Oral Answers

Thursday 14 October 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills467
Adult and Community Learning467
Adult Education468
Business Regulation479
Company Reporting (Operating and Financial Review)480
Graduate Employability481
Green Investment Bank477
Grocery Supply Code of Practice476
Local Enterprise Partnerships470
Non-Departmental Public Bodies476
Royal Mail (Yorkshire and North East)478
Science and Innovation472
Small Business Finance474
Small Business Finance481
Topical Questions482
Tuition Fees469

Written Ministerial Statements

Thursday 14 October 2010

Business, Innovation and Skills26WS
Additional Freedom (Further Education Colleges)26WS
Cabinet Office26WS
"Building a Stronger Civil Society"28WS
Public Bodies Reform26WS
Afghanistan: Training28WS
Contaminated Blood30WS
Generic Medicines29WS
Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Services29WS
Six Lives: The Provision of Public Services to People with Learning Disabilities30WS
Home Department31WS
Justice and Home Affairs Post-Council Statement31WS
Returns to Zimbabwe34WS
Schengen Agreement (Correction to Written Answer)35WS
Her Majesty's Courts Service36WS
Updating the Coroner System36WS
EU Transport Council - 15 October 201038WS
Restricting Pensions Tax Relief25WS
Work and Pensions39WS
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council39WS

Written Answers

Thursday 14 October 2010

Telephone Tapping357W
Business, Innovation and Skills357W
Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement357W
Business: Co-ownership358W
Business: Government Assistance358W
Business: Loans359W
Community Interest Companies360W
Defence Equipment: Exports360W
Departmental Manpower360W
Departmental Secondment361W
Export Credit Guarantees: Trinidad and Tobago361W
Further Education: Finance361W
Higher Education and Student Finance Independent Review361W
Higher Education: Overseas Students362W
Higher Education: Per Capita Costs363W
Higher Education: Primary Education363W
Higher Education: Young People364W
Industry: Women364W
News International367W
Overseas Trade: Philippines367W
Research: Manpower368W
Skills Funding Agency: Information Officers368W
Sunday Trading368W
Tuition Fees357W
Unemployment: Graduates368W
Communities and Local Government369W
Circulator Pumps: Energy369W
Community Assets370W
Community Relations370W
Empty Dwelling Management Orders370W
Housing: Carbon Emissions371W
Housing: Sustainable Development371W
Voluntary Organisations: Finance371W
Culture, Media and Sport371W
Government Olympic Executive371W
Public Service Broadcasting373W
Sports: Females373W
Armed Forces: Cadets374W
Armed Forces: Housing374W
Departmental Carbon Emissions375W
Departmental Empty Property375W
Departmental Work Experience376W
Patrol Craft376W
Building Schools for the Future Programme: North East376W
Departmental Contracts377W
Departmental Empty Property377W
Departmental ICT378W
Departmental Public Expenditure378W
Free Schools378W
GCE A-level378W
National Curriculum Tests379W
Schools: Libraries379W
Science: GCE A-level379W
Teachers: Recruitment380W
Energy and Climate Change380W
Carbon Sequestration380W
Circulator Pumps: Energy381W
Electricity Generation381W
Fuel Poverty: West Midlands381W
Natural Gas: Storage382W
Offshore Industry382W
Renewable Energy382W
Sizewell B Power Station: Safety382W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs383W
Departmental Drinking Water383W
Marine Management Organisation: Manpower383W
National Wildlife Crime Unit: Finance384W
Special Areas of Conservation384W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office385W
BBC External Services385W
Departmental Billing385W
Departmental Public Expenditure386W
Developing Countries: Fossil Fuels387W
Iran: Nuclear Power388W
Nigeria: Christianity388W
Nigeria: Elections388W
Philippines: Foreign Relations389W
Trade Unions389W
Back Pain: Medical Treatments390W
Cancer: Drugs394W
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease394W
Dementia: Drugs395W
Dementia: Health Services395W
Dementia: Hertfordshire396W
Diabetes: Health Services397W
Epilepsy: Health Services398W
Health Services: Cooperatives398W
Health Services: Disadvantaged399W
Hospitals: Food399W
Mentally Ill: Community Care399W
NHS: Manpower400W
NHS: Public Participation400W
Psychiatry: Regulation400W
Home Department401W
Animal Welfare401W
Animal Welfare: Licences402W
Immigration: Appeals403W
Members: Correspondence404W
Migration Impact Fund404W
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006: Convictions404W
Rape: Finance404W
Terrorism: Deportation405W
International Development405W
Food: Prices405W
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria406W
Overseas Aid406W
Northern Ireland407W
Departmental Manpower407W
Departmental Work Experience407W
Departmental Carbon Emissions407W
Departmental Drinking Water407W
Departmental Freedom of Information408W
Devolution: Scotland408W
Future Jobs Fund: Scotland408W
Bus Services: Rural Areas409W
Departmental Public Expenditure409W
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency: Complaints409W
Highways Agency: Vehicles410W
Humber Bridge410W
Motor Sports410W
Railway Stations: Birmingham410W
Railways: Birmingham411W
Railways: Sanitation411W
Rapid Transit Systems: Bedfordshire412W
Roads Schemes412W
Roads: Telephones412W
Severn Bridges Tolls412W
Credit: Interest Rates413W
Financial Services: EU Action413W
Goldman Sachs: Fines414W
International Assistance414W
Members: Correspondence414W
Northern Rock Foundation414W
Work and Pensions415W
Disability Living Allowance: Medical Examinations415W
Future Jobs Fund: Kilmarnock415W
Future Jobs Fund: West Lothian415W
Pensioners: Kilmarnock415W
Social Security Benefits416W
Winter Fuel Payments: Chester417W
Winter Fuel Payments: Scotland418W

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