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| 1. You must sign this declaration of identity in the presence of a person known to you. |
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| That person should then sign this declaration as a witness, adding his or her name and |
| | |
| address. Without this the declaration will be invalid and your vote will not be counted. |
| | |
| 2. When you are voting in the referendum on the voting system for United Kingdom |
| | |
| parliamentary elections ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross (X) in |
| | |
| the box on the right hand side of the ballot paper opposite the answer you are voting for. |
| | |
| Do this secretly. If you cannot vote without assistance, the person assisting you must not |
| | |
| disclose how you have voted. Vote once only. Do not mark the ballot paper in any other |
| | |
| way or your vote may not be counted. |
| | |
| 3. When you are voting in the election to the Northern Ireland Assembly or for the |
| | |
| election of district councillors, different colours are used for the ballot papers for each |
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| | | |
| 4. When you are voting in the election to the Northern Ireland Assembly ([insert colour of |
| | |
| ballot paper] ballot paper), number the candidates in order of preference, putting “1” |
| | |
| against the candidate of your 1st preference, “2” against your 2nd preference and so on. |
| | |
| You should not put the same preference against more than one candidate. You may show |
| | |
| your preference for as many or as few candidates as you wish. Put no other mark on the |
| | |
| ballot paper, or your vote may not be counted. Do this secretly. If you cannot vote without |
| | |
| assistance, the person assisting you must not disclose how you have voted. |
| | |
| 5. When you are voting in the election of district councillors ([insert colour of ballot |
| | |
| paper] ballot paper), number the candidates in order of preference, putting “1” against the |
| | |
| candidate of your 1st preference, “2” against your 2nd preference and so on. You should |
| | |
| not put the same preference against more than one candidate. You may show your |
| | |
| preference for as many or as few candidates as you wish. Put no other mark on the ballot |
| | |
| paper, or your vote may not be counted. Do this secretly. If you cannot vote without |
| | |
| assistance, the person assisting you must not disclose how you have voted. |
| | |
| 6. Put the ballot papers in the small envelope marked “A” and seal it. Then put the |
| | |
| envelope marked “A”, together with the declaration of identity, in the larger envelope |
| | |
| marked “B”. Return it without delay. The ballot papers must be received by the counting |
| | |
| officer not later than the close of the poll. |
| | |
| 7. If you receive more than one ballot paper, remember that it is illegal to vote more than |
| | |
| once (otherwise than as proxy) at the same election or to vote more than once (otherwise |
| | |
| than as proxy) in the referendum. You are entitled to vote at different elections which are |
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| | | |
| 8. In this referendum or in these elections you cannot vote in person at a polling station. |
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| 9. If by mistake you spoil your ballot paper, you can apply to the counting officer for |
| | |
| another one. With your application you must return, in your own envelope, the spoilt |
| | |
| ballot paper(s), the declaration of identity and the envelopes marked “A” and “B”. We can |
| | |
| only issue replacement postal ballot papers before 5 p.m. on [-1 day/date deadline]. |
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