Oral Answers

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Cabinet Office931
Big Society Bank935
Civil Servants (Terms and Conditions)936
Civil Service Compensation Scheme931
Efficiency Savings937
Efficiency Savings940
Government Projects (Consultants)932
National Citizen Service938
Voluntary and Community Sectors933
Voluntary Sector936
Voluntary Sector939
Prime Minister940

Written Ministerial Statements

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills27WS
UK Inward Investment27WS
Communities and Local Government28WS
Park Homes Reforms28WS
Afghanistan Troop Levels28WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office31WS
EU Observer Rights (UN General Assembly)31WS
Health Select Committee Report on Social Care32WS


Wednesday 14 July 2010

Equitable Life (Portsmouth North)9P

Written Answers

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Departmental Buildings748W
Departmental Marketing749W
Departmental Official Cars749W
Departmental Training750W
Departmental Utilities751W
Written Questions: Expenditure753W
Business, Innovation and Skills802W
Advantage West Midlands: Malvern802W
Agriculture: Research802W
Broadband: Rural Areas803W
Broadband: West Midlands803W
Business: Government Assistance804W
Business: Investment804W
Internet: Wi-fi804W
Radio Frequencies805W
Cabinet Office800W
Electoral Register: Wakefield800W
Lone Parents: Cynon Valley800W
Non-departmental Public Bodies801W
Personal Income: Wakefield801W
Communities and Local Government756W
Departmental Buildings756W
Departmental Consultants756W
Departmental Electronic Equipment757W
Departmental ICT757W
Departmental Internet758W
Departmental Lighting758W
Departmental Mobile Phones758W
Departmental Official Hospitality759W
Departmental Public Expenditure759W
Departmental Regulation760W
Departmental Security760W
Departmental Speeches761W
Departmental Stationery761W
Departmental Training762W
Fire Services762W
Fire Services: Finance763W
Fire Services: Standards766W
Housing: Planning767W
Local Government Executive767W
Local Government Finance767W
Non-domestic Rates768W
Culture, Media and Sport753W
Departmental Buildings753W
Departmental Electronic Equipment754W
Departmental Lighting754W
Departmental Photographs754W
Departmental Security755W
Departmental Travel755W
Historic Buildings: Coventry756W
National Lottery756W
Armed Forces: Deployment731W
Armed Forces: Private Education731W
Departmental Equality732W
Departmental Human Resources732W
Departmental ICT733W
Departmental Training733W
European Fighter Aircraft733W
Gibraltar: Spain734W
Red Arrows734W
Deputy Prime Minister797W
Elections: Registration797W
Electoral Systems: Referendums798W
Electoral Systems: Reform798W
European Communities Act 1972799W
General Elections799W
Members: Conduct799W
Voting Rights: Prisoners799W
West Lothian Question799W
Academies: GCSE768W
Children: Protection768W
Departmental Property769W
Free Schools769W
GCSE: Languages769W
Pupils: Health770W
Schools: Admissions770W
Schools: Anti-Semitism771W
Schools: Medicine771W
Schools: Mental Health Services772W
Schools: Transport772W
Schools: Visits772W
Science: Education773W
Special Educational Needs773W
Special Educational Needs: Pupil Exclusions774W
Special Educational Needs: Pupil Referral Units775W
Energy and Climate Change790W
Departmental Consultants790W
Departmental Internet790W
Departmental Official Hospitality791W
Departmental Security791W
Departmental Stationery791W
Departmental Utilities791W
EC Law792W
Electric Cables792W
Energy: Subsidies793W
Fuel Poverty795W
Fuel Poverty: Greater London795W
Nuclear Power: Finance795W
Office for Nuclear Development796W
Utilities: Housing796W
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000797W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs734W
Agriculture: Research734W
Air Pollution736W
Air Pollution: East of England736W
Dairy Farming: Cooperatives737W
Departmental Lost Property738W
Departmental Official Cars738W
Departmental Regulation738W
Departmental Speeches739W
EU Law739W
Horses: Databases739W
Pets: Animal Welfare740W
Poultry: Animal Welfare740W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office730W
Departmental Official Cars730W
Departmental Speeches730W
European Union730W
Zimbabwe: Diamonds731W
Agency Nurses: Manpower779W
Arthritis: Health Services779W
Autism: Children780W
Blood: Cancer780W
Cancer: Drugs781W
Cancer: Health Services781W
Care Homes: Exercise781W
Emergency Calls784W
Genetically Modified Organisms784W
Health Services: Ex-servicemen785W
Hospitals: Admissions786W
Mental Health Services: Children786W
Multiple Sclerosis787W
NHS: Drugs787W
NHS: Finance788W
Nurses: Manpower788W
Nutrition: EU Law789W
Osteoporosis: Health Services789W
Home Department741W
Crime Prevention741W
Demonstrations: Parliament Square741W
Departmental Buildings742W
Departmental Conferences742W
Departmental Electronic Equipment743W
Departmental Lighting743W
Departmental Photographs743W
Departmental Security743W
Departmental Utilities743W
Hillsborough Stadium: Disclosure of Information744W
Police Community Support Officer: Redundancy745W
Police Community Support Officers: Greater Manchester746W
Police: Manpower746W
Police: VAT746W
Speed Limits: Fines746W
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee812W
Members: Allowances812W
Members: Rail Travel813W
International Development775W
Bilateral Aid: Climate Change775W
Brazil: Cattle776W
Centres for Disease Control776W
Common Agricultural Policy776W
Departmental Speeches776W
Developing Countries: Climate Change777W
Developing Countries: Forests777W
Developing Countries: Maternity Services777W
Developing Countries: Rivers778W
Overseas Aid: Health Services778W
Pakistan: Overseas Aid778W
Yemen: Overseas Aid779W
Bailiffs: Misconduct805W
Departmental Expenditure807W
Departmental Regulation807W
Departmental Security808W
Departmental Speeches808W
Departmental Travel808W
Information Commissioner's Office: Standards809W
Prison Service: Budgets810W
Prisoners Release: Reoffenders810W
Reoffenders: Ex-servicemen811W
Leader of the House747W
Departmental Official Cars747W
Departmental Travel747W
Northern Ireland713W
Departmental Electronic Equipment713W
Departmental ICT713W
Departmental Marketing713W
Departmental Security714W
Departmental Stationery714W
Departmental Training714W
Departmental Travel715W
Departmental Utilities715W
Independent Living Fund: Scotland729W
Lanarkshire: Official Visits729W
Merchant Shipping729W
Transport: Scotland730W
Voting Systems: Scotland730W
Bus Services: Concessions720W
Crossrail Line: Kent721W
Cycling: Safety721W
Cycling: Schools721W
Driving: Safety722W
First Capital Connect722W
Government Car and Despatch Agency722W
Departmental Accountancy715W
Departmental NDPBs717W
Finance Bill 2010-11717W
Income Tax: Tax Rates and Bands717W
Insurance: Construction717W
Public Expenditure718W
Public Finance718W
Taxation: Aviation719W
Taxation: PFI719W
Work and Pensions722W
Departmental Public Expenditure722W
Departmental Regulation723W
Disability Living Allowance723W
Ethnic Minority Employment Task Force724W
Health and Safety Executive: Expenditure724W
Health and Safety Executive: Manpower724W
Industrial Health and Safety725W
Industrial Injuries725W
Jobcentre Plus728W
Jobseeker's Allowance: Durham728W
Social Security Benefits: Disability728W

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