Session 2010 - 12
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Tuesday 28 June 2011


Public Bill Committee Proceedings


Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill


[First and Second Sittings]


The Bill is re-committed in respect of the following Clauses and Schedules:



Clauses 1 to 6, 9 to 11, 19 to 24, 28 and 29, Schedules 1 to 3, Clauses 55 and 56, 58


and 59, 63 to 75, 100 and 101, 112 to 117, 147, Schedules 8 and 9, Clauses 149, 156,


165 and 166, 176, 178 to 180, 189 to 193, Schedule 15, Clauses 242, 265, 285 and 286,


295, 297 and 298.



Mr Simon Burns


Agreed to





the Committee shall (in addition to its first meeting at 10.30 am on Tuesday


28 June) meet—



at 4.00 pm on Tuesday 28 June;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 30 June;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 5 July;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 7 July;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 12 July;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 14 July;



the Committee shall hear oral evidence in accordance with the following




      TABLE 1






Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

NHS Future Forum


than 11.30 am


Tuesday 28 June

Until not later

NHS Confederation; The King’s


than 12.15 pm

Fund; The Nuffield Trust


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Independent Regulator of NHS


than 1.00 pm

Foundation Trusts (Monitor);


Foundation Trust Network; Local


Government Association


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

British Medical Association; Royal


than 4.45 pm

College of Nursing; Royal College of


Physicians; Academy of Medical


Royal Colleges


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Royal College of General


than 5.15 pm

Practitioners; NHS Alliance


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

National Voices; Rethink; MacMillan


than 6.15 pm

Cancer Support; Asthma UK;


Diabetes UK; Stroke Association


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Unite; Unison


than 6.45 pm


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Department of Health


than 7.30 pm



Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 28 June 2011            



Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill, continued



proceedings on consideration of the Bill shall (so far as not previously


concluded) be brought to a conclusion at the times specified in the second


column of the following Table:


      TABLE 2



Time for conclusion of




Clauses 1 to 5; Schedule 1; Clause 6;

6.00 pm on Thursday 30 June


Clauses 9 to 11


Clauses 19 to 21; Schedule 2; Clauses

8.00 pm on Tuesday 5 July


22 to 24; Clauses 28 and 29; Schedule 3


Clause 55; Schedule 8; Clause 56;

6.00 pm on Thursday 7 July


Clauses 58 and 59; Clause 63


Clauses 64 to 69; Schedule 9; Clauses

8.00 pm on Tuesday 12 July


70 to 75; Clauses 100 and 101; Clauses


112 to 117; Clause 147


Clause 149; Clause 156; Clauses 165

7.00 pm on Thursday 14 July


and 166; Clause 176; Clauses 178 and


179; Schedule 15; Clause 180; Clauses


189 to 193; Clause 242; Clause 265;


Clauses 285 and 286; Clause 295;


Clauses 297 and 298; new Clauses; new


Schedules; remaining proceedings on


the Bill



Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 28 June 2011            



Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill, continued


Emily Thornberry


Negatived on division


As an Amendment to Mr Simon Burns’ proposed Motion—


In paragraph (1), leave out subparagraphs (d), (e) and (f) and insert—



at 9.30 am and 2.00 pm on Wednesday 6 July;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 7 July;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Friday 8 July;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Monday 11 July;



at 10.30 am and 4.00 pm on Tuesday 12 July;



at 9.30 am and 2.00 pm on Wednesday 13 July;



at 9.00 am and 1.00 pm on Thursday 14 July.’.



Emily Thornberry


Negatived on division


As an Amendment to Mr Simon Burns’ proposed Motion—


In the Table in paragraph (2), leave out the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh


and eighth entries (relating to Tuesday 28 June), and insert—


‘Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

NHS Confederation


than 12.15 pm


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Independent Regulator of NHS


than 1.00 pm

Foundation Trusts (Monitor)


Tuesday 28 June

Until no later

Dr Michael Lloyd and Peter Roderick


than 5.30 pm


Thursday 30 June

Until no later

The King’s Fund; the Nuffield Trust


than 10.25 am


Thursday 30 June

Until no later

Foundation Trust Network; LGA


than 1.45 pm


Thursday 30 June

Until no later

British Medical Association; RCN;


than 2.30 pm

Royal College of Physicians;


Academy of Medical Royal Colleges


Thursday 30 June

Until no later

Royal College of General


than 3.30 pm

Practitioners; NHS Alliance


Tuesday 5 July

Until no later

National Voices; Rethink; MacMillan


than 1.00 pm

Cancer Support; Asthma UK;


Diabetes UK; Stroke Association


Tuesday 5 July

Until no later

Unite; Unison


than 5.00 pm



Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 28 June 2011            



Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill, continued


Tuesday 5 July

Until no later

Department of Health.’.


than 7.00 pm



Emily Thornberry


Negatived on division


As an Amendment to Mr Simon Burns’ proposed Motion—


Leave out paragraph (3) and insert—



proceedings on consideration of the Bill shall be taken in the following order:


Clauses 1 to 5; Schedule 1; Clause 6; Clauses 9 to 11; Clauses 19 to 21;


Schedule 2; Clauses 22 to 24; Clauses 28 and 29; Schedule 3; Clause 55;


Schedule 8; Clause 56; Clauses 58 and 59; Clauses 63 to 69; Schedule 9;


Clauses 70 to 75; Clauses 100 and 101; Clauses 112 to 117; Clause 147;


Clause 149; Clause 156; Clauses 165 and 166; Clause 176; Clauses 178 and


179; Schedule 15; Clause 180; Clauses 189 to 193; Clause 242; Clause 265;


Clauses 285 and 286; Clause 295; Clauses 297 and 298; new Clauses; new


Schedules; remaining proceedings on the Bill.



the proceedings shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a


conclusion at 11.55 pm on Thursday 14 July.’.



Mr Simon Burns


That, subject to the discretion of the Chair, any written evidence received by the


Committee shall be reported to the House for publication.


Agreed to



Mr Simon Burns


That, at this and any subsequent meeting at which oral evidence is to be heard, the


Committee shall sit in private until the witnesses are admitted.


Agreed to



The following witnesses gave oral evidence:


Professor Stephen Field, Chair, NHS Future Forum; Dr Kathy McLean, Clinical Advice and


Leadership, NHS Future Forum;


Mike Farrar, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation; Professor Chris Ham, Chief Executive, The


King’s Fund; Dr Jennifer Dixon, The Nuffield Trust;


Dr David Bennett, Chair and Interim Chief Executive, Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS


Foundation Trusts; Sonia Brown, Chief Economist, Monitor - Independent Regulator of NHS


Foundation Trusts; Sue Slipman, Director, Foundation Trust Network; Cllr Dr Gareth Barnard,


Vice Chair, Community Wellbeing Board and member for Bracknell Forest BC, Local Government


Group; Andrew Cozens, Strategic Advisor for Children, Families and Health, Local Government




Public Bill Committee Proceedings: 28 June 2011            



Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill, continued


Dr Hamish Meldrum, Chairman, BMA Council, British Medical Association; Dr Peter Carter,


Chief Executive and General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing; Sir Richard Thompson,


President, Royal College of Physicians; Professor Sir Neil Douglas, Chairman, Academy of


Medical Royal Colleges;


Dr Clare Gerada, Chair, Royal College of General Practioners; Dr David Paynton, Joint Clinical


Lead, Royal College of General Practitioners; Dr Mike Dixon, Chairman, NHS Alliance; Michael


Sobanja, Chief Executive, NHS Alliance;


Paul Jenkins, Chief Executive, Rethink and The Richmond Group; Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive,


National Voices; Ciarán Devane, Chief Executive, Macmillan Cancer Support; Neil Churchill,


Chief Executive, Asthma UK; Baroness Barbara Young, Chief Executive, Diabetes UK; Joe


Korner, Director of Communications, Stroke Association;


Gail Adams, Head of Nursing, UNISON; Racheil Maskell, National Officer, UNITE;


Rt Hon Andrew Lansley MP, Secretary of State for Health; Rt Hon Simon Burns MP, Minister of


State for Health; Paul Burstow MP, Minister of State for Care Services.



[Adjourned until Thursday at 9.00 am


© Parliamentary copyright
Revised 29 June 2011