Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers

Volume No. 513Part No. 29

Westminster Hall Debates 08 July 2010

Westminster Hall
Energy Security

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, headings, time lines and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Debates text for 8 July 2010

Volume No. 513Part No. 29

Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 143WH

Column: 143WH

Westminster Hall [8 Jul 2010]

[Miss Anne Begg]

Energy Security [8 Jul 2010]

2.30 pm

The Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (Charles Hendry):

Mr Iain Wright (Hartlepool) (Lab):

Miss Anne Begg (in the Chair):

Column: 144WH

Mr Wright:

Charles Hendry:

Column: 145WH

Column: 146WH

Emily Thornberry (Islington South and Finsbury) (Lab):

Charles Hendry:

Column: 147WH

Mr Iain Wright:

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Charles Hendry:

Dr Alan Whitehead (Southampton, Test) (Lab):

Column: 148WH

Charles Hendry:

Column: 149WH

Column: 150WH

2.58 pm

Emily Thornberry (Islington South and Finsbury) (Lab):

Column: 151WH

Column: 152WH

Column: 153WH

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Column: 154WH

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Column: 155WH

Column: 156WH

3.17 pm

Dr Alan Whitehead (Southampton, Test) (Lab):

Column: 157WH

Emily Thornberry:

Dr Whitehead:

Column: 158WH

Column: 159WH

Column: 160WH

Column: 161WH

Column: 162WH

3.48 pm

Mr Iain Wright (Hartlepool) (Lab):

Column: 163WH

Column: 164WH

3.58 pm

Charles Hendry:

Column: 165WH

Column: 166WH

Dr Whitehead:

Column: 167WH

Charles Hendry:

Column: 168WH

Emily Thornberry:

Column: 169WH

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Column: 170WH

Charles Hendry:

Emily Thornberry:

Column: 171WH

Charles Hendry:

Mr Iain Wright:

Charles Hendry:

Column: 172WH

Column: 173WH

Dr Whitehead:

Charles Hendry:

Column: 174WH

4.32 pm

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