Oral Answers

Monday 21 June 2010

Culture, Media and Sport1
2018 World Cup7
British Summer Time13
FM Radio12
Local and Regional Media1
London Olympics9
Music Venues5
National Lottery8
National Lottery8
Olympic Legacy (Wales)10
Sporting Activity (Young People)11
Ticket Touting12
Topical Questions14
Women's Sport (Media Coverage)6
House of Commons Commission18
LED Lighting18
Leader of the House18
Backbench Business Committee18
Business of the House21
Oral Statements22
Parliamentary Representation23
Programming of Business22
Public Confidence (House of Commons)20
Sittings Patterns19

Written Ministerial Statements

Monday 21 June 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills1WS
Further Education Investment1WS
National Minimum Wage2WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs4WS
Inland Waterways4WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office4WS
EU Documents4WS
NHS Operating Framework5WS
Home Department6WS
Control Order Powers Report6WS
Work and Pensions8WS
Social Fund Consultation Closes8WS


Monday 21 June 2010

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs1P
Incinerator (Croydon)1P

Written Answers

Monday 21 June 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills83W
Aviation: Trade Competitiveness83W
Business: Government Assistance84W
Business: Regulation84W
Companies House: Nantgarw85W
Credit Cards: Regulation86W
Departmental Manpower86W
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers88W
EU Grants and Loans88W
EU Grants and Loans: South West88W
Export Control Organisation89W
Exports: Saudi Arabia90W
Google: Data Protection90W
Higher Education and Student Finance Independent Review91W
Higher Education: Hartlepool91W
Iron and Steel92W
National Union of Students92W
Nissan: Finance93W
Northwest Regional Development Agency93W
Northwest Regional Development Agency: Greater Manchester93W
Northwest Regional Development Agency: Liverpool93W
Oil Companies94W
One North East: Teesside94W
Overseas Students94W
Oxford and Cambridge Universities94W
Regional Development Agencies95W
Cabinet Office99W
Business: Closures99W
Communities First Fund100W
Electoral Register100W
Government Departments: Internet100W
Ministerial Policy Advisers: Conduct101W
Ministerial Policy Advisers: Pay101W
Senior Civil Servants: Pay101W
Unemployment: Young People105W
Church Commissioners1W
Church of England: Rivers1W
Communities and Local Government19W
Affordable Housing: Construction19W
Affordable Housing: Rural Areas20W
Council Housing: Construction21W
Councillors: Pay21W
Councillors: Powers21W
Decentralisation and Localism Bill22W
Housing: Construction22W
Housing: Cornwall22W
Local Government Finance23W
Local Government: Public Consultation24W
Regional Planning and Development25W
Regional Planning and Development: West Midlands26W
Standards Board for England26W
Travellers: Caravan Sites26W
Working Neighbourhoods Fund27W
Culture, Media and Sport14W
Arts Council England: Finance15W
British Film Institute: UK Film Council15W
Departmental Official Cars15W
Digital Broadcasting: Radio15W
Digital Economy Act 201016W
Elite Sport14W
Football Club Governance14W
Listed Buildings: Coventry16W
Olympic Games 201217W
Olympic Games 2012: Cheshire17W
Olympic Games 2012: Renewable Energy18W
Pornographic Imagery14W
S4C: Finance18W
Scouts and Guides: Finance18W
Tourism: Coastal Areas19W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations1W
Aircraft Carriers3W
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services3W
Armed Forces: Pensions4W
Armed Forces: Private Education4W
Armed Forces: Wales5W
Armoured Fighting Vehicles6W
Astute Class Submarines6W
AWE Aldermaston6W
Defence Equipment: Sales7W
Defence: Procurement10W
Departmental Manpower11W
Departmental Reviews11W
Military Aircraft: Helicopters11W
Military Bases: Safety12W
Unmanned Air Vehicles12W
Deputy Prime Minister59W
Children: Social Services95W
Departmental Public Expenditure96W
Energy and Climate Change56W
Energy: Subsidies56W
Human Tissue Analysis in UK Nuclear Facilities Inquiry56W
Nuclear Power Stations: Construction56W
Radioactive Waste: Waste Management57W
Renewable Energy57W
Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs59W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs27W
Departmental Internet27W
Departmental Postal Services29W
Departmental Water Charges29W
Fisheries: Quotas30W
National Parks: Public Consultation30W
Poultry: Animal Welfare30W
Water Charges32W
Water Companies: Regulation32W
Water: EU Law32W
Whales: Conservation33W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office35W
Ascension Island35W
Crimes of Violence: Females36W
Cyprus: Peace Negotiations36W
Diplomatic Service: Recruitment37W
European Parliament37W
Farai Maguwu37W
Floribert Chebeya37W
Government Hospitality: Wines38W
Palestinians: Human Rights38W
Palestinians: International Assistance39W
Sudan: Elections40W
Unmanned Air Vehicles40W
Abortion: Young People60W
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse62W
Autism: Children63W
Continuing Care63W
Darent Valley Hospital64W
Dementia: Drugs64W
Departmental Reviews65W
Dietary Supplements: EU Law65W
Disability: Social Services65W
General Practitioners: Equality66W
Mental Health Services66W
Mental Health Services: Children67W
NHS: Digital Technology67W
NHS: Pay67W
Surgical Dressings68W
Home Department80W
Drugs: Misuse80W
Harlow: Crime Statistics82W
Identity Cards81W
Immigration: Legacy Programme83W
International Development33W
Central America: Storms33W
Departmental Reviews33W
Developing Countries: Children34W
Developing Countries: Health Services34W
Developing Countries: Politics and Government35W
Burglary: Self-defence48W
Cookham Wood Secure Training Centre50W
Departmental Manpower51W
Judges: Northumberland51W
Legal Aid Scheme53W
Prison Sentences53W
Prisoners' Release: Disclosure of Information54W
Rape: Rights of Accused55W
Reparation by Offenders55W
Sexual Offences56W
Leader of the House13W
Ministerial Announcements13W
Participation in Debate14W
Prime Minister13W
Iraq Committee of Inquiry13W
Ministerial Policy Advisers13W
USA: Oil13W
Bus Lanes42W
Crossrail Line: Kent42W
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing42W
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing: Tolls43W
Departmental NDPBs43W
Departmental Public Expenditure44W
Electric Vehicles45W
Local Government Finance: Wales45W
Public Transport: Expenditure45W
Railways: Construction46W
Speed Limits: Cameras46W
Transport: North West47W
Child Tax Credit96W
Credit Unions97W
Departmental Reviews97W
Equitable Life Assurance Society: Chester97W
Equitable Life Assurance Society: Compensation97W
Northwest Regional Development Agency98W
Public Expenditure98W
Public Sector: Redundancy Pay98W
Taxation: Overseas Companies98W
Working Tax Credit: Carers99W
Departmental Reviews40W
Local Broadcasting41W
Women and Equalities79W
Equality: Local Government79W
Rape: Rights of Accused79W
Work and Pensions68W
Access to Work Programme68W
Carer's Allowance69W
Carer's Allowance: Redcar69W
Departmental Manpower70W
Departmental Official Cars70W
Departmental Official Residences71W
Departmental Pay71W
Departmental Public Expenditure71W
Departmental Telephone Services71W
Departmental Translation Services72W
Electronic Government72W
Employment and Support Allowance72W
Employment and Support Allowance: South West73W
Employment Schemes: Mentally Ill73W
Funeral Payments73W
Future Jobs Fund75W
Jobcentre Plus: Digital Technology75W
Oil: Safety76W
Poverty: Children77W
Social Security Benefits78W
Social Security Benefits: Disability77W
Work Capability Assessment79W

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