Oral Answers

Wednesday 13 October 2010

International Development311
Effectiveness of Delivery314
Millennium Development Goals318
Poor Countries316
Sri Lanka318
UK-Israeli Co-operation316
Value for Money313
Prime Minister320

Written Ministerial Statements

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills20WS
Further Education Estate (Further Investment)20WS
Communities and Local Government20WS
Local Government Accountability20WS
Energy and Climate Change21WS
Parliamentary Written Answer (Correction)21WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs22WS
Environment Council (14 October)22WS
Synathon BV v. Licensing Authority of the Department of Health24WS
ECOFIN (30 September - 1 October 2010)19WS

Written Answers

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills329W
Aerospace Industry329W
Business: Government Assistance329W
Departmental Contracts333W
Departmental Manpower333W
Economic Growth333W
Email: Fraud333W
Employment Agencies: EU Law334W
EU Consumer Credit Directive334W
Industrial Development Boards334W
Members: Correspondence335W
Paternity Leave335W
Royal Mail335W
Vocational Training: Engineering336W
Cabinet Office322W
Death: Heart Diseases322W
National Income: Carlisle322W
National Income: Cumbria323W
Communities and Local Government312W
Affordable Housing: East of England312W
Debts: Disadvantaged313W
Government Office for the North East: Redcar313W
Housing: Energy313W
Housing: Regulation313W
Playing Fields: Sales314W
Private Rented Housing: Energy314W
Culture, Media and Sport292W
British Film Institute292W
Government Olympic Executive293W
Olympic Games 2012293W
Olympic Games 2012: Contracts293W
Armed Forces: Housing296W
Armed Forces: Uniforms296W
Armoured Fighting Vehicles297W
Departmental Contracts297W
Strategic Defence and Security Review298W
Deputy Prime Minister298W
Electoral Register298W
Children: Computers323W
Departmental Public Consultation324W
Free School Meals324W
School Meals: Finance325W
Energy and Climate Change305W
Carbon Emissions: Finance305W
Departmental Telephone Services305W
Offshore Industry305W
World War II: Medals306W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs294W
Biodiversity: International Co-operation294W
Cattle Passports294W
Food: Imports295W
Pigs: Tuberculosis295W
Supermarkets: Competition296W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office350W
BBC External Services350W
BBC Russian Service350W
Cambodia: Politics and Government351W
Colombia: Human Rights353W
Ilois: Resettlement353W
Libya: Repatriation353W
North Korea: Asylum353W
Russia and China: Broadcasting354W
Saudi Arabia: Exports354W
Shaiboub Arsal354W
Tibet: Human Rights355W
Departmental Empty Property325W
Eyes: Testing327W
General Practitioners: Fees and Charges327W
Health: Disadvantaged327W
Mental Health Services327W
NHS: Internet328W
NHS: Private Finance Initiative328W
Nurses: Schools329W
Home Department298W
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People298W
Asylum: Children299W
Asylum: Females300W
Borders: Personal Records301W
Criminal Records Bureau301W
Female Genital Mutilation302W
Immigration: Bulgaria303W
Immigration Controls303W
House of Commons Commission290W
Times of Sittings290W
International Development347W
Cameroon: Forced Marriage348W
Departmental Carbon Emissions348W
Departmental Contracts348W
Departmental Manpower349W
Overseas Aid349W
Pakistan: Floods350W
Criminal Justice System289W
Departmental Manpower289W
Legal Aid289W
Prisoner Transfer Agreement290W
Railways: Lanarkshire292W
Bus Services306W
Driving: Sleep Apnoea309W
Driving Tests308W
Enhanced Rider Scheme309W
Invalid Vehicles310W
Railways: Repairs and Maintenance310W
Severn Bridges: Tolls311W
Bank Services314W
Banks: Finance314W
Defence Equipment: Sales315W
Departmental Contracts315W
Departmental Manpower317W
Equitable Life Ex-gratia Payment Scheme Review317W
Income Tax: Tax Allowances317W
Personal Income317W
Pregnant Women: Grants318W
Public Expenditure318W
Public Expenditure: Bolton318W
Public Expenditure: Wales318W
Public Sector: Pensions319W
Public Service Pensions Commission319W
Spending Challenge Website316W
Tax Collection319W
Tax Increment Financing320W
Taxation: Holiday Accommodation320W
Taxation: Rebates321W
VAT: Crown Dependencies321W
Written Questions: Government Responses321W
Departmental Drinking Water291W
Departmental Manpower291W
Departmental Secondment291W
S4C: Finance291W
Worship Grant Scheme292W
Work and Pensions336W
Carer's Allowance336W
Child Support336W
Departmental Freedom of Information337W
Departmental Official Hospitality337W
Employment Schemes: Peterborough337W
Fuel Poverty: Cancer339W
Independent Living Fund339W
Jobseeker's Allowance: Lone Parents340W
Lone Parents: Advisory Services340W
Older People: Anniversaries341W
Poverty: Children341W
Social Security Benefits342W
Social Security Benefits: Appeals342W
Social Security Benefits: Equality343W
Social Security Benefits: Kent343W
Social Security Benefits: Medical Examinations345W
Social Security Benefits: Scotland345W
Temporary Employment346W
Winter Fuel Payments346W
Work Capability Assessment347W
Work Capability Assessment: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome347W

Ministerial Correction

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Foreign and Commonwealth Office5MC
Departmental Secondment5MC

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