Oral Answers

Wednesday 7 July 2010

International Development351
1GOAL Summit353
Aid Expenditure (Legislation)356
Aid Expenditure (Transparency)352
Caribbean Countries355
Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Act359
Funding Decisions359
Media High Council (Rwanda)353
Millennium Development Goals Summit357
Poverty and Hunger Eradication360
Tackling Climate Change358
Prime Minister361
Decent Homes Programme370

Written Ministerial Statements

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Communities and Local Government11WS
Ordnance Survey (Performance Targets)11WS
Behaviour and Discipline (Schools)11WS


Wednesday 7 July 2010

Presented Petition3P
Intensive Care (West Sussex)3P

Written Answers

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Departmental Official Cars254W
Law Officers255W
Business, Innovation and Skills317W
Animal Experiments317W
Business: Regulation317W
Business: West Midlands317W
Company Finance317W
Connexions Service318W
Departmental Lost Property318W
Departmental Official Photographs318W
Higher Education318W
Higher Education: Admissions319W
Higher Education: Finance320W
Postcomm: Public Appointments320W
Sector Skills Council for Construction320W
Termination of Employment321W
Cabinet Office352W
Business: Great Yarmouth352W
Business: Witham353W
Charities: Disability353W
Civil Servants: Great Yarmouth354W
Civil Servants: Networking354W
Deaths: Nutrition354W
Departmental Directors356W
Departmental Internet356W
Departmental Lost Property357W
Departmental NDPBs357W
Employment: Great Yarmouth358W
Jobseeker's Allowance: Great Yarmouth358W
Lone Parents359W
Lone Parents: Ashton-in-Makerfield360W
Lone Parents: Worsley360W
National Citizen Service362W
New Businesses362W
New Businesses: Greater London363W
Public Bodies Bill364W
Communities and Local Government257W
Departmental Conferences257W
Fire Services: Pensions257W
Housing and Planning Delivery Grant: Tower Hamlets257W
Infrastructure Planning Commission258W
Local Government: Manpower259W
Culture, Media and Sport261W
Departmental Lost Property261W
Departmental Manpower262W
Olympic Games 2012262W
Public Libraries: Information Services262W
Armoured Fighting Vehicles251W
Departmental Official Cars252W
Departmental Responsibilities252W
HMS Sultan253W
Military Bases: Aviation253W
Nimrod Aircraft253W
RAF St Athan254W
Deputy Prime Minister314W
Electoral Reform: Referendums314W
Electoral Register315W
House of Lords315W
House of Lords: Reform315W
Parliamentary Reform Bill316W
Primary Elections316W
Royal Prerogative316W
Academies: Cheshire269W
Academies: Nutrition269W
British Educational Communications and Technology Agency269W
Disadvantaged Pupils272W
Education: Finance270W
Education Maintenance Allowance270W
Education: VAT270W
Education: Worcestershire271W
Financial Services: Education271W
Free School Meals: Streatham271W
Free Schools: Cheshire271W
Further Education: Greater London271W
History Curriculum272W
Pupils: Per Capita Costs272W
Schools: Management276W
Schools: Transport276W
Sixth Form Education277W
Special Educational Needs277W
Special Educational Needs: Finance277W
Energy and Climate Change336W
Climate Change: International Cooperation336W
Departmental Buildings337W
Departmental Carbon Emissions337W
Departmental Official Photographs337W
Fuel Poverty: Richmond Park337W
Green Investment Bank338W
Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change338W
Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs339W
Taxation: Carbon Emissions339W
Wind Power339W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs278W
Agriculture: Regulation278W
Agriculture: Subsidies278W
Biosafety Protocol279W
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control280W
Departmental Official Photographs281W
Departmental Reorganisation281W
EU Grants and Loans: Northern Ireland282W
Flood Control282W
Oak Processionary Moth282W
Rural Payments Agency283W
Rural Payments Agency: Standards283W
Tunnel Tech283W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office310W
Abdelbasit Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi310W
Afghanistan: Religious Freedom311W
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Politics and Government311W
Counter-terrorism: Finance312W
Departmental Public Expenditure312W
Departmental Training312W
Members: Correspondence313W
Sri Lanka313W
Sri Lanka: Human Rights313W
Tracey Lee Ann Foley313W
Turkey: Politics and Government314W
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse341W
Benzodiazepines and Antidepressants341W
Departmental Official Cars342W
Departmental Property342W
Departmental Public Expenditure344W
Fats: Health Hazards343W
Fluoride: Drinking Water343W
Food: Advertising344W
Food: Labelling344W
Health Visitors: Waltham Forest345W
Hospitals: Consultants345W
Hospitals: Food345W
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust346W
Mental Health Services346W
NHS: Social Responsibility346W
NHS: Standards347W
NHS: Temporary Employment347W
Obesity: Children348W
Smoking: Young People350W
Social Services: Manpower350W
Treatment Centres350W
WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control351W
Home Department284W
ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service and National Wildlife Crime Unit284W
Alcoholic Drinks: Retail Trade284W
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People284W
Asylum: Legal Aid and Assistance284W
British Nationality: War Crimes285W
Departmental Equality286W
DNA Databases286W
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students286W
Foreign Workers287W
Immigration: Applications287W
Passports: Intelligence Services288W
Police: Manpower289W
Police: Retirement289W
Yvonne Fletcher289W
House of Commons Commission251W
1 Parliament Street: Air Conditioning251W
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee268W
International Development267W
Afghanistan: Overseas Aid267W
Aid Expenditure: Legislation267W
Centre for Progressive Health Financing267W
Departmental NDPBs268W
Overseas Aid268W
Courts: Video Conferencing299W
Departmental Official Cars299W
Foreign Prisoners303W
Immigration: Asylum300W
Prison Accommodation300W
Prison Sentences: Reoffenders300W
Prison Service: Manpower301W
Prisoners' Transfers: Rehabilitation310W
Leader of the House268W
Departmental Conferences268W
Departmental Lost Property269W
Northern Ireland260W
Departmental Conferences260W
Departmental Equality260W
Departmental Finance260W
Departmental Lost Property261W
Departmental Training261W
Departmental Training256W
Departmental Travel256W
Airport Economic Regulation Bill263W
Aviation: Passengers263W
Crossrail: Pay263W
Departmental Responsibilities263W
Leamside Railway Line264W
Merchant Shipping: Registration264W
Network Rail: Pay264W
Railways: Cycling264W
Railways: Fares265W
Railways: Freight265W
Railways: Repairs and Maintenance265W
Rolling stock265W
Thameslink Railway Line266W
Transport for London: Finance266W
Written Questions: Government Responses266W
Budget June 2010290W
Capital Gains Tax290W
Child Benefit: Camden and Brent290W
Child Trust Fund : Tower Hamlets290W
Credit Unions291W
Departmental Mobile Phones291W
Equitable Life Assurance Society: Compensation291W
EU Budget292W
EU Law: Fines292W
Pregnant Women: Grants293W
Public Expenditure293W
Public Expenditure: Wales293W
Public Finance294W
Public Sector: Pay295W
Regional Growth Fund295W
Revenue and Customs: Standards295W
Saving Gateway296W
Tax Allowances: Renewable Energy296W
Tax Credit296W
Taxation: Banks297W
VAT: NHS and Local Government298W
Welfare Tax Credits298W
Work and Pensions321W
Children: Maintenance321W
Departmental Conferences322W
Departmental Equality323W
Departmental Training324W
Disability Living Allowance324W
Funeral Payments324W
Future Jobs Fund324W
Housing Benefit325W
Housing Benefit: Tower Hamlets327W
Jobseekers Allowance328W
Lone Parents: Lancashire328W
Mortgages: Government Assistance328W
Pension Credit: Richmond Park328W
Pensioners: Ashton-in-Makerfield330W
Pensioners: Bishop Auckland330W
Pensioners: Enfield331W
Pensioners: Greater Manchester331W
Pensioners: Houghton-le-Spring332W
Pensioners: Hull332W
Pensioners: Lancashire333W
Pensioners: Ministerial Policy Advisers333W
Pensioners: Motherwell333W
Pensioners: Worsley334W
Pensions Act 2008334W
Social Security Benefits335W
Social Security Benefits: Lewisham335W
Unemployment: Older Workers336W

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