Oral Answers

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Human Trafficking157
Human Trafficking161
National Fraud Strategic Authority159
Unduly Lenient Sentencing160
Violence Against Women Strategy158
Church Commissioners162
Appointment of Bishops162
Church Repairs (VAT)166
Electoral Register (Prosecutions)166
Ethical Criteria (Investments)164
Gift Aid163
National Audit Office165
Partners of Vicars167
Voter Registration168
Deputy Prime Minister147
Elected Second Chamber149
Parliamentary Constituencies147
Topical Questions152
Voting Age150

Written Ministerial Statements

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Cabinet Office7WS
Electoral Commission (Additional UK MEP)7WS
Serious Case Review Overview Reports (Peter Connelly)8WS
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs9WS
Agriculture and Fisheries Council (26 October)9WS
Aggregates Levy Credit Scheme (Northern Ireland)7WS

Written Answers

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Cases Awaiting Trial263W
Dr Daniel Ubani262W
Human Trafficking: Convictions263W
Theft: Prosecutions263W
Unduly Lenient Sentencing263W
Victims of Crime: Assistance262W
Business, Innovation and Skills264W
Apprentices: Finance264W
Business: Females265W
Business: Government Assistance266W
Business: Loans266W
Community Interest Companies: Greater London268W
Departmental Carbon Emissions268W
Departmental Recruitment268W
Electronic Equipment269W
Green Investment Bank269W
Local Enterprise Partnerships: North East270W
New Businesses: Government Assistance270W
Overseas Investment: Mongolia270W
Teesside Cast Products: Government Assistance271W
Cabinet Office258W
Absent Voting: General Election 2010258W
Departmental Contracts258W
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings259W
Departmental Pay260W
Departmental Sick Leave261W
Emergency Planning College261W
Employment: St Albans261W
Human Rights262W
Church Commissioners178W
Churches: Grants178W
Communities and Local Government179W
Affordable Housing: North West179W
Aldermaston AWE: Fires180W
Council Housing: Rents180W
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings180W
Departmental Per Capita Costs181W
Empty Property: East of England181W
Fire Services: Foreign Nationals183W
Housing Benefit: Landlords183W
Housing: St Albans184W
Housing: Sustainable Development184W
Human Rights185W
Local Government: Publicity185W
Mayors: Referendums185W
Minerals: Planning Permission185W
Parish Councils186W
Social Rented Housing: North West186W
South East England Regional Assembly186W
Culture, Media and Sport173W
BBC: Finance173W
Departmental Sick Leave174W
Members: Correspondence174W
Olympics: Sporting Legacy173W
Swimming: Concessions174W
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations198W
Air Forces Crosses198W
Aircraft Carriers198W
Atomic Weapons Establishment: Aldermaston199W
Ballistic Missile Defence199W
Departmental Travel200W
Etal Group201W
European Fighter Aircraft201W
Future Large Aircraft201W
Germany: Military Bases201W
Gibraltar: Military Bases201W
Members: Correspondence202W
Nuclear Fuels: Storage202W
Nuclear Weapons202W
RAF Chivenor: Rescue Services202W
Service Personnel and Veterans Agency202W
Strategic Defence and Security Review203W
Type 26 Frigates204W
Deputy Prime Minister251W
Elections: Fraud252W
Electoral Register251W
Political Reform251W
West Lothian Question251W
Building Schools for the Future Programme284W
Building Schools for the Future Programme: Warrington285W
Children: Chronic Conditions286W
Children in Care: Missing Persons285W
Coventry Butts Street Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency286W
Departmental Billing286W
Departmental Carbon Emissions286W
Departmental Empty Property287W
Departmental Sick Leave287W
Non-Departmental Public Bodies288W
Pupils: Disadvantaged289W
Schools: Doncaster289W
Schools: Finance290W
Schools: Vetting290W
Social Work Taskforce290W
Teachers: Pay291W
Young People: Nottinghamshire291W
Energy and Climate Change277W
Carbon Sequestration: Finance277W
Departmental Sick Leave278W
Energy: Co-operatives278W
Energy: Housing279W
Energy: Private Rented Housing279W
Feed-in Tariffs279W
Heat Pumps280W
Housing: Energy280W
Housing: Insulation282W
Nuclear Power282W
Renewable Energy: Heating282W
Tidal Power: Bristol Channel283W
Warm Front Scheme283W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs204W
Agriculture: Subsidies204W
Animal Welfare205W
Animals: Diseases205W
Bovine Tuberculosis206W
Departmental Contracts208W
Departmental Pay208W
Departmental Public Expenditure208W
Departmental Sick Leave209W
Environmental Stewardship Schemes: Finance210W
Equine Infectious Anaemia210W
Equine Infectious Anaemia: Disease Control211W
Higher Level Stewardship Scheme212W
Horses: Disease Control212W
Hunting Act 2004: Convictions212W
Slaughterhouses: Devon213W
Task Force on Farming Regulation213W
Water: Shortages214W
Wheat: Prices214W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office253W
Argentina: Fossil Fuels253W
Departmental Press: Subscriptions253W
Departmental Public Expenditure254W
Departmental Spending254W
Departmental Travel254W
Departmental Visits Abroad255W
Developing Countries: Fossil fuels255W
Fossil Fuels: India255W
Human Rights255W
Ilois: Resettlement256W
Religious Freedom: Christianity256W
Turkey: Trials257W
UN Security Council257W
UN Women257W
Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs293W
Advisory Committees294W
Alcoholic Drinks: Expenditure294W
Arthritis: Training295W
Autism: Health Services296W
Breast Cancer: Screening296W
Cancer: Drugs296W
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome297W
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease298W
Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment298W
Dental Services298W
Departmental Expenditure Limit299W
Diabetes: Ealing300W
Gene Therapy Advisory Committee300W
Health Protection Agency301W
Health: VAT301W
HIV Infection: Older People301W
Hospitals: Bury301W
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations303W
Medical Treatments304W
Members: Correspondence304W
Mental Health Services: Prisons304W
National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care305W
NHS: Advertising305W
NHS: Finance306W
NHS: Sick Leave307W
NHS: Spending Review307W
Offences Against Children: Suffolk307W
Parkinson's Disease308W
Respite Care: Finance308W
Sexual Health and HIV Independent Advisory Group308W
Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Ealing309W
Surgery: North West310W
Home Department239W
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices239W
Animal Welfare239W
Borders: Personal Records241W
Entry Clearances: Employment242W
Equality Act 2010242W
Identity and Passport Service244W
Illegal Immigrants245W
Law Enforcement Agencies: Assets247W
National Border Targeting Centre247W
Passports: Biometrics247W
Passports: Fraud247W
Trusted Borders Consortium248W
House of Commons Commission176W
Parliamentary Education Service176W
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee177W
Members: Allowances177W
International Development291W
Departmental Consultants291W
Departmental Contracts292W
Developing Countries: Politics and Government292W
Pakistan: Debts293W
Chelmsford Prison215W
Family Courts216W
Magistrates Courts: Closures217W
Magistrates: Utilisation Rates217W
Prison Accommodation222W
Prison Service: Taxis223W
Prisoners: Foreign Nationals223W
Prisoners: Islam230W
Prisoners: Mobile Phones231W
Prisoners: Telephones231W
Prisoners: Uniforms231W
Prisons: Drugs232W
Prisons: Personnel232W
Prisons: Wales232W
Prosecutions: Northamptonshire236W
Sentencing: Transgender238W
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities238W
Leader of the House177W
House Business Committee177W
British Summer Time175W
Devolution: Scotland175W
Green Investment Bank175W
Public Finance176W
Bus Services: Standards187W
Bus Services: Visual Impairment187W
Departmental Sick Leave188W
Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency188W
Motor Vehicles: Excise Duties188W
Railways: Finance189W
Roads: Accidents189W
Roads: Repairs and Maintenance191W
Speed Limits: Cameras191W
Child Benefit273W
Child Benefit: Norwich273W
Foreign Exchange273W
PAYE: Gateshead275W
Revenue and Customs: Manpower276W
Revenue and Customs: Standards275W
Senior Civil Servants: Pay276W
Women and Equalities271W
Departmental Pay271W
Departmental Visits Abroad272W
Work and Pensions191W
Departmental Asbestos192W
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings192W
Employment and Support Allowance: Blaenau Gwent193W
Incapacity Benefit: Brighton193W
Members: Correspondence194W
Occupational Pensions: Public Consultation194W
Older Workers194W
Retirement: Age195W
Sickness Benefits: Migraine196W
Social Security Benefits196W
Social Security Benefits: Widowed People197W
Television: Licensing197W
Welfare State: Reform197W
Work Capability Assessment197W

Ministerial Correction

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Cookham Wood Secure Training Centre1MC

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