Oral Answers

Monday 13 September 2010

Army Recovery Capability579
British Troops Under US Command (Helmand)586
Combat Stress (Retired Service Personnel)582
Defence Export Sales (Taiwan)591
Defence Industrial Strategy (SMEs)584
Equipment Funding588
Gulf Region Security581
Kabul International Conference585
Mental Health Care589
NATO Reform578
NATO Responsibilities577
Sharing Military Equipment583
Strategic Defence and Security Review587
Topical Questions592

Written Ministerial Statements

Monday 13 September 2010

HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps Deployment (Afghanistan)29WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs29WS
Food and Environment Research Agency29WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office31WS
European Union (Forthcoming First Session Legislation)31WS
Leader of the House33WS
Parliamentary Sessions33WS

13 Sep 2010 : Column 691

13 Sep 2010 : Column 691

Written Answers

Monday 13 September 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills887W
Business: East of England888W
Business: Tyne and Wear888W
Departmental Allowances889W
Departmental Industrial Disputes889W
Departmental Public Consultation891W
EU Law892W
Export Credit Guarantees892W
Foreign Investment in UK: Yorkshire and the Humber893W
Free School Meals: Students893W
Higher Education: Admissions894W
Higher Education: Anti-Semitism896W
Higher Education: Finance896W
Higher Education Funding Council for England: Operating Costs893W
Higher Education: Student Numbers897W
Higher Education: West Midlands897W
Icelandic-Water Trawlermen Compensation Scheme898W
Industrial Disputes899W
Languages: Higher Education899W
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Further Education900W
Public Sector: Collective Bargaining900W
Regional Development Agencies: Redundancy901W
Regulation: Public Opinion901W
Royal Mail: Privatisation901W
Sheffield Forgemasters: Finance902W
Small Businesses: Government Assistance902W
Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme903W
South East England Development Agency: Advertising904W
Cabinet Office802W
Big Society Bank802W
Business: North Swindon803W
Civil Servants: Conditions of Employment804W
Civil Servants: Redundancy Pay804W
Departmental Allowances805W
Departmental Billing805W
Departmental Buildings805W
Departmental Consultants806W
Departmental Disclosure of Information806W
Departmental ICT806W
Departmental Motor Vehicles806W
Departmental Pensions807W
Departmental Rents808W
Lone Parents: Employment808W
Teenage Pregnancy: Rhondda Cynon Taff809W
Unemployed People: Bexley809W
Voluntary Organisations: Vetting810W
Communities and Local Government750W
Audit Commission750W
Audit Commission: Tyne and Wear751W
Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010751W
Council Housing: Finance751W
Departmental Art Works751W
Departmental Billing751W
Departmental Consultants752W
Departmental Public Relations752W
Departmental Training753W
Gloucestershire Tri-Service Emergency Centre753W
Government Offices for the Regions: Redundancy753W
Homelessness: West Midlands754W
Housing: Empty Property755W
Housing Improvements: Finance755W
Local Government Finance756W
Local Government Ombudsman756W
Local Government: Pay756W
Non-domestic Rates: Empty Property757W
Planning: Internet758W
Planning Permission757W
Planning Permission: Essex758W
Repossession Orders: West Midlands758W
Schools: Ventilation759W
South West Regional Assembly759W
Travellers: Caravan Sites759W
Wind Power: Yelvertoft760W
Culture, Media and Sport744W
Arts Council East: Finance744W
Arts: Finance744W
BBC: Finance744W
Churches: Repairs and Maintenance745W
Departmental Billing745W
Departmental Work Experience746W
Digital Broadcasting: Pensioners746W
Digital Broadcasting: Radio746W
Employment: East Lothian747W
Horse Racing: Betting747W
Museums and Galleries: Fees and Charges748W
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council748W
Ofcom: Performance Measurement748W
Olympic Games 2012: Finance748W
Press Complaints Commission749W
Press: Regulation749W
Regional Arts Councils749W
S4C: Finance750W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations723W
Armed Forces Day724W
Armed Forces: Drugs724W
Armed Forces: Empty Housing724W
Armed Forces: Ethnic Groups726W
Armed Forces: Housing725W
Armed Forces: Housing728W
Armed Forces: Injuries729W
Armed Forces: Northern Ireland729W
Armed Forces Pay721W
Armed Forces: Pensions730W
Army: Expenditure731W
Army: Manpower731W
Army Personnel Figures722W
Army: Recruitment731W
Chelsea Barracks: Sales732W
Civil Servants: Redundancy Pay732W
Cyprus: Armed Forces732W
Defence: Exports734W
Defence Industry: Lancashire723W
Defence: International Co-operation734W
Departmental Allowances734W
Germany: Military Bases735W
Gibraltar: Military Bases736W
Gibraltar: Weapons736W
Gurkhas: Anniversaries737W
Improvised Explosive Devices: Helmand722W
Korean Peninsula721W
Military Forces: EU Integration723W
Royal Gurkha Rifles722W
Russia: Military Aircraft737W
US and UK Military Co-operation722W
Warships: Deployment737W
Wind Power738W
Deputy Prime Minister799W
Alternative Vote: Referendums799W
Distribution of Seats799W
Domestic Visits800W
Electoral Systems801W
Electoral Systems: Isle of Wight801W
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill802W
Voting Systems: Referendums802W
Voting Systems: Reform802W
Financial Services: Education794W
GCE A-level794W
Mathematics: GCE AS-level793W
Private Education794W
Schools: Standards798W
Energy and Climate Change764W
Carbon Emissions: Finance764W
Civil Nuclear Police Authority: Operating Costs764W
Coal Fired Power Stations: Hunterston765W
Energy and Climate Change: International Co-operation766W
Government Departments: Carbon Emissions766W
Offshore Industry: Employment766W
Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs767W
Wind Power: Planning767W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs695W
Agricultural Wages Board695W
Agriculture: Pay696W
Animal Products: Clones697W
Birds: Conservation699W
Bovine Tuberculosis699W
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control700W
Business: Waste Disposal700W
Carbon Emissions700W
Carbon Emissions: Business700W
Common Fisheries Policy701W
Departmental Billing701W
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal702W
Environment Protection: Gibraltar703W
Environmental Stewardship Scheme703W
Fly-tipping: Coventry704W
Food: Labelling705W
Food Production704W
Food Supply705W
Food: Waste Disposal706W
Genetically Modified Organisms: Crops706W
Greenhouse Gas Emissions706W
Hazardous Substances: Waste Disposal707W
Japanese Knotweed: Greater Manchester707W
Nature Conservation: Crime707W
Rights of Way709W
Rural Payments Agency709W
Stray Dogs709W
Tides: Medway Towns710W
Wheat: Prices710W
Wood: China710W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office711W
Arms Trade: Treaties711W
Burma: Political Prisoners711W
Departmental Billing712W
Departmental Pensions713W
Departmental Rents713W
France: Anti-Semitism713W
Human Rights716W
Human Rights Annual Report 2010716W
India: Nuclear Power716W
Iran: Baha'i Faith717W
Iran: Missiles717W
Iran: Uranium718W
Libya: Abdelbaset al-Megrahi718W
Middle East: Armed Conflict719W
Brighton Pavilion Constituency768W
Cancer: Drugs768W
Cancer: Health Services769W
Community Hospitals769W
Departmental Allowances770W
Departmental Billing771W
Departmental Fines772W
Departmental NDPBs772W
Epilepsy: Health Services773W
Eyesight: Testing774W
General Practitioners774W
General Practitioners: ICT777W
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust: Clinical Trials778W
Health Centres: Greater Manchester778W
Health Services778W
Health Services: Disability778W
Health Services: Isle of Man778W
Health Services: Learning Disability779W
HealthWatch Groups: Finance779W
Hospitals: Parking779W
Midwives: Manpower780W
Monitor: Finance780W
Multiple Sclerosis780W
NHS: Internet781W
NHS: Manpower781W
NHS: Private Finance Initiative781W
Palliative Care: Finance782W
Patient Choice Schemes782W
Prescriptions: Fees and Charges783W
Rare Diseases783W
Thames Valley Primary Care Agency783W
Thrombolysis: Health Services783W
Vitamin D784W
Home Department867W
Asylum: Deportation867W
Asylum: Finance869W
Asylum: Iran870W
Borders: Personal Records871W
Cannabis: Sales873W
Cheshire Policy Authority: Publicity873W
Departmental Billing873W
Departmental Buildings874W
Departmental Empty Property874W
Departmental Public Expenditure874W
Departmental Research875W
Departmental Training877W
Deportation: EU Nationals877W
Detainees: Children878W
Detention Centres: Restraint Techniques879W
Entry Clearances880W
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students880W
Foreign Workers: Domestic Service880W
Human Trafficking: Convictions881W
Human Trafficking: Yorkshire and the Humber882W
Identity and Passport Service: Travel883W
Immigration Controls: EU Nationals883W
Members: Correspondence884W
Police: Bureaucracy885W
Police: Ports885W
Security: Expenditure885W
UK Border Agency: Correspondence886W
UK Border Agency: Training886W
Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre886W
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee740W
Departmental Public Relations740W
Members: Allowances741W
International Development760W
Africa: Tobacco760W
Departmental Billing761W
Departmental Offices762W
Departmental Sick Leave762W
Developing Countries: Family Planning762W
Multi-donor Climate Investment Funds763W
Overseas Territories Environment Programme763W
UN Development Fund for Women763W
Asylum: Appeals826W
Community Orders826W
Convictions: Tyres826W
Courts: Manpower827W
Courts: Video Conferencing827W
Dead Bodies828W
Departmental Billing828W
Departmental Consultants829W
Departmental Furniture833W
Departmental ICT834W
Departmental Pay836W
EU Law835W
Family Courts: Legal Aid835W
Family Courts: Social Work836W
First Offenders836W
Julian Harrington839W
Legal Aid: Immigration841W
Legal Profession: Fees and Charges841W
Legal Representation: Immigration842W
Legal Services Commission: Manpower843W
Magistrates Courts843W
Magistrates Courts: Population844W
Magistrates Courts: Surrey844W
Magistrates Courts: Woking844W
Members: Correspondence845W
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders845W
National Offender Management Service: Location846W
National Offender Management Service: Manpower846W
Non-Molestation Orders847W
Prison Accommodation847W
Prison Service: Ethnic Groups848W
Prison Service: Greater London849W
Prison Service: Manpower849W
Prisoners' Release849W
Prisoners: Streatham850W
Prisons: Manpower850W
Prisons: Population852W
Probation: Gloucestershire857W
Prosecutions And Convictions: Landlords857W
Remand In Custody: Young People861W
Reparation By Offenders863W
Sentencing: Community Orders864W
Sexual Offences: Witham864W
Tribunals: Employment864W
Tribunals: Social Security Benefits865W
Leader of the House743W
Short Money743W
Northern Ireland887W
Departmental Billing887W
Prime Minister738W
Departmental Work Experience738W
Industrial Health and Safety: Departmental Responsibilities739W
School Milk739W
Aviation: Volcanoes691W
Bus Services: Concessions691W
Dee Harbour692W
Departmental ICT692W
Driving: Safety692W
Highways Agency: Motor Vehicles692W
Public Transport: Disability693W
Roads: Accidents694W
Travel: Concessions695W
Banks: Finance785W
Car Allowances785W
Climate Change: Finance785W
Credit Unions: Renewable Energy785W
Departmental Billing786W
Departmental Internet787W
Departmental Public Relations787W
Departmental Training788W
Financial Services Authority: Fees and Charges788W
Housing Benefit788W
Local Government Finance788W
Members: Correspondence789W
Minimum Wage: Enforcement789W
Personal Savings: Children789W
Public Finance789W
Public Sector: Pay790W
Public Sector: Procurement791W
Research and Development Tax Credit791W
Revenue and Customs: Debt Collection791W
Tax Havens792W
Taxation: Business792W
Welfare Tax Credits: Overpayments793W
Departmental Official Hospitality720W
Departmental Rents720W
Women and Equalities721W
Work and Pensions810W
Benefits: Kent810W
Child Support Agency811W
Employment and Support Allowance811W
Employment and Support Allowance: Appeals813W
Flexible Working813W
Housing Benefit813W
Housing Benefit: Glasgow814W
Housing Benefit: Impact Assessments814W
Housing Benefit: Jobseeker's Allowance815W
Housing Benefit: Local Housing Allowance815W
Housing Benefit: Scotland815W
Housing Benefit: Warwickshire816W
Housing Benefit: Wolverhampton816W
Local Housing Allowance817W
Local Housing Allowance: Hyndburn817W
Low Incomes: Peterborough817W
Maternity Benefits: Wolverhampton818W
Parental Leave818W
Pensioners: Cost of Living819W
Pensioners: Wolverhampton819W
Pensions: Uprating820W
Poverty: Children820W
Social Security Benefits821W
Social Security Benefits: Appeals821W
Social Security Benefits: Disability822W
Social Security Benefits: Gateshead825W
State Retirement Pensions and Pension Credit: Gloucester825W
Winter Fuel Payments: British Nationals Abroad825W

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