | |
| [contact details for assistance; include address as appropriate] |
| | |
| | You must provide your [#signature and] date of birth. If you do not, the postal |
| | |
| | voting statement will be invalid and your vote(s) will not be counted. |
| | |
| | When you are voting in the referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom |
| | |
| | parliamentary elections ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross |
| | |
| | (X) in the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you are |
| | |
| | voting for. Vote once only. Do not mark the ballot paper in any other way or your |
| | |
| | | | |
| | When you are voting in the Scottish Parliament election, you have two ballot papers |
| | |
| | (a constituency ballot paper coloured [insert colour] and a regional ballot paper |
| | |
| | coloured [insert colour]). Vote only once on each ballot paper. Vote by marking a |
| | |
| | cross (X) in the box opposite the name of the party or candidate you are voting for. |
| | |
| | Do not put any other marks on the ballot papers or your votes may not count. |
| | |
| | If you need help voting, the person helping you must not tell anyone how you voted. |
| | |
| | Put all the ballot papers in the small envelope marked A and seal it. |
| | |
| | Complete the postal voting statement by [#signing it, and] providing your date of |
| | |
| | | | |
| | Then put the envelope marked A together with the postal voting statement in the |
| | |
| | larger envelope marked B. Return it straightaway. |
| | |
| | After receiving this postal vote, you cannot vote in person at a polling station in |
| | |
| | the referendum or election. |
| | |
| | If you accidentally spoil any of your ballot papers, you can apply to the counting |
| | |
| | officer for replacements before 5 pm on [day/date of poll]. You must return all the |
| | |
| | ballot papers, the postal voting statement and the envelopes marked A and B. Make |
| | |
| | sure you contact the counting officer as soon as possible. |
| | |
| | Your ballot papers and the postal voting statement must be received by the counting |
| | |
| | officer by 10 pm on [day/date of poll]. You can deliver your completed postal votes |
| | |
| | to any polling station in your voting area on polling day. |
| | |
| It is an offence to vote using a ballot paper that is not addressed to you. |
| | |
| It is illegal to vote more than once in the referendum (unless you are appointed as a |
| | |
| proxy for another person). |
| | |
| It is illegal to vote more than once in the constituency poll at the election (unless you |
| | |
| are appointed as a proxy for another person). |
| | |
| It is illegal to vote more than once in the regional poll at the election (unless you are |
| | |
| appointed as a proxy for another person). |
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| #(Counting officer to omit where a person has been granted a waiver) |
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