Session 2010 - 12
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament


Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued



evidence of the physical condition of the claimant and his or her state of





evidence of the psychological state of health of the claimant;



evidence relating to the means and income of the claimant;



evidence relating to the accommodation occupied by the claimant and the


effect that the imposition of a sanction or penalty may have on the right


to occupy such accommodation;



the family circumstances of the claimant and the impact that it may have


on other family members and dependants;



evidence of the impact that a sanction or penalty may have on the ability


of the claimant to fulfil obligations to third parties including those


relating to the fulfilment of benefit entitlement conditions.



Before deciding whether to impose a sanction or penalty and shall only do so


where, having considered all the relevant circumstances, it is reasonable to do so.



Regarding evidence as to means the Secretary of State must consider—



the income of the claimant;



the capital of the claimant;



the expenditure of the claimant.



In order to facilitate the enquiry into the matters set out in subsection (1) the


Secretary of State or authority may—



arrange for a medical examination of the claimant;



obtain information from any agency holding relevant information on the


income and resources of the claimant;



receive evidence from any other person or persons with a knowledge of


the cicumstances of the claimant.



A person who is subject to a penalty may appeal to a Tribunal (Lower Tier)


against the imposition of such a penalty.’.



Sums to be deducted in calculating recoverable overpayments


Mr Liam Byrne


Stephen Timms


Ms Karen Buck


Margaret Curran




To move the following Clause:—


‘In calculating the amount of a recoverable overpayment, there shall be deducted


any amount of universal credit which should have been payable during the


overpayment period on the basis of the claim as presented, or on the basis of the


claim had any misrepresentation or non-disclosure been remedied before the





Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Procedure for regulation-making powers


Mr Liam Byrne


Stephen Timms


Ms Karen Buck


Margaret Curran




To move the following Clause:—


‘In section 26 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007, in subsection (1), at end insert:



regulations made under sections 11D and 11J.”.’.



Sure Start Maternity Grant for Multiples


Tom Greatrex


Anas Sawar




To move the following Clause:—


‘Regulations shall make provision for the payment of a Sure Start Maternity


Grant of £500 for each first born baby and in the case of subsequent multiple


births, a single payment will be made of £500 for twins, £1,000 for triplets and


£1,500 for higher multiples.’.



Citizen financial safety protection payment fund


Stella Creasy


Kate Green




To move the following Clause:—



The Government shall make provision for a fund to support the provision of


citizen financial safety protection payments to prevent immediate personal


destitution and to be administered through the offices of the Department for Work


and Pensions. These payments will enable financial support to be given within


thirty days to applicants in the following circumstances—



to ease exceptional circumstances for individuals and families which


may lead to homelessness or household financial insolvency,



to support pensioners in receipt of financial assistance from public


authorities, young people who are about to leave care or recent care


leavers, and those with children under the age of 16, to manage personal


transitions in lifestyle,



to meet other needs in accordance with directions given or guidance


issued by the Secretary of State.



Guidance will be laid before parliament to determine who would be able to apply


for a citizen financial safety protection payment and the circumstances under


Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


which it can be claimed and funded. This guidance will take in the following





the ability of the applicant to prevent destitution for them or their


dependants without access to such funds,



ease of access to alternative affordable sources of credit for the applicant


within the locality,



the length of time taken by local administering authorities to process


claims for alternative means of support, and



measures for adjudication of claims made by the Department for Work


and Pensions against local administering authorities for the total cost of


provision of citizen financial safety protection payments in the absence


of provision of appropriate support by such authorities.



The power to make a payment out of the citizen protection fund such as is


mentioned in subsection (1) above may be exercised by making a payment to a


third party with a view to the third party providing, or arranging for the provision


of, goods or services for the applicant.



In this section “prescribed” means specified in or determined in accordance with





Social Fund review


Stella Creasy


Kate Green




To move the following Clause:—


‘The Government will lay before parliament annually a review of the impact of


the abolition of a nationally administered social fund which will cover the


following topics—



The level of applications received by each local area for assistance.



The nature and amount of applications and awards made by each administering





The cost of administration of the scheme by each administering authority.



The criteria used by every administering authority for making awards and all of


the guidance they issue to their staff (and their proxies’ staff).



Information as to the status of each applicant and their household whether


successful or not.’.



Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Advice on financial assistance


Stella Creasy


Kate Green




To move the following Clause:—


‘The Government will require all those working with applicants for welfare


provision who are publicly funded to ensure their clients are informed about the


existence of publicly provided financial assistance and where relevant locally


available sources of alternative affordable credit provision. This information


must be provided in a format which is accessible to the applicant.’.



Limitation Act 1980


Kate Green




To move the following Clause:—


‘The Limitation Act 1980 applies as enacted to the recovery of the social security


payments as with all other sums that may be recoverable from a person.’.



Order of the House [9 march 2011]


That the following provisions shall apply to the Welfare Reform Bill—





The Bill shall be committed to a Public Bill Committee.


Proceedings in Public Bill Committee



Proceedings in the Public Bill Committee shall (so far as not previously


concluded) be brought to a conclusion on Tuesday 24 May 2011.



The Public Bill Committee shall have leave to sit twice on the first day on


which it meets.


Consideration and Third Reading



Proceedings on consideration shall (so far as not previously concluded) be


brought to a conclusion one hour before the moment of interruption on the


day on which those proceedings are commenced.



Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be


brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on that day.



Standing Order No. 83B (Programming committees) shall not apply to


proceedings on consideration and Third Reading.


Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Other proceedings



Any other proceedings on the Bill (including any proceedings on


consideration of Lords Amendments or on any further messages from the


Lords) may be programmed.










the Committee shall (in addition to its first meeting at 10.30 am on Tuesday


22 March) meet—



at 4.00 pm on Tuesday 22 March;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 24 March;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 29 March;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 31 March;



at 9.00 am and 1.30 pm on Tuesday 5 April;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 26 April;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 28 April;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 3 May;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 10 May;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 12 May;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 17 May;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 19 May;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 24 May;



the Committee shall hear oral evidence in accordance with the following










Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

Policy Exchange; Centre for


12 noon

Social Justice; Institute for


Fiscal Studies; Professor Roy


Sainsbury (University of


York); Reform


Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

Joseph Rowntree Foundation;


1.00 pm

Centre for Economic and


Social Inclusion; Oxfam;


Personal Independence


Payment Objective


Assessment Development


Group (and Equality 2025);




Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

Anne Spaight, former Chair of


4.45 pm

Disability Living Allowance


Advisory Board; Essex


Coalition of Disabled People


Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

People First; National Centre


5.15 pm

for Independent Living


Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

MacMillan; Scope;


6.15 pm

Community Links; TUC


Tuesday 22 March

Until no later than

Low Incomes Tax Reform


6.45 pm

Group; Citizen’s Advice




Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Social Security Advisory


9.30 am



Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Carers UK


9.50 am


Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Professor Paul Gregg (Bristol


10.10 am



Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Child Poverty Action Group;


2.00 pm

Gingerbread; Fatherhood


Institute; Working Families


Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Women’s Budget Group;


2.45 pm

Centre for Separated Families;


Family Action


Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Local Government


3.15 pm

Association; London Councils


Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Shelter; National Housing


4.15 pm

Federation; National


Landlords Association; Crisis


Thursday 24 March

Until no later than

Department for Work and


5.00 pm




Public Bill Committee: 10 May 2011                     



Welfare Reform Bill, continued



proceedings on consideration of the Bill in Committee shall be taken in the


following order; Clauses 1 to 31; Schedule 1; Clause 32; Schedule 2; Clauses


33 and 34; Schedule 3; Clause 35; Schedule 4; Clause 36; Schedule 5; Clause


37; Schedule 6; Clauses 38 to 48; Schedule 7; Clauses 49 to 69; Schedule 8;


Clauses 70 to 88; Schedule 9; Clauses 89 and 90; Schedule 10; Clauses 91 to


99; Schedule 11; Clause 100; Schedule 12; Clauses 101 to 133; Schedule 13;


Clauses 134 to 137; new Clauses; new Schedules; remaining proceedings on


the Bill;



the proceedings shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a


conclusion at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 24 May.


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Revised 10 May 2011