Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 05 July 2010

House of Commons Commission

Departmental Security
Parliamentary Estate
Parliamentary Network
Publications: Internet
Standing Committees: Internet

Northern Ireland

Departmental Internet


A5: Lighting
Apperley Bridge Railway Station
Association of Chief Police Officers
Bus Services: Luton
Carbon Emissions: West Midlands
Departmental Manpower
Departmental Pay
Departmental Reviews
Driving Offences
Driving Under Influence
Driving: Licensing
Electric Vehicles
Invalid Vehicles
Local Government Finance
London-Birmingham Railway Line
M1: Speed Limits
Railway Stations
Railway Stations: Barking
Railway Stations: Birmingham
Railway Stations: Liverpool
Railway Stations: Luton
Railway Stations: Reading
Railway Stations: Repairs and Maintenance
Railways Stations: Standards
Railways: Construction
Road Traffic: Greater Manchester
Roads: Construction
Rolling Stock
Shipping: Piracy
South East Airports Task Force
Speed Limits
Speed Limits: Cameras
Trade Unions
Transport: Safety
Transport: West Midlands


Cabinet Committees
Departmental Lost Property

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Afghanistan: Elections
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations
Chechnya: Human Rights
China: Foreign Relations
Departmental Postal Services
Eastern Europe: Equality
Western Balkans
European Court of Justice
European External Action Service
European Union Bill
Iran: Nuclear Power
New Zealand: Shechita
Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Pope Benedict XVI
Private Military Security Companies
Somalia: Piracy
Somalia: Politics and Government
Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
UN Security Council


Scotland Bill

Energy and Climate Change

Carbon Emissions
Carbon Emissions: Departmental Co-ordination
Climate Change: International Cooperation
Departmental Human Resources
Departmental Manpower
Electricity Generation
Energy Supply
Energy: Subsidies
Fuel Poverty
Green Investment Bank
Home Energy Efficiency Programme
Redfern Inquiry
Warm Front Scheme


Botulinum Toxin
Cancer: Drugs
Cancer: Health Services
Cardiovascular Disease
Care Homes
Departmental Human Resources
Departmental Location
Departmental NDPBs
Food: Labelling
Health Bill
Hearing Impairment
Hospitals: Waiting Lists
Making It Better Programme: Greater Manchester
Medical Records: Databases
Mental Health Act 1983
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust
North Tees and Hartlepool Hospital
Nutrition: Children
Older People: Swimming
Social Services: Finance
Stomach Cancer
Strokes: Health Education

Prime Minister

UN Millennium Development Goals: Meetings
Ministerial Policy Advisers
Public Sector
Russia: Bilateral Discussions

International Development

Burma: Overseas Aid
Departmental Catering
Developing Countries: Fossil Fuels
International Assistance: Education

Women and Equalities

Equal Opportunities: Candidates

Culture, Media and Sport

Betting Shops: Licensing
Departmental Manpower
Departmental Official Cars
English Heritage: Finance
Listed Buildings
National Lottery: Disposable Income
Olympic Games 2012: Northern Ireland
Olympic Games 2012: Tickets
Tennis: Schools

Deputy Prime Minister

Electoral Register
Polling Stations: Access

Cabinet Office

Departmental Manpower
Departmental Responsibilities
Employment: Retail Trade
Former Ministers: Pay
Government Departments: Internet
Government Departments: Manpower
Transparency Board


Academies: Finance
Departmental Reviews

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Agriculture: Regulation
Biodiversity: International Cooperation
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control
Bovine Tuberculosis: Vaccination
Departmental NDPBs
Departmental Pay
Departmental Public Expenditure
Domestic Waste: Recycling
Food Supply
Food: Standards
Genetically Modified Organisms: Food
Genetically Modified Organisms: Potatoes
Six-Day Rule
Water Charges
Water: Private Sector
Whales: Conservation
Wildlife: Crime
Wind Power: Fisheries

Home Department

Animal Experiments
British Nationality: War Crimes
Community Policing
Control Orders
Counter-terrorism: Birmingham
Departmental Legislation
Departmental Private Finance Initiative
Departmental Public Expenditure
Deportation: Offenders
DNA: Databases
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students
Identity Cards
Immigration Act 1971
Immigration Controls
Immigration Controls: English Language
Immigration: Hungary
National Referral Mechanism
Passports: Biometrics
Police Community Support Officers
Police: Ashfield
Police: Bureaucracy
Police: Elections
Police: Greater Manchester
Police: Jet Skis
Police: Television
Police: VAT
Pre-charge Detention
Special Constables


Portsmouth: Frigates
Employment: Scotland
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations
Armed Forces Bill
Army: York
Departmental Mobile Phones

Communities and Local Government

Affordable Housing: Construction
Council Housing: Construction
Council Housing: Finance
Departmental Flags
Government Office for the North West: Finance
Housing: Asbestos
Housing: Construction
Local Government Finance
Local Government Finance: Wigan
Local Government: Greater Manchester
Local Government: Information Officers
Local Government: Manpower
Mayors: Greater Manchester
Multiple Occupation: Licensing
Planning Permission: Blackpool
Trade Unions
Wind Power: Planning Permission


Benefits: Greater Manchester
Business Services Association
Capital Gains Tax
Child Benefit
Child Tax Credit
Departmental Manpower
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers
Housing Benefit
Personal Savings: Children
Pregnant Women: Grants
Private Sector: Manpower
Public Finance
Public Sector: Manpower
Research and Development Tax Credit
Stamp Duty Land Tax
Taxation: Banks
VAT: Birmingham
VAT: Charities
Welfare Tax Credits: Bishop Auckland
Welfare Tax Credits: Lancashire
Welfare Tax Credits: Stirling

Work and Pensions

BP: Gulf of Mexico
Children: Maintenance
Departmental NDPBs
Employment and Support Allowance
Floors: Safety
Housing Benefit
Incapacity Benefit
National Employment Savings Trust
Oil: Safety
State Retirement Pensions
Unemployed People: Training
Housing Benefit


Bill of Rights
Civil Servants: Location
Copyright Tribunal: Public Appointments
Court Dispute Resolution
Courts: Access
Defamation: Legal Costs
Departmental Public Expenditure
Detention and Training Orders
Diamond Districts
Identity Cards
National Offender Management Service: Manpower
Poppy Project
Prison Sentences: Wales
Prisoners: Foreigners
Prisoners: Nigeria
Prisoners: Repatriation
Probation Boards
Rape: Rights of Accused
Voluntary Work

Business, Innovation and Skills

Banks: Finance
Business: Government Assistance
Departmental Buildings
Departmental Catering
Departmental Pay
Departmental Translation Services
Employment Agencies: EU Law
Higher Education: Anti-Semitism
Local Enterprise Partnerships
Newton Scholarships
One NorthEast
Postal Services Bill
Redundancy Pay
Retail Trade: Regulation
Sheffield Forgemasters: Finance
Summer Time
Working Hours: EU Law

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
5 July 2010


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 1W

Written Answers to Questions [5 July 2010]

House of Commons Commission [5 July 2010]

Access [5 July 2010]

Mr Anderson:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Departmental Security [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Column: 2W

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Parliamentary Estate [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Parliamentary Network [5 July 2010]

Diana R. Johnson:

Column: 3W

Sir Stuart Bell:

Publications: Internet [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Standing Committees: Internet [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Northern Ireland [5 July 2010]

Departmental Internet [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Paterson:

Transport [5 July 2010]

A5: Lighting [5 July 2010]

Andrew Selous:

Mr Philip Hammond

Column: 5W

Apperley Bridge Railway Station [5 July 2010]

Mr Ward:

Mrs Villiers:

Association of Chief Police Officers [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Biofuels [5 July 2010]

Charlotte Leslie:

Norman Baker:

Bus Services: Luton [5 July 2010]

Andrew Selous:

Column: 6W

Norman Baker:

Carbon Emissions: West Midlands [5 July 2010]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Norman Baker:

Departmental Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Anderson:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Mr Anderson:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Column: 7W

Departmental Pay [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Departmental Reviews [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Driving Offences [5 July 2010]

Charlie Elphicke:

Mike Penning:

Column: 8W

Driving Under Influence [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mike Penning:

Sadiq Khan:

Mike Penning:

Driving: Licensing [5 July 2010]

Mr Sheerman:

Mike Penning:

Column: 9W

Electric Vehicles [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Norman Baker:

Invalid Vehicles [5 July 2010]

Mr Knight:

Norman Baker:

Mr Knight:

Column: 10W

Norman Baker:

Local Government Finance [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Norman Baker:

London-Birmingham Railway Line [5 July 2010]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Mr Philip Hammond

Column: 11W

M1: Speed Limits [5 July 2010]

Mr Knight:

Mike Penning

Railway Stations [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Column: 12W

Railway Stations: Barking [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Column: 13W

Railway Stations: Birmingham [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Railway Stations: Liverpool [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Railway Stations: Luton [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 14W

Mrs Villiers:

Railway Stations: Reading [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Railway Stations: Repairs and Maintenance [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Column: 15W

Mrs Villiers:

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Column: 16W

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Railways [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Column: 17W

Railways Stations: Standards [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Railways: Construction [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Road Traffic: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Jonathan Reynolds:

Mike Penning:

Column: 18W

Roads: Construction [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mike Penning:

Roadworks [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mike Penning:

Rolling Stock [5 July 2010]

Sadiq Khan:

Mrs Villiers:

Shipping: Piracy [5 July 2010]

Mark Pritchard:

Mike Penning:

Column: 19W

South East Airports Task Force [5 July 2010]

Simon Kirby:

Mrs Villiers:

Speed Limits [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mike Penning:

Caroline Flint:

Mike Penning:

Column: 20W

Speed Limits: Cameras [5 July 2010]

Mr Knight:

Mike Penning:

Tolls [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mike Penning:

Trade Unions [5 July 2010]

Kelvin Hopkins:

Mr Philip Hammond:

Transport: Safety [5 July 2010]

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Mike Penning:

Column: 21W

Transport: West Midlands [5 July 2010]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Norman Baker:

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Norman Baker:

Wales [5 July 2010]

Cabinet Committees [5 July 2010]

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Mrs Gillan:

Column: 22W

Departmental Lost Property [5 July 2010]

Pete Wishart:

Mr David Jones:

Devolution [5 July 2010]

Roger Williams:

Mrs Gillan:

Hotels [5 July 2010]

Mr David:

Mrs Gillan:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [5 July 2010]

Afghanistan: Elections [5 July 2010]

Mrs Moon:

Alistair Burt:

Column: 23W

Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [5 July 2010]

David Miliband:

Mr Hague

Chechnya: Human Rights [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr Lidington:

Column: 24W

China: Foreign Relations [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Colombia [5 July 2010]

Mr Davidson:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Mr Davidson:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Departmental Postal Services [5 July 2010]

John Mann:

Column: 25W

Alistair Burt:

Eastern Europe: Equality [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr Lidington:

Western Balkans [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Lidington:

European Court of Justice [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Column: 26W

Mr Lidington:

European External Action Service [5 July 2010]

Mr Clappison:

Mr Lidington:

Mr Clappison:

Mr Lidington:

Column: 27W

Column: 28W

Column: 29W

European Union Bill [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Iran: Nuclear Power [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Alistair Burt:

New Zealand: Shechita [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe [5 July 2010]

Mr MacShane:

Column: 30W

Mr Lidington:

Pope Benedict XVI [5 July 2010]

Mr Gregory Campbell:

Mr Bellingham:

Mr Amess:

Mr Bellingham:

Private Military Security Companies [5 July 2010]

Caroline Lucas:

Mr Bellingham:

Column: 31W

Mr Watson:

Mr Bellingham:

Somalia: Piracy [5 July 2010]

David Morris:

Mr Bellingham:

Somalia: Politics and Government [5 July 2010]

Kerry McCarthy:

Column: 32W

Mr Bellingham:

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Bellingham:

Sovereignty [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Lidington:

Tenzin Delek Rinpoche [5 July 2010]

Mr Fabian Hamilton:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Column: 33W

UN Security Council [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Bellingham:

Scotland [5 July 2010]

Scotland Bill [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Michael Moore:

Energy and Climate Change [5 July 2010]

Carbon Emissions [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Column: 34W

Gregory Barker:

Carbon Emissions: Departmental Co-ordination [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Climate Change: International Cooperation [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 35W

Departmental Human Resources [5 July 2010]

Graham Evans:

Gregory Barker:

Departmental Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 36W

Electricity Generation [5 July 2010]

Jonathan Reynolds:

Charles Hendry:

Energy Supply [5 July 2010]

Mr Evennett:

Charles Hendry:

Energy: Subsidies [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 37W

Graham Evans:

Charles Hendry:

Fuel Poverty [5 July 2010]

Dr Thérèse Coffey:

Gregory Barker:

Green Investment Bank [5 July 2010]

James Wharton:

Gregory Barker:

Home Energy Efficiency Programme [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 38W

Redfern Inquiry [5 July 2010]

Caroline Lucas:

Charles Hendry:

Warm Front Scheme [5 July 2010]

Margot James:

Gregory Barker:

Health [5 July 2010]

Ataxia-Telangiectasia [5 July 2010]

Mr Clappison:

Mr Burstow:

Column: 39W

Botulinum Toxin [5 July 2010]

Angela Smith:

Mr Simon Burns:

Cancer: Drugs [5 July 2010]

Mr Timpson:

Mr Simon Burns:

Cancer: Health Services [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Burstow:

Column: 40W

Cardiovascular Disease [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Mr Simon Burns:

Care Homes [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Mr Burstow:

Mr Chope:

Mr Burstow:

Departmental Human Resources [5 July 2010]

Graham Evans:

Mr Simon Burns:

Departmental Location [5 July 2010]

Rachel Reeves:

Column: 41W

Mr Simon Burns:

Departmental NDPBs [5 July 2010]

Mr Iain Wright:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 42W

Food: Labelling [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Mr Simon Burns:

Caroline Flint:

Mr Burstow:

Health Bill [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Mr Simon Burns:

Hearing Impairment [5 July 2010]

Bob Russell:

Mr Burstow:

Column: 43W

Hospitals: Waiting Lists [5 July 2010]

Mr Ivan Lewis:

Mr Simon Burns:

Iraq [5 July 2010]

Mr Anderson:

Mr Simon Burns:

Making It Better Programme: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Mr Crausby:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 44W

Medical Records: Databases [5 July 2010]

Mr David Davis:

Mr Simon Burns:

Mental Health Act 1983 [5 July 2010]

Tracey Crouch:

Mr Harper:

Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust [5 July 2010]

Steve McCabe:

Mr Simon Burns:

North Tees and Hartlepool Hospital [5 July 2010]

Grahame M. Morris:

Column: 45W

Mr Simon Burns:

Nutrition: Children [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Mr Simon Burns:

Older People: Swimming [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Burstow:

Social Services: Finance [5 July 2010]

Mr Ivan Lewis:

Mr Burstow:

Stomach Cancer [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Column: 46W

Mr Burstow:

Chris Evans:

Mr Burstow:

Strokes: Health Education [5 July 2010]

Helen Jones:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 47W

Prime Minister [5 July 2010]

UN Millennium Development Goals: Meetings [5 July 2010]

Mark Lazarowicz:

The Prime Minister:

Colombia [5 July 2010]

Mr Davidson:

The Prime Minister:

Ministerial Policy Advisers [5 July 2010]

Jessica Morden:

The Prime Minister:

Public Sector [5 July 2010]

Luciana Berger:

The Prime Minister:

Russia: Bilateral Discussions [5 July 2010]

Chris Bryant:

Column: 48W

Mr Macshane:

The Prime Minister:

International Development [5 July 2010]

Burma: Overseas Aid [5 July 2010]

Jo Swinson:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Jo Swinson:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Column: 49W

Departmental Catering [5 July 2010]

Graham Evans:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Developing Countries: Fossil Fuels [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Mr Hoban:

International Assistance: Education [5 July 2010]

Tony Baldry:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Column: 50W

Tony Baldry:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Women and Equalities [5 July 2010]

Equal Opportunities: Candidates [5 July 2010]

Adam Afriyie:

Lynne Featherstone:

Culture, Media and Sport [5 July 2010]

Betting Shops: Licensing [5 July 2010]

Mr Lammy:

John Penrose:

Column: 51W

Departmental Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

John Penrose:

Departmental Official Cars [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

John Penrose:

Mr Watson:

John Penrose:

English Heritage: Finance [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

John Penrose:

Listed Buildings [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

John Penrose:

Column: 52W

Mr Watson:

John Penrose:

National Lottery: Disposable Income [5 July 2010]

Rosie Cooper:

John Penrose:

Olympic Games 2012: Northern Ireland [5 July 2010]

Ms Ritchie:

Hugh Robertson:

Olympic Games 2012: Tickets [5 July 2010]

Sir Menzies Campbell:

Hugh Robertson:

Column: 53W

Tennis: Schools [5 July 2010]

Mark Pritchard:

Hugh Robertson:

Deputy Prime Minister [5 July 2010]

Electoral Register [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Mr Harper:

Polling Stations: Access [5 July 2010]

Richard Fuller:

Column: 54W

Mr Harper:

Cabinet Office [5 July 2010]

Departmental Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Departmental Responsibilities [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Employment: Retail Trade [5 July 2010]

Rosie Cooper:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 55W

Former Ministers: Pay [5 July 2010]

Pete Wishart:

Mr Maude:

Government Departments: Internet [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Column: 56W

Mr Watson:

Mr Hurd:

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Government Departments: Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Lord-Lieutenancies [5 July 2010]

Mr Wallace:

Column: 57W

Mr Harper:

Transparency Board [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Maude:

Education [5 July 2010]

Academies: Finance [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Gibb:

Departmental Reviews [5 July 2010]

Andrew Miller:

Michael Gove:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [5 July 2010]

Agriculture: Regulation [5 July 2010]

Tony Lloyd:

Column: 58W

Mr Paice:

Bees [5 July 2010]

Caroline Lucas:

Mr Paice:

Mr Anderson:

Mr Paice:

Biodiversity [5 July 2010]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 59W

Biodiversity: International Cooperation [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Richard Benyon:

Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control [5 July 2010]

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Paice:

Column: 60W

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Paice:

Bovine Tuberculosis: Vaccination [5 July 2010]

Hilary Benn:

Mr Paice:

Departmental NDPBs [5 July 2010]

Mr Iain Wright:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 61W

Departmental Pay [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Richard Benyon:

Departmental Public Expenditure [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Richard Benyon:

Domestic Waste: Recycling [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 62W

Food Supply [5 July 2010]

Andrea Leadsom:

Mr Paice:

Food: Standards [5 July 2010]

Hilary Benn:

Mr Paice:

Genetically Modified Organisms: Food [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Mr Paice:

Genetically Modified Organisms: Potatoes [5 July 2010]

Mr Meacher:

Column: 63W

Mr Paice:

Mr Meacher:

Column: 64W

Mr Paice:

Mackerel [5 July 2010]

Ms Ritchie:

Richard Benyon:

Milk [5 July 2010]

David Morris:

Mr Paice:

Packaging [5 July 2010]

Justin Tomlinson:

Richard Benyon:

Potatoes [5 July 2010]

Mr Meacher:

Mr Paice:

Column: 65W

Column: 66W

Mr Meacher:

Mr Paice:

Six-Day Rule [5 July 2010]

Kerry McCarthy:

Mr Paice:

Water Charges [5 July 2010]

Dr Thérèse Coffey:

Richard Benyon:

Water: Private Sector [5 July 2010]

Mr Swayne:

Richard Benyon:

Whales: Conservation [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 67W

Zac Goldsmith:

Richard Benyon:

Wildlife: Crime [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Richard Benyon:

Wind Power: Fisheries [5 July 2010]

Eric Ollerenshaw:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 68W

Home Department [5 July 2010]

Animal Experiments [5 July 2010]

Kerry McCarthy:

Lynne Featherstone:

Kerry McCarthy:

Lynne Featherstone:

British Nationality: War Crimes [5 July 2010]

Mary Creagh:

Damian Green:

Mary Creagh:

Damian Green:

Column: 69W

Mary Creagh:

Damian Green:

Mary Creagh:

Damian Green:

Cannabis [5 July 2010]

David Morris:

Nick Herbert:

Community Policing [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 70W

Control Orders [5 July 2010]

Mr Raab:

Nick Herbert:

Mr Raab:

Nick Herbert:

Counter-terrorism: Birmingham [5 July 2010]

Mr Godsiff:

Column: 71W

Nick Herbert:

Departmental Legislation [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Damian Green:

Departmental Private Finance Initiative [5 July 2010]

Andrew Stephenson:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 72W

Departmental Public Expenditure [5 July 2010]

Gordon Banks:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 73W

Gordon Banks:

Nick Herbert:

Deportation: Offenders [5 July 2010]

Mr Raab:

Damian Green:

Mr Raab:

Damian Green:

Column: 74W

Mr Raab:

Damian Green:

DNA: Databases [5 July 2010]

Alan Johnson:

Mrs May:

Column: 75W

Entry Clearances: Overseas Students [5 July 2010]

Simon Kirby:

Damian Green:

Simon Kirby:

Damian Green:

Identity Cards [5 July 2010]

Dr Huppert:

Damian Green:

Guy Opperman:

Damian Green:

Column: 76W

Immigration Act 1971 [5 July 2010]

Dr Huppert:

Damian Green:

Immigration Controls [5 July 2010]

Mr David:

Damian Green:

Immigration Controls: English Language [5 July 2010]

Fiona Mactaggart:

Damian Green:

Fiona Mactaggart:

Column: 77W

Damian Green:

Immigration: Hungary [5 July 2010]

Mr Kevan Jones:

Damian Green:

National Referral Mechanism [5 July 2010]

Justin Tomlinson:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 78W

Passports: Biometrics [5 July 2010]

Alan Johnson:

Mrs May:

Police Community Support Officers [5 July 2010]

David Morris:

Nick Herbert:

Police: Ashfield [5 July 2010]

Gloria De Piero:

Nick Herbert:

Gloria De Piero:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 79W

Police: Bureaucracy [5 July 2010]

Miss McIntosh:

Nick Herbert:

Police: Elections [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Nick Herbert:

Police: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Nick Herbert:

Police: Jet Skis [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Column: 80W

Nick Herbert:

Police: Television [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Nick Herbert:

Police: VAT [5 July 2010]

Bob Russell:

Nick Herbert:

Pre-charge Detention [5 July 2010]

Mr Raab:

Nick Herbert:

Mr Raab:

Column: 81W

Nick Herbert:

Special Constables [5 July 2010]

Angie Bray:

Nick Herbert:

Defence [5 July 2010]

Portsmouth: Frigates [5 July 2010]

Oliver Colvile:

Peter Luff:

Employment: Scotland [5 July 2010]

Gordon Banks:

Nick Harvey:

Column: 82W

Afghanistan [5 July 2010]

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown:

Nick Harvey:

Homelessness [5 July 2010]

Dr Huppert:

Mr Robathan:

Procurement [5 July 2010]

Andrea Leadsom:

Peter Luff:

Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Peter Luff:

Column: 83W

Armed Forces Bill [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Mr Robathan:

Army: York [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Mr Robathan:

Defence [5 July 2010]

Mr Watts:

Dr Fox:

Departmental Mobile Phones [5 July 2010]

Mark Tami:

Column: 84W

Mr Watson:

Mr Robathan

Communities and Local Government [5 July 2010]

Affordable Housing: Construction [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Grant Shapps:

Column: 85W

Andrew George:

Andrew Stunell:

Council Housing: Construction [5 July 2010]

Austin Mitchell:

Andrew Stunell:

Council Housing: Finance [5 July 2010]

Austin Mitchell:

Andrew Stunell:

Column: 86W

Departmental Flags [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Grant Shapps:

Government Office for the North West: Finance [5 July 2010]

David Morris:

Robert Neill:

Homelessness [5 July 2010]

Ms Buck:

Grant Shapps:

Housing: Asbestos [5 July 2010]

Lorely Burt:

Column: 87W

Andrew Stunell:

Housing: Construction [5 July 2010]

Mr Umunna:

Andrew Stunell:

Mr Umunna:

Andrew Stunell:

Mr Streeter:

Grant Shapps:

Local Government Finance [5 July 2010]

Mr Ivan Lewis:

Robert Neill:

Column: 88W

Local Government Finance: Wigan [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Robert Neill:

Lisa Nandy:

Grant Shapps:

Column: 89W

Local Government: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Robert Neill:

Local Government: Information Officers [5 July 2010]

Justin Tomlinson:

Robert Neill:

Local Government: Manpower [5 July 2010]

Luciana Berger:

Robert Neill:

Mayors: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Robert Neill:

Multiple Occupation: Licensing [5 July 2010]

Chris Ruane:

Andrew Stunell:

Column: 90W

Chris Ruane:

Andrew Stunell:

Chris Ruane:

Andrew Stunell:

Mr Andrew Turner:

Andrew Stunell:

Planning Permission: Blackpool [5 July 2010]

Mr Marsden:

Robert Neill:

Column: 91W

Mr Marsden:

Robert Neill:

Mr Marsden:

Robert Neill:

Trade Unions [5 July 2010]

Dr Thérèse Coffey:

Robert Neill:

Column: 92W

Wind Power: Planning Permission [5 July 2010]

Andrea Leadsom:

Greg Clark:

Simon Reevell:

Greg Clark:

Treasury [5 July 2010]

Benefits: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Mr Gauke:

Column: 93W

Business Services Association [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Hoban:

Capital Gains Tax [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Mr Gauke:

Caroline Flint:

Mr Gauke:

Caroline Flint:

Mr Gauke:

Child Benefit [5 July 2010]

Kerry McCarthy:

Column: 94W

Justine Greening:

Child Tax Credit [5 July 2010]

Liz Kendall:

Mr Gauke:

Departmental Manpower [5 July 2010]

Stewart Hosie:

Justine Greening:

Column: 95W

Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [5 July 2010]

Mr MacShane:

Justine Greening:

Housing Benefit [5 July 2010]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Steve Webb:

Personal Savings: Children [5 July 2010]

Mr Iain Wright:

Mr Hoban:

Column: 96W

Pregnant Women: Grants [5 July 2010]

Helen Goodman:

Rosie Cooper:

Mr Gauke:

Private Sector: Manpower [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Danny Alexander:

Public Finance [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Mr Maude:

Mr Bain:

Mr Gauke:

Column: 97W

Chris Evans:

Danny Alexander:

Public Sector: Manpower [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Danny Alexander:

Research and Development Tax Credit [5 July 2010]

Zac Goldsmith:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 98W

Stamp Duty Land Tax [5 July 2010]

Mr Knight:

Justine Greening:

Mr Knight:

Justine Greening:

Taxation: Banks [5 July 2010]

Rachel Reeves:

Mr Hoban:

Rachel Reeves:

Mr Hoban:

Column: 99W

VAT [5 July 2010]

Vernon Coaker:

Mr Gauke

Chris Evans:

Danny Alexander:

VAT: Birmingham [5 July 2010]

Steve McCabe:

Column: 100W

Mr Gauke:

Steve McCabe:

Mr Gauke:

VAT: Charities [5 July 2010]

Ian Lucas:

Mr Gauke:

Welfare Tax Credits: Bishop Auckland [5 July 2010]

Helen Goodman:

Mr Gauke:

Column: 101W

Welfare Tax Credits: Lancashire [5 July 2010]

Rosie Cooper:

Mr Gauke:

Welfare Tax Credits: Stirling [5 July 2010]

Mrs McGuire:

Mr Gauke:

Work and Pensions [5 July 2010]

BP: Gulf of Mexico [5 July 2010]

Mark Durkan:

Column: 102W

Steve Webb:

Mark Durkan:

Steve Webb:

Children: Maintenance [5 July 2010]

Philip Davies:

Maria Miller:

Column: 103W

Column: 104W

Departmental NDPBs [5 July 2010]

Mr Iain Wright:

Chris Grayling:

Employment and Support Allowance [5 July 2010]

Miss McIntosh:

Chris Grayling:

Floors: Safety [5 July 2010]

Mr Clappison:

Chris Grayling:

Column: 105W

Column: 106W

Housing Benefit [5 July 2010]

Andrew Gwynne:

Helen Goodman:

Ms Buck:

Steve Webb:

Ms Buck:

Steve Webb:

Incapacity Benefit [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Chris Grayling:

National Employment Savings Trust [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Steve Webb:

Column: 107W

Gordon Banks:

Steve Webb:

Column: 108W

Oil: Safety [5 July 2010]

Mr Thomas:

Chris Grayling:

Column: 109W

Mr Thomas:

Chris Grayling:

State Retirement Pensions [5 July 2010]

Gordon Banks:

Steve Webb:

Unemployed People: Training [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Chris Grayling:

Column: 110W

Housing Benefit [5 July 2010]

Mrs McGuire:

Steve Webb:

Justice [5 July 2010]

Bill of Rights [5 July 2010]

Mr Bain:

Mr Kenneth Clarke:

Civil Servants: Location [5 July 2010]

Rachel Reeves:

Mr Djanogly:

Copyright Tribunal: Public Appointments [5 July 2010]

Mr Mark Field:

Mr Kenneth Clarke:

Column: 111W

Court Dispute Resolution [5 July 2010]

Jessica Lee:

Mr Djanogly:

Courts: Access [5 July 2010]

Jessica Lee:

Mr Djanogly:

Column: 112W

Defamation: Legal Costs [5 July 2010]

Maria Eagle:

Mr Djanogly:

Departmental Public Expenditure [5 July 2010]

Jessica Lee:

Mr Kenneth Clarke:

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Kenneth Clarke:

Detention and Training Orders [5 July 2010]

Annette Brooke:

Column: 113W

Mr Blunt:

Diamond Districts [5 July 2010]

Maria Eagle:

Nick Herbert:

Column: 114W

Identity Cards [5 July 2010]

Dr Huppert:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 115W

Iraq [5 July 2010]

Mr Anderson:

Mr Blunt:

National Offender Management Service: Manpower [5 July 2010]

Mr Burrowes:

Column: 116W

Mr Blunt:

Poppy Project [5 July 2010]

Justin Tomlinson:

Mr Blunt:

Prison Sentences: Wales [5 July 2010]

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 117W

Column: 118W

Prisoners: Foreigners [5 July 2010]

Mr Raab:

Mr Blunt:

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 119W

Column: 120W

Column: 121W

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Prisoners: Nigeria [5 July 2010]

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 122W

Prisoners: Repatriation [5 July 2010]

Mr Hanson:

Mr Blunt:

Probation Boards [5 July 2010]

Mr Burrowes:

Mr Blunt:

Rape: Rights of Accused [5 July 2010]

Caroline Flint:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 123W

Voluntary Work [5 July 2010]

Mr Burrowes:

Mr Blunt:

Business, Innovation and Skills [5 July 2010]

Banks: Finance [5 July 2010]

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Prisk:

Business: Government Assistance [5 July 2010]

Brandon Lewis:

Mr Prisk:

Brandon Lewis:

Column: 124W

Mr Prisk:

Departmental Buildings [5 July 2010]

Mr Iain Wright:

Mr Davey:

Column: 125W

Departmental Catering [5 July 2010]

Graham Evans:

Mr Davey:

Mr Amess:

Mr Davey:

Mr Amess:

Mr Davey:

Column: 126W

Departmental Pay [5 July 2010]

Mr Watson:

Mr Davey:

Column: 127W

Departmental Translation Services [5 July 2010]

Ian Austin:

Mr Davey:

Employment Agencies: EU Law [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Davey:

Column: 128W

Higher Education: Anti-Semitism [5 July 2010]

Mr Amess:

Mr Willetts

Iraq [5 July 2010]

Mr Anderson:

Mr Willetts:

Local Enterprise Partnerships [5 July 2010]

Ms Winterton:

Mr Prisk:

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown:

Column: 129W

Mr Prisk:

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown:

Mr Prisk:

Geoffrey Clifton-Brown:

Mr Prisk:

Newton Scholarships [5 July 2010]

Chris Evans:

Column: 130W

Mr Willetts:

One NorthEast [5 July 2010]

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Prisk:

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Prisk:

Column: 131W

Postal Services Bill [5 July 2010]

John Healey:

Mr Davey:

Redundancy Pay [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Davey:

Retail Trade: Regulation [5 July 2010]

Angie Bray:

Mr Prisk:

Column: 132W

Sheffield Forgemasters: Finance [5 July 2010]

Mr Betts:

Mr Prisk:

Column: 133W

Summer Time [5 July 2010]

Mrs McGuire:

Mr Davey:

Working Hours: EU Law [5 July 2010]

Lisa Nandy:

Column: 134W

Mr Davey:

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Davey:

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